“I missed the grand entrance this year but Mr and Mrs Mafia made quite an entrance as Flippa took the mic and proclaimed his love to his wife Marsha and how people are trying to mash up their relationship *blank stare* I don’t do gossip but if you follow a certain blog, you know exactly what Mafia is referring
Public hypocracy is becoming rampant amoung you people I see, now you dont do gossip but you know of my blog? Hahahaha. I dont put other sites down because to each his own, I may make my one or two comments about something but most of the time I have nothing to say because at the end of the day, this blog that has been causing such a stirr rests soley on my conscience. A thief is never pleased about another thief carrying a longer bag than him, especially when that thief only appears to be a thief but isnt one..I hope u get my drift. Most of you try to discredit my blog and you are on here more than even me who runs my shit. The other day on twitter I saw Nikki Z say how funny the blog is, yes because its for entertainment. Someone with the name ” world of flavors” passed a remark asking how could Nikki laugh inbetween shaking her head.. something to that effect.. I dont remember the exact comment. Now some of you who claim to have your own thing would claim intelligence as a part of your credentials right? I wonder how much did it cost for you people to develop your inteligence, better yet how much would it cost to use some? I must add the the ” world of flavors ” comment was later deleted from the twitter because I had gotten an email from the person commending me on the blog and I had to really go back and search through Nikki ‘s twitter because I know what I had seen before. When I started this blog I ran the link only on 876 , the thousands of people who log on daily have gotten the link from people who have passed on the link to others. I dont come here and boast how many page views I have because the one time I did badmine almost blinded me everytime I logged on. I would like to say however, that its a whole lot more now than the numbers I had put before. I would like to say in regards to the Flipper Mafia episode we had here, that this kind of thing is why our Jamaican women feel the need to settle and end up being quietly bitter for the rest of their life. No one here wanted to destroy Flippa’s relationship, he has children and women with feelings. The point that I hoped was taken from the whole thing was that he would cover his tracks better in the future. I dont boast because I am not a braggart, I was brought up to be humble…. to an extent… lol. My blog is on every ears because of the vibes that are here, sometimes we laugh over the simpliest of things … and we laugh hard . That’s the reason people come here and return. Most of the stories that I put up on here, the people that are written about , most of them seem to have the same line ” I love the blog and the stories, even if they are about me I cant help it”. So go figure-
p.s this little excerpt was sent in by one of my viewers and I made a topic from it lol.. people look out fi mi yooooo
****RULES**** 1. Debates and rebuttals are allowed but disrespectful curse-outs will prompt immediate BAN 2. Children are never to be discussed in a negative way 3. Personal information eg. workplace, status, home address are never to be posted in comments. 4. All are welcome but please exercise discretion when posting your comments , do not say anything about someone you wouldnt like to be said about you. 5. Do not deliberately LIE on someone here or send in any information based on your own personal vendetta. 6. If your picture was taken from a prio site eg. fimiyaad etc and posted on JMG, you cannot request its removal. 7. If you dont like this forum, please do not whine and wear us out, do yourself the favor of closing the screen- Thanks! . To send in a story send your email to :- [email protected]
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