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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]





If you swaggn everyday then where you lay your head should be swagged too #home #bedroom






The men speak: The most unmanly thing I have ever done
BY DONNA HUSSEY-WHYTE All Woman writer [email protected]

‘REAL’ men are expected to have a certain air about them, a certain je ne sais quoi that makes them stand an inch or two above their female counterparts. For the most part, they are seen as the stronger force that provides stability in a relationship and in their homes — the resident roach killer, lizard chaser, cupboard door fixer and concrete mixer.
It’s a lot to live up to — the expectation to always be macho and never tear up, and as the men below confess, sometimes they bend the rules a little.

Here are some ‘unmanly’ things men we interviewed confessed to being guilty of doing.
Curtis Simpson, 40
I watch Lifetime movies.
“I love to sit and watch a good Lifetime movie,” Simpson said. “Once upon a time I used to do so with my girlfriend but after a while, [even if she wasn’t there], I realised that once I turn on the television the first channel I check out is Lifetime. Though I have never actually cried, I have come very close.
Derrick Bryan, 31
I cried when my girlfriend left me.
“I cried when my girlfriend told me she was leaving me for another man,” Bryan confessed. “Many men would say I am a sissy, but I can tell you nuff of them bawl like baby when their woman leave them, even if they don’t do it in public. And I am not ashamed to tell you that when my girl started cheating on me and I confronted her and she actually admitted it to me, I cried like a baby. It didn’t even matter to me that she was standing right there.”
Javoughn Campbell, 21
I squeeze my aunt’s blackheads and scratch her hair.
“I have no problem getting a clean towel, soaking it in hot water and applying it to my aunt’s face in an effort to get the blackheads [out], ” Campbell said. “Then I will get to work squeezing them. When that is done, I will scratch all the dandruff from her hair. These are things I enjoy doing.”
Winston Richardson, 30
I went to the salon to get my hair texturised
“I wanted to look nice and suave so I went to the hairdressing salon to put a wave and curl concoction in,” Richardson said. “Then because the girls were so accommodating, I had a manicure and pedicure done. I wouldn’t do it again though, not because I didn’t like it, but because the female customers were giving me strange looks.”
Fred Cox, 26
I exfoliate and buff an use her Bath and Body Works products
“I exfoliate my face with her apricot scrub and use her buffer to get the dead cells off. I use her cherry blossom Bath and Body Works fragrances and I’m all nice smelling and smooth afterwards. And I don’t care.”
Andre Ithmus, 22
I pee sitting down.
“I have done number one sitting down,” Ithmus told All Woman. “Sometimes I really just can’t be bothered standing up and find that it is more relaxing to just sit down, especially if I am very tired.”
Phillip Moses, 37

I shaved my thighs
“My girlfriend was grossed out by how hairy I was, so I just took her razor and shaved my thighs,” Moses said. “I don’t consider that shaving the legs, as I didn’t go below my knees, so there’s nothing girly about that, and she was happy.”
Larry Jackson, 29
I take unmentionables from off the clothes line.
“Many men would frown at the thought of touching a woman’s underwear when it is not on her,” Jackson said. “But I have no problems picking up a woman’s underwear off the clothes line. It doesn’t matter if she is my girl or not — it could be my sister, cousin or just a friend. Of course I can’t tell my brethren this ’cause they would think I am a sissy. But I really see nothing wrong with doing it.”
Anthony Stewart, 40
I’ve put make-up on.
“I have put on make-up,” Stewart said. “I sat down and allowed a girlfriend to put make-up on my face — mascara, lipstick, eye-shadow, the works. Then I admired myself in the mirror, then washed my face.”

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Title: I am lost can someone find me??

Message Body:
she is lost and need to be found!!





Hi Met

The heading to this should read:
Calling girls from all over, I am single and looking for my next prey!!! The only requirements is to have a heartbeat, hole, and are female! I have F*@ked the whole of the Tri State area and must move on to some fresh meat!
image (1)-Optimized
My question for you Ms Alicia did you know you were single or is this a surprise to you as it is to us?

Pickney nah hole im dung, No gyal can tie im dung…DWRCL

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