This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Bonner family mourns loss of mother

Hasani Walters, STAR Writer

The Bonner Brothers (from left): Richie Spice, Spanner Banner, Pliers and Snatcha. – Contributed

The Bonner family is mourning the loss of Violet ‘Auntie Vie’ Bonner, mother of reggae musicians Richie Spice, Pliers, Spanner Banner and Snatcha Lion, who died on Monday at the Medical Associates Hospital in St Andrew at the age of 74.

The brothers are very saddened by the loss of their mother, who Spanner Banner said was a constant source of motivation for them.

“Well, it’s been kinda rough because my mother was always dear to me. When you have that kinda support and it just gone suh, it kinda hard to cope with it,” a saddened Spanner Banner shared.


He went on to mention that she died as a result of being ill with diabetes along with other complications, but said that they had not yet received the autopsy.

The family has since been trying to cope and remain strong.

“Everybody haffi a hold up and a stay strong. It kinda shake up the family a way,” he said.

Richie Spice is currently on tour in Europe, however, Ralston Barrett of RAB Entertainment who has worked with the Bonner family as a publicist over the years told The STAR that: “Richie Spice is actually overseas but he got the news earlier today, and he didn’t take it easy at all as you would expect.”

Richie Spice’s nephew and grandson to Violet Bonner, Fontano Thompson, also spoke with The STAR saying that the news has been traumatic for the family.

“Boy the family is traumatised, is some wicked circumstances. We try wi best but it seems like is not we have the last word,” he said.


A man got the shock of his life when he caught his PREGNANT wife being intimate with a self-styled prophet in a parked car.

Patrick (31) could not believe his eyes after his wife Lydia Makoni’s illicit sexual exploits with Njari (40) came to light barely a week after they had consulted him for his services.

Lydia is said to have lied to Patrick that she intended to visit her mother who resides in the same neighborhood, only to discover that she had gone to the prophet [ Njari’s] house for her sex-sermons.

Patrick told us our report that he was really shocked after catching his pregnant wife having quality time in the parked car at House No. 12 Nzere Street where the prophet resides.

“I suspect that this illicit affair might have started on the first day we consulted him as he asked my wife to visit him alone the following day for more prayers. My wife is five months pregnant now and I wonder why she was cheating on me to that extent.”

“As we speak she is at her mother’s house after that incident and I can swear that Njari will never conduct his prayers again at his shrine,” fumed Patrick.

In another interview, Lydia also CONFIRMED that she was caught red-handed being swayed by Njari’s prophecies.

“It is true that this prophet asked me to come for prayers alone after we visited him along with my husband. He told me that I had no bright future with my husband saying he was planning to marry another girl.

“On the second visit, Njari gave me US$5 that I used to buy bread and he then seduced me and we ended up having s*x in the parked car,” she said. She said she had lied to her husband that she had gone to her mother’s place while in actual fact she was seeing the prophet.

“I was convinced by this prophet and I believed him as we were having problems at home with my husband that led us to consult him. He told me that he had fallen for me and that he would look for alternative accommodation in High-field for me although he knew that I was pregnant.”

“On the day in question, he gave me a laptop which he said was a token of love and showed me a book which he said was a proof that the car was his and I agreed to his demands before we were caught by Patrick. At home, I had given instructions for Patrick to be told that I was to come back soon,” said Lydia.

When we visited Njari at his shrine, he was not around as he is now playing cat and mouse with Patrick, who allegedly threatened him with death. Neighbors said Njari had sought refuge at his neighbors place where we finally hooked up with him and he confirmed the story.

He, however, blamed it on Lydia for visiting him at his house before begging us not to publish the story. After all she is the one who came to my house,” he said .

“I am here because Patrick has threatened to kill me and I know he is violent as people around this neighborhood call him Masendeke. I could have died and I was not familiar with him because he is extremely dangerous.

“I know that you reporters would take it wrongly and denounce prophets but to be honest I was not putting on my garments and this was a sin of the flesh. There was nothing I could do to resist that and I am prepared to marry her if Patrick is no longer interested in her.”

“I am a divorcee with four children the first one is 22 years old in the village in Dande under chief Matsiwo. Please do not publish this story. I am prepared to give you a heifer plus US$200 for your lunch and the driver who is with you.

“I am a dealer who buys gold and I have many beasts at my village so do not publish this story, I beg you,” said Njari as he pleaded with H-Metro to kill the story.

Njari was also attending to a lady identified as Priscilla in the presence of her friends. She told H-Metro she had been advised to leave her mobile phone after failing to give him US$30 that he charged for the services.

“I thank my God because this man wanted my cellphone after I failed to raise US$30 for the services he offered me. He asked me to remove my blouse before he took long to attend to me to cure my stomach pains. He is a false prophet. I could have lost my Samsung mobile phone,” said Priscilla. H Metro

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My Hometown

Oh Jamaica, land of my birth

Sweet Jamaica how I miss and longing for you

There you are surrounded by the Caribbean Sea

Filled with so much mysteries and wonders to see

One could only imagine therefore wants to be


Beautiful land, so enticing, so free

With your sweet sugar canes and white rum

And your blue mountain coffee

Your beauty never stops to amaze me

The many visitors that blesses your shores

You fill their hearts with joy and gladness

And mesmerize their loving hearts

Oh Jamaica, land I love to be


The tranquility that you’ve brought us

Your beauty has no ending

Your country side so beautiful

Like a bride adorned to meet her groom

Jamaica, oh sweet Jamaica

You are the apple of our eyes

So many have tried to conquer thee

But you are strong, vibrant, and resilient
and we are proud to be your own

Oh Jamaica, longing to see


Only in your yard I can be real

No need to pretend to be meek and mild

I can laugh out loud and be me

Talk until I’m hoarse

Sit up late eating Ackee and salt fish, bananas, dumplings

And roast breadfruit fresh from the tree

Fresh, fresh fishes from the sea

Not a worry, not a care

Just be myself, my family and me

With Jamaica by my side I’m free


Mango season come and gone

So does breadfruit, pear and Ackee

Sugar cane plenty for we to eat

Rum and coconut plentiful to drink to stupidity while we there

For soon we return to backra land

Hustling, bustling to make ends meet

Too tired for friendship or smiles

All I have to do is sigh when I remember sweet Jamaica


Now I must go

To do my masters will

But tonight when I rest my tired head upon my bed

I’ll close my eyes and instead of a sigh

I will smile, pray to my father high up above

He will send sweet dreams to my weary soul

He will bless my soul with savory thoughts
And if for some reason, he takes my heart

No more to ever start

He will steal me away

Walking in a beautiful Garden of Eden

That will reserve especially for me

Jamaica, Jamaica, oh blessed sweet Jamaica

Here I come to thee

My savior and I


Delfin Pitter Soumeila



A Look at Job
Job 1:8
Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. (NIV)
It is important to understand what this statement means. What does it mean that God said that Job was blameless and upright? Does it mean that Job was sinless and perfect? Hmm? Is that what God means? Does God mean that Job walked by faith and was therefore covered by the future blood of the Lamb, and so when God looked at Job he saw the righteousness of Christ?
What being blameless and upright before God means is almost universally misunderstood today.
Romans 10:8-11
But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: 9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11 As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame. (NIV)
Typically, a church’s doctrine regarding salvation is supported by the above passage. Conventional thinking says that if you can persuade a “sinner” to acknowledge repentance, and get them to confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and then baptize them, that they are then a Christian. This “saved” person is then taught to go to church, and attend church Bible studies and such, and that they should support the church with tithes as it is “God’s work.” Further, this “saved” person is taught that Jesus Christ paid the price for all sin on the cross, and that because they now believe that this is true, that they are blameless and upright before God, by virtue of what Christ did, that is, when God looks at the “saved” person, he sees the righteousness of Christ because…
Romans 10:4
Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. (NIV)
1 Corinthians 1:30
It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God — that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. (NIV)
Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ — to the glory and praise of God. (NIV)
Now all these passages seem to support this modern doctrine of salvation, but there is one thing that makes the modern doctrine of salvation wrong. It is tempting to think that you can apply the Holy Scripture as if it were a lawbook, but you can’t. This is the common error found in all flavors of “Christianity”, that is, what calls itself the “Church” today.




To:Ms If Him Lef


I don’t know if the meaning of this public letter will be understood clearly by you but here I am giving it a shot.

First let me explain that JMG is a website, specifically, a gossip website with bits of education and enlightenment thrown in. The website itself is not a person; it is situated on a server and doesn’t have a heart-beat. The gossip that is posted here, are not posted because of my personal affiliation nor are they posted because I am aiming to hurt anyone. I give voice to gossip and issues specifically in our very small and close knit Jamaican community. In saying this , when an article is posted , whether it be bad or good, it doesn’t  prevent me from doing vice versa in the future because postings are made without malice.

Subjects concerning the Jamaican public, where gross maltreatment occurs, may influence postings to be heartfelt, in defense of the victims.

Lady Saw, there were many posts in reference to gossip/ a certain subject in your life posted here on JMG , neither the website or I know you personally and so would not want to ‘’rend’’ your relationship. It was a post and nothing else.

It is amazing to me how many artists  that are posted thinks it personal and points at the website ,  that has no inkling of who they are but yet they feel that the website personally harmed them, even when they can recognize familiar persons via comments.

Each post about you Lady Saw brought an incomprehensible rant from you via twitter, which looked unprofessional, as if your life was truly in disorder. It was not a good look. But, you continued.

It would be silly of anyone to tell you about your relationship , when you know it best. There were never any specifics mentioned about your personal life, the posts all spiraled around the gossip at hand. Yet, without any personal mention of your personal life, the lifeless website became the enemy. Let me say this, you are still my personal favorite female DJ and that will not change because it is your music that I like. I have no idea who you are as a person, and that allows me to focus on what I know about you, which is again, your music.

You have ranted and raved about the website, changing the name tonight to, ‘’duttygal’’ , seemingly making it personal as if the website itself has attacked and is at war with you. This is not the case and I will never choose an artist to be at war with. If you notice: – a topic may be posted about someone this minute or an artist, and in the next minute,  if they have a hot single out. It will not be stifled from being posted; the good and the bad are posted here. Posting about you does not mean anything other than posting about you.  I do not post about Lady Saw because I hate or dislike Lady Saw. I do not know you enough to make a personal assumption about you or your persona. It is specifically the reason that I may curse one minute and praise the next minute.


I don’t know if anyone has spoken to you about tweeting and yes you are a doll on it most times , but please remember your twitter has mostly fans, people who look up to you to feel a certain way. They are not looking for ultra-personal posts about you because for all they know you are Lady Saw. The only female artist in Jamaica that can go up against a male artist, the female who sings about the issues affecting us as women, in a way where, singing one of your songs may keep that person from being depressed about their struggles.

Your music will live on way after you are gone, but right now the fans have the best of both worlds which is Lady Saw and her music. Please allow them to keep being fans of what they see you as in your music and nothing else.


The personal situation going on now, that you have ‘’resolved’’ has done nothing more or less to you as a person.  I am a woman, and so are you, but it is your place always to know how much or how little you can take. People who are not suckers for love have never loved at all, and we all can suggest what you should do but we have never loved like you, because we all love in different ways and react to love differently. Your career is bigger than any decision you have to make, that will break you. So for now, deal with what is on the front burner, in the biggest pot. Your career.  The new songs you have are great, please keep them coming, that is what we are really looking for.

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