Your favorite color will tend to be chosen by you especially in your clothing and home decor — it’s the one that mirrors the sexual you. Psychologists have found an association between color and sexual patterns.
People who like red tend to be tigers in the sack. They are easily aroused and enjoy sex in every way imaginable. Once the sexual spark is ignited, it may take hours to extinguish. When two reds get together, the ensuing erotica could make Lady Chatterly blush. Lovers of red tend to be aggressors and weaker colors should be aware.
If you tend to favor yellow, your sexual drives are complex and turn toward the adaptable. In most cases the person will consent to the stronger partner’s desires in a passive manner. You will never enjoy sex to the fullest, but you will never turn down an invitation from somebody you enjoy or admire.
Persons who like pink show a reluctance to mature in sexual matters: women tend to tease, to promise more than they intend to deliver. In some cases they flaunt their femininity — but because they secretly hate men. A great percentage of prostitutes boast entire wardrobes in pink. Men who like pink are the philanderers and flirts. They are the type who will make three dates for the same evening and not keep one, preferring to pick up a dish in some bar instead. Women whose husbands like pink should keep a secret nest egg.
Lovers of purple frequently consider themselves to be too sophisticated for a fun romp in the sack. Women sometimes are the type who hate to mess their hair. Men are business-like in their approach to lovemaking. In both sexes purple partners are more concerned with their fulfillment than anyone else’s gratification.
Black color preferences point to black sex (not necessarily meaning black partners). These people are the misfits of the sex world and seek out each other in kinship. They tend to prefer perverted sex and are usually masochistic or sadistic in nature. They are moody people and often perform at their peak when under stress or during unhappy times. Police psychiatrists claim that sex offenders prefer the color black. And it is no coincidence that the uniform of mobsters and teenage gangs is black attire.
Those who prefer green are fresh and innocent in their approach to sex. Women who love green will always make love like virgins all their life. And a man may always be a trifle clumsy and awkward but in a charming and endearing sort of way. Green lovers are gentle, but not passionate. If chosen as a mate, one will never need worry about infidelity.
Lovers of the color orange lean toward sexual fantasies. The sex act is regarded as a dramatic one-act play in which they are the star. Foreplay is as important as the act of love. They whisper sweet nothings, meaningless dialogue; they feel it is their image. Orange people often do not experience orgasm — but they put on a darn good act. Men tend to pull their partner’s hair, and women leave red welts on the sex partner’s back.
If you love brown, you’re a real treasure for the right mate. Brown lovers tend to be warm and deep, sensitive to the needs and desires of their partners. Sex is a 24 hour a day thing. Where you can’t say ‘I love you’ often enough. Snuggling by the fire, walking in the rain or catching snowflakes on their tongue is a turn-on to a lover of brown. They need lots of time and privacy to make love. But their emotions are such that one harsh word could end the affair.
The color gray is preferred by people who are indecisive. They can’t get excited about anything — including color — so they choose a noncommittal shade. Men who prefer gray look at sex as a way of relieving tension — but nothing more, nothing less. It’s wham, bam, thank you ma’am. Women don’t make love, they have intercourse. And for one of two reasons only: to accommodate their mate, or to become pregnant. They count the cracks in the bedroom plaster until the sex act is over with and done. But when teamed with another color, the gray spouse considers the other’s infidelity a blessing. When a gray marries another gray, the marriage is made in heaven.
Lovers of blue are wonderful sex partners. They are affectionate and sensitive to their partner’s needs. They consider love making a fine art and their approach is elegant. Men who love blue are like concert pianists, delicately ravaging their partner like they would play a baby grand. Women in the blue category enjoy sex to the fullest. They are exciting partners but their passion may be compared to a tidal wave rather than firery aggression. Both women and men enjoy foreplay and the aftermath of lovemaking, as much as the sex act itself. In marriage a blue person is a wonderful mate — never seeking outside interests
If a person is infatuated with white, sex often seems filthy. These people are puritanical in nature. French kissing is obscene and to make love in the daylight is unheard of. Women who love white will undress beneath the covers. Men will shower before and after the sex act. These people still use pet names for their genitals.
What is your favourite colour?
An avenging spirit of a Mozambican man who was allegedly killed in cold blood in 1989 for ritual purposes to enhance a grinding mill business has so far KILLED 15 family members.
This was in an unfolding court case at the Mutare Civil Courts in which two Mutare men from Fairbridge Park low-density suburb are seeking a peace order against Chief Zimunya, Headman Chitiyo and eight family members whom they are accusing of forcing them to consult a traditional healer over the matter.
The two applicants, Abel and Douglas Mvududu, accused their relatives of forcing them to consult a traditional healer (n’anga/sangoma) over the mysterious deaths in the family. Relatives allege that sometime in 1989 Abel killed his domestic worker in Gombakomba, A Mozambican named Vasco Frashisco for rituals in a bid to make money in his grinding mill business.
Victor who is accusing the two aapplicants said: “Our father’s brother, Abel, killed a man and put his blood on a grinding mill because he wanted to be successful. Hew lied to the family that the Mozambican had left for his country only for us to discover that that he was murdered in cold blood by our uncle. The family has lost over 15 people since 1989 and some are facing numerous problems in life.”
Victor said after the death of the 15 people, they decided as a family to approach a traditional healer who told them that the avenging spirit of Frashisco needed to be appeased. They were told that to solve their misery they had to part with nine cattle and three goats. They were shown the directions to Frashisco’s homestead in Mozambique.
“We are accepting our fate as a family but the problem is that the culprit behind the problems, who are now VERY WEALTHY don’t want to co-operate and assist. They are LIVING GOOD LIVES while we are suffering. My father is dead because of the avenging spirit of Frashisco. Abel and Douglas are the only fathers left in the family but they are refusing to cede to the demands by Frashisco. Abel’s children are all abroad doing well at our own expense and he is not even willing to spend a cent and help the family. Instead he had dragged us to court,” said another family member identified as Jeremiah.
Bhasera, who is also a respondent to the peace order said: “Douglas is not the one who murdered the Mozambican. I am surprised why he is taking Abel’s side and I don’t even know what has entered into my brother’s minds. They have changed and I am even afraid of approaching them. I just want them to reason with us and solve these misfortunes that have befallen the family.”
Headman Chitiyo also fumed and said the applicants had belittled the powers of the chief. “Nyaya idzi dzengozi dzinotongwa kumatare amambo kana sabhuku vanhu voripa ngozi yopera mumusha. They are trying to run away from the real story by seeking a peace order. They have to pay nine beasts and 3 goats which are required to appease the spirit of the deceased. That’s what we know in our tradition,” said Headman Chitiyo.
The applicants are being represented by Mr Akisai Dhliwayo and the respondents by Mr Chris Ndlovu.
The Daily Grind: Sacrifice
By Charlotte Dugan
I was at my grain mill, grinding flour for our daily bread. Out the window the rain came down–again. In the Northeast we haven’t had the violent outbreaks of tornadoes that have plagued the Midwest, but we’ve had an overabundance of storms, and many of them have been powerful, loud, lightning-laden cloudbursts. As I turned the flywheel around and around I was reminded of one particular 4th of July. I was 9 years old, and we were at my aunt and uncle’s house for a barbeque. Out of clear, blue skies came a powerful storm, and with it, tornadoes. I remember the fear of crouching in the basement hoping for safety. As we drove home later that night, power lines were down everywhere, branches and trees strewn about like pick-up sticks. And on our arrival home, our own 100-year old tree lay across the driveway and on our neighbor’s lawn.
The next day we learned that another neighbor had been at Lakewood Park on Lake Erie for the Independence Day festivities when the mighty storm hit. She was 16 years old. Amidst the wind, rain, lightning, and thunder, she took refuge under a huge, old tree. Suddenly, the tree was ripped from its roots and began to fall. At the last second, a boy nearby pushed her out of the way, and was killed right where she had just stood.
As I pondered this, some questions came to mind. Being only 9, I don’t remember all the details of the incident. I wondered if she knew the boy; if he were her friend or just a bystander. I wondered how her family dealt with the boy’s death, and whether or not they went to his funeral, and how it would be to face his parents, whose loss was so great, whose burden so incomprehensible, but whose sacrifice saved their own daughter. I especially wondered about the 16-year-old. Was she a wild girl, or well behaved? What impact did this boy have on her life, and how differently did she live afterward? Maybe it had no effect at all.
2 Corinthians 5:15
“And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”
In two different scenarios, people have universally asked of God, “Why ME?” The first is amidst their own personal suffering and pain, and the second is when they survived a tragedy that took the lives of others, such as a plane crash, or in a war.
So in a sort of role reversal, let’s say you are the 16-year-old girl. How do YOU feel when you ask, “Why me?” Let’s say you discover the boy was a pretty lousy person, selfish, mean-spirited, a bully and a braggart, and that in this, his final moment, he reached out and ended his life with this one selfless act. That might tempt you to feel somewhat justified about the whole situation, and yet I doubt that even then you would remain unchanged, unmotivated to live a better life. But what if he were your best friend?
One of the most agonizing occasions for any man or woman to ask “Why me?” is when faced with their life being spared at the expense of another better than their own. We instinctively see the unfairness of it, the injustice, the greatness of the other. The more we learn and know of the other’s life, their goodness and value, the little touches that made them distinct and powerful in their influence on the world, the more it moves us to respond. I submit that our response to that sacrifice is in direct proportion to our clear understanding of what occurred and who it was that gave their life for us.
When it comes to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us, the Word of God is very clear on the state we were in:
Romans 5:6-8
(6) You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
(7) Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.
(8) But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Ephesians 2:1
As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.
As to the state of Jesus Christ, our Sacrifice, the Word of God is also abundantly clear.
2 Corinthians 5:21
God made him who had no sin to be sin [a sin offering] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
He had no sin. NO sin. NO sin. Wow.
At this moment, stop and consider this man who died for you. How well do you really know him? Can you say you have a personal relationship with him, like you have with your best friend? Do you really understand what he’s done for you? Can you visualize a face for him, a smile, a moment with him in person? Would you sit with him and watch the television shows you watch? Would you tell the jokes you tell with him at your side? Would you get up and answer the phone for a needy friend at 10 p.m. if Jesus were staying with you? Because he IS at your side, and he IS with you. Again I submit that your response to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ will be in direct proportion to your clear understanding of what occurred and who it was that gave his life for you.
How was it that Paul was able to say:
Philippians 3:7-11
(7) But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.
(8)What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ
(9) and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ–the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.
(10) I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
(11) and so somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Who wants to party with someone who guarantees that, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” (2 Tim. 3:12)? Paul did. Why? He must have known Jesus Christ so personally that he saw something glorious! He understood the nature of life, and where this thing is going, and what Jesus has in store. Why you? For God so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son for you, that whosoever you are, you could share in eternal life (John 3:16). God saw value in you, in your abilities and life. And Jesus pushed you out of the way of the falling tree.
1 John 3:1
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
1 John 3:16a
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
So now what? The ball is in your court. As you get to know your Lord, as you develop your understanding of just who he was/is and what he did/is doing/will do for you, you will find your response approximating the sacrifice. It is then that you can fulfill Ephesians 4:1:
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.”
Explore the crimes of one of history’s most psychotic killers, a man who emerged from a normal suburban upbringing with a sickening hunger that could not be slaked.
Views of shocking photos from the crime scenes.
Features an exclusive interview with Dahmer’s parents.
Explore the forces that may have motivated one of the world’s most vicious serial killers.
He is one of history’s most psychotic killers, a man who emerged from a normal suburban upbringing with a sickening hunger that could not be slaked. The incredible case of Jeffrey Dahmer captured headlines and imaginations worldwide. The appalling details of his crimes were as disturbing as they were compelling, but what drove him to commit such hideous acts?
Leading psychologists explore the forces that may have motivated him, and police detail the extraordinary and sickening details of the case as they were discovered. Shocking photos from the crime scenes reveal the depths of Dahmer’s depravity. And in an exclusive interview, Dahmer’s parents talk of the child they raised, and their shock and horror at the discovery of his crimes.
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