Monthly Archives: March 2013

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Why the illegal trouble maker dem love call police??? Oh u only bad pon internet. Dwrcl lol
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Title: dudos dutty gal shelly

Message Body:
(Edited) shelly wid she 10 years old stale wig dwrl, dutty shelly ah yuh work obeah pon poor jackie fi get dudos ah who him???? i hope ur obeah still strong coz jackie still ah fight it same way…………..




Prankster uses woman’s number to offer…8 goats for an iPhone

Andre’ Williams, STAR Writer

A posting made on a local website last Tuesday in which a man was offering to give eight goats in exchange to anyone who could give him an iPhone, has left many people in uncontrollable laughter.

But one person who is not laughing is the woman whose phone number the man used as his contact in the apparent prank.

The woman, who declined to give her name, admitted that at first she herself laughed at the prank, but all laughing stopped when she began getting numerous calls from persons enquiring about the posting.

The ‘victim’ told THE STAR that in a little over a day following the posting, she received more than 20 calls. She has got so ticked off, she is planning on changing her number.

“It started on Tuesday night and up to today (Thursday) I am still getting phone calls. Some calling for the fun of it and others are really interested in what I can’t offer,” the disgruntled woman said. There was one caller who was really serious and said he wanted the goats and that he would come for them ASAP.”

got curious

The very same day the posting was made, it was copied and began circulating as a BlackBerry broadcast message under the heading ‘Goats for iPhone’. The victim said after the third call she become curious and upon investigating, found the website and the posting in which the prankster claimed he is from Grants Pen.

“I saw it on the website. I won’t lie, at first it was funny to me that someone would really want to trade eight goats for an iPhone but when di calls kept coming in and started to annoy me, that was when the joke was over. I don’t own an iPhone so it still puzzle me why they chose my number,” she queried.

Interestingly, this is the second time that the woman’s phone number was being used in a prank. Even more interesting, is that the first prank also involved an iPhone, the only difference being that people were misled into thinking she had one selling. The victim said she has no idea why her number was targeted.

On the website THE STAR counted more than 900 views and responses to the posting. Many people were questioning its credibility, calling it a ridiculous offer. Many others found it hilarious.

Early last Thursday, the prankster revealed to interested people that the trade had been completed but up to late in the evening the victim claimed she was still getting calls.

















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