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quick summary of why we celebrate christmas on december 25th

Since we are all going through the Christmas season, I thought it would be appropriate to show where the holiday season and the idea that it was Jesus birthday came from. As usual I will try to be as unbiased as possible, like most of you I was raised in church but had a lot of questions. Everything I write here is easily accessible if you wish to look for it, I would never willingly mislead anybody or discourage anyone from their religion. What I will do is point you to things that you won’t hear in Sunday school, you can then go and ask your local pastor about anything you see here, but I am willing to bet that they will either dismiss it as blasphemy or say something like you just can’t understand because GOD works in mysterious ways ***blank stare****
Let’s start by saying that there isn’t a lot of historical facts about Jesus, most of what we know are guesses from so called scholars and old traditions of the Roman Empire. There was a pagan messiah called MITHRA I urge you to google him. Mithras was born on December 25th, was born of a virgin mother, had 12 disciples, was crucified and rose. That’s Mithras I just spoke about and as we all know Jesus has the same story….what does this mean?? I will talk about that at the end. Now there was an emperor called CONSTANTINE, he ruled over the ROMAN EMPIRE when it officially recognized Christianity. The dominant religion at the time was Mithraism and what we know as Christianity was still small and unknown. The story goes that Constantine was about to go to war, when he had a vision of a cross and he was to fight with this symbol. He went to war with Maxentius and won, this convinced him that the cross (Christianity) is the right way to go.
He had defeated his enemy and was now the reigning emperor, he decided to convert the people to Christ, this made the catholic church quite happy (they were still quite young in these times). The problem they had was that the people already had somebody that they been worshipping all their lives, how do you make them start to accept Jesus???? Well they came up with an idea; why not just keep the old traditions….. This would reduce the confusion. They set up the council nicea in ad 325 that officially recognised Sunday as the day of worship(up until this point is was Saturday) , they placed Jesus birthday on the same day as Mithras and kept most of the old practices, including the worship of the sun god(that’s why the day is called Sunday). By now I’m sure you have questions, maybe you did a quick search on Mithras and saw the similarities between him and Jesus and saw the weak excuses that the church has given as to why it’s like this. You may ask what is this guy trying to say? The answer is that the religion we know as Christianity was built around various pagan religions and merged. The emperor and pope at the time had a problem though, what about those books that has in the things that would conflict with what we are feeding the people? Simple take them out. I would advise you to go have a look at the book of Enoch, gospel of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Judas, Phillip etc. oh that’s right you don’t have them in the king James version.
I asked a question earlier, what does all this mean? Well any religious leader who is honest will tell you that, over time we have lost a lot of information on Christ(I prefer to say hidden instead of lost), and as a result a lot of things were taken to fill the gaps. Jesus Christ was not born on the 25th, but does that mean we should all stop celebrating Christmas, because it’s a pagan tradition (was called Yule back then) ? I don’t think so, it’s good that we all pretend to be merry and love each other, even if its once a year. It also serves as a good time to unwind with family and friends and look back on the past year. Just don’t fall into the trap of thinking that your celebrating Christ birthday, because he certainly wasn’t born in the winter. I know I strayed from the birthday a few times, but that’s just so the people who have never heard about Constantine, will have a clue what’s going on. This is not the life of Christ post that I promised, just a taster of things to come.
I will give you a preview of the next post.
Jesus Christ was a preacher of love, peace etc. lets remember that your religion is largely decided by where your from. If you get your most die hearted Christian and go back in time and make them born in china, guess what they will probably be a die hearted Buddhist, or if they were born in india they would be hindu, Iraq-muslim etc. you get my point. Love is love in any religion; I do not believe that a clean hearted Buddhist will burn in hell, while a one day Christian who keeps sinning and begging for forgiveness will go to heaven. I’m still not sure about this idea of hell!!! Am I to believe that a loving GOD is going to put somebody who has harm no one, love his neighbour as himself etc but just didn’t become an official Christian; this person will go to the same hell as ADOLF HITLER,MUSSOLINI,GEORGE BUSH, JLP AND PNP LEADERS ???? JOSEF STALIN had millions die under his control, but he will get the same hell fire as a man that only told a few lies?? Or are there different levels of heat in hell?? Die hearted Christians come prepared to answer these questions, next time when the forbidden post drops on JMG. Intelligent discussion only please…..

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