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Who is responsible for the uneducated teacher?

In the past few years we have seen a young Jamaican man who has  constantly degraded our Jamaican culture and beliefs. However, he has been praised for being one of the best lyricist and the most intelligent in comparison to other dancehall artiste.    He has made his way to the University of the West Indies with an invite from Carolyn Cooper, ironically the head of Literary and Cultural Studies.  I still do not understand what Carolyn Cooper was trying to do by giving this invitation.  Mr. Palmer has trampled our culture and  changed his skin colour in the process. He  has successfully made the rag doll more valuable than the Jamaican woman.  Any invitation given to Mr. Palmer by the University of the West Indies should have been extended by the school of Psychology and Mental Health.      Mr. Palmer is the complete package of what Jamaicans like The Wailers, Marcus Garvey and Jacob Miller worked tirelessly  to prevent. He is a manufactured product of self hate and low self esteem. Which he waste no time in sharing as he records at least five songs per week.   This very irresponsible person has not been held accountable for any of his actions.  He has put many young women in the spotlight by insulting their womanhood just to boost his ratings. So why is he not being corrected?    While, if a young man is found guilty of physically beating a woman he is put in prison regardless of his circumstances.  Where as Mr. Palmer has beaten down the morality of the Jamaican women who are made helpless due to the cycle of poverty. Yet he has not been reprimanded or sentenced.

Mr. Palmer has not only used the media to spew venom but has created a following by dividing dancehall and creating his  “gaza” precept.  The word Gaza when translated in English means strong hold.  Mr. Palmer use of the word Gaza is very fitting for what he has done and continues to do.   Gaza is a part of war torn Palestine and has never been self ruled it is a place of conflict and chaos.  Similar to Mr. Palmer’s following the Gaza is in turmoil.  One of the main reasons why crime and unrest goes without punishment in the Gaza because head countries such as  Israel take no responsibility where the Gaza is concerned.

Who will take responsibility for Mr. Palmer’s actions?  What will happen when a nation of immoral children become adults?.  Who will be responsible for a motherless nation?  The consequences will be far worse than slavery.   The only reason why Jamaica still exists is because of our vibrant culture and music.  Our culture is depleting with individuals like Mr. Palmer who has pushed the envelope with his self destruction message.  He has openly said he has no social responsibility and acts accordingly.

The Jamaican government  has implemented processes to fight gun crime. Yet,   I have never seen a young Jamaican man manufacture a gun.  But I have seen where Mr. Palmer’s lyrics which he has created have killed self respect and self love.  Mr.Palmer has said that he will not be singing any more “gun tunes” as if he should be given a prize for this.  The truth is the songs that he sings to demean women are more dangerous than singing about guns.  If we have no loving and responsible mothers we will have a hateful nation.
My main concern is how long will this go on for we already have enough criminals and misplaced individuals in Jamaica.  We do not have any room for any more unloved children.  The space of  hopeless young men on the corner looking for acceptance are all filled.  We do not have any need for girls who think sex is the only thing they can offer.   Our country has already felt the hands of  politicians.  Hence, we have no need for Mr. Palmer’s political aspirations and self hate campaigns.   I am appealing to Jamaicans to take a stand.  It is our music we are responsible for what plays through the speakers be it   night or day.  All producers and musicians should make music on our behalf.  If it is the case that they have nothing good to sing about they should not sing at all.

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