This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]




All day, every day, she deh pon FB talk up the man to be her smile. Then one day she no talk up the man. Now it comes to light why we no longer hear her say him to her cause him say her to the new her.


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Voice experts say 911 tape supports Trayvon Martin
By John Bacon, USA TODAY
Updated 10h 14m ago

The voice crying for help in the background of a 911 call moments before the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was not that of shooter George Zimmerman, experts in voice identification tell the Orlando Sentinel.

CAPTIONBy Matt Stamey, AP
Tom Owen, forensic consultant for Owen Forensic Services, used voice identification software to rule out Zimmerman, the Sentinel says. Another expert utilizing different techniques came to the same conclusion, the Sentinel reports.

A woman called 911 to report someone crying out for help in her gated Florida community in Sanford on Feb. 26. Moments later, Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, shot Trayvon during a confrontation.

Zimmerman claims self-defense in the shooting and told police he was the one screaming for help.

Owen is a court-qualified expert witness and former chief engineer for the New York Public Library’s Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. He is an authority on biometric voice analysis — a computerized process comparing attributes of voices to determine whether they match.

After the Sentinel contacted Owen, he used software called Easy Voice Biometrics to compare Zimmerman’s voice to the 911 call screams.

“I took all of the screams and put those together, and cut out everything else,” Owen says. The software compared that audio to Zimmerman’s voice. It returned a 48% match. Owen said to reach a positive match with audio of this quality, he’d expect higher than 90%.

Owen told the Sentinel that he can’t confirm the voice as Trayvon’s, because he didn’t have a sample of the teen’s voice to compare.

Not all experts rely on biometrics. Ed Primeau, a Michigan-based audio engineer and forensics expert, relies instead on audio enhancement and human analysis based on forensic experience. After listening closely to the 911 tape, Primeau also has a strong opinion.

“I believe that’s Trayvon Martin in the background, without a doubt,” Primeau says, stressing that the tone of the voice is a giveaway. “That’s a young man screaming.”


Hear seh da ute yah a Philly av money…him fada dead leff a whole heep a $$ gi him but is a ute weh nuh inna di ray…dem mussi call him platinumkidd !!





The Dangers of Internet Pornography
With so many people now having computers and the ability to access the world wide web, one of the more extreme dangers that has now emerged from the world wide web is internet pornography.
I do not know how accurate this next statistic is, but I recently heard that as many as 40% of the pastors across this country are now hooked on internet pornography. And if that many of our spiritual leaders are now hooked on this kind of demonic vice, you can just imagine how many other people are now having the same kind of problem. Men especially are prime targets for this kind of a demonic vice, and Satan and his demons will waste no time in trying to attach to people who are starting to get addicted to this particular vice.
Another statistic that just recently came out is that 50% of all Christian men and 20% of the women across this country are also engaging with internet porn on some kind of a regular basis.
As we have said before in many of the articles in the Spiritual Warfare section of our site, demons cannot try to attach to you for no reason at all. There has to be some kind of door opener activity, some kind of a legal right before they can try to attach to you, whether it be on the outside of your body or on the inside of your body.
Without question, internet pornography is a major door opening activity that demons will use to try and come after you. It will serve as a major entry point for them to be able to come into your life and into your household.
If you do not heed the warnings from the Lord on this kind of demonic activity, and you continue in it to the point of actually developing an addiction to it, then you could possibly be setting yourself up to be attacked by demons. And not only will you be putting your own self in danger of being attacked by these demons, but you will also be putting the rest of your family in harm’s way if you are married and have children.
If you want to see how dangerous and deadly this kind of addiction can be, read the following testimony that we have listed below very, very carefully. As a result of a husband’s continued use of internet pornography right in the middle of their normal Christian home, a demonic spirit of lust got into the house and attached itself to their youngest 6 year old daughter.
Fortunately the wife was vigilant and alert enough to spot that something was not right with the sudden change in her daughter’s personality. I used to work with this woman and once she told me what happened, I was able to give her the correct advice on how to get this demon off her daughter.
The real scary thing about this story is that if this demon tried to attach to this young little 6 year old girl right in the middle of their normal Christian home, can you just imagine how many other children across the world are being put at terrible risk by their fathers who are doing this right in the middle of their homes on some kind of a regular basis?
Here is this bone chilling testimony that occurred right in the middle of a normal Christian home. This particular testimony has already been listed in our article, “Battle Command Against Demonic Spirits.” But due to the way people come to our site clicking on the articles they want to read by the actual title of each article, we thought it best to pull this specific testimony out and make it its own separate article so people can easily pick up this title at a quick glance.

All of this happened to a girl I used to work with. One day she called me up and wanted to run something by me that was really starting to trouble her. She was married and had 5 children – 3 girls and 2 boys. The youngest daughter was 6 years old.
She then proceeds to tell me that her youngest 6 year old daughter started to manifest some strange behavior. About 4 months ago, her daughter all of sudden wanted to talk more about boys. She was also wanting to try and wear makeup and was constantly talking to both boys and men in a very flirtatious manner. My friend stated that this change in her daughter’s personality literally occurred overnight.
Before this change in her personality started to occur, she was a completely normal, pure, and innocent little girl for her age of 6 years old. This sudden change in her behavior was not at all like her. My friend initially thought it might be some type of strange phase that she was going through and that it would only last for a short period of time. However, when it kept going on and on for a good 4 months, she knew there was something wrong and that something else was triggering this, but she really didn’t know what it was or how to stop it.
She then called me up to see if I had any thoughts about what may be going on, especially in the spiritual realm. All of her children were active in their church and they were all being properly brought up in the Lord by this woman.
The first thing I asked her was if any of the other children in her family were exhibiting any of this strange behavior. She said that none of the other children had any noticeable changes in their personalities, and that it was only their youngest girl who was manifesting this weird flirtatious behavior with both men and young boys.
I then asked if either her or her husband were engaging in any type of activity that could be opening up any doors for a demon to be able to enter into their house. I got the immediate impression, as she was telling me this story, that there was definitely something “on” this little girl.
She then proceeds to tell me that her own personal slate was clean as far as any door opening activity to the dark side, but that she could not say the same thing about her husband. I then asked her to tell me what her husband had been doing that could have possibly opened up the door to the dark side. She then proceeds to tell me that her husband had been actively involved in surfing the internet for pornography and that he had been doing so on a very regular basis and for quite a long period of time.
I then told her that it did not take too much to put one plus one equals two on this situation. Her husband’s continued and heavy usage of the pornography right in the middle of their house could have easily opened up a hole in their protective hedge with the Lord, and then allowed this demon to have the appropriate legal right to be able to enter into their house and then try to attach itself to their youngest daughter.
I told her that it would be very easy to test this out to see if this is what the real problem was. I told her to wait until everyone was out of the house to do this. I told her to go into her youngest daughter’s bedroom when everyone was out of the house.
I then told her she would have to go in there and speak out loud directly to the demons – telling them that she knows they are in there, that they have jumped on her daughter as a result of her husband’s involvement with the pornography, that they have no direct legal right to be attacking her daughter since she was completely innocent of being involved in the pornography, and that they would all now have to leave her in the name of Jesus Christ.
She then asked me exactly how she should word this kind of battle command. Here was the basic battle command that I gave her to drive these demons off her daughter for good:
“I am now coming against each and every demon that has now come onto my daughter as a result of my husband’s involvement in pornography.
I know that you are all in here. I know that you have contaminated my daughter with your evil presence. My daughter is completely innocent of these charges. You thus have no legal right to be attacking her like you have been doing.
I now come against each and everyone of you operating under the full authority, power, and anointing of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat – I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ – you are to leave my daughter right now, and you are to never, ever come back on my daughter ever again. GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ. I repeat – GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ and be forever banished from our presence!”
My friend went ahead and did the above battle command one time. She said when she initially entered into her daughter’s bedroom, that she felt “electricity” manifest in the air, much like what you would sense when two fighters in a boxing ring are getting ready to square off in an all-out slugfest.
She then said that when she woke up the next day, that her youngest daughter was all of sudden back to her old self. No more talking about boys, no more asking to wear anymore makeup, and no more flirtatious behavior with the young boys and men that were in her life. Before my friend went toe-to-toe with these demons, she said her daughter was manifesting this flirtatious behavior every single day with the men and boys in her life.
After she did the above battle command one time against these demons, she said her daughter immediately reverted back to her old self the very next day and there have been no further problems since.
This is a perfect example of a Christian mother who was being very alert and vigilant over her young children, and was smart enough to seek out immediate help when she knew there was something wrong with her daughter – and then was not afraid to go into battle to take these demons head on once she knew what the real problem was.
She said that she had tried to get her husband off the porn long before this all started to take place, but she has had no luck in that area.
What is really scary about this story is the fact that her husband’s involvement with the internet pornography apparently was enough of a door opening activity to allow these demons to be able to enter into their house and then proceed to try and attach themselves to their youngest 6 year old daughter.
I wonder how many other husbands are putting their children at terrible risk if they are regular users of internet pornography right in the middle of their own homes?

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