This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]





This girl name is shannakay otherwise known as SKAY. Met them say this girl been in jail since november and is still in jail.
But no one is saying why she is in jail. This girl always deh a party wid her ugly cousin mishna from mon-sun. She have a big man name mikey weh
she live wid that take care of her and give here bare money so i know is not shoplifting . . . .Met me want to know why this girl deh a jail so long so people come dash out
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Kim Kardashian’s got a little Kanye in her — as in she’s pregnant with Kanye West’s baby … according to the rapper himself.

Yeezy dropped the baby bombshell on stage Sunday night in Atlantic City by simply asking the crowd, “Can we make some noise for my baby mama right quick?”

Our Kardashian sources confirm Kim is 12 weeks pregnant, and apparently several members of the K clan have been sitting on the secret.

Shortly after Kanye’s announcement … Khloe Kardashian tweeted, “Keeping secrets is hard with so many family members! Especially when you are so freaking excited!!!”

Kourtney also tweeted, “Been wanting to shout from the rooftops with joy and now I can.”

Read more:



Reggae artist Lloyd Charmers has died.

The singer, keyboard player and record producer died in London on Dec. 27, after suffering a heart attack behind the wheel of his car. He was 74.

According to the Jamaica Observer, Charmers was taken to Homerton Hospital in Hackney, east London, but was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Born in Trench Town, Jamaica, Charmers (real name Lloyd Terell) established himself as a singer, musician and producer starting in the early 1960s. He was a member of The Flames, Alton Ellis’ harmony group, before performing with Roy Willis and The Charmers. He then joined The Uniques, a trio that included fellow singers Keith ‘Slim’ Smith and Jimmy Riley.

Charmers released his first two solo albums, “Reggae Charm” and “Reggae is Tight” on the Trojan label in 1970.

Later in the 70s, Charmers formed a bond with Federal Records, where he recorded “Everything I Own” with Ken Boothe. Boothe’s reggae version of the Bread hit topped Britain’s national chart in 1974 and made him a star in that country.

Boothe described Charmers as “one of the best in the best in the business”, adding that he was “very businesslike, very sophisticated.”
Our prayers go out to Lloyd’s family and friends.



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IN a bizarre incident, a 17-year-old girl from Nkulumane in Bulawayo, is living in fear as she is mysteriously followed and hit with stones by suspected goblins .

The haunted girl, Ms Zanele Ndlovu, of House number 12787 Nkulumane, is living a nightmarish life as the suspected goblins follow her everywhere and hit her with stones before they disappear with her money.

In an interview, a tenant who shared lodgings with her, a visibly shaken Mr Admire Bhiri, told a harrowing story how the drama unfolded.

“Last Friday evening Ms Ndlovu came here where she was a tenant and told us that she was being hit by stones. She asked for a room in order to seek refuge as the beatings were continuously affecting her even at her mother’s place.

“As we were seated in the dining room, everything was normal but around 9 pm she started screaming saying something had crept in the room, but we didn’t see anything. From then stones were thrown from all angles yet we didn’t see the source. Even in the morning the mysterious stones appeared and started hitting her,” he said.

The suspected goblins are said to become more aggresive each time the girl attempts to run away.

Mr Bhiri said they asked her what was going on but she professed ignorance insisting she was clueless.

“We asked her what really was going on but she couldn’t say anything. She sought assistance from prophets but they had failed to help her stop the problem.”

Mr Bhiri added that at one time Ms Ndlovu’s money mysteriously disappeared from her wallet.

“What is happening here is very strange because sometimes she misplaces her money and later on it reappears. This is worrying because she claims to see things that none of us in the house can see,” he said.

Mr Bhiri took the news crew to one bedroom where he pointed areas where the stones landed and how even wardrobe drawers were flung from corner to corner during Ms Ndlovu’s attack.

One of the tenants at the house who requested anonymity said she suspected Ms Ndlovu had an idea of what was happening to her.

“I think she wronged somebody who is revenging. She must be honest so she can be helped. It’s quite weird that these things just attack her for no reason,” she said.

When contacted for comment over the phone Ms Ndlovu said she was at a church service seeking God’s intervention.

“I am in church right now to try and solve this problem,” she said.

Mr Bhiri added that they reported the matter to the police who were out of sorts on how to deal with the case.

“The police advised that she must seek help from all corners and we should update them on all the developments,” he said.



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