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Lately there are no updates as to the findings of the police in the Jamaican media in regards to the case being built on Adija Vybz Kartel Palmer.

It is alleged that Mr. Palmer is a supporter of the current party now leading Jamaica and in being a supporter , many believe he may walk free this month. It is alleged that there have been a lot of deals under the table that have been pacified via payments..Stay tuned for more details tomorrow on Mr. Brightlight and the key players..


Another delay in Cuban light bulb trial

Thursday, March 01, 2012

THE Cuban light bulb trial involving former junior energy minister Kern Spencer and his former personal assistant Coleen Wright was again stalled when it came up for mention in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday.
The highly-publicised trial, which was adjourned last May to facilitate a judicial review against a ruling made by presiding Judge Judith Pusey, was postponed until March 21 after the court was informed that both the defence and the prosecution were still awaiting the decision of the ruling, which is expected to be handed down on March 16.
In addition, the representative from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions was also absent. Both Spencer and Wright, who were present, had their bails extended.
Director of Public Prosecutions Paula Llewellyn is challenging a subpoena in the Judicial Court for her to appear as a witness in the trial to answer questions on what transpired in a meeting with then co-accused Rodney Chin which led to the charges against him being dropped and him becoming a prosecution witness.
Both Spencer and Wright are facing corruption, fraud and money laundering charges over their handling of the Cuban light bulb project.

Read more:



An 11-year-old Jamaican boy has been ordered deported from Antigua.

Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh ordered the deportation on Monday after the primary school student appeared before her and pleaded guilty to two counts of larceny.

The Antigua Observer reported that the boy’s parents said they were unable to control him.

It’s reported that this was the child’s second appearance before a magistrate for stealing.

On February 15, the complainant reportedly placed two phones, a Nokia and a Blu on her dressing table in her bedroom. The Nokia is valued at $400 and the other phone costs $30.

It is reported that the 11-year-old, who is a regular visitor to the home, went to the house, saw the phones, picked them up and left.

The complainant reportedly discovered that the phones were missing and a report was made to the police.

The Jamaican youth was taken into custody and he admitted to taking the phones and told the police where to find them. Both cellphones were recovered. The child was arrested and charged.

The court was also told that the boy’s mother and father were fed up with him and that his parents consented for the boy to receive 12 lashes from a police officer.

Chief Magistrate Walsh reportedly said that it was already too late to curb the child’s thievery, since he started at age seven.

“He is already broken into being a thief. If his own parents can’t cope with him, why should the state cope with him? It is obvious that he does not listen to them (his parents),” she said.

Walsh said, “I am not going to send him to prison for taxpayers to feed him. I am seriously contemplating on sending him back to Jamaica and he can steal there.”

It is reported that the prosecutor informed the court that the 11-year-old, who has resided in Antigua for the past four years, has been out of time since August 31, 2010.

Walsh inquired how the Jamaican youth, who was dressed in his school uniform, was allowed in school without legal status. She then made the order for his deportation.


Texas Judge Tonya Parker is sparking controversy with her refusal to marry straight couples until the LGBT community has equal rights under the law, reports the NY Daily News.
Parker explained her decision at a monthly meeting for the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas:
“I do not perform them because it is not an equal application of the law. Period,” she said.
According the Daily News, Parker, the first openly lesbian African-American elected official in the history of the state according to NBC News, is honest with the couples that she turns away, refusing to let them leave unclear about her decision:
“I use it as my opportunity to give them a lesson about marriage equality in the state because I feel like I have to tell them why I’m turning them away,” said Parker. “So I usually will offer them something along the lines of, ‘I’m sorry. I don’t perform marriage ceremonies because we are in a state that does not have marriage equality, and until it does, I am not going to partially apply the law to one group of people that doesn’t apply to another group of people.”
Though the Dallas Voice reports that there have been critics who claim that Parker is willfully neglecting her judicial duties by not marrying hetero couples, her response makes it clear that they do not have a clear understanding of the law:
I faithfully and fully perform all of my duties as the Presiding Judge of the 116th Civil District Court, where it is my honor to serve the citizens of Dallas County and the parties who have matters before the Court.
“Performing marriage ceremonies is not a duty that I have as the Presiding Judge of a civil district court. It is a right and privilege invested in me under the Family Code. I choose not to exercise it, as many other Judges do not exercise it. Because it is not part of our duties, some Judges even charge a fee to perform the ceremonies.
According to, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, and the District of Columbia have all legalized same-sex marriage. Governor Martin O’Malley (D-Maryland), signed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in his state on February 24, reports ABC News. Thirty states have constitutional amendments banning gay marriage — Texas is one of them.
That brand of legal revisionism and inequality lives at the root of Parker’s refusal to join heterosexual couples in matrimony:
“…It’s kind of oxymoronic for me to perform ceremonies that can’t be performed for me, so I’m not going to do it,” she said.



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