This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



POST has dug up another gross video for your edification dear reader. As usual, this one is not for the fait hearted so stop reading here if you don’t want your stomach contents all over your phone, tablet or PC.

Good. Now where were we? Yes the video. It features a Ugandan clergyman by the name Martin Semba who identifies himself as the head of the National Task Force against Homosexuality in Uganda….(that’s right only in Uganda).

Homophobia is a national pastime in Uganda. The tiny country has produced more than its fair share of gay and lesbian people with horror stories to tell about rapes organized by family members to ‘force them straight.’

The nation’s tough (some would say barbaric) stance on homosexuality is well established but people like Pastor Semba still feel the need to shout it from the rooftops. In this video for example the pastor manages to embarrass himself by taking every effort to demonstrate how gay people have sex.

The pastor says that after some research (ahem…the matter of where is not discussed) he has established how gay people have sex and goes on to describe how techniques like ‘anal licking’ and ‘fisting’ (yes it’s as gross as it sounds)..

We have said enough. Any further description of the video won’t do it justice. Just see for yourself (Be warned, the pastor spares no detail);


Is it wrong for Christians to be part of a nudist colony / naturist gathering?- GOODMORNING

Is it wrong for Christians to be part of a nudist colony / naturist gathering?

Q: In their original state, Adam and Eve were naked in Paradise. Is it wrong for Christians to be part of a nudist colony, or, as it is now called, a “naturist” gathering?

A: The book of Genesis tells us that prior to the Fall of man, Adam and Eve were naked in the original Paradise (2:25). As husband and wife in their innocent state, everything was fine with that. But then they disobeyed God and, as a result, became dominated by a sinful nature, which they passed on to all their descendants, including you and me. The reason they clothed themselves with fig leaves (3:7) is because they were then ashamed and guilty before God, and thus tried to hide behind the fig leaves just like they tried to hide behind the trees (3:8). They had lost their innocence.

Before God ejected Adam and Eve from the Garden (Paradise), He gave them new clothes (3:21), indicating that He did not want them (and their offspring) to be naked. The significance of the animal skins, from which the new clothes were made, is that it was the first shedding of blood in the Bible, and pointed to the Lamb of God, whose blood would be shed to “clothe” all mankind in righteousness (those who choose to believe).

Though today in the USA we often hear the figurative phrase, “Another day in Paradise,” it is light years from the truth: Paradise is long gone—and that is why God no longer wanted man to be naked. One of the chief characteristics of the sinful nature is sexual lust, and both the Bible and human history are overflowing with examples of people’s lives being destroyed by giving in to such lust. The Word of God has much to say about doing our best not even to think such thoughts, let alone act on them.

God instituted rules about clothing and covering our bodies to avoid embarrassment and sin. For example, He specified that steps not be used to approach His altar. “And do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it” (Ex. 20:26). Through the Bible, and throughout history, public nakedness for anyone but small children was related to shame, evil circumstances, and slavery, and examples from the Bible fit that paradigm (Isa. 47:3; Lam. 1:8; Nahum 3:5).

Interestingly, the Bible reveals something else that is now well known about nakedness: excessive alcohol consumption lowers a person’s concern for godliness and modesty. Habakkuk 2:15 says, “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin till they are drunk, so that he can gaze on their naked bodies.” People who are normally concerned about modesty become much less so when drunk.

God says He wants people to be appropriately clothed in the presence of anyone who is not their spouse. For example:

1 Timothy 2:9
I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes.

If God says He does not want women to dress immodestly, He certainly doesn’t want them naked, and the same goes for men. We think the reason God specifically addresses women’s clothing is because men are much more visually stimulated than women. Of course, Satan knows this, and that is why he is absolutely inundating the world via movies, television, billboards, magazines, books, and now the Internet, with images of naked or scantily-clad women (and men too, though not as many). He does this because he knows that seeing a naked body generates sexual thoughts in people’s minds.

And consider the following verse, speaking of a man who, until Jesus had delivered him from a demon, had been living in a cemetery and cutting himself with stones. The verse indicates that the man had also been naked, and it connects his being clothed with being in his right mind.

Mark 5:15
When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.

It is noteworthy that Jesus was always clothed in the presence of people, even in his resurrected body, and James 2:15 indicates that if someone is too poor to buy clothing, we should help him get some.

Furthermore, we will wear some form of covering over the new bodies we receive at the Rapture, for in Revelation 19:13 and 14 both Jesus and the armies of God who come down to earth out of heaven are specifically said to be clothed. Lastly, we should mention that even in the Kingdom of Christ on earth people will be clothed, and the priest’s clothing is mentioned in Ezekiel 44:17-19.

Therefore we see clearly that no, the Word of God does not condone nudism.

NOTE: If you want to do an awesome word study, the Greek word enduo, translated “clothe” and “put on,” will lead you to these magnificent truths.

Because of Adam’s original sin, all men have since been born spiritually naked, that is, without God and without hope in this fallen world. As God clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins (Gen. 3:21), so through Jesus Christ has He now “clothed” every person who has confessed Jesus as Lord and believed that God raised him from the dead. Christians are no longer naked and ashamed before God, because we have been clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49), which is to be clothed with Christ (Gal. 3:27).

Now we are to put on the new man (Eph. 4:24) and the armor of light (Rom. 13:12; Eph. 6:11) so that we say and do what glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ (Col. 3:12). And finally, when the Lord comes to take his Church out of this world, he will consummate our sartorial splendor by clothing us with a new body (1 Cor. 15:53-54; 2 Cor. 5:2).


Cop fires at unmarked car with SSP Knight
Thursday, November 01, 2012

A senior officer of the constabulary yesterday blasted his colleagues over a weekend shooting incident in which the member of a police patrol opened fire at an unmarked vehicle, almost injuring a senior superintendent.
The Jamaica Observer learnt that head of St Andrew Central Police Division Derrick ‘Cowboy’ Knight and another policeman were on Saturday travelling in an unmarked service vehicle along Spanish Town Road, in the vicinity of Weymouth Drive in Kingston, about 2:00 am, when it was fired on. Senior Superintendent Knight and the other policeman escaped injury.

Information about the incident was still unclear, but an Observer source said the officers were travelling along Spanish Town Road when they noticed that they were being trailed by a police vehicle, after which shots rang out. The source could not say if the police had signalled the unmarked car to stop.
There has been no official report on the embarrassing incident and Knight yesterday refused to comment.
However, a senior policeman who requested anonymity because he was
not authorised to speak to the media about the incident, said the development had again cast a shadow over the operations of the police and the use of force.
“…If Mr Knight was shot and killed, maybe we would not know the truth about that incident,” said the senior policeman, who has knowledge of the shooting incident.
“The incident brings to mind that sometimes, too, our civilian population may find themselves in a similar dilemma,” the cop said.
The lawman said the incident was very “heart-rending”‘ in light of the work that the police commissioner, Owen Ellington, has done in stressing awareness among members of the constabulary about the use of force.
“The police need to follow the commissioner’s strategic objective as it relates to how the public should be treated and the use of lethal and non-lethal force,” said the officer.
Carolyn Gomes of the human rights group Jamaicans for Justice yesterday expressed concern about the incident when contacted by the Observer.
“It’s very disheartening and brings into sharp focus concerns that members of the public have been raising for years about police use of force,” said Gomes.

Read more:




Message Body:
cavell is so played out! yuh cyah find sumtin wear beside rumper or watever tht is// everything yuh keep and everywhere u go u look the domn same! come on my girl, change up di thing! (Edited)!! tina tina tina, still a breast feed di young bwoy dem?? easy ms Tina though, yah mi big fren but mi haffi talk di truth bout di young bwoy. big up yuh status!!!

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