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As per Nata ( wifey, ooman pandy side ) tek note


Monday, January 11, 2010

WOMEN are typically givers and nurturers, and it is for this reason that they sometimes feel trapped between a rock and a hard place when they reflect on their relationships. There are women who give their heart and soul and just about anything else to please a man, often getting nothing in return. How many women today feel like they are fighting a losing battle, and that it’s time to throw in the towel? If you feel your relationship is a sinking ship, maybe it’s time to let go.

The new year is upon us, and maybe we need to get rid of unwanted things not only in our homes and offices, but also in our personal lives. Is your relationship worth holding on to? If your relationship is characterised by most or all of the following, then maybe it’s time to let go.

1. He knows his actions hurt you — you’ve told him a million times, yet he continues to do those very things. Men, if you do not give due consideration to your partner’s feelings, chances are she will find someone else who does.
2. You are no longer his first priority — in fact, you now seem to be last on his list as everyone and everything else comes before you. Not only do you feel neglected but you know no amount of pleading will change this.

3. He does not compromise or make sacrifices for you. His only interest is in the things that are important to him.
4. The frequency of calls and texts have decreased tremendously, changing from at least once per day to once per week.
5. He is sending mixed signals: this minute he seems as if he wants you and the next minute he does not.
6. You crave his attention, even crying tears, but not even this moves him.
7. You are now beginning to take the colour of the furniture because he no longer takes you out, and when you do invite him out, he blows you off at the last minute.
8. He no longer showers you with compliments; to make matters worse, he shows little or no appreciation for you whatsoever, not even with gifts or kind gestures.

9. You have been with your partner for a number of years, yet he still does not want to fully commit to you
10. Your partner is never too tired for lovemaking; however, he is always too tired to help around the house or with the children.
11. You are in a relationship but feel as if you are still a single person. He does almost everything without including you and never asks for your suggestions on the major things.
12. Your partner has cheated more than once, and although he keeps apologising, he keeps doing it — and you keep taking him back.
3. You are at the point where you want to do him harm, whether physical or emotional. And not only do you find yourself flirting, but also cheating, or at least thinking about it.
Many women are guilty of loving their men more than themselves. They sacrifice and compromise endlessly to make them happy, yet the more they sacrifice and compromise, the less they feel loved and cherished. If that sounds like your situation, maybe it’s time to kick your man to the kerb. What sense does it make to be with someone, and still be unhappy?
Maybe it’s time to make some changes; demand what you are worth, and don’t settle! Demand the essential elements of a lasting relationship — love, honesty, support, attention, respect and the most important, communication.
A note to men: women don’t cheat just for the sake of cheating. Usually, they find in the other person something you lack. Don’t take your partner for granted. Show her that you love her, appreciate her and make her know that she is a valuable part of your life. Remember, she chose to be with you because of who you initially appeared to be, not because she can’t do any better…so if you pretended to be who you are not just to get her, when your true colours begin to show, she may just leave you.

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