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Spiritual Bulletproof fails

It was a sad end for Yisa Anifowose, the leader of the Odua People’s Congress, OPC, at Shasha, Akowonjo, Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria, when his friend, John Taju, shot him dead while testing the efficacy of his newly acquired bullet-proof charm.

The charm could not prevent bullets from penetrating into his body as he reportedly boasted before he was shot.

He slumped and died as a result of the injury he sustained during the shooting.

His corpse has been deposited at Igando General Hospital, for autopsy.

The late Anifowose was married and had six children.

Anifowose, 54, popularly called Baba Kazeem, was shot in the chest by his friend and member of OPC, Taju, a one-eyed man. The suspect has been arrested.

The incident happened at the OPC tarmac, Zone 5, Orisumbare, Shasha, Lagos, the family home of the deceased.

On returning to Lagos, he was invited by his friends who are members of the OPC, to their base to celebrate his newly acquired power and the purchase of a new car by one of his members.

It was while they were celebrating that Baba Kazeem asked Taju who had a locally-made gun on him to shoot him to test the efficacy of the new charm.

Taju reportedly shot Baba Kazeem and the bullet tore his chest. He died on the spot.

His death threw the residents into confusion and his friends fled the scene.

Some residents of the area quickly locked up their houses and shops and relocated from the area to avoid being arrested by the police.

The matter was reported at the Idimu Police Station. But before the police arrived the scene, Taju had escaped.

Policemen at the station confirmed the story, adding that the suspect was later arrested, interrogated and transferred to the homicide section of the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCID, Panti, Yaba, Lagos.

“Investigation is ongoing in the matter,” a source at the station told us.

When we visited t he residence of the late Baba Kazeem at 12, Ejigbo Road Orisumbare, Shasha, Lagos, his wife, Hafsat Anifowose and her relations gathered in front of the house to mourn the OPC leader.

She lamented the death of her husband and appealed to the police to investigate the incident and bring the culprit to justice. “I cannot just stay and watch my husband killed like a chicken. The government should intervene and arrest those involved in his death,” she cried.

A brother of the deceased, Adedeji Ajanaku, described the deceased as a courageous man. He called on the government to release his corpse to the family for burial in accordance with Islamic rites.

Following the death of the OPC leader in this circumstance, we talked to some traditionalists on the efficacy of the so-called bullet-proof charm and whether such exist or it is just in the realm of the imagination of the believers.

Dr. Bunmi Omosehindemi, Chairman, Lagos State Traditional Medicine Board said he has been hearing of the existence of such a charm but quickly added that he has not seen it.

“Some people say it exists but I have not seen it. I am a scientist,” he said.

A traditionalist, Chief Samuel Oluwasola Dedeigbo, however, confirmed that a bullet-proof charm indeed exists, adding that it is not easy to come by.

“Bullet-proof charm exists but it is not easy to come by. On the OPC leader that was killed as a result of using the charm, the one they did for him was fake. He should have tested it first on an animal before asking someone to shoot him,” he stated.




salvation is only part of the battle

by Ian Drucker

As Christians we hear many sermons, messages and preaching about salvation. “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3-4).

The message of salvation by God’s grace, through our faith in Jesus Christ, is the foundation or cornerstone that brought each of us to where we are in our spiritual journey. Yet, it is only the beginning. Satan’s ultimate goal in this battle of “Spiritual Warfare” is our spiritual destruction. Once he realizes that we can not be destroyed, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, he will focus on getting us to sin. His desire is for us to fall to temptation, and sin against God. That is because when we sin it hurts God.

I believe and I know from my own campaign of spiritual warfare that there is often a disconnection between an understanding of salvation, and a sure knowledge that we can live victoriously for Jesus. When I first became a Christian I concentrated so much on the fact that I was a sinner in need of a savior, that I disregarded the call to live my life in a manner pleasing to Jesus. I had, in a sense, a fatalistic attitude. I accepted the fact that I was a sinner so much so, that I believed that I would continue to sin. Satan took advantage of this, of course, and deceived me into thinking that it was OK for me to indulge in my sinful desires. This did, to some degree, contribute to the rationalization of my continued sin (my addiction to Internet Porn).

Don’t get me wrong, I know that I am responsible for my sin. We are all responsible for our own desires, thoughts, words and actions. I know, as indicated in James 1:14, that my own evil desires led to my being dragged away and enticed. In addition, please understand that there is a huge difference between falling to an occasional temptation, and willfully continuing in a repetitive pattern of sin that has become a major part of life (as in my case). I lacked a complete understanding, which hindered my growth in the early stages of my walk. Therefore, I was not equipped well enough to fight the good fight. I did not have the proper perspective or an adequate understanding of all that Christ had done for me through His work on the cross. I took it only as an issue of salvation. Unfortunately for me, this resulted in a continuation of my repetitive sin (my indulgence in Internet Porn) for many more years.

I want all Christians, especially those struggling with an addiction to Internet Porn (or any addiction for that matter), to understand that salvation is just the beginning of your new life. Rejoice in the fact that you are a child of God, and share this good news with anyone that you can. However, do not subscribe to the same way of thinking that I did when I was a babe in Christ. I want you to know in your heart and believe that you can, through Jesus, be victorious over a repetitive pattern of sin or addiction. More than that, I want you to know that you are called to live in a manner that is pleasing to God. You must give up your addiction! Consider Ephesians 2:1-10. Before we walked with Christ we were dead in our transgressions and sins, and we followed the ways of the world and the ruler of the Kingdom of the air (Satan). Now, we are dead to sin and alive in Christ. We must now do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. The sooner you are exposed to and believe in this, the sooner you will be successful in battle. Realize that when you became a Christian you became a spiritual warrior for Jesus, and you now live to please Him.

“Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs – he wants to please his commanding officer” (2 Timothy 2:3-4).

You must understand that by putting on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20) you will be properly equipped, and you can be victorious against the enemy.

Hello, my name is Ian J. Drucker. I will be writing a column for this publication on the subject of Internet Porn. I am the President of IMD Ministries, which I founded with my wife (Marti). I will be sharing a lot about my life, my personal struggles with this addiction, how my addiction impacted my marriage, and most importantly how this addiction drove me to my knees in prayer begging God for deliverance.


Mother, stepfather, boyfriend charged in relation to pregnancy of 12 y-o girl
2012-05-05 17:10:08 | (0 Comments)

A mother, a stepfather and a 20-year-old man have been charged with various breaches of the Sexual Offences Act and Child Care and Protection Act following the impregnation of a 12-year-old girl.

It is reported that the 20-year-old, who is the boyfriend of the pre-teen, had moved in to live with the girl, her mother and her stepfather.

The police say the mother reportedly supplied her daughter with contraceptives, however, the pre-teen became pregnant and the mother did not report the matter to the Police.

Investigations led the police to the location where all three were arrested and subsequently charged.

The 20-year-old man was charged with having sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years old; sexual touching and grievous sexual assault.

The mother was charged with aiding and abetting sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16 years old under the Sexual Offences Act; failing to report a crime to the Children’s Registry and cruelty to a child under the Child Care and Protection Act.

The police say further investigations revealed that the stepfather was also molesting the child.

He was charged with grievous sexual assault and sexual touching.

The names of the accused have been withheld to protect the identity of the pre-teen.

The three are booked to appear in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court on Friday, May 11.

[email protected]

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