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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]














Women, stop pressuring men for money
By NADINE WILSON All Woman writer [email protected]
Monday, December 31, 2012

IT’S not the sort of advice you would expect to hear this holiday season, but chair of the National Family Planning Board, Dr Sandra Knight, did not mince words when she implored women to become more independent instead of depending on men for things.
“Stop pressuring the men for money. They work hard, but they didn’t work hard for you, go work hard for your own money, go pay your own bills,” was her stern warning to women who make a habit of dating men just for financial gains and other material possessions.

Knight, who recently expressed concern that some Jamaican men have been coming under extreme pressure in recent times for money and sex, said some of these men are just viewed as purses. This, she said, doesn’t augur well for the promotion of healthy family life in the society.
“They must provide for their wives and the women they are going to spend the rest of their lives with, and the women who are committed to them and are going to be by their sides when they are sick, when they are old,” she said.
“A lot of men put themselves under a lot of pressure because they are being pressured by a lot of these women,” she asserted.
To make the situation worse, Dr Knight said the money is often used to purchase material things rather than things that would result in personal upliftment, such as going back to school. And with the holidays now in full swing, it is expected that these men will have to fork out a bit more cash than usual.
“Most of the money is going to go towards clothes and partying,” she said. “So they are blinging out and blinging out for what?”
At least one businessman who spoke to All Woman said he is already feeling the crunch, as in the past few months, a number of women have been approaching him to exchange sex for money.
“They seem very eager to get with a man. They don’t even wait to find out what you are all about,” he said.
“Women asking for phone credit and money. Right away they tell you that if they can get that, then we can get sex and anything else we desire,” he
pointed out.
He said he is deeply concerned about this since this would no doubt increase a woman’s risk of STIs. He noted, too, that several of his male friends were coming under the same type of pressure and are just as concerned.
Dr Knight said women need to focus their energy on empowering themselves and setting good examples for their children instead of trying to scheme men out of their money.
“Concentrate on yourself, concentrate on maximising your own potential as a woman, as a mother, as a wife,” she said.
“We need to pause, we cannot have financial gains for sex, that’s prostitution,” she reasoned.
Meanwhile, she encouraged men who do not support their wives and children to do so.
“If his family is not doing as good as they can and he can contribute, then that’s wrong,” she said.

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An 82-year-old Seventh Day Adventist deacon is bracing for a dose of unwanted attention from his village after he failed to control his penchant for sex and allegedly had intercourse with a donkey.
The detestable incident which left villagers in Filabusi’s Gangabezi village, Zimbabwe shell-shocked transpired sometime last month. According to sources who spoke to our news crew and requested anonymity, it is alleged the sexual predator, Deacon Canaan Ncube (82) was caught pants down while ‘feasting’ on a hapless donkey.
“I strongly believe that it was not his first time to be intimate with the donkey. The way he had positioned himself and the donkey showed traces of experience,” said the source.
The bestiality issue came to light when Sibangani who was heading home from his sojourns allegedly saw Deacon Ncube with a humble animal. When Deacon Ncube realised that his escapades had come in the open, he freed the hapless animal and vanished from the scene, it is alleged. Sibangani then blew the said issue to the whole village.
“The news of Deacon Canaan and his donkey swiftly spread like veld fire. Everyone knows about this issue. It is not even a secret, you can ask anyone,” said the source.
When the senior village headman, Patrick Ndlovu, was reached for comment, he said he was aware of the issue.
“I am aware of this issue. I am waiting for the village head Mechat Masuku and her entourage to deliberate on the issue. They will then report the matter to the police because it is out of my jurisdiction. I do not deal with such cases,” said the senior village head.
Village Head Masuku said she was waiting to hear from the village neighbourhood committee members to give her feedback.
“I left the issue in the hands of village neighbourhood committee members to see to it that they bring down the culprit but up to now nothing has been done. I do not even know why they are taking too long,” she said.
Meanwhile, Adventist church Deacon Ncube said he was aware of the rumours but dismissed the allegations as false statements meant to tarnish his image.
“I am very aware of the whole saga. I heard this issue at the church service last week, but the truth is that I know nothing about it and the neighbourhood constables have not contacted me,” he said.
The alleged incident transpired barely two weeks after two sexual predators in the same area were caught having a three-some with a donkey. The matter came to light after they failed to pay a R100 bribe to a fellow villager who had spotted them taking turns to rape the donkey.






A New Year Perspective
By Filoiann Wiedenhoff

“Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” NIV

As Christmas comes to an end we anxiously await the words “Happy New Year!” My best friend and I have this tradition we do every year for the last five years usually around the end of December. We go to our favorite beach spot, where we talk and pray about the past year and look ahead to the New Year.

We ponder and discuss all the interesting occurrences that happened the past year; the good times, the bad times, the frustrating times and the fun times. We share what valuable lessons we learned from our experiences, what God showed us and how He was faithful through all of it

We do this as a closure to one year and then an opening to the next. After we have laughed a while and then cried, we begin to look forward with great excitement, wondering what God has for us this coming new year. What new experiences will we go through and what new lessons will we learn. It’s all fresh and new and that is exciting.

In doing this I believe it helps us to view each year as a season, understanding that God is Sovereign and has new seasons of experiences and growth to make us more like Christ. I can testify there were times we went through seasons of grief and there were also times we experienced seasons of joy.

It helps me to remember that God is in total control and that we are constantly growing as His children and that He knows the plans He has for us. Plans of new wisdom, insight and understanding that He wants to impart to us, if we will allow Him to.

It also gives us a fresh new outlook of the coming year and enables us to leave the past where it belongs, not that we forget the past but learn from it and move forward into our present future with opened hearts and minds to receive whatever God has for us.

With that said, I put together eight ways we can view the New Year and every year as. A Year of:

New Beginnings: Start out the New Year with a fresh point of view to new experiences, memories and blessings. Having an opened mind and heart to where ever the Lord may take you with full assurance and confidence that He is with you. (Matthew 28:19-20)

New Possibilities: There’s no limit to what God can do in your life and nothing is impossible with God. God opens doors that no man can shut and also closes doors that no man can open. The possibilities are endless with God that is according to His will. (Philippians 4:13)

New Plans: Every year is a new season, be prayerful of what God has planned for you and be willing to walk by faith in obedience as you follow His leading. Remember that His plans are always for good and not for evil to give you a future and a Hope. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

New Purpose: As you forge ahead, God always has a plan and a purpose for what you will go through and experience. Remember that God always has a reason for what He allows in your life and through it you can trust Him completely. (Proverbs 1:3-5)

New Provisions: The bible says to not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worries of it’s own. Trust in your Heavenly Father who knows everything you need, who is your God and your Provider. He is faithful and He will do it. (Matthew 6:1-33)

New Growth: When we are willing to let go and let God work in us and through us, He will always stretch us and grow us. It is an important part of the growth process. Continue to grow in your relationship with Him and in His Word. Pray for God to mold you and make you pliable in the potters hand and then watch the master craftsman work on His masterpiece; which is you!

New Wisdom: With new experiences and new lessons come new wisdom and insight. Always make it a priority to seek out wisdom as hidden treasure or fine gold. In Proverbs it says that it will be like a garland of grace around your neck and honor you and present you with a crown of splendor. (Proverbs 4:7-9)

Renewed Peace: As you go through new experiences and new adventures whether they are good or bad, my encouragement is to keep your eyes fixed on Christ and He will give you rest and peace, because He is our peace and loves you and cares for you deeply. (John 16:33)

Keep in mind that if even the wicked give good gifts to their children how much more will your Heavenly Father give to those that ask Him? (Matthew 7:7-11)

Let us give thanks to the Lord for getting us through another year as we look forward to what He has for us up ahead and praise Him that He is faithful and worthy to be praised!

Our God is an Awesome God

Who Reigns on Heaven and Earth

With Wisdom Power and Love

Our God is an Awesome God!

May the Lord bless you and your family with a blessed New Year!

Filoiann M. Wiedenhoff is a pastor’s wife, work at home mom, Woman’s Biblical Counselor, Bible Teacher and Writer. View her website for more articles


<a href="" title="JMG STORY OF THE YEAR (2012)">JMG STORY OF THE YEAR (2012)</a>



Happy New Year Wish
My Happy New Year wish for you
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get.
A year in which you cherish
The past year’s memories,
And live your life each new day,
Full of bright expectancies.
I wish for you a holiday
With happiness galore;
And when it’s done, I wish you
Happy New Year, and many more.

By Joanna Fuchs


Wishing you all the best for the New Year also requesting your continued prayers and support :kiss

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