This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Kitty since di weight loss at rebel salute


Beres & Lisa










I thought about this long and hard, contemplating if I should say something. I came to the realization that if I did not, I would be undeserving of my own achievements. I hate to be the bulb in the room that is glowing only because of my energy for one; it would take away from who I am because I am a people person. I like to teach and make people laugh.

      When I decided to start JMG, my content was never based on anyone else’s, there were many days I had nothing to post and I would browse funny pictures and share them with my audience. As soon as people started showing interest, I threw in bits of educational material here and there, not to overwhelm them but to show them that it is possible to learn, laugh and relax at the same time online.

     JMG was never started for money, as many people know it ran from Sunday to Sunday, without an advertisement for a year. Through sickness and sadness, I always made sure there was something new for my people to read, always.

It was heart-breaking when I got cursed out thoroughly because someone wanted to make money off JMG and I wouldn’t allow them. This person calculated every view, every click and multiplied it by whatever means he devised, thinking I should allow him 40%  just like that. Someone I did not know but who seemingly calculated his riches from JMG. I declined twice, the first time, this individual started to steal my content, when this did not work for him, he threw a sick tantrum saying I needed to tell him what my formula was. I then told him, people were not fools, they know when someone is bitter and full of hate, and that it would be best for him to work on himself and not focus on me and my website because I worked very hard to get to where it was at.

        I have noticed quite a few media houses have been leeching off JMG, and this did not bother me until I goggled JMG and saw that a website had JMG linked to theirs. The link was placed on their website without my permission and how it works is this: – you search JMG enough, that link on their site headlines, JMG, someone clicks it and is directed to their website first and not JMG. I think that was the lowest blow I have ever felt internet wise (let me ad that the link of JMG is on its own page on their website and on that pages are pay per click ads so they are actually making money when someone logs on by accident). I have never done anything shady to link any site that had enough views to JMG.  I don’t have the time; I am busy seeking content for the next day and it’s not content that has been posted before. If there is/was a time I ran a story from a Jamaican website, they are cited by me because it is wrong to try to rob your own people. Pictures and stories are taken from JMG and ran as if they are brand new. That is dirty and unfair. I make calls, and do what I have to do to form associations to get content. That is what media is all about.

Yesterday a close link of mine send me a blackberry message, asking me why the Jamaican Star was recycling my articles, I laughed and said maybe it’s because I put up some of theirs too, but guess what? Everyone knows where it’s coming from and I am never low enough to discredit them from work they have done.  The Star took an article last week about an Excelsior student, wrote about it, claiming a video they do not have. How I know? I was the only exclusive to the story. Enough is enough. You should now use a particular website to exercise your journalistic abilities. It is low.

It has also been brought to my attention that people are claiming associations with JMG, offering advertising packages. The last time I checked there was no middle man and I have no one to claim an association with when I am approached about advertising.

Again, I would not mention this if it has not been getting out of hand and I will take the necessary steps to ensure that if and when my content is taken it is approved my me and my website will be cited as the source. There are many times I have had to rush my duties to attend to my duties online toil through sickness to get my content up and ready for the next day, I put my work in and so should you. It is unfair for someone to build a website around someone else’s content and parasite their traffic at the same time. Any links unapproved by me will be dealt with by the law. BTW..Mr C. Mills thank you for the shout out..mi did seh mi neva did a go seh nothing but I guess you saw the sikes and gimmicks too.. so thank u.. :kiss

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****RULES**** 1. Debates and rebuttals are allowed but disrespectful curse-outs will prompt immediate BAN 2. Children are never to be discussed in a negative way 3. Personal information  eg. workplace, status, home address are never to be posted in comments. 4. All are welcome but please exercise discretion when posting your comments , do not say anything about someone you wouldnt like to be said about  you. 5. Do not deliberately LIE on someone here or send in any information based on your own personal vendetta. 6. If your picture was taken from a prio site eg. fimiyaad etc and posted on JMG, you cannot request its removal. 7. If you dont like this forum, please do not whine and wear us out, do yourself the favor of closing the screen- Thanks! . To send in a story send your email to :- [email protected]