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14-y-o pregnant for PASTOR

A well-respected young, energetic Clarendon pastor has not only fallen out of grace with the top brass of the administration of his denomination, but also with the members of the Church after he is said to have impregnated a girl in her early teens.
THE STAR has learnt that it was recently revealed that the pastor, who was said to be very helpful, and was a motivator of especially youths in his community, has been having occasional romantic affairs with the girl and she is now carrying a child for him.

According to a source close to the situation, the girl, who is 14 years old, is expected to give birth for the man of God within a few months. The matter is said to have sent shock waves throughout the Clarendon community as well as in church circles

THE STAR has gathered that the administration responsible for the church, which has a large membership, has asked the young minister to step aside because of the embarrassment.

“Boy, I am so ashamed of the man. Can you imagine that a man who preached against things like worldly living by many of us as sinners, turn around and commit worse than what even I would have done? The man should not have got himself involved with a teenager that young. If it is a case where his wife could not satisfy his sexual urges, then he should have gone to look for a big woman,” said a community member.


The community member, who said he was a fan of the preacher, expressed his displeasure with the frequency with which several church leaders who hit out against immorality are being found guilty of committing them, themselves.

“How can a pastor like that come to me now and come tell me seh me should not go around looking some young girls? I am not the one who is in that hot water right now, but really and truly I am ashamed of the behaviour of this church leader; but I hope the leadership of the church will forgive him because there are several more like him still behind the pulpit,” remarked the community member.

THE STAR has learnt that since the incident, even the members of the pastor’s family have stopped going to the church, as persons in the community and members of the church have not been quite receptive of them.

The young pastor has not been seen for several weeks there either. It is not clear as to whether or not he has been transferred to another church or out of the parish. When THE STAR spoke to someone connected to the church, he said that he strongly believes the young pastor should be counselled, forgiven and placed on probation like others who have committed similar sins.



Zimbabwean man enters Mr Gay World

23/02/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

Flying the flag … Taurai Zhanje

A ZIMBABWEAN man will run the gauntlet of hate after entering the Mr Gay World parade set to be held from 4-8 April in Johannesburg.

Organisers say contestants “represent their nation… and embody the spirit of their nation”.
But homosexuality is illegal in Zimbabwe – as in 37 other African countries – and Taurai Zhanje’s claim to represent the country could spark a political firestorm.

Zhanje is only one of four Africans taking part in the event which is now in its fourth year. Ethiopian Robel Gizaw Hailu, Namibian Wendelinus Hamutenya and South African Lance Weyer are the others.

“It’s a major development. It’s the first time that black Africans will participate, which sends out a powerful message of hope to Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex people in Africa. A message that there are role models and that one can live as a successful and open LGBTI person,” said Coenie Kukkuk, Africa Director for Mr Gay World.

Zimbabwe is in the final stages of drawing up a new constitution, and in advance of the publication of the final draft, President Robert Mugabe said he would reject any incorporation of homosexual rights.

Addressing chiefs in Zvishavane on February 16, Mugabe said: “All of us at some point in our lives have raised dogs, and we know that in raising them, you need a female and male to mate in order to have puppies.

“Now, if even dogs know that to procreate you need a male and a female, what of us humans?

“They want men to wed men! That’s what we reject.”

Kukkuk fell short of admitting that they had head-hunted contestants for symbolic reasons.
He told the online gay portal MambaOnline.Com: “It’s significant that an Ethiopian delegate is participating. The capital city Addis Ababa is the seat of the African Union, so it sends a strong political message.”

The official Mr Gay World website says the competition takes place over “an intense four days”. Participants take part in a photo challenge, sports challenge, fashion show, swim suit challenge, public speaking and undertake work with local charities.

“The delegate chosen to represent his peers on a global stage will not only have the inner beauty of confidence, self assurance, charisma and natural leadership abilities but he will also take care in his outward beauty,” the website adds.

Let The Vision Come From What God Has Taken You Through -GOODMORNING




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