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Dead or alive, Mugabe is now useless – ZANU-PF
By Mathula Lusinga

Published: April 25, 2012


ZANU-PF high echelons have finally accepted that Mugabe is now part of their history rather than their present as the man is apparently struggling to cope with the day-to-day demands of both ruling the country and leading ZANU-PF as a party. This reality-check seems to have been kicked off by the recent rumours of Mugabe’s Easter holiday illness. Senior ZANU-PF sources are worried that Mugabe, who was publicly seen struggling to deliver his 18 April speech, cannot deliver promises that he is making in his campaign for the next elections. They point out that froth was coming out of his mouth during the speech and he continuously had to use tissue paper to wipe away saliva. They all agree he needs rest but no one has the guts to tell him to quit. This is evidenced by the

“used tissue paper to wipe away saliva”
said two successors, Emerson Mnangagwa and Joyce Mujuru, who both recently denied any interest in replacing the ailing Mugabe. However, what is visible among ZANU-PF big shots is the urgency to loot the country’s mineral resources. Sources are saying ZANU-PF is set to benefit whether Mugabe remains or dies in power.

Where does the loot go?

Nobody seems to know where the benefits from the country’s resources are being taken. Evidence suggests the Ministry of Finance is not receiving enough mineral proceeds, suggesting only a few are benefiting. This is the case regardless of the Finance Minister’s recent calls to the West to uplift targeted sanctions which affect, amongst others, Mbada Diamonds Resources which is apparently used by senior ZANU-PF and Military personnel for personal benefit. Online newspapers recently reported that either Mugabe or his former pilot, Andy Mhlanga, who is also the current chairman of Mbada Resources, are developing a multimillion property in Durban’s most upmarket area (South Africa). Estimated between R200 to R300 million, the property apparently boasts of a house, two man-made dams, an underground bunker, bullet-proof windows and a helipad. If these reports are true, this property will be one of the many properties that Zimbabweans suspect is being paid for by money from corrupt dealings. Corruption is one of the biggest threats to Zimbabwean society and it is a major motivation for people who want a change of politics in the country. Also, the property in Durban validates rumours that the South African government is allowing ZANU-PF big shots to hide Zimbabwe’s loot in their country. For the past decade there have been calls to the RSA government to stop ZANU-PF members from using their country as a haven to hide Zimbabwe’s stolen riches. However, South Africa has not imposed economic sanctions on Zimbabwean politicians and thus for them, whether or not corruption is suspected to have played a part in monies that are brought into the country by Zimbabweans, they are just dealing with an “investor”. In a nutshell, Zimbabweans need to find out more information about activities of corrupt government officials and individuals. A future new government should then create an asset forfeiture unit which will ensure money obtained through corruption returns to the country to help rebuild our economy.

Powerless MDCs?

The MDCs combined have a majority of MPs in Parliament but somehow ZANU-PF still seems to be unstoppable. The looting of resources in Marange continues unchallenged and recently the PM declared himself satisfied with operations in that area even though we all know there is no transparency. Violence remains a major threat to communities and up to now several key electoral reforms have not been met as ZANU-PF continues to resist attempts to level the political playing field. While we recognise and appreciate the progress made in some areas by the GNU, it remains worrying that if the key reforms are not met the country risks sliding back to the pre-2008 elections environment.

ZANU-PF in a fix

We should be heartened, however, by the widespread panic and confusion with in ZANU-PF as they struggle with how to handle the issue of succession after Mugabe. Recent indications suggest a bitter fight between rivals. This situation is supposedly worsened by the military’s inability to command the majority of the force to participate in the ZANU-PF succession wars. Sources say the military will find it difficult to flex its muscles in Zimbabwe’s politics should Mugabe go because there are less that 100 senior officers who subscribe to ZANU-PF’s way of doing things. The rest of the army is apparently more interested in their personal struggles to make ends meet due to low salaries and certainly not interested in being used as party machinery. So what will happen if Mugabe goes? This question should not be left to ZANU-PF alone and it is high time everyone has a say!

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What a gwan Sharon we see you start hide from the video light now see u go out and hide from the video light some a you clothes look good and some don’t look good me see you and you man stone take a picture . it two a uno look like old people the suit no look good pon him and definitely you frock no look good pon you it favor witch. Me no know which dress maker make that frock dea for you from England. What big argument we hear a go round. me inner Hair dresser shop me hear dem a say you a talk to the next man we no afi call no name we done know who them person dea so Sharon you come a Jamaica you cant take everybody inner one circle. All the next 20 year we still ago talk bout you you a married woman stay with you husband a England no come back a Jamaica it no fit you right now the . Jamaica girl dem a mash you up. See you inner one shoe wa day yah you affi tek it off like a barrow you barrow that one dea. Sharon you a bill gate no match two a no come like old people matter fact you a 49 . you fi go sit down with our old self and stay out a people business. You love sit down and criticize what we wear and me know me cant walk inner me shoe and it nah burn me so me afi put on slippers. It high and I can walk inner it. See you and bill gate a British link up and him pants big off a him look how him drape up him pants a him waist. We a hot girl fi you a Jamaica and England . big up urself one more time Sharon and you name Sharon sav me no see you with no more sav though save gone left you


Man Beaten to Death by Wife, Children and Native Doctor – Wife Runs away with Native Doctor Lover0 Comments
By admin
Posted on 13 Apr 2012 at 11:22am

Tragedy struck in Ikpamodo Village, Enugu-Ezike in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State last weekend when a housewife, (names withheld), her three children and the woman’s boyfriend, allegedly beat the husband to death.

The deceased was a popular bicycle repairer in the town. He was a Catholic.

His offence: The late bicycle repairer was accused by his widow of disturbing her with his early morning prayers. The widow is a native doctor.

A family source told us that the woman, had allegedly been tormenting her husband and even built her own house, demarcating her husband’s compound with a big fence.

On the day, the man was murdered, she was said to have told her husband that she was not comfortable with the manner in which he had been disturbing her charms by saying long prayers every morning. But the husband, a devout Roman Catholic, told her that he had never supported her practice as a native doctor.

A serious argument ensued between them which led to physical attack. Another man, said to be her boyfriend, who is also a native doctor, was alleged to have joined her in attacking the deceased. The man’s children rushed to the scene and instead of separating their parents, allegedly assisted in beating their father with sticks and logs of wood.

The man slumped and died. Sensing that her husband had died, the widow, her children as well as her “external husband” took to their heels, abandoning the man’s body..

Neighbours and villagers arrived the scene. They took the body to the Ogrute General Hospital, but the doctor confirmed him dead. His body was later deposited at the hospital’s mortuary. The matter was reported at Ogrute police station. The suspects were promptly detained before being transferred to the state Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Enugu. There was tension in the community.

The youths organized themselves and set the six-room apartment of the widow ablaze.

One of the irate youths who spoke to our reporter, but did not want to be named, said: “This is an abomination in our community. Nobody has ever committed such sacrilege. That is the reason we decided to take the law into our own hands and burn her building to serve as a deterrent to any other person who may try such evil act again”

When our reporter visited Ikpamodo community yesterday, the man had been buried even as normalcy is gradually returning there.

The Divisional Police Officer (DPO) for Ogrute Division, Buulus Maaji, was not available for comments when our reporter visited the station. The Police Public Relations Officer, state command, Ebere Amaraizu, said on phone that he was yet to be officially briefed on the incident.




Living by the Spirit

by Ian Drucker

Most of my life I have felt the presence of a battle being fought within the deepest portion of my soul. It started when I was thirteen, as a result of my cousin sharing his dad’s stash of Playboy magazines with me.

The sinful desires of my flesh screamed out to be satisfied every day afterwards for more than 30 years. That’s how long I was addicted to pornography, and continuously lusted for beautiful women. I know that many people may argue that magazines like Playboy and Penthouse aren’t porn, but I would strongly disagree. Let’s get real! Although these magazines may not show people engaging in sexual acts, the women they show and the way they are shown definitely causes sexual arousal. So, you may be asking, “Does that mean that the Victoria’s Secret and similar types of catalogs are porn?” To me, the answer is YES! I say that because I was addicted to them as well. I couldn’t wait until I could get my hands on the next Victoria’s Secret catalog. I am really saddened because I know first hand the damage that our society is causing to an entire generation of boys, that will eventually grow up (physically at least) to be men. This, however, is the subject of another column.

In the initial stages of my addiction the act of satisfying the desires of my flesh was followed by guilt, shame and sadness. This feeling would subside in time; and the desire would build up until I satisfied it again. This cycle would repeat itself over and over. With each cycle the feelings of guilt, shame and sadness diminished. Eventually, as I continued to feed it, my addiction grew to the point that these feelings were squelched, so much so, that they almost completely disappeared. The feelings of shame and guilt were replaced by a feeling of permissiveness. While in my twenties, visiting strip clubs (gentlemen clubs, etc.) became an integral part of my life. It got to the point that I actually considered it to be healthy red-blooded American male behavior, as I had adopted a worldly view of most things. I would visit them a few times a week. I looked forward to the outings, and it was the anticipation of the excitement to come that gave me the drive, strength and energy to make it through the week.

I would talk openly about going to strip clubs after work with my co-workers. Beyond and worse than that, I would go around the office and try to talk people into going on each outing with me and others (which didn’t include only men by the way). I had grown to really enjoy going to these clubs, and I became very disappointed whenever I could not visit one; when and where I wanted. I have to admit that saying I really enjoyed these outings is a bit of an understatement. The truth is that I grew to crave them. It is sad, but true, that these outings became addictive. I found myself scheduling my work day and developing work habits that would ensure my flexibility to leave the office at specific times, based on the women that I knew would be dancing on a specific day. Anyone in this situation knows exactly what I’m talking about. It gets to the point that you know the schedules of your favorite dancers. Eventually, their schedule becomes your schedule.

Galatians 5:16-17 indicates, “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.”

I have always believed that God exists, and that He loves me. I am confident that even before I became a Christian, the Holy Spirit was trying to convict me of my sinfulness. I believe that it was the Holy Spirit that encouraged me and worked within me to create the feelings of shame and sadness. The Holy Spirit was trying to convince me that my thoughts and actions were sinful.

I became a baptized believer in and follower of Jesus Christ in 1993. I came to Christ with a tremendous amount of baggage which included an addiction to porn. I was also the product of a broken home, I was sexually abused and I had one failed marriage. Need I say more? I thank God every day, that He accepts us as we are, baggage included. I am so thankful for Jesus because I know that I am the exact type of person that He came to earth to save.

Since my baptism, the Holy Spirit has really been at work on and within me. The Holy Spirit has been in conflict with my sinful nature. It is this very real Spiritual War that has created the battleground atmosphere within my innermost being.

I know that I can’t undo the past, or right all of the wrongs that I have committed. I wish that I could. However, I know that I must face each day with the renewed mind and heart that I have as a new creation in Christ. While God accepts us where we are, I am convinced that He doesn’t want us to stay that way. I am a firm believer that our old sinful nature must die, and that we must learn to live by the Spirit. For me that was quite a challenge and it took quite a few years. The point is that we don’t have a choice; it is something that we are told to do. It is a journey, and each person’s walk with the LORD in this regard is going to be very different.

People often ask me if I’m still tempted, now that God has delivered me from my addiction. The answer is, yes! Of course I am, and quite frequently. The difference, however, is that I now know that I must fight off and fight through the temptation, rather than give in to i

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