This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

The Orgasmic Jamaican Circus

The events of the past two days have some what reflected the nature of
our Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, an ardent ”Flip Flopper” who seems to
suffer from indecisiveness and over- active nerves.
I use the term orgasmic to decribe the events because at one point,
we were caressed by this Mr Bruce Golding so much so that we forgot
about his ” Flip flopping” and allowed him the pleasure/power of
serving us the Jamaican people. Being a ”Flip Flopper” isnt such a
bad thing when at the end of the day one switches sides because they
have held strongly to a belief that is no longer shared by the clique
or somehow has honestly seen that a better ” belief ” is shared by
the opposite side. So yes we disregarded the ”Flip Flopping, Flip
Flopper” and the comedy surrounding his actions. It caressess,
strokes and as the French say ”we die the little death”.

Niccolo Machivelli said: ” As Prince , especially a new one

cannot observe all those things for which men are esteemed, being

often forced in order to mantain the state, to act contrary to faith,

friendship, humanity and religion…But A prince ought to care he

never lets anything slip from his lips that is not replete with the

above-named five qualities that he may appear to him who sees and

hears him altogether merciful, faithtful,humane , upright and


When one examines these words in terms of Prime Minister Bruce
Golding’s actions a few words seem to echo more loudly than others
”But A Prince ought to care he never lets anything slip from his
– The admission of using ”party funds” to finance ”Minatt” who
were hired in defence of Mr Coke
– Apologising for his ”involvement/ relationship” with Mr Coke
This makes me shake and at the end of my ”shaking” I end with a
”hmmm” ,because there are no words to describe our Prime Minister’s
actions. Mr Coke whom he Mr Bruce Golding our Prime Minister defended or tried to defend a few months ago
,he has seemed to have pulled out all the stops for his capture and
extraditment, almost over night. Is it fitting to say ”Flip Flopper”
or unfit leader? Jamaica doesn’t need and indecisive Leader, we need
a Leader who stands up for laws that have governed our country, at
least. And in standing up for the laws of Jamaica, Mr Coke has done
lawless things and justice has to prevail. Mr Prime Minister there
wasn’t anything to ”Flip Flop” about.
The residents of Tivoli Garden however they may appear are
subjected to the laws of Jamaica which somehow states their right to
be treated as Human Beings. The shady somewhat comical press release
that was release to the Media on Sunday gave  hint to the series of
the events that have taken place post the press release:
– The ”bus” that would be provided for the residents at the
intersection of Marcus Garvey Drive for the ”lawful civilians of
Tivoli Gardens. To date there has been no such bus.
-Citizens of Tivoli Gardens being victimized by ”lawmen” sent to
recover Mr Cooke who has yet to be recoverd.
-The disallowance of the Media to enter the ”war zone”
-The constant repetition of the ”law men” who have been injured or killed.
-The blantant disregard for the loss of lives of the civilians
– Lastly the inability of the Governor General or the Prime Minister
to address the Nation.
For the Law men who should be commended for their heroic efforts I
leave them a bit of  W.B Yeats:

I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight….


[email protected]


The past few days have seen organised, determined and viscous criminal elements, under the cover of misplaced loyalties, taking up and holding not only a community, ut a nation hostage. These men, and women who are in support of them, have managed to bring warfare to the streets of Kingston, again. They have flouted every known rule of law and took a fight to the security forces. A fight that was destined to fail. What have been the results? The security forces have managed to overwhelm, subdue and bring under control the situation in Tivoli. For want of a better term, mopping up operations are still underway and the statistics, explanations, justifications and cover-ups are yet to be settled. Many have died on both sides of the divide. Hardworking police officers and soldiers are now mourning the loss of colleagues and the injury suffered by others. Families of these men are now in mourning and will undergo uncountable days of mental suffering. Across the blockades, innocent civilians have been slaughtered. But the slaughter of these innocent men, just like the cancerous mayhem & melee perpetrated by the thugs, is not confined to Tivoli. Law abiding and socially secured members of society are whispering about our Jamaican men, poor, underpriviledged, unfortunate Jamaican men, who have also died at the hands of some cruel members of the security forces. Communities in the middle class belt of Kingston 20, Kingston 19 and Kingston 7 are now suffering at the hands of some perverse supporters of lawlessness.

But, we should have seen this coming and prepared for same. As expected, given the extradition debacle, violence erupted in the usual hotspots of Mountain View, Red Hills Road, March Pen Road and Brunswick Avenue aka Walks Road, as we mention a few. The capital of Kingston is now under siege as sporadic gunfire is taking place throughout several communities and the truth be told, we are unsure if it only the lawless civilians who are maliciously discharging their illegal weapons. The city is now under a “Limited State of Emergency” and civil liberties have been suspended. Supermarkets, banks, pharmacies, wholesales and other commercial enterprises are now closed in most of Kingston. Hundreds of civil servants are at home and the Treasury, having just passed an IMF test, will bleed uncontrollably. Those city dwellers who are forced to subsist on minimum wage by tax evading employers are worrying about their next meal. The delivery of gas and food supplies are being hampered and, if the situation persists, will have far reaching implications for communities between Morant Point and Negril. So much has happened, so much is happening and more is yet to happen.

The question at this stage is, “Given the socio-political situation that existed in Western Kingston, and the influence of criminal elements in that constituency throughout Jamaica, did the relevant authorities devise a workable plan in their determination to stamp out criminality”? Who prepared the plans to deal with the protection of children and public health workers, the flow of public transportation, food delivery, the safe and timely escort of gas tankers etc etc? Surely, given the extent of Mr. Coke’s alleged influence and enterprise, the powers that be, you and your advisors, must have considered all factors that fell outside the cross hairs of the sniper’s rifle.

Mr. Prime Minister, you apologised, spoke of atonement and begged our forgiveness for the deception in the Manatt affair. But Mr. Prime Minister, the deception continues. Politics is still lingering in the air and incompetence, lack of accountability and lack of remorse are all bosom buddies within your Cabinet. Resignation is not an option at this stage. A fundamental mess has been engineered by you and your advisors. The lives of people who place their trust in you – no matter their reasons for doing so – have been scarred for generations to come. There must have been a better way. But to cast blame is not our focus. How do we, as a society, remedy the wrong that has been slapped across our face. The wrong includes the tacit support of the said criminal elements by entities that claim to broker signed peace treaties, the tying of the hands of police officers and the Courts when it comes to Bail and the development and encouragement of the informer fi dead culture . Most importantly, we as a society have been wronged by the stark inability – or deliberateness – of the State to stem the flow of guns and ammunitions into the island. Mr. Prime Minister, accountability is demanded. Action must be taken. Leadership must extend beyond fine words and intellectual uppity and reach out in the form of meaningful action that makes the lives of my fellow Jamaicans secure and comfortable. The aim of any government is to assist all its citizens in the pursuit of happiness. Not the oppression of citizens, not the carousing with drug dons, not political games, not encouraging a culture of “we and dem”. Mr. Prime Minister, again, and we feel like a scratched CD, you are being asked to consider yourself a Leader for the People of Jamaica. If you cant be a Leader, as we look across the other side of Parliament, at those persons from that other party, we have one thought, “May God help us all”.

Yours sincerely

Belly Bang & Friends

Jamaica We Are Blessed.


As official reports surface of accused drug lord Christopher Coke’s escape from his barricaded Kingston, Jamaica neighborhood, where Jamaican authorities have been attempting to arrest him for extradition to the U.S., ABC News has learned that a U.S. government report refers to Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding as a “criminal affiliate” of Coke.

Police patrol on May 24, 2010 in Kingston, Jamaica after two police officers were killed after…

Police patrol on May 24, 2010 in Kingston, Jamaica after two police officers were killed after coming under attack amid spreading unrest despite a state of emergency imposed by the government. Six police were wounded in the incident on Sunday after police responded to a call for help from a female motorist, the Jamaican police force’s Constabulary Communications Network said. It said the two police officers died after being taken to the University of the West Indies Hospital. Jamaica’s prime minister vowed tough action against a frenzy of gang violence in Kingston, imposing a state of emergency to curb armed supporters of an alleged druglord sought by the United States.

(Anthony FOSTER/AFP/Getty Images)

More Photos Golding, who led resistance to Coke’s extradition before public opinion forced him to reverse himself, is described in a document read to ABC News as a “known criminal affiliate” of Christopher “Dudus” Coke. According to official U.S. accounts , Golding’s Jamaican Labour Party (JLP) was voted into power through “Coke’s murderous and strong-arm tactics.”

Recently, Golding and other senior Jamaican officials have been electronically intercepted talking to Coke inside his fortified redoubt, US authorities say.

The major police action to capture Coke began Monday morning. On Tuesday, U.S. authorities said they believed Coke had escaped through a ring of hundreds of cops and soldiers who had surrounded the West Kingston neighborhood of Tivoli Gardens. Jamaican and US authorities report that Coke may have slipped through police lines and escaped into one of two adjoining areas, either Denham Town or Jones Town.


This could be the beginning of taking back Jamaica or allowing it to die as we have done.. We abroad have to give back:- our time, money, support and invest in a Justice System that is for the people. Politicians are to be prosecuted for corruption and police are to be policed, everyone has to an answer to someone. People it begins with us, the smallest thing that we may think isnt enough will be enough. As long as it is helping Jamaica . We need to start an organization that through funding we can help the youths: financially, emotionally and mentally.Migration has killed our nation, the minds that would help bring change to Jamaica have been discouraged and have stepped out, but its time to take it back. An organization that will make sure they money people send goes to the people it is sent for, on that builds centers to help the people and one that the corrupt government of Jamaica is unable to pressure into stripping it of its funds…WE R GOING TO TAKE BACK OUR JAMAICA.!


Cross Roads Police Station was ambushed this morning and two police men were killed..



Ska!! Today on The Badd Exxperience
 5-6pm EST on


Manhattan U.S. Attorney Charges Jamaica-Based

Drug Kingpin with Narcotics and Firearms Trafficking Crimes
AUG 28– JOHN P. GILBRIDE, Special Agent-in-Charge of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration’s New York Field Division (“DEA”;), JAVIER F. PEÑA, Special Agent-in-Charge of DEA’s Caribbean Division and PREET BHARARA, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that charges were unsealed against CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL COKE, a/k/a “Michael Christopher Coke,” a/k/a “Paul Christopher Scott,” a/k/a “Presi,” a/k/a “General,” a/k/a “President,” a/k/a “Duddus,” a/k/a “Shortman.”
COKE is charged with conspiracy to distribute marijuana and cocaine and conspiracy to illegally traffic in firearms. The United States has formally requested through diplomatic channels that Jamaican authorities arrest COKE and extradite him to the Southern District of New York on the U.S. charges. According to the Superseding Indictment unsealed on Friday, August 28, 2009 in Manhattan federal court:

COKE leads an international criminal organization known as the “Shower Posse,” with members in Jamaica, the United States, and other countries — which he has led since the early 1990s. At COKE’s direction and under his protection, members of his criminal organization sell marijuana and crack cocaine in the New York area and elsewhere, and send the narcotics proceeds back to COKE and his co-conspirators. COKE and his co-conspirators also arm their organization with illegally trafficked firearms. COKE has been named by the U.S. Department of Justice to the list of Consolidated Priority Organization Targets “CPOTs”;), which includes the world’s most dangerous narcotics kingpins.

COKE, 40, is charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana and conspiracy to illegally traffic in firearms. If convicted on the narcotics charge, he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison and a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison, as well as a fine of up to $4 million or twice the pecuniary gain from the offense. He also faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison on the firearms trafficking charge, and a fine of up to $250,000 or twice the pecuniary gain.

Mr. BHARARA praised the investigative work of the DEA’s New York Field Division and Caribbean Division, and thanked the U.S. Department of Justice Office of International Affairs for their assistance.

“The charges against Christopher Michael Coke starkly illustrate the dangerous connection between the international trade in narcotics and illicit firearms,” said United States Attorney BHARARA. “The charges are another important step in our bringing to justice the world’s most dangerous criminals, wherever they may be found.”innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Assistant United States Attorneys JOCELYN STRAUBER and JOHN ZACH are in charge of the prosecution, which is being handled by the Office’s International Narcotics Trafficking Unit.
The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

* These are the charges people read them and please argue reasonably on whether he should or shouldnt be extradicted*
********someone sent in this******** I understand that the JCF, JDF get help from US MARSHALLS and is crazy gunfire!
200 US Marshals came in yesterday to support local police and army personnel and 1 police shot… n Dem a ask Seaga fi help dem reslove di issue

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