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Davina Henry, Star Writer

Ninja Man
The Don Gorgon is back. That is the name of the new single that will be released on the weekend by Ninja Man and artiste KipRich.
In an interview with THE WEEKEND STAR, KipRich said that he was compelled to do a song with the self proclaimed ‘Don Gorgon’ because he knew it would be a hit.
“I wrote the song and called his team and mi a say him need a comeback song fi di airwaves so mi decide say mi a go collab wid him. Mi tell him the idea, pen out the song, link him and make him get the demo. Him say him love it and we just work wid it,” he said.
Ninja Man, born Desmond Ballentine, pointed out that the song with KipRich chronicled the trials and tribulations that he endured while he was in jail. “The Don Gorgon is indeed back,” he said. Ninja Man also stressed that he was grateful to KipRich and the rest of the artistes that are helping him: “It’s all about KipRich and the artistes that missed me while I was gone, and have prepared for me now that I am back.”
Ninja Man also said that he was putting things together so that his fans could have a myriad of songs from him. “Mi just a put things together so that the people can have one song every day, a di real Ninja Man ting, mi a take it serious. Make di fans know say the Gorgon is alive and kicking,” he said.
getting mixed down
The song was done at the Big Yard studios and was also produced by KipRich: “Right now the song is in the process of getting mixed down. Suku from Ward 21 built the rhythm and we are hoping to release it by the weekend,” KipRich said.
KipRich says he is also pleased with the work Ninja Man has done on the track. “Him a good deejay enuh. You have people wey feel because him deh behind bars and nah record him wudda lose him sound, but everything deh deh same way.”
Meanwhile, Ninja Man says he is ready to once again take back his place in dancehall. “Some a dem say dem a king, some say dem a queen, some say dem a prince, but mi a di emperor of the dancehall, mi a di grandfather of the dancehall, mi higher than everything,” he told THE WEEKEND STAR.
KipRich, on the other hand, is gearing up to launch his new record label – Nuh Behavia. According to KipRich, it’s still in the early stages and “we have plans to sign people, but that’s for in the future.”
Ninja Man was recently released on bail from the Horizon Remand Centre after being in custody for three years. He and his son Janiel are charged with the murder of Richard Johnson who was fatally shot in his yard on March 16, 2009. A trial date has been set for July 16 in the Home Circuit Court.


Reggie Bush Laughing at Kim Kardashian’s Relationship with Kanye West?
April 05, 2012 05:00 PM EDT
Has Reggie Bush already weighed in on Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s relationship?

In February of this year, Kim and Reggie were spotted having lunch together, sparking rumors that they might be reuniting. However, now it seems that Kim has found love with her long-time friend Kanye.

Not too long ago, Kanye’s ex Amber Rose claimed that Kim cheated on Reggie with Kanye, so the NFL star might not be too crazy about the rapper. Or maybe he really doesn’t care who Kim dates now that they’re done for good – he went on to find love with Kim’s Old Navy commercial lookalike Melissa Molinaro, after all.

It’s really hard to guess how Reggie Bush feels about Kim Kardashian dating Kanye West, but he might have revealed his thoughts on the matter with this cryptic tweet: “These days nothing surprises me! Lol! SMH!” So was Reggie laughing and shaking his head at Kim and Kanye’s new relationship? His tweet came shortly after TMZ broke its story about Kim and Kanye’s date to go see The Hunger Games, so it’s very likely that Reggie was tweeting about his ex. As an interesting side note, he’s also been tweeting about reading Catching Fire, the sequel to The Hunger Games.

Even though Reggie Bush’s tweet says that nothing surprises him, he obviously had to be a little shocked by Kim Kardashian and Kanye West hooking up since he felt the need to tweet about it. So who knows? Maybe Kim has said some things to Reggie about Kanye that made the NFL star think that she’d never want to date him. Or maybe Reggie tweeted about it because he still has some feelings for Kim deep down inside and couldn’t help himself (Kim probably wishes this was the case).

So how do you think Reggie really feels about Kim and Kanye dating? Do you think that he’s glad that he won’t have to deal with rumors about getting back with his ex anymore, or do you think that it hurts him a little that Kim is dating the guy Amber Rose has accused Kim of cheating on him with?

Reality star caught departing West’s NYC crib wearing the same clothes she had on the night before.
By John Mitchell

Things certainly seem to be heating up again between hip-hop superstar Kanye West and reality-TV diva Kim Kardashian, and now she’s been spotted leaving his NYC apartment — sporting the same outfit she was wearing the night before when she and West reportedly hit the movies together.

For photos of Kim leaving Kanye’s apartment, click here.

According to TMZ , the relationship is “just starting,” though we’d like to add the word “again” in there, as the two have been linked previously. During her visit to “RapFix Live,” West’s ex-girlfriend Amber Rose told Sway Calloway that West and Kardashian “were both cheating on me and [Kim’s ex] Reggie [Bush] with each other.”

West kicked off this most recent Kim K. relationship reveal yesterday when he dropped his new track with DJ Khaled, “Theraflu.” In one verse, he finally addresses his long-rumored relationship with Kardashian, rapping, “And I’ll admit, I fell in love with Kim/ ‘Round the same time she had fell in love wit’ him/ Well, that’s cool, baby girl, do ya thing/ Lucky I ain’t have Jay drop him from the team.”

The “him” referenced here is unquestionably Kardashian’s ex-husband Kris Humphries. Our evidence : Humphries plays for the New Jersey Nets, the NBA team co-owned by West’s Throne buddy Jay-Z, hence the “Jay drop him from the team” lyric.

Last night, the pair were spotted by paparazzi leaving a screening of the blockbuster flick “The Hunger Games.” In those pics, Kim is seen wearing a feathered jacket, gray tank top, leather trousers, black heels and sunglasses … which, minus the jacket, is the same ensemble she was rocking this morning when she was spotted leaving West’s NYC apartment. Eyewitnesses said she left the building flanked by Kanye’s bodyguards and climbed into his Mercedes, which took her back to her hotel.



11-year-old gives birth to baby girl
2012-04-05 09:47:07 | (0 Comments)

An 11-year-old Colombian girl gave birth last week to a daughter.

The baby was born via Caesarean section and is reportedly in healthy condition.

According to the Huffington Post, the young girl, who is originally from the city of Manaure has never consulted with a doctor during her pregnancy.

It said the pre-teen mother belongs to the Wayuu tribe, an indigenous group from the La Guajira Peninsula in the northern region of Colombia and Venezuela.

Efraín Pacheco Casadiego the director of the hospital said “we’ve already seen similar cases of wayuu girls. At a time when the girls should be playing with dolls, they go to having to take care of a baby. It’s shocking.”

The Colombian constitution guarantees the Wayuu land and autonomy, and allows for the indigenous tribe to maintain their own sovereignty.

Alejandro Samplayo, director of Instituto Colombiano Bienestar Familiar, an organisation similar to the US’s Planned Parenthood, said since it is a Wayuu girl, they are trying to respect all of their rights since they have autonomy and their own jurisdiction.

Little information has been reported about the baby’s father, who has remained anonymous.

In addition, nobody in the indigenous community is willing to speak about the circumstances of the birth.


Zimbabwe seizes controlling stake in foreign mines
Associated Press

HARARE, ZIMBABWE — Zimbabwe has taken majority ownership of all foreign-owned mining companies, Zimbabwe’s black empowerment minister said Thursday, a move the prime minister told companies to ignore, saying it could create “anarchy in the industry” in the already ruptured economy.

Minister Saviour Kasukuwere said in a statement that all companies that did not meet a late 2011 deadline to submit proposals to cede a controlling stake to blacks have forfeited 51 percent of their shareholdings and are now “deemed to be owned by the state.”

Zimbabwe has large Australian, Canadian and South African mining interests – including giants Rio Tinto, Canadile and Anglo American – and with scores of small white-owned gold mines.

The empowerment drive has split the shaky three-year-old coalition government. Critics says it has scared off much-needed investment and is being used as a political ploy ahead of elections President Robert Mugabe wants this year.

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, the former opposition leader, immediately urged the nation to ignore Kasukuwere and said the empowerment laws did not allow him to “unilaterally nationalize private entities.”

“There is no reason to create panic among investors by projecting the image of a voracious government keen to grab compulsorily people’s companies without compensation,” he said. “It is not the policy of this government to nationalize the mining businesses or any other business.”

Tsvangirai said he took a serious view of attempts to incite the public to act unlawfully against mining businesses.

Kasukuwere’s statement “poses a real risk of creating anarchy in the industry” and his party in the power sharing coalition will take “corrective measures,” he said.

In his Thursday announcement, Kasukuwere said profits since Sept. 25 from the government’s new controlling shareholdings were also regarded as “property of the state.” But he said companies that made a loss since then would have to cover losses from their side, and not draw from the “indigenized portion” held by the state to pay debt.

There was no immediate reaction from mining companies on the eve of the Easter holiday. Many Zimbabwean businesses shut down early for the four-day break.

Mining firms depend on foreign investment to maintain and replace aging equipment not financed by revenues from mineral exports already subject to royalties and tax.

Tsvangirai said Zimbabwe needed policies that created jobs for the millions of unemployed in the country.

“They want massive investment in the country and not a political campaign platform that will only benefit the elite at the expense of the majority,” he said.

Economist John Robertson said Kasukuwere’s announcement is likely to be difficult to enforce.

“It may be bullying to scare companies into handing over shares,” he said.

He said many firms let the Sept. 25 deadline pass because the government – reeling under debt after a decade of economic turmoil – didn’t offer payment for shares as required under the empowerment laws.

“The money isn’t here to pay or to develop the mines if they are nationalized in the same way commercial farms were deemed state land. Only foreigners have the money and they won’t bring it to have half of it taken from them,” he said.

The agriculture-based economy went into meltdown after Mugabe ordered seizures of thousands of white-owned farms in 2000. Many seizures turned violent.

Robertson described the empowerment drive in its present form as “dishonest” and said it will likely lead to mines being left to stagnate, with worsening poverty for all but an elite minority gaining foreign assets.

“Tens of thousands of our young people will be disempowered by being denied skills training and jobs,” he said.

Last month, Zimbabwe’s biggest platinum producer said it had reached an “acceptable” agreement with the government to yield 51 percent ownership to blacks.

South Africa’s Implats, owner of 87 percent of the Zimbabwe producer Zimplats, said a joint technical team of experts from both sides was working out methods of transferring a majority stake worth at least $500 million.

But Implats chief executive David Brown has said the transfer won’t take place if Zimbabwe doesn’t pay up, adding international legal steps could be taken if Zimplats is forcibly nationalized without payment.

Zimbabwe and South Africa are the world’s largest suppliers of platinum, a corrosion-resistant metal with a wide range of industrial uses that is priced in the same range as gold.

Zimplats employs 8,000 workers in Zimbabwe.

Foreign cash inflows have dwindled in recent months amid uncertainty over the security of possible investments.

Tourism, now the second-biggest hard currency earner after mining since agricultural exports collapsed, has been affected by political and economic uncertainty and security concerns ahead of the elections proposed by Mugabe. Tensions and intimidation have heightened this year, rights groups say.

Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi said Wednesday that Westerners were being discouraged by their governments from visiting Zimbabwe.

“We all know what happens when a tourism destination is plagued by insecurity,” he said.

Posted on Thu, Apr. 05

Read more here:



by Ian Drucker

I am continually shocked to discover that many people who read and study the bible, believe in the existence of the devil and claim to be long-time Christians; fail to strategize and develop plans for standing firm against the enemy.

We are in a spiritual war, and a battle strategy is essential for obtaining victory. This is also supported by Paul’s writings to the churches particularly to the Church in the City of Ephesus, as indicated in Ephesians 6:10-20 with regard to The Armor of God.

I have, by the grace of God, been delivered from an addiction to pornography (porn) that spanned more than 30 years. I didn’t have a strategy, not to mention the desire, to overcome my addiction for the majority of this time. Sadly, most of the years that I was in my addiction I did not want to be free from it. The reasons for this were many, but I believe that it was primarily because I was not yet a Christian. I was “in the world” and “of the world.” I did not want to hear or understand the truth. I wanted to live in darkness.

John 3:20-21 says, “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”

It wasn’t until I was saved, that the Holy Spirit convicted me that my behavior was sinful and needed to be stopped. This, however, also took some time as I have indicated in some of my previous columns. Once I came into the light I realized that along with putting on the armor of God, I needed to develop both short and long-term strategies in order to stand firm against the enemy.

My short-term strategy to overcome porn was crucial, somewhat embarrassing and essential for being able to sand firm against the devil’s schemes. It was embarrassing because it prohibited me from doing things that a normal healthy Christian middle-aged married man should be able to do. My short-tem strategy included the following major components:

1. Daily reading of God’s word.

2. Daily prayer and communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

3. Fellowship with other believers.

4. Establishing prayer warriors.

5. Establishing accountability partners.

6. Ceasing to place myself in situations that would allow me to be led into temptation (this is the embarrassing part).

7. Seeking to help other people.

Items No. 1 thru No. 4 are somewhat self-explanatory. Item No. 5 probably requires some explanation. Accountability partners, as I used them, are people that I had an agreement with to assist me in overcoming my pornography addiction. These people agreed to be available to me any time of day or night. They provided encouragement and support during times of weakness or temptation. In short, their primary function and role was to assist me in resisting temptation and to help prevent the sin from happening.

The emphasis of their role was on prevention. I also gave them permission to ask me probing questions about my behavior and about my abstinence from porn, which helped to keep me focused on pleasing Christ. Since they were drafted to serve in a preventive capacity, they needed this authority to perform their role. They were vital in providing the first line of defense in the heat of battle. I agreed to confess subsequent acts of sin to them, so that they would have an understanding of how I was progressing. I used men of God, whom I trusted and respected, for the majority of my accountability partners. An elder where I attend church was at the top of the list. My wife also served as one of my key accountability partners. It worked for us and helped to strengthen our relationship in the long run. This, however, may not be a wise choice for others (I will address this in a future column).

Now, here’s the embarrassing part (Item No. 6). I decided that I was not allowed to be alone in my own house. Yep, that’s embarrassing. Here I was in my forties and I wouldn’t, no I couldn’t, let myself be home alone (I’ll spare you the movie analogies). Until I was absolutely sure that I could resist the temptations of the evil one, with my computer calling out to me, I would not permit myself to be home alone. As I gained strength, through the Holy Spirit, and became sure that I was able to resist my own evil desires and the devil’s temptations; I then allowed myself to be at home alone. In my view, this had to be a carefully planned and a well executed step-by-step battle plan.

The next step was that I would not allow myself to use the computer unless my wife was at home. I had to maintain this strategy for some time, making sure I was strong enough to handle the situation. Some times when I was home alone knowing that porn was just a few mouse clicks away, I had to leave the house. Anytime I wasn’t sure if I could handle the situation, or if I felt unstable in my ability to handle the temptation; I FLED!

Now, I am able to be home alone and use my computer most of the time without a problem. I have over time learned to use the power of the Holy Spirit, to put on the full armor of God and to stand firm against the enemy – Praise God! However, part of my long-term strategy is to remember the basics. Therefore, if I ever have times when Satan tempts me with porn to the point that I have to get up and leave my house in order to resist the temptation, I will. That’s OK! It’s better for me to leave my house and not sin, than to stay in my house and sin. Remember; eliminating such a powerful sin requires a radical change (Jesus said, “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to loose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell” Matthew 5:29.).

In each case that I have pleased God by resisting the temptations put before me, I have been blessed beyond my expectations. Our God is an awesome God!
-Ian Drucker

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