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Robert Mugabe is entitled to his opinion, and, of course, it is his democratic right to speak on any subject he so desires, even if that particular subject is not his forte. As it is said in the Desiderata, ‘Listen to the dull and ignorant, for they too have their story.’

A story carried by The Sunday Gleaner on September 9, 2012 alleged that President Robert Mugabe has warned Zimbabweans “not to be like Jamaican men, who are drunkards and ganja smokers”. The article went on to say that he claimed that Jamaican men have allowed their women to take over their universities.

While it is true that women outnumber men in our tertiary institutions, which is not unique to Jamaica, such a statement has the undertones of retrograde thinking..


For a head of state to have blanketed the citizens of another country with such caustic remarks, people from whom he has received moral support and has been enjoying an amiable relationship for more than three decades, must leave one wondering if psychological inertia has set in.

Mugabe’s behaviour, in recent years – especially with his land-reform policy and his treatment of his oppositions, and how he single-handedly managed to bring Zimbabwe’s economy from growth and prosperity to virtual ruin – has been nothing less than that of a deranged despot..

Mugabe has wantonly allowed the blood of the people of Zimbabwe to stain the soil. Many have been beaten and tortured, imprisoned, and even driven from the country of their birth under the tyranny of Mugabe.

So with what moral authority does he so castigate the men of Jamaica? It is a well-known fact that the voice of the Jamaican people has been very loud in championing the cause of Zimbabwe and the many other African nations that were under oppressive regimes.

Yes, we were there to cheer Mugabe along in his quest for the liberation of his country and his countrymen, and if it had been made possible, many of us would have gone there to stand with him as comrades in arms.

Now to have him casting aspersion on every Jamaican man, which he has no reasonable grounds to – because all over the globe there are large numbers of substance abusers, be it alcohol or other form of drugs such as ganja – is like a brother embracing you while stabbing you in the back.


[email protected]



Omugabe on Sat, 15th Sep 2012 4:12 am

Hey, Devon
Your Rant to the Editor is only helping to prove that Magnanimous Mugabe made a correct observation about Jamaican men not as eager in pursuing an effective education, as they are eager in pursuing the fleeting ganja smoke!
Your response comes across as ganja-fueled?
Nowhere has Magnanimous Mugabe stated anything about your “every Jamaican man”?
And nowhere has he stated anything about ‘all Jamaican men’?
Think about those two statements!
And then think about this other statement from Magnanimous Mugabe that you paraphrased “… Jamaican men have allowed their women to take over their universities …”
From your crazy conclusion about about ‘every Jamaican’, you must then conclude that Mugabe is suggesting that ‘every Jamaican woman’ attend Ja universities?
See how silly that conclusion is about Jamaican women and universities?
So you know to not claim, from his statement, that every Jamaican woman attend Ja universities?
Yet you jump to conclude that Magnanimous Mugabe has to be talking about ‘every Jamaican man’ is a ganja addict.
Why the inconsistency?
I know. The inconsistency is the result of Jamaican men not making every effort to effectively educate themselves, and instead they are defending the poisoning of the Nervous System with harmful ganja smoke.
If more of the men representing Ja to the world and to Mugabe, would pursue an effective education as they pursue the poisonous ganja smoke, then they would not be MISREPRESENTING Mugabe’s statement?
We suspect that the misrepresentation is a result of too much ganja smoke and too little education. And that is what Magnanimous Mugabe, the Wise, is implying about Jamaican males who represent Jamaica to the world and to themselves.
Mugabe is not making a statement about every last Jamaican man smoking ganja and not going to university. Otherwise he would have used the words ‘every’ or ‘all’. He did not.
The non-ganja smoker and the Jamaicans who pursue education know that Mugabe is not talking about them! lol
And by the way, to suggest that drug abuse & feminize universities exist outside of Jamaica, is an evil effort to distract from the fact that they are problems that need urgent attention!
The fact that in foreign countries there are wrongdoers/failures, is not an excuse for Jamaicans to be wrongdoers/failures also? So we need to quit with the tired, overused & specious comparison with shortcomings of others abroad!
It was African MALES of Kemet/Ancient Egypt who introduced Literacy, Formal Learning, Study, the Disciplines & Civilization to the world.
When females come to be dominating an area in society (universities) that should be a male domain, then something is radically wrong with that society and those universities!
It means that the evil eurocentric mis-educational system is fairly worthless, and needs reforming away from the devilish design plan — to produce mere literate Black servants and slaves for massa.
However, instead of investing time, energy and resources to reform the Jamaican mis-educational system, so that it can attract the males that would make the educational system really worthwhile, you know what some academicians are doing? They are foolishly and self-destructively promoting the legalization of ganja; in this way, the lives of even more Jamaican males can get lost and go up in the wasteful ganga smoke!
Those who are Africans and wise will welcome the wake up call from Magnanimous Mugabe, the Virtuous, the Wise, the Courageous, the TEACHER & the Scourge of the criminal european invaders occupying African Ancestral lands!
Also, only the wicked ***** man and their asinine apologist will worry about the loss of a racist rhodesia, which was designed IN AFRICAN SPACE & FOR WICKED ***** INVADERS ALONE!
Those Africans who are awake EVERYWHERE, welcome a Zimbabwe, in which Africans ARE LIBERATED AND SELF-DETERMINED, unlike the neo-colonialized Jamaica, whose unfortunate African citizens bow to a pale queen of the British Royal Racist Crime Family as their so-called ‘head of state’.

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