This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


I’m sleeping with my own biological brother and I can’t just stop it

I am a 35 year old single woman from one of the densely populated townships in Kitwe. Form the onset I must introduce my self that I am a sex worker, that is the job I do to feed myself.

I know many people will have difficulties in believing my story but it happened and I keep asking myself why I did that.

When the Zambia national soccer team was playing Ivory Coast in the finals of the Africa Cup this year in Gabon, I made a pledge to about 15 men I was watching football with in my small house that should Zambia lift the Cup for the first time, there were going to sleep with me as part of my contribution to my country. I am a serious soccer fan and I love football, this is why I was forced to make this pledge to the men.

While we were watching football we were busy drinking beer including spirits which I bought from the previous outing and when the Zambian player Stopila Sunzu scored the winning spot kick, many people in our community went in town celebrating but the men I was watching football with demanded that I fulfill my pledge, I told them not to worry and I instructed them to make a line from the sitting room and up to the bedroom and they started coming in one by one sleeping with me.

I remember towards the end a fight between the men ensued when one man took long while sleeping with, his friends beat him up for taking wrong.

What I did not know is that my young brother aged 27 who had gone to Ndola to visit returned the same day and was busy drinking beer with his friends within Kitwe and while I was sleeping with the men, my brother popped in and also joined the queue without knowing what the queue was and was the last person to sleep with me, after he finished sleeping with me, we all slept on the same bed and in the morning when we were all sober we were all shocked to find ourselves in our birth day suits, completely naked on the same bed. We all pretended like nothing happened.

My brother usually sleeps on the sitting or living room while I sleep in the bedroom, I must admit that both my brother and I we drink beer, I was shocked to find my brother on my bed demanding for sex two days later, we ended up having sex and since then a strong love has developed between the two of us and we sleep on the same bed. I also enjoy having sex with him because of his ability to learn new things while having sex. He has since stopped me from going into town to do my night business. Our parents died many years ago, we live all by ourselves.

I know what we are doing is bad but my brother says he loves me and that I made I mistake to sleep with him the first day and that he cannot stop. I have tried to stop but I have difficulties to stop. We have since relocated to another densely populated township within Kitwe because some people are aware of what is happening between the two of us.

Sister X.



A GWERU man recently went berserk and severely assaulted his landlord after he allegedly caught him red-handed, pants down, having sex with his wife.

The enraged man landed himself in more problems when the assaulted landlord allegedly retaliated by evicting him from his house.

The man reportedly lost his wife in the process to the landlord.

The incident, which reads more like a movie script, occurred last week at a house along Serima Road in Mambo suburb in Gweru.

The man narrated his ordeal to Chronicle, highlighting how his landlord snatched his wife and evicted him from his house.

He said he intended to sue the landlord for snatching his wife.

“It’s a very painful experience to say the least because I did not expect my wife to betray me to that extent. She has been cheating on me, having an extra-marital affair with my landlord. As if that was not enough, when I was evicted for assaulting the landlord after catching him pants down with my wife, she refused to move out with me and remained at the landlord’s house,” he said.

He said by staying put at the house, his wife had apparently chosen the landlord over him.

The man who, however, indicated that he was no longer interested in re-uniting with his wife of two years, also accused the landlord of unlawfully evicting him.

“I suspect that my landlord and my wife had planned all this. After catching them red-handed in my bedroom, he decided to evict me without giving me any notice. To my surprise, my wife refused to leave and until now she is occupying the same room that we used to have as our lodgings. I am, however, still seeking legal advice on how to tackle this situation,” he said.

The wife declined to comment when she was contacted for comment.

The landlord confirmed that he evicted the tenant for “unbecoming behaviour” and dismissed his former tenant’s claims that he was in an illicit affair with the wife.

“I confirm that I evicted the man for his unbecoming behaviour. He is the best person to tell you the reasons for his eviction but to say that I snatched his wife is totally untrue,” he said.

The landlord said the man’s wife was still occupying the rented room she used to occupy with her estranged husband as she was now serving a notice.

“I could not continue accommodating him because of his violent behaviour and his wife is only serving notice. I am still expecting my rentals from the wife until their three months notice period lapses,” said the landlord.



Why is there basically no mention of the Devil in the Old Testament?

That is an excellent question, and we do our best to answer it in our book, Don’t Blame God: A Biblical Answer to the Problem of Evil, Sin, and Suffering. The handful of references to Satan in the Old Testament (see Gen. 3:1, Job 1:6-13; 2:1-7; Isa. 14:12-20, and Ezek. 28:1-19) did not fully reveal the being who Jesus revealed in the New Testament. Looking back in light of the New Testament, we understand these verses as referring to him, but they were sufficiently cryptic so as to conceal much information about him. They recognized the existence of a spirit realm, and good and evil spirits, but had no idea of the two spiritual kingdoms at war with one another.

The basic reason why God did not reveal the Devil to people in Old Testament times is that they were unprepared to deal with such a powerful spiritual being. They were not spiritually equipped to combat an invisible enemy with incredible supernatural ability who was committed to their destruction. Given that the vast majority of them had no spiritual weapons, the loving thing for God to do was to hide the Devil’s existence from them. To His credit, through the Old Testament God just “took the rap,” as it were, for evil by saying that if His people obeyed, He would bless them, and if they did not obey, He would afflict them. The latter is language that is explained in our book, Don’t Blame God! It is absolutely critical that Christians understand the Old Testament in light of the New Testament. God is love, and He will not do harm to His people.

Prior to the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1and following), only a few select people had the gift of holy spirit. One of the purposes of Jesus’ coming was to destroy the Devil’s work (1 John 3:8). On the Day of Pentecost Jesus poured out the gift of holy spirit, which inherently gives us spiritual power (Luke 10:19; John 7:39; Acts 1:8; etc.). Unlike the Old Testament, God has now revealed that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12). And further, unlike the Old Testament believers, we now have both spiritual power and authority to stand against the schemes of the Devil (Eph. 6:10 and 11).


“The killings appear to be linked to the earlier slaying of Keith Taylor, who, along with Bussereth, was involved in the drug rip-off, law-enforcement sources told The Post.
Taylor, 39, was killed on June 22 in Queens.”



Bad Man Or Good Man Which Do You Prefer?
It seems there are a significant amount of women are attracted to “bad men.” Men who are engaged in criminal activity, economically attached to crime and willing to commit murder. What is it about them that gets you excited? What happened to our engineers, mathematicians, scientists, doctors, and skilled tradesmen. They’re of no relevance and have no value in an uneducated low morals society. It’s all about the posers, flashers and the most hyped that seem to be running things. They usually end up in prison or die an early violent death. What is it that makes them attractive to some women? Do tell.
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