Hi Met my story is about this girl Latty Buckas she said how because she has a famous dancehall promoter for her babyfather, people who hate on her are jealous. Now her babyfather is the man beside her Richie Indian he lets say mature man for her and she is a young woman. Ok fair enough some people don’t like her but there are many reasons why before she found her dancehall fame she was nothing at all and use to criticise other women in dancehall but since she met her babyfather and got her breast done (which she cant return to Jamaica for quite a while due to this) she has become hype and always seems to be critiquing others. My point is that not everyone hating on you because of who youe babyfather is couldnt care less to be honest but don’t try and they are jealous of you when there is other points to it.
93 Responses to DI ADDA POINT..
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