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I was sodomised, couldn’t escape: Mahlangu
By _

Published: April 11, 2012


Ventersdorp, SA – A sodomy claim by a farm worker said to be of Zimbabwean descent, accused of killing right wing supremacist leader Eugene Terre’Blanche was questioned in the High Court sitting in Ventersdorp on Tuesday.

Investigating officer Lieutenant Colonel Tsietsi Mano testified earlier that, “from myself and my investigation it [the sodomy claim] never surfaced, even during my interview with [the accused Chris Mahlangu].”

Mahlangu’s lawyer Kgomotso Tlouane put it to Mano that his client alleged Terre’Blanche had sodomised him.

It was revealed on Tuesday that Mahlangu maintained the murder was self-defence.


Tlouane said his client tried to retrieve his suitcase from Terre’Blanche’s house when he was confronted. Mahlangu claimed he was then sodomised and assaulted and could not escape. In self-defence he picked up an iron rod in the bedroom and

Killed in alleged ‘gay’ orgie – Eugene Terreblanche. (Killer said to be Zimbabwean)
hit Terre’Blanche.

He also claimed Terre’Blanche was standing up when he hit him. He then fell onto the bed, where his body was found.

“[Mahlangu’s] instructions were that he regretted that he went to look for the suitcase… if he hadn’t gone there, one the sodomy, two the fight [would not have happened],” Tlouane said.

Mano denied Mahlangu’s version of events. He maintained his sworn statement was based on the information Mahlangu gave him after the murder.

“[Mahlangu told me] that he could see Terre’Blanche lying on the bed. The deceased never saw or heard them as he was asleep,” Mano said.

Intended to dismember

Mano testified Mahlangu planned to castrate Terre’Blanche after the murder.

“Mahlangu said he pulled Terre’Blanche’s pants down and exposed his genitals. His intention was to dismember Terre’Blanche. But he decided against it.”

Mano told the court Mahlangu said he and his co-accused, a minor who may not be named, decided to kill Terre’Blanche in April 2010.

Mano was testifying about a statement given by Mahlangu on the night of the murder. He said Mahlangu stated he went into a storeroom at the farm, where he found an iron rod. He and the teenager entered Terre’Blanche’s house through a window. They apparently found Terre’Blanche lying on his back on the bed.

“Mahlangu then hit Mr Terre’Blanche on the forehead with an iron rod. Two other blows followed on the face. There was a lot of blood… caused by the injuries. He repeatedly hit Terre’Blanche on the chest.

“His colleague took the rod from him. He hit Terre’Blanche in the face… few blows on the chest as well,” Mano said.

Tampered with the evidence

Norman Arendse, for the minor, also cross-examined Mano. He said if the semen on Terre’Blanche was wiped off before the body was removed, it would mean someone had tampered with the evidence.

“If it was deliberately removed then it was a serious offence, because that part of the evidence would be crucial,” Arendse said.

Mano was questioned about fluid allegedly seen on Terre’Blanche’s genitals.

“I never saw the body,” he said.

The body was removed before Mano arrived at the house on the night of the murder. He said he only saw it during the post mortem.

“I asked the pathologist [if she found semen] and she said no. I know for a fact I asked,” Mano said.

In October, pathologist Ruweida Moorad testified that Terre’Blanche’s body may have been wiped before an autopsy was done.


“Perhaps when it [the body] was transported in a body bag it [the semen] was wiped off. I honestly don’t know,” she said at the time.

The State was questioning her medical examination of Terre’Blanche.

A substance believed to be semen was seen in photographs of his body taken at the crime scene. The substance was not visible when Moorad carried out her examination, but it was visible in the photos.

She said the body was refrigerated. Her autopsy was done on 6 April, three days after the murder.

Mahlangu and a teenager are charged with beating Terre’Blanche to death in his farmhouse outside Ventersdorp in the North West on 3 April 2010.

Both have pleaded not guilty to murder, housebreaking, and robbery with aggravating circumstances. Mahlangu claims he acted in self-defence. The teenager has denied involvement in the crime.

The trial continues.


President Obama Calls Kanye West a “Jackass” Again
APRIL 12, 2012 AT 12:06PM

Barack Obama and Kanye West
Credit: Kris Connor/Getty; Victor Boyko/
Beware, Kim Kardashian: President Barack Obama still has mixed feelings about Kanye West.

Back in September 2009, Obama, 50, famously let his opinion be known about West’s onstage ambush of Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards, calling the rapper, 34, a “jackass” for the stunt.

In a brand-new interview in the May issue of The Atlantic, the President explains that he prefers the music of Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z over Jay’s collaborator and friendly rival West.

PHOTOS: Remember the totally crazy 2009 VMAs?

“Although I like Kanye,” Obama says in the chat. “He’s a Chicago guy. Smart. He’s very talented.”

When The Atlantic’s David Samuels reminds Obama of his 2009 “jackass” snipe, he replied, “He is a jackass. . . But he’s talented.”

PHOTOS: Celeb feuds

Obama told CNBC in 2009 that West’s onstage antics (which devastated Swift) were “wildly inappropriate.” (Seemingly intoxicated, West ranted that Swift didn’t deserve her Best Female Video award as much as fellow nominee Beyonce.)

Read more:



The message of Easter- Part 1‏
By Herbert Mugwagwa

Published: April 9, 2012


The Easter eggs and bunnies disappeared from supermarket shelves at a terrific speed, beer also vanished at an equally horrific speed, at various places in town people are busy revelling and others in town or communal lands are holding memorial services for dear departed relatives or just enjoying with friends and family.

Faith wise, you see a few ‘faithfuls’ gathering at their places of worship and yet others who would move around carrying a wooden cross. That’s Easter for many of us-either we are busy pursuing our own agendas or we are busy undergoing some rigorous religious exercise that does not add value to our spirituality. But what is this period all about?

What is its significance? The period is about a person- about Jesus Christ, about the torture and torment he went through, his crucification, his burial and his resurrection. Ironically, this is called the good news or evangelion in Greek. Very soon, we’ll find out why someone’s death, which should be untimely and very tragic, be said to be good news.

Death, under normal circumstances, should leave us sorrowful and devastated but this one leaves us jubilant and triumphant for though it is an ordinary death in some way, its also extraordinary in another.

In order for one to fully understand Easter, one does not start with what happened around 33 A.D but goes back to the very beginning of time, the genesis of creation, of happiness, of civilisation, of polygamy, of murder, of animal and crop husbandry, of everything, etc. Adam and his beauty queen, Eve, have been created and have been placed in a heaven-on-earth garden of wonderful delights and pleasures and then they rebel against God.

They sin. They lose it all. But these people had been created in the very image of God for fellowship with Him( Gen.1v26,Gen.3v8) and yet cut off that rapport, that fellowship, that relationship, because sinful man cannot have a relationship with a holy God. That can not do- its like trying to mix oil and water or better still, water and potassium- the explosion can send someone either to heaven or hell! So a way had to be found to reconcile man and God for man was now naked and spiritually dirty(Gen.3v10,11).

He could no longer countenance a holy God and hence God clothed him with garments of skin instead of fig leaf garments that man had made for himself (Gen.3v8,22).

There are two religious truths to be gleaned here’s ways are different from God’s ways(clothes of leaves that are easily torn and garments of skin that are long lasting) Isaiah 55v8-11. God takes the iniative to reconcile to man unlike in religion where man takes the initiative and comes to God using his own ways and methods bringing us to 2. The skin garments mean an animal has been slaughtered. Blood has been shed. Hebrews 9v22 is very clear: without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.

In other words He sets his own requirements in order to forgive man. Man, who needs God, is not the one who sets the standards and the requirements. Its like an institution of learning-it sets its own requirements and without fulfilling them you can not enter it. The blood shed propitiates or turns away God’s wrath or anger from the sinner.

What we see in the Old Testament are called types and shadows which prefigure what is to come. Thus, the animal that has been killed is foreshadowing Jesus Christ, the lamb of God that takes away the sins of mankind (Jn.1v29). It should be noted that God has three general qualities that he alone possesses which makes him unique. He is omnipresent i.e all-present, omnipotent i.e all- powerful and he is omniscient i.e all-knowing.

It is the last trait of God that is significant in this discourse right now for it tells us that nothing is hidden from Him and we can not surprise Him with our idiosyncrasies or our actions, behaviour or words. He knows it all before is manifestated. Thus, he knew one day he would create man who would fall from grace and hence before that He hadJesus Christ “before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last days for your sake”(1 Peter 1v20).

Thus, Christ was chosen before the foundation of the world to save mankind. We call this predestination or to put it in another way we could simply say our redemption was planned by God before the creation of the world. Isn’t that awesome? And lets not be confused by the big word ‘redemption’. It simply means to ransom or buy back.

Our first parents disobeyed God and obeyed Satan. Remember you belong to the one whom you obey. So by obeying Satan they were now saying we belong to you, we are now no longer God’s. This is a fact that even God Himself acknowledges but then man had been tricked or deceived into this situation, into this predicament and God decides to help man out. He slaughters an animal in order to cleanse man and cover his nakedness. Someone calls this redemption prepared but l call it redemption instituted. (to be continued). (ZimEye)


Chapter 1
My Escape to “New Life”

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).

This is a story of God’s works – mighty, wonderful and mysterious – in obedience to the command of JESUS CHRIST to me saying: “Go and testify what I have done for you.”
One usually thinks of misfortune as an act of fate and that we can do nothing to alter the events of our lives. To an extent this is true. In the case of a child of God, his life is planned [1] (Prov. 16:9). Whether that plan is fulfilled or not depends on a number of factors, the individual’s closeness to God, his view about the ultimate purpose of life, and the socio-spiritual environment he finds himself.
The course of your life is challenged by some external factors. The crisis is reached when you give over your WILL one way or the other, for good or evil. You can love or hate. You can wish to understand or misunderstand. The will to obey is the greatest force of a new born Christian, while the will to disobey is the most destroying force of the sinner.
A child when left alone in the world is controlled by one of two powers: good or bad, right or wrong, God or the devil. Everyone is challenged by these two forces of life, and each must choose which life he must live; and I believe that is why the Bible says: “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he grows he will not depart from it.” You will agree that the dearest and closest person to any child’s heart is his mother. An orphan is an unfortunate child and more exposed to attacks of the devil than children with parents. A mother is a protector of body and soul but it becomes double tragedy when both parents are lost and more so in most mysterious circumstances.
My story started 22 years ago in a little village called Amerie Iriegbu Ozu Item in Bende Local Government Authority, Imo State. My parents were not classified amongst the rich but my dad was privileged to inherit 42 hectares of land from my grandfather, a blessing which has today brought the greatest misfortune ever recorded in the history of the family. My dad was greatly envied by his distant and near relations for reasons I do not know, perhaps for his vast land inheritance.
We were a happy family, my parents having got four of us: Love, Margaret, Emmanuel and Chinyere. After having the first two daughters, my parents waited for 14 years before having me (the only son) and later my younger sister Chinyere. This brought real happiness to the family but this happiness was short-lived as the first tragedy struck. My lovely and caring mother died. She was alleged to have died owing to witchcraft, and four years later my father died, again through an alleged work of juju invoked against him. Two years after the death of both parents my eldest sister, Love, disappeared mysteriously and Margaret, the second daughter of my parents, went mental. It was a chain of tragedies in the life of a humble and otherwise happy family. My younger sister Chinyere and I were sent to our grand parents. There I completed my elementary education and was later admitted into Item High School. I read up to Class III and dropped out of school as a result of lack of funds for fees etc. Shortly after that, my grand parents also died. After all the ceremonies that go with burials, an unknown relation collected my younger sister Chinyere, and up to this date I do not know her whereabouts. I was forced by severe maltreatments to go back to my father’s house, and there to live alone at the age of 13 years. How does a child of 13 years feed himself in the midst of his father’s enemies and consequently his own enemies? How very afraid I was! These events seemed to have brought me to the end of worthwhile living. Was there anyone who cared? Was there anyone who was concerned about “A LITTLE BOY’S MISFORTUNE?”
One day I met a friend I knew during my elementary school days named Chinedum Onwukwe. Chinedum loved me very much and having heard all that befell me took me to his parents who readily received me and took me as a second son. Life came back to normal again. I was well cared for. I was happy again: then I knew that the God my mother prayed to when she was alive was alive somewhere hence He had provided me with new parents, so I thought in my mind. I enjoyed this goodness for about two years and then the devil struck again.
Chinedum and his parents were travelling to Umuahia and their car ran into a tipper carrying laterites. Chinedum and his parents died on the spot! On hearing the news I collapsed. My sorrow could better be imagined. I managed to survive through the burial ceremony, supplying those cooking with firewoods and running errands: at the end of which I went back to my father’s house and resumed the menial jobs to be able to feed.
I continued doing odd jobs on the farm, in gardens, going a fishing with elders until one day, a man from my compound hired me to work in his farm for 50k. At the farm he subjected me to a series of questions. First, he asked me to show him my father’s lands. Secondly, to hand over some of the lands to him. Thirdly, that after working for him the wages would be an evening meal in his house. To start with, how could a 13 year old boy have known his father’s lands, and what right has a boy of that age, to handover such lands to a man, no matter how closely related he was. In either case I objected and he was offended. He then vowed to kill me in the forest. I became afraid and ran and shouted for help. Unfortunately, because the area was far into the thick forest, no one came but help came from God. He pursued me with his knife but being younger I was too fast for him and fell into a pit of about 1.82 metres deep and was covered by the grass in it. He searched for me and after a while he gave up. I later struggled out of the pit and through another route returned to the village. I reported the incident to the elders in the compound but no action was taken – the common plight of orphans. This incident created real hatred in my young heart ; no one loved me, no one cared. I reflected in my mind why anyone would want to kill me knowing I had no parents. Life was full of misery. Now I know that God in His love restrained the devil from suggesting suicide to me.
I turned to the Church and became a full member of the Assemblies of God Church in my village (I still am) but unfortunately no one cared even when some of the members knew about me. It is important to note that I became a full member of the church without knowing Jesus Christ. I never knew what it meant to be BORN AGAIN. If you are in the Church of Jesus Christ and find yourself in the situation I found myself, give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Scripture says: “Let Him have all our worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you [2]” (1 Pet. 5:7 – Living New Testament).
In the midst of all these hardship and suffering ALICE appeared! Alice was a girl I knew during my elementary school days. She was five years older and from the same village. We were in the same class, sat on the same bench and became very friendly. With this childhood’s ‘love’ affair, we promised ‘getting married’ when we would be older. RIDICULOUS! A child of 11 years then, without parents, no education, no food to eat, promising marriage to a girl five years his senior! Alice later left for Akure for her secondary education and sent me dozens of ‘love’ letters.
The next time I met Alice, I was 15 years and she was 20. She had finished her secondary school education and was working with the Standard Bank Lagos (now First Bank), where her parents lived.
Alice having known my background and my plight, took advantage of it. She told me to join her in Lagos and handed me her house address with N50 (Naïra: National Currency of Nigeria)! That was a fortune for a young boy of 15 years who had never earned up to N2 a day! This was manna from heaven and this meant that Lagos must be a wonderful place with plenty of money and the good things of life for all to enjoy. Then I must go to Lagos to make my own money and get riches too. Going to Lagos to my mind was my ONLY WAY OF ESCAPE. Escape from my father’s enemies, escape from my enemies, escape from hunger and ALL my problems. ESCAPE! ESCAPE! Yes, escape from ALL THAT IS EVIL!!!

Chapter 2
The Initiation

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 14:12). “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God to the wicked” (Isa. 57:20-21).

And life outside Jesus Christ is exactly as stated in the above Scriptures. I left my little village armed with N50 and the address given to me by Alice, escaping to FREEDOM, LIBERTY, ENJOYMENT and all that go with them: but as you will see later it was far from what I had conceived in my young heart. When I arrived in Lagos, it was so beautiful in my eyes and I compared it with Heaven, whatever Heaven is like. I saw all those tall and beautiful buildings and on each face I could see happiness (so I thought). People appeared very busy, each one minding his/her business. I was excited and said to myself, NOW I KNOW I AM FREE!
I arrived at Akintola Road, Victoria Island and was well received by Alice and her parents. The parents knew me and my background as we came from the same village but never knew of my relationship with their daughter. Alice then introduced me to them as a man she had ‘chosen’ to marry. The parents were shocked but after some discussions with her, agreed on the condition that they would further my education. Alice rejected their offer and requested that I be allowed to live with her in her own flat. The parents could not accept this but she insisted. They had a strong argument for four days and under some unexplained influence they agreed and I moved in with Alice.
Alice, a very beautiful girl, told me that she was an accountant with the Standard Bank and that she would make me rich and give me all that I needed in this life and said: “Just settle down and enjoy yourself!” My first impression about Lagos was true after all; few months ago I was in a small hut in a small village surrounded by hatred, starvation and suffering and here I am, living in a big city, in a well furnished flat with a beautiful ‘wife’ who had promised to give me all that life could offer. She showered me with gifts, money, clothings, ‘love’ etc. I never knew that the world was filled with these ‘good things’. The devil indeed is a deceiver! The Scripture rightly says: “The thief cometh not but for to steal, to kill and to destroy. ONLY the son of man (JESUS CHRIST) can give life and give it more abundantly [3]” (John 10:10). Dear reader, the devil has no free gift! Whatever he gives you is for an exchange with your soul. This state of euphoria was short-lived, because after a period of three months strange things started happening.

The Mysterious Experiences

One night, I woke up in the dead of the night and found a boaconstrictor beside me. I wanted to shout but could not. Some nights, I would wake up to see Alice’s body as transparent as a cellophane bag. Some nights, she would disappear and reappear. Some nights I would hear strange noises or dancings in the living room etc. I could no longer bear these fearful happenings so I decided to ask her, and the first reaction was violence and serious warning. She said: “Do not ask me this question again or else I will deal with you.”
From then I knew my life was in danger. I then preferred the sufferings in the village to what I came to discover. I became afraid of her. Two days passed and she came with smiles, gifts and hugged me. She told me how much she loved and cared for me and encouraged me not to be afraid and promised to explain things to me later. She took me to a night club and there reminded me of her promise to make me rich etc., and told me: “ONE DAY YOU WILL KNOW ALL THAT I KNOW!” We came back and life continued as normal between us but inwardly I knew I was in danger, but how could I escape and where would I escape to? It is important to note here that Alice’s parents did not know that their daughter, though young, was involved seriously in occultism and spiritism and she seriously warned me never to tell them if I loved my life. Dear reader, can you imagine, a 20 year old girl doing all these things? The outside world saw her as a very beautiful and harmless girl working with a big Bank but she was the devil’s agent. There are a lot of Alices in the world today as you will find out later in this book.

A Horrific Discovery

One day, after she had left for work, I decided to search the flat. As young as she was, the flat was well furnished. She had four refrigerators and on opening one, I saw human skulls, different parts of the human body both fresh and dry. Inside the ceiling were skeletons. In another corner of one of the rooms I saw (what I later knew as a ‘chamber’) a water-pot filled with blood and a small tree in the centre of the pot, a calabash and a red cloth by it. I could not continue. Now I knew that I was a dead man and since I had no where to run to, I surrendered my life to whatever comes, life or death and kept sealed lips. Alice came back from work and from the way she looked at me, I knew that right in her office she knew what I did in the house.

Encounter with the Occult World

The following day she requested me to follow her to a meeting. I was already a captive and had no choice. We went to a very big building on the outskirts of Lagos. On arriving (the building had an underground conference hall), I was instructed by Alice to enter backwards. I obeyed and entered with my back, she also did the same. The hall was so large with about 500 young men and women seated in a circle, and seated above them was a man whose head could only be seen and without a body, as the Leader. Some of these young people were students, undergraduates, graduates, teachers etc. Alice pressed a button on the wall and a seat came out from the ground and I sat. She did the same and another came out for her and she sat. She introduced me to the congregation as a new member and they applauded and welcomed me. Alice was promoted as a result of this. All that they discussed in the meeting I never understood. At the end of it and as we were about to leave, I was asked to come back alone the following day by the Leader. This was my first encounter with the occult world.
That same night, at 2.00 a.m. (and this is the usual hour of meetings and dangerous operations by all the forces of darkness and their agents), Alice woke me up and revealed startling things to me. She said: “I am not an ordinary human being. I am half human and half spirit but mainly of the spirit. What you see in my chamber is what I use during my prayers every morning, so that the spirits will guide me through the day. As for the skeletons I will tell you later.”
I never said a word. She brought out some books on world mysteries for me to read, and with my inquisitive mind I decided to read them. Shortly I became interested and immediately she saw that I was now interested. Unknown to me, she sent my name to an Occult Society in India.
As previously instructed, the following day I went back to the society alone and there met nine others and some witnesses. We were to be initiated. We were called out to the centre of the hall and the following things were administered to us:
1. A concoction that looked like putty was rubbed on our bodies. This qualifies you as a full MEMBER.
2. A glass shot of oil-like liquid was given to us to drink. This qualifies you to be an AGENT.
3. A gun-powder like substance was rubbed on our heads. This qualifies you to STUDY THEIR MYSTERIES.
Unknown also to me, this initiation ceremony was being recorded in India and the next day I received a letter from them. In the letter I was instructed to stain the letter with my own blood and to post it back to them through a means they described, not the Post Office. I did. From this point, there was no turning back; turning back meant death as one was always reminded and I knew there was no more hope for me.

Covenant with Alice

Early one morning, she told me there was an important ceremony to be performed in the house. At 2.00 a.m. she brought a crawling child, a girl, alive. Before my eyes, Alice used her fingers and plucked out the child’s eyes. The cry of that child broke my heart. She then slaughtered the child into pieces and poured both the blood and the flesh into a tray and asked me to eat. I refused. She looked straight at me and what came out of her eyes cannot be explained in writing. Before I knew what was happening, I was not only chewing the meat but also licking the blood. While this was happening she said: “This is a covenant between us, you will never say out anything you see me do or anything about me to any human on earth. The day you break this covenant your own is gone.”
Meaning that the day I break this covenant I will be killed. After this incident I started having strange feelings inside me. I was changed and could no longer control myself. A word of warning to mothers. Do you know your househelps? What is his/her background like? Do you care to find out all about him/her before entrusting the lives of your children etc. to him/her? How did Alice get the little child she slaughtered, you may ask. Therefore parents, know the background of your househelps.
When Alice saw that she had succeeded in getting me fully involved in SPIRITISM and was fast growing in it, she was satisfied and knew her mission was accomplished. She found a flat for me, helped furnish it and thereafter severed the relationship.
Covenant in India

The Society in Dahil, India sent me a second letter asking me to come over to India. In it also I was instructed to do the following: “Eat excreta, eat decaying smelling rats, and to have sexual intercourse with spirits in the cemetery at night.”
After fulfilling the above I was bound never to have any sexual intercourse with any women on earth. I sent a reply to their letter informing them that I had no visa neither do I know how to get to India. At this time I had started doing ‘business’. I was a serious smuggler but because of these powers behind me I had no trouble with customs etc. I started having a lot of money, food and materials were no longer scarce. One day, I locked my flat and went out; coming back, I opened the door and behold a man was sitting in the parlour. I was afraid. He said: “Are you not Emmanuel Amos?” I said I am. He said: “I have been sent to come and collect you to India, so get ready.” I locked everywhere, went and sat beside him on the cushion ready for the next order. But like lightning, he touched me and we vanished. The next place I saw myself was in a big conference hall in Dahil, India, with a large congregation already seated and waiting to welcome us. They brought out files where my name had already been written and asked me to sign beside it. I did. A tray containing human flesh, cut in pieces with a basin of blood was brought. An empty jug was given to each person, then a man without a head went round pouring the blood and flesh into the jugs. Different candles and incenses were being burnt also. The headless man made some incantations and everyone drank the blood and ate the meat and the meeting was over.

The Initiations in India

Now the period of my testing had come. I was sent to a valley about 200 metres deep. In it were assorted dangerous reptiles and wild beasts. These were to torture me. I was not to shout, for if I did, I have failed the exam and the consequence was DEATH. After seven days of agony I was brought out and sent to a place called ‘INDIA JUNGLE’. In this jungle, I saw different types of demonic birds; demonic because some had faces like dogs, some like cats, etc. yet with wings. Inside this jungle is a cave, and this cave is only opened by these demonic birds. They opened the cave and I went inside. The things I saw are hard to explain. There were terrible creatures, some looked like human beings but with tails and without human faces, etc. This was another place of torture. The torture there could best be described as semi-hell. I was in that state for 7 days and was brought out. I was then sent to a very big library that contained large volumes of mystic books to study. I later picked two books: Abbysinia, which means destruction, and Assinia, which means giving life or curing. Later I was given more books. I was instructed to build a chamber as soon as I returned to Nigeria with the following things in it: “A native water pot filled with human blood, a living tree inside, a human skull, vulture feathers, wild animal skins, boa skin and big shiny laterites beside the pot.”
The blood inside the water pot is to be taken every morning with an incantation. I was also instructed never to eat any food cooked by HUMANS but that I would be fed supernaturally. With all these instructions I came back to Nigeria the same way I went, and fulfilled all.

Back Home in Nigeria

I had now become a part and parcel of the spirit world and could travel at will to any part of the world. According to the books I brought, spirit beings are living in space. Perhaps they would increase my powers, so I decided to try. I came out of my house, made some incantations and called the wild wind and disappeared. I found myself in space and saw these spirit beings. ‘What do you want?’ they asked. I told them I wanted powers. I came back to earth after two weeks having acquired powers from them. Like I said earlier, I no longer could control myself. Despite all these powers I had already received, I still needed more and more powers! I then decided to go into the underworld to prove what was written in the books given to me. One day I went to a hidden place in the bush, made some incantations as stated in the books and commanded the ground to open. The ground opened and the demons created steps immediately. I stepped in and went right inside the ground. There was total darkness that can only be compared with one of the plagues that occurred in Egypt as recorded in the Bible. I saw a lot of things that are hard to explain. I saw people chained, people used for making money – their duties are to work day and night to supply money to their captors. I saw SOME ELITE SECRET SOCIETY MEMBERS who came in to do some sacrifices and would go back to the world with some gifts given to them by the spirits controlling the place. I saw SOME CHURCH LEADERS who came for powers, powers to say a thing that is accepted without questioning in the church. I stayed for two weeks and came back after receiving more powers. People saw me as young and innocent but never knew I was dangerous. There are lots of such people around; only those in Christ Jesus are safe in the real sense of safety.

Covenant with the Queen of The Coast

One evening, I decided to have a walk. Along Ebute Metta bus stop, I saw a young beautiful lady standing. I never spoke a word to her. The next day while passing also I saw her still at the same spot. The third day I saw her still at the same spot and while passing she called me. I stopped and introduced myself to her as Emmanuel Amos but she refused introducing herself. I asked her her name and address but she only laughed. She asked me mine and I told her the street ONLY. When I was about leaving, she said she would visit me one day. In my mind I said: ‘That was impossible, I did not give her my house number how then could she come’. But true to her words, I heard a knock on my door after a week of that meeting at the bus stop. There she was, the mysterious lady! I welcomed her (in my mind, I wondered who this beautiful lady was, and did she know she was treading on dangerous grounds?) I entertained her and she left. After this first visit, her visits became regular without any relationships. I noticed that in her visits she kept to a particular time, and would not come a minute earlier or later! In some of her visits I would take her to the Lagos Barbeach, or to the Paramount Hotel or Ambassador Hotel etc. All these while she still did not tell me her name. I decided not to worry since I knew the relationship would not develop more than that. I had already been instructed never to touch a woman.
Suddenly she changed the day visits to nights. During one of the visits she told me: “Now it is time for you to visit me.” We stayed together that night and at 8.00 a.m. the following day we took off. We joined a bus and she told the driver to stop us at the barbeach. As we stopped, I asked her: “Where are we going?” She said: “Don’t worry, you are going to know my house.” She took me to a corner of the barbeach, used something like a belt and tied around us and immediately a force came from behind and pushed us into the sea. We started flying on the surface of the water and straight to the ocean. Dear reader, these happened in my physical form! At a point we sank into the seabed and to my surprise I saw us walking along an express way. We moved into a city with a lot of people all very busy.

The Spirit World

I saw laboratories, like science lab, designing lab, and a theatre. At the back of the city, I saw young beautiful girls and handsome young men. No old people. She introduced me to them and I was welcomed. She took me to places like “darkroom”, “drying room”, and “packing room”. She then took me to a main factory and warehouse and then came back to her own private mansion. There she sat me down and told me: “I am the QUEEN OF THE COAST and would like very much to work with you. I promise to give you wealth and all that go with it, protection and all that go with it, life and an ‘angel’ to guide you.”
She pressed a button and a tray came out with human flesh (in pieces) in it and we ate it together. She commanded a boa to appear and asked me to swallow it. I could not. She insisted but I could not, how could I swallow a live boa. She then used her powers and I swallowed it. These were three covenants:
The HUMAN FLESH and BLOOD, the BOA and the DEMONIC ANGEL were always there to make sure no secret was revealed. But the ‘angel’ was given power to discipline me if I went astray and also to bring me food from the sea any time I was here on earth. I promised to obey her always. After this promise she took me to another part of the ocean, this time an island. There were trees and each of these trees had different duties:
– tree for poisoning,
– tree for killing,
– tree for invoking, and
– tree for cure.
She gave me powers to change to all kinds of sea animals like hippopotamus, boa constrictor and crocodile and then she vanished. I stayed in the sea for a week and through one of the means (as crocodile) mentioned above I came back to the world.

The Underworld Laboratories

I stayed in Lagos for a week and went back to the sea, this time for two months. I went into the scientific laboratories to see what was happening. I saw psychiatrists and scientists all working very seriously. The work of these scientists is to design beautiful things like flashy cars, etc., latest weapons and to know the mystery of this world. If it were possible to know the pillar of the world they could have, but thank God, ONLY GOD KNOWS. I moved into the designing room and there I saw many samples of cloth, perfumes and assorted types of cosmetics. All these things according to Lucifer are to distract men’s attention from the Almighty God. I also saw different designs of electronics, computers and alarms. THERE WAS ALSO A T.V. FROM WHERE THEY KNEW THOSE WHO ARE BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS IN THE WORLD. THERE YOU WILL SEE AND DIFFERENTIATE THOSE WHO ARE CHURCH GOERS AND THOSE WHO ARE REAL CHRISTIANS.
I then moved from the laboratories to the ‘dark room’ and ‘drying room’. The dark room is where they kill any disobedient member. They kill by first draining the person’s blood and then send the person to the machine room where he/she will be ground to powder and then send the dust to the ‘sack room’ where they will be bagged and kept for the native doctors to collect for their charms. There were more things which are hard to explain in writing. Despite all these powers in me, I was not yet qualified to meet with Lucifer but only qualified to be his agent. All the same I was satisfied that I now had powers and could face, challenge and destroy things at will. Could there be any other powers anywhere? I mused within my mind.

Chapter 3
The Wicked Reign

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

On returning to Lagos, I continued in my business and after two weeks I went back to the sea. The Queen of the Coast gave me what she called her “first assignment”. I should go to my village and kill my uncle, a prominent powerful native doctor who was responsible, according to her, for the death of my parents. I obeyed and went but having not killed before, I hadn’t the courage to kill him, rather I destroyed his medicines and rendered him powerless. As a result of this act he lost all his customers till this date. I came back to give a report of my assignment but she was wrathful with me. She said the consequence of disobeying her instructions was death, but because of her love for me she would send me back to the same village to kill two elders who she said gave a helping hand in the killing of my parents. Whether this was a punishment for disobeying her or not I did not know. However, I obeyed and went back to the village and ‘managed’ to kill these men and sent their blood to her.
As a result of the mysterious circumstances of their death the elders in the village went to inquire from another powerful native doctor who normally sent lightning to investigate the killer. Unfortunately for these men, I met the native doctor in spirit where he was consulting with the spirits and warned him not to say anything if he loved his life. He came out and told the elders to go home and beg one of their sons whom they had offended and never mentioned my name. The lightning he sent returned and struck in their midst killing some and leaving many wounded. After this first act, the powers in me started manifesting themselves. I would deform a girl for refusing me friendship etc.

My Meeting with Satan

I later went back to Lagos. One day, a girl named Ninna came to me. Ninna whose parents were from Anambra State was a very beautiful young girl but lived mostly in the sea, i.e. the underwater spirit world. She was an ardent agent of the Queen of the Coast and very wicked. She hated the Christians to the core and would go all length to fight Christianity. I first met her during my visit to the sea. Ninna came for an errand from the Queen of the Coast. We left immediately and on reaching there I learnt of our having a conference with Lucifer – Satan. In this meeting he gave us the following instructions: To fight the believers and not the unbelievers, because the unbelievers were already his. When he said this, one of us asked: “Why?” He said the reason was that God drove him out of ‘that place” (he refused to call the word ‘Heaven’ and all throughout our meetings with him he never mentioned the word ‘Heaven’. Rather he would always use the word ‘that place’) because of pride, and therefore HE DOES NOT WANT ANY CHRISTIAN TO GET THERE (Heaven). He also told us that we should not fight the hypocrites. “They are like me”, he said.
He continued his speech and said we should only fight the real Christians. THAT HIS TIME WAS NEAR, THEREFORE “WE SHOULD FIGHT AS NEVER BEFORE AND MAKE SURE NO ONE ENTERS ‘THAT PLACE.” So one of us said to him: “We heard that God has sent someone to rescue mankind back to God.” Satan then asked: “Who is that?” ONE MEMBER ANSWERED “JESUS” AND TO OUR GREATEST SURPRISE, LUCIFER FELL FROM HIS SEAT. He shouted at the man and warned him never to mention that name in any of our meetings if he loves his life. IT IS TRUE THAT AT THE NAME OF JESUS EVERY KNEE MUST BOW (Phil. 2:10), including Satan [4].
After this incident he encouraged us and told us not to mind “these Christians”, that he Lucifer would soon come to rule the world and would give us, his agents, a better place so that we would not suffer with the rest of the world and he would make us rulers. HE CONTINUED THAT SINCE MAN LIKES FLASHY AND FANCIFUL THINGS, HE WOULD CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE THESE THINGS AND MAKE SURE THAT MAN HAS NO TIME FOR HIS GOD AND THAT HE WOULD USE THE FOLLOWING TO DESTROY THE CHURCH:
1. Money,
2. Wealth,
3. Women.
At the end of this speech he dismissed the meeting. This was my first meeting with Satan. Several others followed after this meeting. As we were leaving, the Queen of the Coast, who now appears in different forms, invited me to her mansion. She inserted human ashes with other things inside the bones of my two legs, a STONE (not an ordinary stone) in my finger and something else inside the bone of my right hand. Each of these things had their duties. The stone in my finger was to KNOW THE THOUGHT OF ANYONE AGAINST ME. The one in my right hand was to EMPOWER ME TO DESTROY and the ones in the legs were to make me more hardened and so BECOME MORE DANGEROUS and also to enable me CHANGE TO A WOMAN, BEAST, BIRD, CAT, etc. She took me to one of the laboratories and gave me a telescope, a T.V. and a video. These were not ordinary things but were to be used in detecting the born again Christians and the church goers inside the Church. Finally SHE GAVE ME SIXTEEN GIRLS TO WORK AS MY AGENTS. NINNA WAS ONE OF THEM. I came back to Lagos armed with the above mentioned ‘gifts’.

Transformed into Satan’s Agent

I HAD NO HUMAN FEELINGS NOR MERCY IN MY HEART ANY LONGER. I went into operation immediately and DESTROYED FIVE DUPLEX at a go. They all sunk inside the ground with all their inhabitants. This happened at Lagos in August 1982. The contractor was held responsible for not laying a good foundation and he paid dearly for it. A LOT OF DESTRUCTIONS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD TODAY ARE NOT MAN MADE. The devil’s duty is to steal, kill and destroy. I say it again, SATAN HAS NO “FREE GIFT”.
I went into CAUSING ACCIDENTS ON THE ROADS etc. A case I would like to mention is about a young convert who went about testifying of his salvation and deliverance. He was causing a lot of harm in the spirit world for doing this, so I planned an accident for him. One day he was on a luxurious bus to Lagos. He had an appointment where he was to give his testimony. As the bus was on high speed, I wheeled it out of the road and it WENT AND CRASHED INTO A TREE. ALL THE PASSENGERS DIED EXCEPT THIS YOUNG CONVERT. His escape was miraculous because he came out of the vehicle through the boot of the bus and shouted: “I am safe! I am safe!” We tried to stop him from testifying but we failed.
I destroyed lives to the extent that Lucifer became very pleased and made me CHAIRMAN OF THE WIZARDS. A month after my chairmanship, a meeting was called. We attended that meeting as birds, cats and snakes.
These creatures are used for the following reasons:
1. Turning to birds make wizards more dangerous.
2. Turning to cats make wizards able to reach both spirits and humans.
3. Turning to rats enable wizards to enter into a house easily, then in the night turn to shadow, and then to human being and suck the victim’s blood.
In this meeting we had only one item on the agenda: “THE CHRISTIANS.” We then scheduled to hold an AFRICAN WIZARD CONFERENCE IN BENIN CITY IN 1983. We published it in all the dailies and all the public media. All the forces of darkness were mobilised and we were very confident that nothing was going to interrupt this meeting. In fact everything was well planned and there was no loophole. Suddenly, THE CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA WENT INTO PRAYERS AND PRAISES UNTO THEIR GOD AND ALL OUR PLANS WERE SHATTERED. Not only that our plans were shattered but also THERE WAS REAL CONFUSION IN THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. As a result, the witches’ and wizards’ conference could not be held in Nigeria. CHRISTIANS SHOULD NOTE THAT THE MOMENT THEY GO INTO REAL PRAISES TO GOD ALMIGHTY, THERE IS TROUBLE AND CONFUSION BOTH IN THE SEA AND IN THE AIR, AND THE AGENTS OF SATAN HAVE NO RESTING PLACE. PRAYER IS LIKE THROWING A TIME-BOMB in their midst and everyone will escape for his/her life. IF CHRISTIANS WOULD REALIZE AND USE THE POWER AND AUTHORITY GOD HAS GIVEN THEM, THEY WOULD CONTROL THE AFFAIRS OF THEIR NATION! ONLY CHRISTIANS CAN SAVE OUR NATION.
After the failure of this conference, which was later HELD IN SOUTH AFRICA, I was called back to the sea. When I arrived, I was told that from that moment I WOULD MAKE THE SEA MY HOME AND ONLY VISIT THE WORLD FOR DIFFICULT OPERATIONS. I was given a NEW ASSIGNMENT: inventing charms for native doctors, in charge of the control room and sending the gifts, i.e. OPENING OF WHITE GARMENT CHURCHES (PRAYER HOUSES), OPENING OF MATERNITIES, OPENING STORES AND MAKING THEM PROSPER, GIVING ‘CHILDREN’ AND MONEY. These will be explained one after the other:

1. Opening of White Garment Churches

When a man came to us for an assistance to build a prayer house and help him performing healings etc., he would be given some conditions:
2. At a certain level of office in the church the person would be INITIATED TO OUR SOCIETY.
3. NO member would be allowed to come into the prayer house with SHOES ON.
Many people when disturbed by evil spirits go to these “prophets” to cast them out. The truth is, THEY ONLY ADD MORE DEMONS TO THEM. A DEVIL CANNOT CAST OUT DEVIL [5]. What the prophet would do is, he will pray for the member and then give him/her a red cloth to put in his/her house, and then would advise him/her to always pray with candles and incenses. By this act the person invited us into his/her house. Sometimes the member would be advised to bring a goat etc., for sacrifice. These sacrifices were for us to come and help cure the man. The prophet has no power to cure or heal.

2. Opening of Maternities

If a woman came to us for assistance in opening a maternity and making it prosper, she would be given this condition: “A MONTH WOULD BE CHOSEN BY US IN WHICH ALL THE CHILDREN BORN IN THE MATERNITY WOULD DIE, but the other months the children would live.”

3. Opening of Fancy Stores

When a man approached us for assistance in this respect, he would be given a ring with a condition that no woman should be allowed to touch it. He also had to AGREE TO BE OUR MEMBER. If he accepted to fulfil these conditions, HIS STORE WOULD BE STOCKED ALWAYS WITH THE BEST AND LATEST MATERIALS BY US.

4. Giving of Children

If a barren woman went to some native doctors, after laying her complaints, she would be asked to bring the following: A WHITE COCK, A GOAT, NATIVE CHALK AND BABY CARE. She would be advised to go and in her absence, the native doctor would come to us bringing these things. We would then mix certain things which are difficult to explain in writing, and which had to include HUMAN ASHES. HE WOULD USE THIS CHARM TO COOK FOOD FOR THE WOMAN etc. She would become pregnant and give birth, but IT’S NOT A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. IF THE CHILD WAS A FEMALE SHE WOULD LIVE AND EVEN GET MARRIED BUT WOULD REMAIN BARREN ALL HER LIFE. IF THE CHILD WAS A MALE HE WOULD LIVE AND EVEN BE TRAINED ONLY TO DIE SUDDENLY. THEY NEVER LIVE TO BURY THEIR PARENTS. I would like to mention here that BARRENNESS IS MOSTLY CAUSED BY DEMONS. YOU MAY SEE A WOMAN BARREN HERE ON EARTH, BUT SHE WOULD HAVE CHILDREN IN THE SEA. I therefore advise God’s children to wait on God alone because only God gives real children.

5. Giving of Money

If a man came to us for money, he would be given these conditions to fulfil: He would be asked to GIVE A PART OF HIS BODY or if he had a family he would be asked TO BRING HIS SON. If single, he would be asked to bring his ELDER OR YOUNGER BROTHER. Whoever he decided to bring had to be from the same womb. Something worth mentioning is: during the killing of the victim, the person who brought him would be given a spear or an arrow. His relations would be made to file past in a mirror. AS SOON AS THE ONE HE HAD DONATED PASSED, HE WOULD BE ASKED TO STRIKE AND AS THIS HAPPENED THE VICTIM WOULD DIE WHERE HE WAS. There are other methods but one thing Satan does is that: He makes sure that in the different methods, the donor becomes responsible for the death of the victim, by making the donor strike the victim.




if mi nuh sh%t pan mi fb page sum gyal caaaah swallah !!!!! then unuh seh unuh have life !!!!! lmao unuh a real dick ridah !!!!
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