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psalms 51:1-19 For the choir director; a psalm by David when the prophet Nathan came to him after David’s adultery with Bathsheba. Have pity on me, O God, in keeping with your mercy. In keeping with your unlimited compassion, wipe out my rebellious acts. (2) Wash me thoroughly from my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. (3) I admit that I am rebellious. My sin is always in front of me. (4) I have sinned against you, especially you. I have done what you consider evil. So you hand down justice when you speak, and you are blameless when you judge. (5) Indeed, I was born guilty. I was a sinner when my mother conceived me. (6) Yet, you desire truth and sincerity. Deep down inside me you teach me wisdom. (7) Purify me from sin with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. (8) Let me hear sounds of joy and gladness. Let the bones that you have broken dance. (9) Hide your face from my sins, and wipe out all that I have done wrong. (10) Create a clean heart in me, O God, and renew a faithful spirit within me. (11) Do not force me away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. (12) Restore the joy of your salvation to me, and provide me with a spirit of willing obedience. (13) Then I will teach your ways to those who are rebellious, and sinners will return to you. (14) Rescue me from the guilt of murder, O God, my savior. Let my tongue sing joyfully about your righteousness! (15) O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will tell about your praise. (16) You are not happy with any sacrifice. Otherwise, I would offer one to you. You are not pleased with burnt offerings. (17) The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. O God, you do not despise a broken and sorrowful heart. (18) Favor Zion with your goodness. Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. (19) Then you will be pleased with sacrifices offered in the right spirit- with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings. Young bulls will be offered on your altar.

King David had just committed a horrible sin. He had sex with another man’s wife and had her husband killed. The Prophet Nathan came to reveal the sin and to tell of God’s coming judgment. King David lived under the law and before the grace that Jesus brought to all mankind. The law stated that if you committed adultery or other sexual sins then you were to be stoned. King David threw himself at the mercy seat of the living God. Thank the Lord for His grace being upon us today. If it was not for His grace, everyone that calls themselves Christians would be dead right now. I would be at the top of that list.

King David cried out to the Lord once his sin was revealed to Him. We desperately need the Holy Spirit to reveal to us our sins. We need those times with Holy Spirit and simply cry out to the Living God. King David asked the Lord to remove his Rebellious acts. He asked for a cleansing from the guilt which comes from a life of sin or after a sinful act. I like what David said next. ” I admit I am rebellious.” There is no need to hide anything from the Living God because He sees it all. David understood this truth. He knew what God’s word said and in the light of God’s word he admitted his rebellious and sinful ways. I admit mine to my God. As a believer our acts of sin should not be many nor should they be controlling but we still fall sometimes. I know I do. I have a reoccurring sin in my life that is defeated for several months but every now and then I fall into it again. Sometimes I fall for the temptations that the enemy is throwing my way. Sometimes I allow the distractions of life to take me away from my God’s Presence. My weakest moments come when I am not in prayer or studying his word. When I am worrying or overwhelmed by human happenings, I begin to fall into some kind of sin. We need to understand this. A sin is a sin in the eyes of God. There are different levels of sin but still sin. Each sin needs the covering of the Blood of Jesus. Each sin needs the forgiveness from our God because it is an act against His righteousness.

He asked for God to hide his face from David’s sins. David cried for the washing and the blotting out. You see our God has the power to blot out our sins. Others might not forget or forgive but our God throws them away. He removes the stain cursed with the dripping of our sin. David understood that His God was not the figure he made up in his mind or someone based off of his religious views. He realized that God, our God, is a living Being who is perfect and true. David knew that when he fell down at the mercy seat of God that He was falling down before a real and just God. He took God’s commandments seriously and did not excuse himself from them. He did not try to manipulate them. They were God’s commandments and that was it. How can you argue with the Living God who is perfect and true?

King David realized that His sins separates him from God’s spirit. Having been close to God, David saw the absence from God’s presence as the greatest lost of His life. He could not stand to be separated from His God because of his selfish sin.

In today society, many people would be calling for the death penalty for King David. He committed adultery with another man’s wife and had her husband murdered. Many in society esteem some acts worse than others. In the eyes of the Lord, a man who commits murder is no different than a man who hates another. In the Lord’s eyes, a man committing fornication is no different than a man lusting over pornography. We all need the covering of Jesus’ sacrificial blood.

I feel like the Apostle Paul sometimes.

Romans 7:22-25 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: (23) But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. (24) O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (25) I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

I delight in the things of God when it comes to my spirit. There are times in the middle of the night or when I am waking up my spirit man is crying out for the things of God. I arise speaking in tongues and calling on His name. But my flesh, but my ole wretched flesh, my wicked, wicked flesh fights or wars to sin. It is a war and one only my God can win within me. My flesh likes the taste of sin. Did you know that Sin has a taste? Once it is tasted, for some sins, your flesh wants to run back for more. But I know I can’t for it is hurting the Lord. It is hurting my greatest love and in some cases the ones that I care deeply about. Like Paul, I know to do right within me but I still do wrong. Paul the Apostle, declared himself as a wretched man and so do I. If I wish to succumb to my evil thoughts and desires I have, I probably would be in a different place right now. Like any person, sometimes those thoughts and desires are so strong. But my God is stronger!!!

I desperately need a savior for my life!!!!!

I was thinking the other day and even more so today. When was the last time I just fell on my knees and cried out to my Lord? When was the last time I came to Him for a true cleansing? I believe, at times, have thought I was holy by default. This is farthest from the truth. What Jesus did on the Cross for us can not be taken likely and I have at times. I have hurt my God and even others. For this I am deeply sorry. I throw myself at the mercy seat of my God. I have taken for granted, at times, His love for me. I have taken for granted His grace.

As a believer, does it mean because we fail at times that we can not present God’s word to others? Of course not, in fact it qualifies us even more because we can demonstrate God’s loving forgiveness. I think where I have messed up at times, as do many Christians, is that we forget about what God has delivered us from. We obtain this holy pride that is not from the Lord. We should never forget what God has forgiven us from. Before I came to Christ, I was an agnostic. I believe there was this supreme being but could care less about serving Him. I even cursed at God before. I was a GOOD person so why did I need some God in my life. I especially did not see the need to have this JESUS fellow come in my heart. How could he fit in there anyway? LOL!!! I was totally wrong and had to come face to face with my sinful nature. I am coming face to face with my sinful nature even now. It has been 25 years since my life changing experience with Jesus. Now, 25 years later, I am face with my humanity even more. I have been delivered from so much but it is a process. Salvation is a process. My God is patient and works on us through out our lives. I stand in front of the mirror and don’t like what I see. Parts are starting to morph into the image of Christ but much is still me. Oh Lord take out the me and replace it with you


Whitney Houston’s 18-year-old daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, was just rushed to Cedears-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles … TMZ has learned.

According to our sources … Bobbi was taken out of the Beverly Hilton, where Whitney died yesterday, on a stretcher.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ police and fire responded to a call for a medical emergency, but would not confirm who was transported.

As TMZ first reported, Bobbi Kristina got into an angry shouting match last night with police officers outside the hotel room where her mother was found dead

Bobbi Christina is Whitney’s only child from husband Bobby Brown. Houston and Brown were married in 1992 and divorced in 2007.

Story developing …Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina got into an angry shouting match with police officers outside the hotel room where her mother was found dead … TMZ has learned.

According to law enforcement sources … Bobbi Kristina showed up on the 4th floor of the Beverly Hilton several hours after Whitney’s death. We’re told when officers informed her no one was allowed to see the body — BK screamed, cursed and demanded to see her mother.

Ultimately, she was not allowed into the room and left. We’re told Whitney’s cousin Dionne Warwick also showed up later. She too was turned away by officers.

As we reported earlier … other family members and friends — who were in the room when authorities arrived — identified Whitney’s body.

One fool really mek many…SNM

After going on a particular topic today and started reading the comments I chose to do this topic.. Not that it’s of any great importance but cawz some of these so-called dancehall fashion icons seem to get defensive when ppl state the mere fact and then the name slaying begins.. Now Mr GQ to me is wearing a skirt and it seem to have caused a bit of tension when the topic isn’t even about him it was about congratulating Lela Simone…. Now mek i mek dis one bout him then..

Weh him a wear is not nuh rass kilt dats a skirt more looking like an apron suh if uno agug wear sitten and can’t tek criticism NUH WEAR E’

let me show the difference of wat he is wearing and a kilt and the normal length of the kilt and i have never seen any shorter than these… So if uno claim uno a mek fashion mek sure get it right and nuh cuss ppl when dem chat… I’ve also been to a few scottish funerals, weddings, remembrance day for the soldiers and scotland twice where the kilt is originally from and dem nuh look nutten like weh watever him waan name have on.. Its also worn by the Irish….



In the 19th century, Sir Walter Scott ‘re-invented’ the kilt in its modern form and from that point on it began to be recognised as our National Dress (dress as in costume, not skirt) worn mostly on ceremonial / formal occasions. Now, more and more, it is worn as a symbol of Scottishness, for instance by fans attending Scotland football / rugby matches. It is not everyday wear for most Scots.

The wearing of kilts goes back along time. The Scottish army wore kilts out of mere convience. In battle it is alot easier to relieve yourself if you don’t have a whole bunch of buttons and a belt to undo. Its also why traditional kilt wearing does not involve the use of underwear.

*******************PICTURE OF APRON INCLUDED*************

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