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Dr. Christopher Walker

May 19, 2009

Re: Summit of Shame




Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C.  20510-6225                                                                                     


Dear Senators:


As a Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a Florida resident, I am writing to inform you how I was solicited to make a financial contribution to a hedge fund called the Overseas Locket Corporation (OLINT).   Under the auspices of a foreign exchange trading company, little did I know my investment could be tied to one of the largest international Ponzi schemes to date, resulting in millions of dollars lost for honest, hard-working Americans.


OLINT was managed by a fraudulent individual named David Smith, a Jamaican National who now resides in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI).  He was arrested by the Royal Turks and Caicos Police on February 5, 2008 and charged with two counts of uttering false documents, four counts of forgery, and two counts of theft. Investigations have revealed the OLINT hedge fund was actually a Ponzi scheme.


David Smith attracted approximately US $1 billion to his hedge fund/Ponzi scheme before it collapsed. Currently he is under criminal investigation by the Middle District of Florida and this investigation very likely will result in his indictment. The US Department of Justice, IRS- Criminal Investigation Unit and the FBI are doing a courageous job in dismantling the OLINT conspiracy, which has been a national disaster affecting the lives of the three million Jamaican-Americans who reside in the United States.


Evidence exists that Smith engaged in money laundering and was connected to Sir Allan Stanford, who also ran a large Ponzi scheme based in Antigua. David Smith conspiratorially transferred large volumes of money into the hands of Jared and Isaac Martinez of JIJ Investments in Lake Mary Florida.


Smith is also connected to Istrokapital, a Russian company that is strongly linked to the Russian mafia.


Smith gave political contributions to the current governing political party in Jamaica, the Jamaica Labor Party (JLP).  These contributions resulted in the JLP legally seizing control of the government in the last general election.


Having financed the current governments’ election bid, the Jamaican police have not been allowed to objectively investigate David Smith and his family because of political interference from the ruling government.


On Friday May 15, 2009, the Honorable Bruce Golding, Prime Minister of Jamaica, met with David Smith at a meeting that can only be described as a “Summit of Shame”.


This meeting was orchestrated by the Jamaican Consulate Allan Hutchinson of TCI, who happens to be a personal friend of David Smith.  In fact, his wife Mrs. Yvonne Hutchinson, who started Precious Treasures Primary School in the TCI, employs Tracey Ann Smith, wife of David Smith.


This “Summit of Shame” is a breach of protocol and should not go unnoticed by American policy makers for the Caribbean.  This is particularly shameful since David Smith has been charged by her Majesty’s Turks and Caicos Police Force for fraud and he is responsible for destroying the economic lives of many hard working American citizens.


David Smith used corruption to assist the current Jamaican government to become elected and continues to corrupt the government to this day. The government of Jamaica refuses to cooperate with the US Department of Justice in the OLINT investigation because of major cash payments made by OLINT to the JLP when they were in the opposition in 2007.


Daryl Vaz the current Jamaican Minister of Information personally received cash support from OLINT. This has resulted in David Smith receiving political favors including unofficial immunity from prosecution in Jamaica.


Smith has bribed the Jamaican media including the prestigious daily periodical The Jamaican Gleaner to hide his corrupt financial practices from the masses, suppress the details of OLINT’s financial collapse and the illegal transfer of money from OLINT TCI to Jamaica with subsequent transfer to politicians such as Daryl Vaz.  In fact, most people do not know the OLINT Ponzi scheme was paying Mr. Don Creary, (owner of Creative Marketing Ltd., former Public Relations Officer for the Golding election campaign and a senior JLP member) to bribe key Jamaican journalists to suppress the details of the US investigation into OLINT.


I can fearlessly speak out about the dishonesty of David Smith and the corruption of the Jamaican government because I live in freedom in the greatest democracy in the world.   Further, I am not subject to political violence and intimation that silences most well thinking Jamaicans.


I call on this honorable committee to: 1) Halt ALL bilateral aid to Jamaica 2) For the International Monetary fund (IMF), not to offer any loan assistance to a Jamaican government that is strongly influenced by this OLINT Ponzi scheme conspiracy.

Bilateral and multilateral aid should be resumed when all American citizens have received restitution upon completion of the Department of Justice investigation into OLINT.
I invite the U.S Senate Foreign Relations Committee to probe the facts outlined above which has led to fraud being committed on American citizens.  In addition, I will be willing to send exhibits to illustrate the points that I have made. Further, I am willing to testify before the honorable Senate or Grand Jury to share these and other facts I have unearthed with the assistance of two private detective agencies.

Thank you in advance for any possible assistance.






Christopher Walker, MD, FACOG, FICS, FAACS


cc: President Barack Obama, President of the United States of America

Senator Hillary Clinton, United States Secretary of State

FBI- Central Florida Division

IRS- Criminal Investigation Unit

Transparency International

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Reed Smith, London- Simon Hart, Partner


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