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So, with all this said, what do you consider to be the true religion?

Nature: Religion is based on rules and rituals. I am not much of a religious person .Many of these rituals that these religions do are not godly. Because if you should tell me that you would need to kill in order for God to be happy, that would not be of God. Many of these people are very happy the death of Christ occurred in a sense where they glorify it. They glorify good people dying. In the case of Christ, even he tried to hide before he was killed. He hid and his friends betrayed him and this is in reality if you don’t try to deny the truth. It took several pieces of silver to find him. There is no way someone could come to do something and would hide and feel betrayed or call it betrayed by-

He shouldn’t have been hiding for it to be said he was betrayed. I believe he was a guy who came to do God’s work. He was not born with all these things in his brain, he was born as a normal person but the important and interesting thing about this man was that he asked a lot of questions, he searched. Even when his mother was looking for him and his stepfather which is Joseph, and they were searching all over for him. He was in the temple asking questions which many big people would be afraid to ask.

But in saying that, do you think that Jesus Christ was the Messiah?

Nature:He was anointed and appointed.
What is the difference between anointed and appointed and being the Messiah?

Nature: What is your opinion of the Messiah, what do you consider to be a Messiah?

The Messiah must have been the person who came to clear the path that we as human beings who are less than angels and who were fallen short spiritually, who could not communicate with God directly and therefore could not get redemption from God directly. That person came to shorten that path, so the word Messiah for me means savior. So he came to save us and set a path so that we could we could be save. That is what the word means and yes I do believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah because he did that.

Nature: But wasn’t Moses before Jesus Christ, so if you should say Jesus Christ , the Messiah and the reason why he is a Messiah is because he came to enable to speak more directly to God right- That wouldn’t make him the Messiah, I would have to say that he wasn’t much of Messiah than Moses. There were many people before Jesus Christ who God spoke to, they heard voices-

They were not from the linage, the pure linage. Just like you said before, people who are of those angels that came down and they will fall short of God so God had to make sure that the linage that he wanted the person to come from was pure. All those years when all those people were being born , God made sure that there was this one person that came purely from that line. Jesus was this person. If you go back and want to say that Moses could have been a Messiah, you would not be able to say that because for one, he did wrong things-

Nature: No , Im not saying that Moses was a Messiah, I am saying that if the man reason why Jesus came was to make sure that people had a direct connection with God. I am just saying that people before him had this connection and also Mary-

Mary had the seed of the blood line already in her so there was already a connection with Him, when Moses spoke to him , it was still not a direction connection for the people. When Jesus Christ came he told them and showed them ways of living.He showed them that -Here I am, I came here this way and because he came down this way he could show them how to live-. In saving someone doesn’t mean you have to take their hand and carry them across the street in order to show them how. It could be an example that you show them , you could write it on a piece of paper and tell them how to cross the street. Jesus Christ left a lot of marks for mankind to follow in the way he lived that we could follow through and be saved by that. We could not do that with anyone before because everyone before had fallen short. Remember Moses killed a man and he disobeyed God at one point.

Nature: You made a very important point in comparing Jesus and Moses but let me elaborate more about Savior . Let me share my comparison between Moses and Jesus Christ. They both became angry at some point in their life :- Moses because of his anger , broke the block the Ten Commandments were on . I also remember the bible mentioning Jesus Christ being angry in the temple when he saw the men gambling and even God himself said at one point in the bible that he became angry. So I guess we do have some characteristics of God. Also I remember one verse where it said that God cried when he looked down on mankind and saw how they became, he cried. That means God have emotions and so do we, which says we can be tempted as people who were created less than angels . The bible tells us that Lucifer , the devil who was cast down here on earth is more powerful than us so we are immune to these temptations-

No no, the bible says the angels in heaven are more powerful but remember satan was de-throned so more than likely some of his powers were taken away .


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