Psalm 23
1You, LORD, are my shepherd.
I will never be in need.
2You let me rest in fields
of green grass.
You lead me to streams
of peaceful water,
3and you refresh my life.
You are true to your name,
and you lead me
along the right paths.
4I may walk through valleys
as dark as death,
but I won’t be afraid.
You are with me,
and your shepherd’s rod [a] makes me feel safe.
5You treat me to a feast,
while my enemies watch.
You honor me as your guest,
and you fill my cup
until it overflows.
6Your kindness and love
will always be with me
each day of my life,
and I will live forever
in your house, LORD.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009, 13:32
S E C R E T HAVANA 000491
EO 12958 DECL: 08/08/2029
1. (C) Summary: The U.S. Coast Guard Drug Interdiction Specialist (DIS) assigned to the U.S. Interests Section (USINT) in Havana, Cuba has spoken with Cuban Ministry of Interior (MININT) officials on multiple occasions, as recently as 4 August 2009, regarding their perceived lack of Government of Jamaica (GOJ) cooperation in attempting to curtail the flow of illicit narcotics to the Bahamas and the United States. Cuban MININT officials contend that narcotics smugglers from Jamaica are utilizing both Cuban airspace and waters to transport narcotics ultimately destined for the United States, but their repeated attempts to engage Jamaica on the issue have been ignored. End Summary.
2. (C) On 4 August 2009, DIS wrapped-up a two-day trip to Camaguey, Cuba where he received a briefing on the 5 July emergency landing of an aircraft, enroute from Jamaica, that dropped 13 bales of marijuana over a barren field in Cuba located southwest of Playa Santa Lucia in Camaguey Province. According to Cuban officials, the aircraft was destined for a pre-determined location over Bahamian waters where the narcotics would be dropped to two waiting go-fast vessels for eventual shipment to the United States. The crew of three discarded the contraband prematurely when they experienced engine problems.
3. (C) On 4 August, the DIS visited Joaquin de Aguero airport in Playa Santa Lucia where the smugglers’ aircraft is located; DIS was provided with further insight from airport officials as to how the case played-out, and how Cuban authorities responded. According to the Cuban Anti-Drug police (DNA), all three traffickers onboard the aircraft are being detained in Cuba. XXXXXXXXXXXX
4. (C) The aforementioned case follows a 27 May 2009 case in which a joint-interdiction of a Jamaican go-fast vessel in the vicinity of Playa Guardalavaca, Cuba, that resulted in the Cuban Border Guard seizing 700 kg of Jamaican marijuana. This, after the Cuban Border Guard interdicted the vessel in its waters utilizing real-time information from OPBAT, USCG District 7, and the USCG DIS in Havana. The DIS attended a briefing on this case with Cuban officials, and boarded the subject narco-trafficking vessel.
5. (S) While the DIS is often briefed via formal means on the type of cases mentioned above, side-bar conversations during provincial trips outside of Havana with Cuban MININT officials often yield increased insight into Cuban counterdrug (CD) operations and mindset. A prevailing concern and significant frustration on the Cuban side is the reportedly complete lack of cooperation afforded them by the GOJ when it comes to CD information sharing. DIS has spoken to no fewer than 15 Cuban MININT officers whose primary missions/roles are drug interdiction or support to drug interdiction. Collectively and continually, they express frustration over the GOJ’s consistent ignoring of Cuban attempts to increase the flow of drug-related information between the two island nations to increase interdictions and avoid “being surprised by drugs.”
6. (C) MININT officers, specifically the MININT’s international relations division and anti-drug directorate,
with whom the DIS communicates extensively, consistently allude to the lengths the GOC has gone to in order to enhance the relationship. Without fail, MININT officials allude to the fact that narco-related information (i.e. information on go-fasts and aircraft transiting to/from Jamaica in the vicinity of Cuba) passed to the GOJ is always translated to English because in the past GOJ officials stated to the GOC that they did not understand Spanish; MININT officers report that despite their efforts, GOJ officials still do not respond.
7. (S) In October 2008, DIS attended a counternarcotics meeting onboard the RFA WAVE RULER in the Port of Havana. The meeting was arranged by the UK Defense Attache to encourage greater cooperation between GOC and GOJ over CD efforts; during conversations with the Attache, the DIS learned that the impetus behind the meeting was to bring GOC and GOJ authorities together to encourage greater dialogue, and to quash growing frustration between the two. In comments to the DIS after the meeting, Cuban officials stated that the two Jamaican officers “just sat there and didn’t say anything.” MININT officers mention that Jamaican officials commonly agree to greater information sharing in person; however, that is the extent of their efforts.
8. (C) Currently, Cuban officials appear resigned to the idea that they will not see greater GOJ cooperation in the near future. On 3 August, the DIS asked the chief of the MININT’s international relations department if he thought Cuban officials would sit down at a table with USCG, DEA, Jamaican officials, and Cuban DNA officers to discuss CD issues; he said it would be a possibility, but that the GOC does not have a suitable liaison officer at its embassy in Jamaica. DIS responded by asking if an officer or group of officers from the DNA would be able to travel to Jamaica for such talks; he once again stated that it is a possibility.
9. (C) Comment: DIS gauges that the GOC genuinely desires greater information sharing on CD issues with Jamaican authorities to serve the GOC’s strategic interests. Should we decide to pursue broader counternarcotics cooperation with the GOC, MININT-DNA may be willing to attend talks with US drug authorities in concert with Jamaican authorities. At the present time, however, it appears frustration is building within the ranks of the Cuban MININT-DNA, especially as CD cases continue to bring illicit narcotics in close proximity or actually to Cuba and its littorals, posing an interdiction challenge for Cuban authorities. Through their constant reminders to the DIS and via press reports to the Cuban people, GOC officials ultimately blame the United States for this problem due to the high demand for illicit narcotics by United States consumers. End Comment. FARRAR
Trilateral commission & Bildeberg group
Trilateral commission and bildeberg group
Tc was formed by David Rockefeller, with the main purpose said to be the unification of Europe and the u.s.a . the full member ship list of this group is private, but there have been several leaks, showing that they are made up of mostly wealthy bankers, businessmen and politicians. Bill Clinton, jimmy carter( ex u.s presidents are member of this group) also Dick cheney the former vice president. They meet annually all over the world and share close ties with the bildeberg group.
The bildeberg group is similar to the trilateral commission, they got their name from the hotel bildeberg in the Netherlands, where they had their first meeting. Their meetings are extremely secretive and their members take oaths to never talk what happens in those rooms. Many argue that they are the most powerful organisation in the world and not the illuminati, which does have a point because these men hold the most powerful men in the world. Barrack Obama was a junior senator, when he went to the bildeberg meeting, and within a year he was running for president and won( I know some clown will say im badmind, but if you think he jumped from senator to president in a year because of the black voters den you are dillusional). Here is the funny thing, the republican leaders are also in the same group, so when you turn up on election day thinking your voting for change, your actually not, cause they will be the master of whoever in power.
The difference between them and the illuminati, is that they claim to have the worlds best interest at heart, however hardcore conspiracy theorists will tell you that bildeberg is controlled by the illuminati and that’s why they have the practically the same members. Illuminati is more covert and doesn’t like to be seen, bildeberg is more in your face like politicians etc. they share the common goal of a new world order where, there will be one government and one army. Anybody remember the recession?? That was the work of these groups, the dream is eliminate the middle class, so there is only rich and poor like it was in the old days. as long as there is a middle class, this cant happen and they will keep starting wars and recessions until this happens, it might not be in our lifetime, but if you read the book of revelations you will see that the beast is the one who will be the leader of this one world organisation, the whole mark of the beast thing?? Hope you have put the pieces together and see how things are gonna play out. This is not to scare you and I do not claim to know all about them because they are secretive for a reason, knowledge is power though and you can never have too much of it. I hope another ignorant person don’t come and jump on my back and say im promoting devil worshipping, because there is always one!!!! If you can read and understand, that’s the key word because a lot of people can read, but they cant digest what they are looking at. Anyway for the few who follow my posts, stay tuned, by the end of the week it will be the evil masters of the world. The ILLUMINATI………….
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