This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Jus one person mi adressin right yasso… Lisa Hype/ Ms Winne..whey day smaddy seh she fi go bleach di eye brow dem….she bleach dem yes…ongly ting dem feva bleach blur…What  a young girl feva ole ooman hee man? Sumting really wrong yasso cause mi refuse fi really believe she really get up outa har house lookin like dis




Palmistry – What is it?
Palmistry (palm reading) is known by the Greek word, chiromancy, which is defined as foretelling the future through the study of the palm. The practice of palmistry was practiced as far back as 5000 years ago, and is traced back to Indian or Hindu roots. It then spread to China, Greece, Egypt, Persia, and Tibet as well as to other parts of Europe.

It originally began as a method of counseling, and personality assessment through the reading of one’s palm to obtain information such as emotional tendencies, fears, blockages, and strengths. Palmistry is used to help get in touch with the mind-body connection and to know the patterns set up for negative or positive thinking. The idea is to know what patterns are set up within the person that are negative and to replace those to a more positive way of thinking.

The practice has been considered as a pseudoscience which means a system of theories, assumptions, and methods erroneously regarded as scientific, according to the definition of Webster. At one time, the practice was taught in schools of higher learning because it was considered a science.

Palmistry – How is palm reading used?
Palmistry teaches that the hands are the road map of our lives. Every part of the hand contains markers to points on the map which the nervous system has created. There is an astrological reading related to each of our fingers. Through readings, the palm reader tells us even to the size of our Saturn finger how responsible you are. When these astrological signs are found, it is possible to understand yourself and others by simple observations of thumb size, length, lines, and skin color.

Palmistry – What are the spiritual concerns?
The practice of palmistry is a form of divination or part of the occult, and is directly associated with astrology and not science. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says, “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.”

If practiced, there are dangers in its use — physical, psychological, and spiritual damage.

In addition, risks include false medical diagnosis and predictions of disaster or death based on what the palmist supposedly sees in the hands. It has been noted that it is not good practice for a palm reader to predict death or serious illnesses from reading your palm yet it is done just the same. Much unwarranted anxiety is caused by false predictions.

Are you struggling with a big decision or wondering how your future will play out? Why not talk to the God of the universe? Ask God to show you what to do. He says, “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you” (Psalm 32:8).





Everyone who reads kinda know my flow. The last thing I would do is to discredit someone for their work intentionally. I just browsed my mailbox and encountered this Moron.

The pics from Angela Strikers party was taken by me my MV logo was cropped so mi nuh get no credit fi it. Suh jus tek dem down. Ok


Of course he got my automated response :-


Your email was received! This is an automated response
As you know, posts are made based upon emails that are sent in I see
it necessary to make a few changes the policy now so that things will
run smooth.
Please do not send in a story with only two pictures and just for the
sake of commenting while the pictures are up. Send in the whole story
from start to finish so we will get what you are
”commenting/talking” about.
If you are sending in pictures of events please do remove any sign or
site name that is on the picture before you email them. There must be
a maximum of ten pictures and no more. Thankyou
Lastly everyone is welcome to their say if something was said about
you and you want to say something to correct the matter, JMG has
always been open to that.
Please make your submission as unbiased as you can. We need to be fair
in our commenting of the story you send. If you are sending music and
you are a new artist please note that it is beneficial that you send
in a brief biography about your work!


Excuse you? Do you think crediting you will make me starve for me to take your pictures and crop them? Materials that are sent to me I don’t know where there were taken from. Why would I steal your credit when you seem to need it ? I will remove the pictures because I do not need your type of indignation  in my email.


Gq Dwight fwd: News flash (*): If u don’t have yu papers (green card,SSN etc) keep a low profile coz immigration is on the loose fr white plains RD – fordham RD so if u r somebody u kno don’t have dem shit warn dem dere also at di 47 precinct so dnt get locked up today…..
As per GQ Dwight FB

Speech Classes please ”First Lady”

Now its bad enough that D’Angel left Bounty after many years and married Beenie . I must say they have grown on us and its no longer hard to comprehend, their marriage is accepted. I find it rather distasteful that the Jamaican media paints D’ Angel in such a light that even after secretly knowing her ”file” that they would not encourage her to attend classes in order to improve her speech.
The Jamaican gossip vine never has anything pleasant to say about her reputation as a person , we can subtract and add to their stories even if they are not one hundred percent truthful . Those who come in contact with her describe her as somewhat callous with the determination and ability to get what she wants. So why not a speech class?
I see D’Angel as someone who is focused, if it is sex, she will be focused enough during the sex to split gains and losses. Why isn’t speech improvement seen as a gain / plus to D’Angel at this time? Is she focused enough to see that we, the media are only focusing on her outward appearance and not what she is from within? After all, she is a woman who focuses on gains so our acknowledging her and her work are her gains and her speech is somewhat seen as a loss?

D’Angel appears somewhat poised in her appearance that it really makes one look up for a second only to quickly bow your head in prayer for her not to open her mouth. It is really distasteful and disgraceful that we continue to highlight her on her superficial  inconsequential   achievements and not say how much she babbles like a fevered tongue and mispronounce words like ” pikcha/picture” which would be ok on the street but not with a room full of people in a formal setting.

Just what message are we really sending to our young women of today? Those who look up to D’Angel  as she would say ” a role moggle”/ role model. What is being exampled for them to model after? Her rise from groupie ashes/ power  as a woman/ or the fact that it is luck that got her there? Although we are not sure where ” there” is as yet because we  have not seen a full ”Pheonix” rise from her. Is flexibility too little to ask?  Is the ability to speak standard English and Patois that difficult a twin to give birth to?

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