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Met, dis nuh normal ah bloodclat di gyal sheresse aka sher ah nyam off di yute cocky like ah di last meal. di ppl dem sey a longtime she a freak n a swipe but a now she get ketch.



Police probe murder of 16-year-old mother and child

Monday, March 12, 2012
CASTRIES, St Lucia, (CMC) – Police are investigation three murders including that of a 16-year-old mother and her 18 month-old daughter.

Police said that the bodies of Krisselle Fanis and her baby, Keisha, were discovered at their home here on Monday morning with multiple stab wounds, while her 24-year-old boyfriend, Nelson Remy remains in a critical condition at hospital with stab wounds.

Police said they are working on the theory that the boyfriend may have stabbed the teenager and her baby and turned the knife on himself, after drinking poison.

Meanwhile, police are probing the death of 30-year-old Terrel Reynolds, also known as Terrel James, who was shot over the weekend.

Police said that Reynolds was near the Castries market when he was approached by an individual who fired several shots at him, hitting him about the body. He was taken to the Victoria Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Police said that one person is assisting their investigations.


1,336 J’cans deported from US last year
BY HAROLD BAILEY Observer writer
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

NEW YORK, USA — United States authorities deported a total of 1,336 Jamaicans last year, an increase of 68 over 2010 when 1,268 were sent home.
At the same time, 839 Jamaicans are currently in custody pending removal. Of this number, 326 have already had final removal orders issued against them, while the remaining 513 have similar orders pending.
Last year’s increase, though considered modest, bucked a trend which had seen a three-year reduction in the number of Jamaicans deported from the US.
According to Clifford Chambers, the security attaché at the Jamaican Embassy in Washington, drug offences topped the list of reasons for the majority of Jamaicans being deported last year.
In an interview with the Observer here he said that robbery, sex offences, burglary, fraud, aggravated assault, murders, and illegal entry round out the list of other reasons in terms of priority.
Regarding the number of Jamaicans incarcerated in the US, Chambers said the figure stands at 1,200 at various Federal and State correctional and detention centres.
Chambers said that over 11,000 other Jamaicans are still recorded as being in the United States as undocumented aliens. But he emphasised that “there is no way of confirming the accuracy of this figure”, since it might well be that many of them may have already left the country or formalised their status.
He said that these are Jamaicans who were granted visitor’s visas, but for whom there are no records of them leaving the USA.
Chambers, however, expects this figure to decline following the relaxation of Prosecutorial Discretion rules by the Obama administration last year.
Under the relaxed rules, persons with minor offences who have served in the military, those with medical conditions, among other requirements, will likely not be deported, but Chambers made it clear that such determination would depend on each individual case.

Read more:




Met dis is di new car that Tia from di junjo family put up pon fb and and write thats her new baby. She also change har name from Tia quality to Tia jaguar but shi still a drive di ole black car. Tia jaguar where is your new ride?


Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 12/03/2012
Reporter: Ginny Stein
There is concern that money from diamond mining in Zimbabwe is not flowing through to the country’s economy.

EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: A battle is brewing in Zimbabwe over control of the country’s newly-found diamond wealth. Three companies have been licensed to mine and export the diamonds, potentially worth billions of dollars, but the benefits are yet to be seen by the people of Zimbabwe. Even the prime minister claims he doesn’t know where the money is going, and that’s straining an already fragile power-sharing arrangement.

Africa correspondent Ginny Stein reports.

GINNY STEIN, REPORTER: Once tarnished as blood diamonds, Zimbabwe’s gems have been cleared for sale.

OBERT MPOFU, ZIMBABWE MINES MINISTER: They’ve already started auctioning. I mean, the DMC has sold their diamonds, Engin has sold their diamonds and all the recently certified companies have sold their diamonds.

GINNY STEIN: Mining at Chiadzwa, possibly the world’s richest alluvial diamond find, is now operating around the clock.

TENDAI BITI, ZIMBABWE FINANCE MINISTER: Zimbabwe’s diamonds will be a billion-dollar industry. There’s no question about it. The finds at Chiadzwa are amazing and unbelievable finds by any standards.

GINNY STEIN: While the peak diamond body may have approved their sale, no-one is quite sure just who’s profiting, let alone the country’s prime minister.

MORGAN TSVANGIRAI, ZIMBABWE PRIME MINISTER: The amount of activity there is quite extensive. But what do we show for it?

TAKURA ZHANGAZHA, INDEPENDENT POLITICAL ANALYST: It is a good thing Zimbabwe has diamonds, it is a bad thing that the government is not utilising them transparently and with honesty.

GINNY STEIN: In Mutare the capital of what’s now become known as the diamond province of Zimbabwe, revenues from the mines are being closely watched. With little transparency to date, just who is profiting remains the key question.

Farai Maguwu has been keeping a close eye on Chiadzwa since the Government sent in security forces to seize control at the height of a diamond panning frenzy. He spent time in jail for speaking out about human rights abuses at the diamond fields.

FARAI MAGUWU, DIRECTOR, CENTRE FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT: I think now we have got about three companies which have been licensed to export now. Within a few weeks we should be able to review whether that decision means we now have some paper trial of how our diamonds are being exported, whether this money’s being properly accounted for and whether this money’s making an impact on the Zimbabwean people.

GINNY STEIN: Three years into a power-sharing government made up of unequal partners, control of this wealth could decide the country’s future. With president Robert Mugabe one of the world’s longest-serving leaders seeking re-election, there are fears that the country’s new riches will fund campaigns and even renewed violence.

Finance minister Tendai Biti belongs to prime minister Tsvangirai’s party.

TENDAI BITI: There is no transparency in the present moment. The Chinese that are there, the Lebanese that are there – no-one is sure of what is happening vis-a-vis the revenue transmission. They are Zimbabwean assets and they have to benefit the Zimbabwean people. So far they’re not benefiting Zimbabwean people.

GINNY STEIN: How much is it actually costing Zimbabwe, the leakage from the mines? Do you have a figure?

TENDAI BITI: It’s costing, ah, it’s costing, ah, Zimbabwe, yes. I can’t give you, you know, privileged information on the figures that I have, but the fact of the matter’s that there’s a gap.

GINNY STEIN: But is it $1 million, is it a billion?

TENDAI BITI: I can’t give you privileged information. Yes, the figure is close to billions.

GINNY STEIN: At 88, Mugabe must want an election this year regardless of committing to electoral and constitutional reforms. For now, Zimbabwe continues to mark time.

JOHN ROBERTSON, INDEPENDENT ECONOMIC ANALYST: While he is there, you can pretty well write down exactly what’s going to happen tomorrow and as long as he’s there. I could still write down today what’s gonna be happening in a year’s time if he’s still there.

GINNY STEIN: Which is?

JOHN ROBERTSON: Nothing. Virtually nothing is allowed to happen, again because they are fearful of the possibility that other people’s success will diminish their authority.

GINNY STEIN: The first step to real change is tied to a new constitution and that could be ready within weeks. While term limits are likely to be set, a transitional clause is expected to allow president Mugabe to run for office again.

Ginny Stein, Lateline.

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