This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Him when him did have braids

Without the Braids

Dis she tek di pickney monthly money gone do

Dis is da comments unda da pic

Di foolishness she tek di money n do n yes its di pickney money cah she nah wuk nuh weh

Comments unda dis pic

Doctor visit...But he sed she not doing it...Nah bias out di ting

Comments unda di pic

Tatoo... Think its fake doh Metty cah she coulden suh crazy fi do dat


This is Gavesha, Mavado’s exgirlfriend and baby mother


Babes ha when a did weddin??? Bless up u n mi fren…. Linclon 2 di worldddddddd…


Rihanna keeps on proving Twitter isn’t the only place she will get crunk when someone tries to come for her head. It was only a little over a month ago that she shut down a reporter in London when they took the focus off of her “Battleship” premiere and placed it on her rumored relationship with Ashton Kutcher. Apparently Esquire UK didn’t get the memo because when they tried to bring up C. Breezy and that “Birthday Cake” remix from way back when for the magazine’s June issue, the interview went from bad to worse to this is probably the last time she’ll ever talk to Esquire again. Here’s the transcript from Necole Bitchie so you can see the gradual progression of ann0yance:
Esquire: What has been the Twitter response to the Chris Brown remixes?
Rihanna: Some love it, some hate it, some love it but hate that we did it. But the response in the end has been incredible.
Esquire: Was that [the recording session] the first time you’d seen him in a while?
Rihanna: When would we have seen each other? We’ve both been working and touring. [changes the subject]. This is really good food.
Esquire: It proved quite a controversial thing.
Rihanna: Well…definitely. Definitely. It caught me a little off-guard to be honest…especially the amount of…negative attention. Because it never occurred to me how this was a problem, you know. It really didn’t.
Esquire: Because enough time had passed that it was OK?
Rihanna: I thought people were gonna be surprised that we finally did a record together, but I didn’t see how people could think it was a bad thing, you know? In my mind, it was just music.
Esquire: Some people felt it sent the wrong message.
Rihanna: [Angrily] What was that? What message would that be?
Esquire: You’d gone back to someone who put you in the hospital.
Rihanna: [Getting angry] Oh really? Did I?
Esquire: Well… yes.
Rihanna: Did I? Did I? Did I?
Esquire: You went and recorded with him, yes.
Rihanna: Okay. In a completely professional environment. And on a complete professional note. I mean, if I went back to him [as a girlfriend], then that’s a whole different discussion. And if I ever do, then that’s something that y’all have to talk to me about when – if – that ever happens. Until then, look at it for what it is. I think a lot of people jumped to an assumption that was incorrect and they ended up looking stupid.
Esquire: The assumption you were dating again?
Rihanna: Because of a song. How stupid. If I was together with every collaborator I worked with… f-ck my life.
Esquire: Still, the lyrics didn’t do much to dispel that impression. His opening line is “Girl I want to Fawk you right now/been a long time/I’ve been missing your body”. You reply: “Remember how you did it/If you still want to kiss it/Then come and get it”.
Rihanna: That was the tone before he was even on the record. You think it was going to be about hopscotch or jump rope?
Esquire: So neither of you for a minute thought “This is going to put the cat among the pigeons”?
Rihanna: I could never see anything wrong with making music.
Esquire: Maybe the thing is that as an artist your personal and private life are intertwined, and you’ve already played on this. The first song you put out after the beating incident was “Love the Way You Lie”, about domestic violence.
Rihanna: Absolutely. But Love The Way You Live was me as an artist working with Eminem as an artist, telling our stories individually. On a track together. I’m lost. I’m confused as to what you’re trying to get at.
Esquire: That it’s hard to separate the person who’s been the victim of domestic violence and the pop star singing about domestic violence.
Rihanna: I know. And that’s how f-cked up society is. There’s a lot of sh-t y’all can’t get over. Y’all holding your breath on a lot of stuff that doesn’t matter. When you realize who you live for, and who’s important to please, a lot of people will actually start living. I am never going to get caught up in that. I’m gonna look back on my life and say that I enjoyed it – and I lived it for me- and God. This is turning into a tacky interview. What do you really want to talk about? I’m not here to [talk] about messy sh-t.
Esquire: It’s just what’s been making the headlines recently.
Rihanna: OK! So do you want to talk about everything on Google? Or do you want to talk about stuff that my fans want to know? Let’s get to the real stuff. The stuff that’s important.
Esquire: What do your fans want to know?
Rihanna: You tell me, as a journalist. You’re asking the questions and I give you the answers. I can’t give the questions too.
Esquire: I’m sorry it’s upset you.
Rihanna: It hasn’t upset me. It upsets me that you keep asking the same kind of questions about stuff that’s trivial. What’s there to talk about? Are all your questions like that? Let’s move onto the next one.
Esquire: It’s just that you haven’t given an interview for a while. A lot has happened.
Rihanna: You think I haven’t given an interview for a while? I did four this morning.
Esquire: Did they go any better than this?
Rihanna: We’ll see [when they come out] tomorrow
That last line was classic but I have mixed feelings on this. I’m sure she’s tired of talking about Chris but there’s no way she thought she was just going to put a song out with him and no one was going to ask her about it. In fact I’m pretty sure that’s why she did it, so she can save that “he’s the hottest artist out right now” line for someone else. On the other hand, her comebacks are to die for and made this interview far more entertaining than it would have been otherwise. That girl has a serious mouth on her.
Who do you think crossed the line here, Rihanna or the reporter?




Blessed Day MET,

Jamaican artist from Philly TEFF (aka Travis J.) has been selected as a Finalist in the BET Awards Next Big Music Star! Your vote will help him get a chance to perform and represent Reggae/Jamaican culture on the BET worldwide stage!

So we ah ask d ppl dem to Please vote ONCE A DAY until June 10th at the link below:

and check out one of my favorite TEFF songs titled “Mr. Government” which is so relevant to the way certain tings a gwan a yawd rite yah now.

Your support is greatly appreciated. #NuffThanks

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