If you invested in Overseas Locket International Corporation, OLINT Corporation, OLINT TCI Corporation, Ltd. and/or TCI FX Traders, Ltd., between February 3, 2005 through July 15, 2008, inclusive, you may be eligible to receive compensation from the United States Government
.To be considered for Remission, you must complete a Petition for Remission Form (“Petition”) along with copies of all supporting documentation and return it to the Remission Administrator postmarked on or before June 14, 2013. A Petition can be obtain by visiting the Relevant Documents tab and clicking “Petition for Remission”. If you have any questions about the Remission Fund or how to complete the Petition for Remission, you may call (877) 281-4446; or send an email to classact@gilardi.com.
2 Responses to DIS REAL?
****RULES**** 1. Debates and rebuttals are allowed but disrespectful curse-outs will prompt immediate BAN 2. Children are never to be discussed in a negative way 3. Personal information eg. workplace, status, home address are never to be posted in comments. 4. All are welcome but please exercise discretion when posting your comments , do not say anything about someone you wouldnt like to be said about you. 5. Do not deliberately LIE on someone here or send in any information based on your own personal vendetta. 6. If your picture was taken from a prio site eg. fimiyaad etc and posted on JMG, you cannot request its removal. 7. If you dont like this forum, please do not whine and wear us out, do yourself the favor of closing the screen- Thanks! . To send in a story send your email to :- likeacopcar.78@gmail.com
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