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So met this boy(gary harrison) deh pon facebook a look fi woman fi dance up inna him strip club, di boy a (Edited) man mi hear oooooo and him a use woman fi cover up the real activities a di club, man can go deh and get a good fix up from another man. Him live uptown inna mansion in the sky and a drive all sort a expensive vehicles, met me hear seh him is a well known top uptown man “gyal” so mi need confirmation. Smaddy come dash out di file nuh


Gay man fined for pouring hot soup on ex-lover
BY TANESHA MUNDLE Observer staff reporter [email protected]
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A man who was injured after his ex-lover poured hot soup over his head left the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court in disappointed mood today after the judge did not comply with his request to drop the case.
The accused, Duwayne Brown, was taken into custody and charged after he poured a cup of hot soup over the complainant’s head during a heated argument concerning their relationship.
But the complainant whose burns was visible on his neck when he appeared in court today told the court that he only wanted the magistrate to warn Brown.
“I am leaving the country tomorrow and I would just like you to warn him that’s all,” the complainant said.
However, Senior Magistrate Judith Pusey told him that she has to sentence Brown because he pleaded guilty to assault occasioning grievous bodily harm.
“Your Honour I just want the case to end,” the complainant insisted.
The magistrate after making enquiries about the complainant’s injuries was informed that the burns were not serious and fined Brown $5000, or three months in prison.

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The owner of the goat Mr David Mutunha said he caught Chisare in the act with his goat after he heard sounds of distress coming from the animal. Residents in Ward 28 in Norton were left stunned by the bizarre incident which happened on Saturday night.

Police Spokesperson, Superintendent Andrew Phiri confirmed the arrest of Chisare and said the suspect is expected to appear in court this Monday.

Last month a 34 year old Chirumhanzu man appealed to police for help after being ordered to pay lobola and marry a goat he was allegedly caught having sex with. The animal’s owners assaulted him before dumping the animal at his homestead and demanding lobola.

The man identified as Dziva admitted being found in the Sithole family’s goats’ pen but dismissed allegations he had been intimate with the animal.

“It’s only a suspicion, I was not caught red-handed but they (Sithole family) claim that their goat is pregnant and they are demanding that I pay for that. If they found me in there, does that mean I was being intimate with their goat?” A local headman said the matter had since been referred to the chief.

In August last year, a 16-year old boy caused a stir in Buhera for satisfying his sexual desires with chickens, calves and goats. At least three chickens and one calf died within a month after the sexual encounters.

The teenager, Egious Chikoore confessed that he only gets sexual gratification from animals. “I have been intimate with the chickens and goats nearly every day. Sometime I target the calves in the kraal when everyone retires to bed,” he said.

Egious, a school drop out was employed by Mbuya Ester Chitendere as a herdboy. Chitendere, narrated how the bizarre incident began.

“I employed Egious in April and his duties were merely to herd my stock since I am aging. The problem began when several of my chickens mysteriously went missing after attending my brother’s memorial service.”

“We hunted for the chickens but failed to locate them only to find one behind the main bedroom. We were not suspicious although its backside was wide open. A few days after the incident, I discovered that several chickens were ill but we failed to identify the sickness.”

“We opted to slaughter and feasted on the meat,” she said. Mbuya Chitendere says within a week, she mysteriously lost one of her healthy calves after seeing it showing the similar symptoms.

“The calf died within a week.” “It was not easy to inform my daughter Simbisai, who resides in Britain as she would be heartbroken. “It had stopped feeding and its eyes had changed into a whitish colour.”

“We threw it away but I was really troubled for losing my stock in such a mysterious manner.” However, the beans spilled when Mbuya Chitendere noticed one of her chickens battling to walk.

Mbuya Chitendere smelt and detected fresh human semen all over the chicken’s nether hole. “I placed the chicken in a basket and asked Egious about it but he declined.

“Yaichururuka hurume.” (human semen was oozing from it) “I rushed to Egious’s aunt who stays in the neighbourhood and she could not believe her eyes.” Egious eventually admitted he had a lust for fresh chickens, cattle and goats, but not on a braai stand.


Investigators probing the murder-case against dancehall entertainer Vybz Kartel have now submitted the forensic material in the case. The forensic reports were turned over to the Director of Public Prosecutions Monday. A senior investigator told RJR News that they have now submitted the videotaped material; the telephone data, including text messages exchanged between the persons allegedly involved in the killing, and the forensic material.

The forensic material revealed that bloodstains taken from the scene of the alleged killing, were that of human blood. The reports also revealed that persons who carried out the crime, attempted to destroy the evidence by setting fire to the house in which 24 year old Clive Williams otherwise called Lizard, was killed. However, the senior investigator said they were able to retrieve bloodstain evidence at the crime scene. The telephone data or text messages reportedly give goring details as to how the body of the victim was disposed off.

Vybz Kartel, whose real name is Adidjah Palmer, is charged jointly with members of his Gaza Empire for the murder of Mr Williams. It’s alleged that on August 16, last year, Mr. Williams was taken to a house in Havendale where he was beaten and stabbed to death. The cops reported that they seized a cellular phone used to record the killing and that has helped them to show that Williams was killed although they didn’t find his body. The others accused of the crime are deejay, Shawn Campbell, also known as “Shawn Storm”; fashion designer, Calvin Haye, also known as “Moonie”; Cayro Jones, Sean Williams, and Andre St John. Justice Marjorie Cole Smith had given the police until Monday to submit the material following complaints from the attorneys for Vybz Kartel. A bail hearing is tentatively set for Friday before the Home Circuit Court.



God’s will to heal even when prayer fails

Home > God’s will when prayer fails (for healing)
“We prayed, fasted, and sought God to heal, but nothing happened, so how could it have been God’s will for that person to be healed?”

This is such a largely debated subject within the body of Christ, and of course I have a teaching on it. This month, I want to bring something to the table which should get us all thinking about this whole subject of healing. I have news for today’s church: Just because you pray for something, and nothing happens, does not mean it is God’s will for nothing to happen.

There are so many times, things under the surface that are going on which are never addressed. The Bible tells us that God’s people (not the world, but the Children of God) are destroyed (Satan is stealing, killing, and destroying them – see John 10:10) by lack of knowledge (see Hosea 4:6). Somehow, the church today thinks that if we just launch a few prayers to heaven, that the will of God will be done… completely ignoring the whole idea of how a lack of knowledge can destroy the children of the kingdom!

The root to the disease Lupus is almost always rooted in issues of self-hate. You can pray all you want for somebody to be healed, and I’m not saying that God cannot step in and do a divine miracle, but most of the time He is waiting for us to address the roots of our bondages. Henry Wright, a highly respected leader in healing and deliverance ministry, said that when you address the self hate, certain diseases such as lupus just start to disappear.

Let me ask you this: if your car didn’t start on Sunday morning (a very important prayer service that you didn’t want to miss for the world), and you prayed and asked God to transport you in the Spirit to church on Sunday morning, but He didn’t do it, would you dare say that it wasn’t God’s will for you to be in church that morning? Many of us might say that the devil hindered us, as Paul was hindered by Satan (see 1 Thessalonians 2:18). Why don’t we apply this principal to healing prayers that failed? Why is it so quickly God’s will for somebody to be sick, just because a prayer for healing isn’t answered? What if you prayed and prayed for a loved one to get saved, and they died cursing God and went to hell? Would we dare say that it was God’s will for that person to go to hell, just because our prayers were not answered? Do you see how immature it is to assume that just because a prayer isn’t answered, means that it was not God’s will to see that prayer answered? Let’s look at the verse again where we are told to ask for wisdom, but to ask in faith (see James 1:5-7)… clearly it is God’s desire to give us wisdom, but according to this passage, if we aren’t fulfilling the requirement of this passage, then we may not receive a thing from God. Again, that doesn’t mean it was not God’s will to let our prayer go unanswered.

To even take this a step further, there is only one place in the entire NT which speaks of praying for the sick… all the times the disciples and Jesus ministered healing, it was done by exercising their authority over the sickness or disease, which further proves the point that we have been given authority over sickness. We don’t need to beg God for something that He’s put us in charge of and told us to go out and “heal the sick”.

Many times, what happens is that Christians are praying for a healing, while leaving the root of the problem alone, and then when God doesn’t do a miracle, we begin to spread the word that it must not have been God’s will for them to be healed. Even in the case where the man was born blind, God got the glory from the man’s HEALING… not the man’s infirmity! Nowhere in the entire NT am I aware of, did God ever get an ounce of glory from somebody remaining in their sickness or disease!

One good point that the Holy Spirit had shown me was concerning the will of God here on earth, and that it is the same as His will in heaven. You can read my teaching on The Will of God on Earth for a better understanding of this revelation. Basically, what we see happening in heaven, is what God wants to see here on earth (remember “Thy will be done here on earth as it is in heaven”?). Do we see things missing, broken, sickened, and lacking up in heaven? Not at all! Then what makes us think that these things are God’s will here on earth then? Or are we going to argue that those are God’s will up in heaven? The whole point of Jesus coming here to earth and doing all those miracles, healings, deliverances, etc., was to demonstrate and bring the Father’s will down here to earth. This is why Jesus equipped the saints to heal the sick and cast out demons (see Mark 16:17-18), so that His will could manifest here on earth, and we could carry on the ministry that Jesus started and demonstrated to us during His time here on earth.

Let’s take a moment and look at true Biblical faith faith. I have a more detailed teaching on Biblical faith and healing, but I want to address briefly here as well. You cannot have faith for something that has not been promised to you. If I never promised to pay your student loan off, you have no grounds to believe that I will. It would be impossible for you to have faith that I’m going to do something that I never said I would do. The same is true with God, as faith comes by hearing God’s Word (which include His promises!). As Pastor James Brandt says, “You can only have faith for something that is promised to you in the Word.” The Bible refers to the prayer for healing as a prayer of faith, which means it is a prayer of knowing (see James 5:15). Furthermore, in that passage, we are told that the prayer of faith WILL save the sick. This prayer of faith is a very important subject all by itself, as it is not just a prayer of concentration (“if it be thy will”;). This makes it virtually impossible to have uncontaminated faith in God for a healing, if we are on the fence as to whether or not it is God’s will to heal us. The Bible tells us that he who asks of faith needs to ask believing, or else he cannot expect anything from God (see James 1:6-7). Having faith in somebody for something means that you are trusting them to come through on a promise made. You cannot have a whole lot of faith that I’m going to pay your car payment this month if I never promised to do such a thing, can you? The same principal is true when it comes to receiving the promises of God.

I’m going to be honest with you, until I see the church demonstraiting the success rate that Jesus’ ministry and that of the early church had when it came to healing ministry, I am not satisfied with their beliefs and approaches to healing ministry. We can leave all of this, “Is it God’s will?” business on the back burner, and get busy figuring out what we are missing, what knowledge we are lacking which is destroying our friends and loved ones. God’s Word tells us that it was Satan who came to kill, but Jesus came to give life. Cancer (which is almost always demonically rooted) is a means of killing God’s saints. The man born blind never died in that state, or it would have never given God glory. All too often people take their sicknesses and diseases to the grave, which brings God no glory. The ONLY case where a death due to sickness gave God glory, was the story of Lazareth, who brought God much glory ONLY because he was later raised from the dead. What gave God glory in the NT concerning those who were sick? It was when they were healed; scores of healings took place and brought God much glory among the people.

And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

Matthew 4:24

When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick.

Matthew 8:16

But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all.

Matthew 12:15

And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases; And they that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.

Luke 6:17-19

Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

Acts 5:15-16

Once we reach the level of success that is demonstrated to us in the NT, then let’s sit down and discuss this whole idea of God’s desire to see His children sick and miserable (as they are in heaven?).

USAIN DI SENDER SEH ”Why is Usain Bolt keeping his child anonymous”???

indeed news surface the net about the birth of Usain Bolt’s daughter “Anaya Imani Bolt”, but no answers from the star himself. Living proof came from a link at the Jamaica Registration Office. But really now Bolt you hiding your child so you can keep living young, wild and free with the media on your ass and not losing any contracts because of the bad parent you are. I’m seeking a picture of the child to send in. And to the anonymous mom ratings fi u cuz u nah look no hype from the star boi like the rest a him groupie dem! Bolt yuh fi do betta yuh a big man!!!!!! Nuh party nuh miss you and nuh crotches nuh pass yuh but play your role and support your child.

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