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‘Chiquitita’ singer, Clive ‘Snowball’ Brown fallen on hard times.

IN 1994, HE had what was arguably the most popular song in the National Festival Song contest. Clive ‘Snowball’ Brown didn’t win the top prize, but he placed second, earning several thousands of dollars in the process and gaining what many people thought was a new lease on life for a frustrated singer.

After the contest he was in great demand for appearances at pop events all over the country. He was truly a crowd favourite as he enlivened the hearts of children and adults with his folky song ‘Chiquitita’ and his ontoward appearance. Today, the ‘Snowball’ seems to have melted.

The Gleaner caught up with him at the first Tastee road show in this year’s Popular Song Contest held at the Tastee outdoor theatre in Cross Roads.

He told The Gleaner he had fallen on hard times. His appearance reflected his tale, as he was in cut-off-pants, a dirty shirt and worn-out boots. He had the countenance of a street person, although he said he was living at a premises on Brentford Road.

‘Snowball’ said he had used up the money he made from the festival and the subsequent shows to pay rent and take care of his family. He told The Gleaner he had submitted entries for the festival four times since, but none had been selected.

“I want a manager and a producer. Ah write some songs since the festival, but nobody want to produce them,” he said.

He complained that he had not been paid royalties for his song and said he would like a lawyer to act on his behalf in litigating the matter.

“Ah woulda give them a cut out of the money. Is a lot of money out there fe me,” he said.

‘Snowball’ dreams of travelling to countries where his song gained popularity so he may earn some more money. And he says there have been various times when he would drive taxis for a living, but he is presently out of a job.


Internationally acclaimed Dancehall/Reggae superstar, I-Octane is recuperating in a Kingston-based hospital after falling ill last week.

A member of I-Octane’s team revealed on Monday that the prominent singjay suffered an asthmaattack on Thursday night. According to reports, he was taken to hospitalwhere he’s currently being treated by his physician.

Doctors expect I-Octane to make a full recovery from this attack but have advised him to rest until further reassessments are made.

Giver his current health situation, I-Octane will be unable to honor some of his upcoming commitments but hopes to recover as soon as possible so that he can perform for his fans once more.







‘Foreign service not for failed politicians’

Furore over Baptiste-Cornelis’ speech

By Julien Neaves

FORMER foreign affairs minister Ralph Maraj and former Ambassador Reginald Dumas have described a speech by former health minister and ambassador Therese Baptiste-Cornelis as an embarrassment to the country.
“So I think the Prime Minister should really consider her position because that is not something that can be tolerated at all,” said Maraj.
“(If) she has not been performing and if she has been disastrous in other areas (as an ambassador) as well it might amount to an indictment against her and she might have to leave,” he said.
He was referring to a 37-minute address by Baptiste-Cornelis, Ambassador to Geneva, Switzerland, for a non-profit organisation in Geneva. The speech was posted on video sharing site Youtube and has received more than 30,000 hits and a slew of critical comments. Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley has called for her to be removed after viewing the video.
Dumas told the Express he was astonished by the speech, noting that a lot of remarks had absolutely nothing to do with the theme of cultural diversity and sustainable development.
“I can’t understand how this ambassador of ours could have made remarks like that,” he said.
Dumas also criticised her statements that she was wary that if she did not accept her ministerial appointment she might be fired from the University of the West Indies (UWI) by the Prime Minister, which gave the impression that this country was authoritarian.
He also disapproved of her “subliminal techniques” while as a UWI lecturer of flashing the face of Persad-Bissessar in her presentations to her students.
“This is not for a lecturer to do and that was quite wrong. Totally wrong. That is a misuse of the lecture room and the lecture hall,” he admonished.
He said she made a “serious” and “stupid error” but he noted there are a number of local ministers who had been accused of “missteps” and are still ministers.
Dumas said he did not want to rush to judgment and say because she embarrassed herself and the country she should be automatically dismissed. He noted that he was interested in how well she has been functioning as an ambassador and, if not, and if the speech was one element of her poor representation “she had better find something else to do”.
“But I would need to look at the entire picture rather than rush to judgment and try to hang her because of her stupidity,” he said.
Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Suruj Rambachan informed the Express that he would be speaking to Baptiste-Cornelis yesterday on the matter.
On the calls for her removal Maraj said some explanation has to be given by the ambassador and “certainly an apology to the nation should be the least that should be done”.
He also commented on the issue of failed politicians being given appointments in the foreign service.
“Especially under this administration it seems that the foreign service is being used as a dumping ground for failed politicians and that is not the right thing,” he said.

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