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PART 2: Husband Speaks Out – Man Accuses Wife of Sleeping with His Father, Kills Son & Burns Her with Iron1 Comment
By admin
Posted on 29 Apr 2012 at 9:54am


Henry Nnadi, the 38- year-old dry cleaner that killed his 1-year-old son, Ebuka, and burnt his wife, Mercy,36, with hot iron for allegedly sleeping with his 65-year-old father, has finally spoken on the circumstances that led to his beastly act from the confines of his prison cell at Kirikiri, Lagos.

Man Accuses Wife of Sleeping with His Father – Kills Son, Burns Her with Hot Iron & Peels off her Skin
Looking remorseless over the pains he inflicted on his wife of two years, the fair-skinned Henry only showed regrets when the issue of his dead son came up. “That was the worst thing I have ever done in my entire life. When he woke up crying for milk, I looked at him in anger and a voice came saying kill him, he is not your son. In obedience to that voice, I hit him hard on the neck several times.”

Insisting that he was unsure of the paternity of the boy, Henry gave vivid details of what transpired on the fateful Saturday, April 7, 2012. Excerpts:

“I am sure of what I am talking about. My wife, Mercy has been sleeping with my father. Before the incident, I have cautioned her to stop going to my father’s house because I suspected their moves . But she wouldn’t listen. Then one day, when she was about going out, I told her not to leave the house but she disobeyed me and went out. I waited for a while before going straight to my father’s place which is not far from where I live .

And to confirm my claim, immediately I arrived there, I knocked and my father opened the door with a towel round his waist. As I made to go in, he prevented me by blocking the entrance with his hand. I do not know how my wife managed to escape . But after waiting for a while, I left and immediately I got home, my wife had reached the house, I laughed and went to smoke to cool my temper. I was keeping all that in mind until that Saturday night.

“As I was ironing my customer’s clothes, I looked at my wife where she was sleeping on the bed and anger surged inside of me. I then heard a voice instructing me to go and ask her why she was sleeping with my father. By then, the iron was very hot and I thought I could use that to scare her.”

Burning her with the hot iron

I woke her up and asked her to tell me the truth on how many times she had slept with my father. But she refused to talk. Then the voice came to me again to place the hot iron on her and I did. As I was placing it, she told me she had slept with my father three times.

Immediately she mentioned it, I lost my cool and placed it harder on her out of anger. At that point, the child cried, wanting to suck breast. I looked at him wondering if I was actually his father. I thought to myself that it could be possible my father was responsible for the pregnancy that resulted in his birth.

How I killed my son

At this point the suspect kept quiet, bowed his head, shaking it intermittently in self pity. And when he raised his head, his eyes were filled with tears. Thereafter, he rested his chin on his palm and looked at the sky, muttering. After a long pause, this reporter asked him if he actually killed his son.

In reply, he said, “ that is the worst thing I have ever done in my entire life. When Ebuka woke up from sleep that night, crying for breast milk as he always did, I looked at him in anger and the voice came again saying , ‘kill him, he is not your son!’. In obedience to the voice, I hit him hard in the neck several times.”

Asked to described exactly how he did it, he raised his right hand like a boxer, hitting it severally on his left arm, causing this reporter to move backward, for fear of the unknown.

Continuing, he said, “You know he is a baby and very fragile. When my fist landed on him the first time, he screamed. At that point, the mother lifted her hand to prevent my next fist from landing on the boy , but I planted the hot iron on her hand”. Henry, reportedly landed another fist on the little helpless creature . At the third hit, Ebuka, as gathered, could no longer cry. He was still .

When Henry was asked why he was always beating his wife as claimed by neighbours, he admitted that they have had series of quarrel, most of which was caused by his wife’s alleged clandestine relationship with his father. He posited however that “there is no way a man and a woman would live under same roof without quarreling. It is impossible. Yes, we quarreled and settled” .

Asked if he had any regrets for his action, he replied, “sure , I do, mainly because of the death of my son. Why should a child be killed over an offense he knew nothing about? His death will continue to haunt me all the days of my life. I may not live to even atone for this sin but if by sheer providence I do, I will never forgive myself for taking the life of my innocent boy.

All this is the handiwork of the devil. If I had known, I would have not touched my son that night. I know I am going to die because I have killed my son. If it had been my wife, I would not have bothered much . But my son, ah! I have done the unimaginable” he stated in an emotion- laden tone.

When contacted for his reaction to his son’s claim, 65-year- old Theodore Nnadi described the allegation as baseless and unimaginable, wondering how a father could stoop so low as to sleep with his daughter in-law. The light skinned man swore with both visible and invisible substances, denying ever having any feeling of such towards a woman he considered as a daughter. The father of eight who said his name had been dragged in the mud following the allegation and wondered how on earth a son could mete such injustice on his father.

Recalling with pains how he tried all he could to give his son, Henry, a good future, Pa Nnadi revealed that signs of his present predicament reared its ugly head after Henry’s secondary school.

Hear him, “ After his secondary school , he began to move with irresponsible people and street urchins . In order to keep him busy, I took him to a school of engineering where he specialized in factory generator repairs. But before I knew it, that turned out to be my greatest undoing as he went into snatching of motorcycles from riders.

“He would mount a motorcycle, give the rider his destination. But midway, he would pour pepper into the rider’s eyes, causing him to loose balance and in the process make away with the motorbike and sell same at give -away price. He was arrested in one of the occasions and was imprisoned for eight years.

After he finished serving his jail term, I took him to a church where deliverance was carried out on him. Before everybody in the church, he promised never to go back to his past again. After that, he started the dry cleaning job.”

I warned his wife

“After the introduction ceremony and the wife moved in with him, I started getting series of report on how he was maltreating her. Several times, the matter was reported at Ago police station where he was made to write undertaken never to raise his hand on her again. But he never complied. When the beating became unbearable, I personally told his wife never to return to my son when she traveled to her village last year. She stayed for a while, only to come back because my son, as I later learnt, went to beg her.”

Asked if he actually slept with his daughter-in-law, Mr Theodore screamed in anger, “ how can that be? That is an abomination! Before God and man, I never did that. Ah! This child wants to take me to an unprepared grave. I reject that. It is not my portion .I can never try such disgusting thing in my life. Oh my God, at this age?His intention is to soil my name. Go and ask about me where I live, or even from the village I come from. This is unimaginable. Come to think of it, I have a wife.”

Also asked to clarify his son’s claim that he met his wife in his house where the father blocked the entrance, Pa Nnadi replied, almost in tears, “Only God will judge this matter. This child is a bad child. The wife used to sell pap and she usually brings it to my house where she sold to my wife .

Whenever she is leaving my house, my wife would give her some ingredients because my son was not taking care of her and their baby. For instance, when she gave birth to my grandson , Ebuka, it was one of my daughters that brought out N120,000 for the delivery bill because she gave birth through caesarian. But do you know what happened, my son, Henry, stole out of that money from where it was kept and when asked, he argued that the money was too much, that it ought to have been given to him to buy a motorcycle.

He is a pain in the neck. In fact, he had beaten me before in public, simply because I reprimanded him for fighting with his cousin. Since that incident, my people vowed never to visit his house again. I swear to God, I never did that abominable act. I have passed such stage. Besides, I am a God fearing man. Come to think of it, (grins) I live in that apartment with my wife and my other children. How on earth would that happen”?

Emotions, promises, pour in for burnt housewife

Meanwhile, following Mercy’s story published, some concerned Nigerians and groups have continued to call in, signifying their interest to assist Mercy with the medical bill and a possible transfer to another hospital. Among those that called were Zahara Women Foundation, CENTA For Organizational Development, Bimbo Odukoya Foundation and other individuals from different parts of the country and beyond. But none of them, as at Thursday morning, had made any monetary donations.

For Bimbo Odukoya’s Foundation, it promised to visit mercy at the hospital on Thursday evening with a view to carrying out on the spot assessment and proffer possible medical solution.

Zahara Women Foundation on its part, promised to visit the victim yesterday, (Friday),where its co-ordinator who called in from Canada said the foundation would do all within its reach to give Mercy legal backing as well as playing a role on her medical expenses.

Dr Eze of New Revolution hospital located in Ago, Okota area of Lagos hinted that although Mercy was responding to treatment, there are fears that some sensitive parts of the affected area were still to get healed. “For instance, her breast and chest region and her thigh close to the vagina are part of the critical areas.”

Vanguard Crime Guard observation revealed that fluid was still pouring out from under the breast , which seemed to be defiling treatment. The cause, as gathered, was because it was not exposed to air. As a result, the region is always damp with the burns causing sores. She is still going through excruciating pains, with serious anesthetics being administered to her on daily basis.

But the doctor assured that things would take its normal shape with time, disclosing that part of the burns on her back, stomach and hand were getting healed. The doctor also disclosed that as at Thursday evening, only N60,000.00 has been donated by a lady who pleaded anonymity.

But for Mercy to get back quickly on her feet again, she needs funds, first to clear the backlog of close to N600,000 which the hospital claimed was her medical bill. Out of this amount, the hospital said Mercy’s father in-law was only able to pay the sum of N50,000. Presently , Pa Theodore who owns a mini boutique along Ago-Palace Way is finding it difficult to foot the bill.

Crime Guard reliably gathered that the 65-year-old man had resorted to borrowing from people in order to ensure Mercy gets back on her feet again. Plans, as gathered, is on the pipeline to open an account for Mercy where well- meaning Nigerians are enjoined to pay in their widow’s mite, as this will, no doubt, go a long way in ensuring Mercy’s speedy recovery.

And if this is not done on time, there are fears that the burns, particularly in the sensitive areas, could be affected, which unfortunately, can be disastrous for the helpless woman.

Meanwhile, her husband has been charged to the Ebute-Meta magistrate court,where he appeared last Tuesday. But the case could not be heard as his file with charge no G/23/2012 was referred to the Directorate of Public Defender (DPP) for advice.

However, while waiting for the account to be opened, concerned individuals can make their donations in person to the hospital- New Revolution hospital located in Ago, Okota, Lagos or reach Vanguard Crime Editor through: [email protected] or 08023145281.


No gal r boy no pack me bag fi me I do it my own dam self big up me clean n nice 2bed room flat me no bounce bout nah mek nobody mek me uncomfortable in a england cause the queen mek sure it possible 4 me and my 2kids to be happy so I think u should try n do the same me too happy right now fi fight bish the cloth too nice in d shop dem n me need to wear dem a me sey out n bad 4 summer yea nah dat me seh

 ·  · 3 hours ago via BlackBerry ·



Wife Catches Husband With Son’s Wife on a Farm

People in Muzarabani under Chief Hwata in Warambwa village were left tongue tied when a woman caught her husband being intimate with his son’s wife in a field on Tuesday last week.

The father was apparently having one hell of a ‘Field Day’ people have said! Promise Chapwanya was caught doing the father-in-law duties but not in the normal way, he was bonking Tendai Mugariri his daughter-in-law from the rear, the so-called doggy-style, while they were in the fields.

The two were taken to Sabhuku (headman) Alexio Mhasvi for the customary law court to answer for their misdeeds as it is taboo. Promise was caught by his wife Abigail Gumbo, who tracked them to the fields after seeing that the two were getting too close for comfort for a relationship between a father-in-law and a daughter-in-law. She is said to have hatched a plan after she suspected that something was happening between the two. Tendai was said to be wearing shorts that were too revealing in front of her father-in-law, raising her mother-in-law’s suspicion.

Sabhuku Alexio also confirmed that Abigail was also suspicious because the two always went to the garden and fields together. On the fateful day Abigail is said to have followed the two from a distance and caught them in the middle of the juicy act and doing the doggy style in the fields. H-Metro caught up with Promise at his home but he ran away before he said anything; he went behind his house and vanished into the bush.

Probably the SAME bush that protected him as he enjoyed the fruits of his son’s courtship skills as he ‘did’ his daughter-in-law. Promise’s lovebird Tendai said, “Zvamakanzwa ndizvozvo but I cannot say anything about that issue (What you heard is true but I cannot say anything about the issue).” Abigail the mother in-law said, “Nyaya iyoyo ine makuva pasi and handisati ndaona zvakadaro. (That story is deadly, but I have never seen anything like that).”

But she could not be drawn to saying much as she was afraid of her husband as she kept saying, “You should talk to my husband. After all he is the HEAD of the house.” Apparently he was giving more HEAD than he was expected to . . . giving his ‘services’ even to the daughters-in-law! Abigail also wanted to say much but she just said; “the matter is under chief Hwata tomorrow”, (Yesterday), “so I cannot say more and if you want more details you can come and listen to the story yourselves at the chiefs court tomorrow.”

However Abigail wanted to tell H-Metro more details and she said, “Let’s meet somewhere not here since ndingazomuka ndakafa zvikazivikanwa kuti ndakuudzai zvimwe (I might end up dead if it’s found out that I gave you more details).” She later changed her mind and did not turn up at the rendezvous, fearing for her life from her husband Promise. Simbarashe, Tendai’s husband and the man whose wife was playing hide-the-sausage with his father could only just shake his head and refused to comment on the issue.

He professed to be devastated. Tendai’s hesitation at the house was so tense that the four seemed not to be in talking terms as witnessed by H-Metro when Abigail refused to call Tendai so that she could be interviewed, Abigail kept saying, “Vadaidzei mega ambuya vangu (call my mother-in-law yourselves),” lamenting that she was now the muroora and not Tendai.

Village head Alexio Mhasvi said, “At my level I handle such cases but later refer them to the Chief.” Village head Mhasvi also said when they were at his court, Promise and Tendai denied that they were caught having sex in the bush, but that she was merely fabricating the whole story. The denial was short-lived as Promise’s brother is said to have also stood up and testified that he caught the two having sex in bush behind a baobab tree.


by Ron Carlson
“Hey, buddy, over here,” I heard a voice whisper from the shadows.

“How much?” I asked.

“How much you got?” the man in the black ski mask responded.

“Fifty bucks,” I said, unwilling to disclose the real count.

“Okay,” he told me, “that will get you two sets.”

“Two sets!” I exclaimed, “That’s outrageous!”

“Maybe so,” he calmly muttered, “take it or leave it.”

“They’re only $13.95 a box inside,” I protested, pointing to the Sam’s entrance across the parking lot.

“Then go get ‘em there,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“You know I can’t do that,” I told him, hoping to evoke sympathy and a reduced bid. “I don’t have a prescription.”

“Tough luck, buddy. Take it or leave it.”

I gave him the money. He gave me the contact lenses. We parted. No one got hurt.

I balk at supporting the shady underground economy and enabling con artists who prey on the weak-minded and shortsighted. But what’s an optically challenged guy like me to do when our appointment is still two weeks away? I gotta’ see. And that makes me vulnerable to exploitation by the criminal element of society.

I’m already under suspicion at the local Sam’s Warehouse for trying to purchase Bausch &Lomb’s without a prescription. They have my mug shot on a bulletin board near the lasagna freezer. I’ve got to be careful. Big Brother Walton is watching.

But it’s really not my fault. I’m as innocent as any guilty person. Blame the State Legislators. They are the ones who make it a felony to be in possession of contact lenses after one year from your last examination. They are the ones who have driven normally law-abiding citizens like myself to the streets in search of illegal contraband.

We live in a really big state with gargantuan and really big issues like immigration, school finance, water shortages, urban sprawl, stinky air, Nicole Smith, and Yankees from up north picking Bluebonnets, and how do our elected officials respond? They draft laws making sure no one can buy contact lenses without a yearly check-up.

I bet Tom Delay is somehow behind it all. His brother-in-law is probably an optometrist.

I know I sound judgmental, but I’m upset. And not just for me, but also for all the myopic people of the state, from Brownsville to Lubbock, from Texarkana to El Paso, for all the four-eyed people who have escaped the tyranny of glasses and found consolation in contacts. We’ve been reduced to common criminals.

All you 20-20 folks, smug in your refractions, don’t understand the magnitude of our problem. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

But look at it from our perspective.

Once a year, every year, we have to take a day off from life and get an eye exam. Even with a coupon, it runs about $1800.00 (sarcasm), if you get the double drops and computer read-out. Fortunately, they take plastic.

Fortunately, I have insurance, which pays the first $18.

Fortunately, I live in a state where the elected representatives care about my health.

“Why is it,” I asked the pleasant young assistant about ready to finish her third year of high school, “that it’s so important I get an annual exam?”

“No talking during the exam,” she responded while pressing her index finger to her lips. “It could affect your test scores.”

“What then?” I asked, fearful I might fail.

“No contacts!”


“Yep, that’s right, four-eyes,” she smiled. “You want to go back to glasses?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Then be quiet and squint.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The doctor eventually strolled in to give his Good Housekeeping approval. He examined the exam. He shook his head back and forth. He motioned to his bodyguard to come near. He showed her the picture of the back of my undressed eyeball. I felt violated.

“Highway to the Danger Zone,” he laughed

She laughed on cue, as good assistants often do.

“Excuse me…” I interrupted.

“You have rogue blood vessels marching toward your cornea,” he explained in militant terms.

“What does that mean?” I inquired, ever the pragmatist.

“If you wear your contacts twenty-four hours a day for the next sixty years, you’ll go blind.”

“So what should I do?”

“Exercise, eat right, get plenty of rest, and stop sinning.”

“Anything else?”

“Make your annual appointment before you leave.”

Well, I’ve got news for him. I ain’t going back. I can get a counterfeit prescription on the street for less than the cost of a State Inspection sticker.

It’s a matter of principle.

I hate being victimized by goofy rules. It violates my sense of common sense. It retards my pursuit of freedom.

Now I understand regulations governing codeine-laced pain pills. But contact lenses? What are they thinking in Austin? Do they envision sixteen year olds sneaking out behind the woodshed and smoking contacts? Might we become addicted to seeing straight? And see through their hocus-pocus?

I hate silly rules, especially when they are imposed upon me by folks ill equipped to pass legislation or judgment.

I guess that’s why I hate legalism. I hate silly rules and the silly doctors of regulation who seek to enforce them. It’s a Highway to the Danger Zone.

Leave me alone. Take your nonsense somewhere else. Go play doctor of law with someone who doesn’t know better. Those of us who know Jesus, know better, and it’s one of the main reasons we adore our Liberator. He came to set us free from goofy regulations imposed by goofy little-fallen-power-hungry-people.

Thank you, Lord, for grace, pure, simple, and free


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