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What Does The “666” Mean?

by Wayne Blank

“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” (Revelation 13:16-18 RSV)
The Mysterious “666”

A tremendous amount has been written about the Bible’s one and only reference to the mysterious number “666.” Using various methods of equating numbers with letters of words or names, a wide variety of interpretations have been made. A few are reasonable guesses (e.g. Nero Caesar, Romulus, Lateinos, Vicarius Filii Dei), while numerous others are extremely unlikely.

Although it’s not entirely clear, yet, what the “666” itself means, the Bible does provide many Scriptures relating to the “beast” that the number represents:

A “new” world economic and military superpower that will represent the final prophesied revival of the ancient “Holy Roman Empire” (Daniel 2:31-45, Revelation 13:1-3, 17:9-14) (see Daniel’s Statue and Birth Of A Superpower), which has actually existed in Europe for many centuries.
A Satan-possessed human who will eventually become its absolute ruler, while claiming divine status (Revelation 13:4-6). The “beast” is a term used to describe both this human, and the great political/religious superpower that he will lead (see Emperor and The Antichrist).
A great religious leader who will support the beast. He will perform spectacular Satan-powered “miracles” that will deceive a majority of the citizens of every nation on earth into obeying and actually worshiping the “beast.” (Revelation 13:4, 7-8, 12-14) (see Emperors and Popes). Because of this worldwide deception, undeceived Christians in even the most strongly-defended countries will not escape persecution because, in most cases, it will not come from foreign invaders, but from fanatically-deceived “Christians” of their own nation. The deceived masses will think that they serving God while they are actually martyring His people (e.g. John 16:2-3, Revelation 13:7).
The right and ability to buy, sell and work (Revelation 13:17).
The personal acceptance or refusal of the “mark” of the beast (Revelation 13:16).
The time will come when there will be no doubt about who and what the “666” symbol is all about. Why? Because the end-time account of the true church is about choices that every genuine Christian then living will have to make, and the consequences of those choices.

God’s people can choose to obey Him and reject the mark of the beast, but then be persecuted by the beast and deceived humans (Revelation 13:7,10,15 and 17:6), or accept the mark of the beast and face the wrath of God that will come upon those who do so (Revelation 16:2). It will be a deliberate, knowing choice, and at that time there will be no doubt what it means.

Fact Finder: What great event will occur at the time that the “beast” is eventually defeated?
Matthew 24:30-31, Revelation 19:11-20



– Reports came in that he was found dead at home
RT @csmstoner: @ZJElektra Breaking news that Mighty Mike who should be the dj on Irie Fm from 6 – 10 pm was found DEAD at his home in St. Ann, Jamaica!


ho·mo·ge·ne·ous   [hoh-muh-jee-nee-uhs, -jeen-yuhs, hom-uh-] Show IPA
composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind; not heterogeneous: a homogeneous population.
of the same kind or nature; essentially alike.
Mathematics .
having a common property throughout: a homogeneous solid figure.
having all terms of the same degree: a homogeneous equation.
relating to a function of several variables that becomes multiplied by some power of a constant when each variable is multiplied by that constant: x 2 y 3 is a homogeneous expression of degree 5.
relating to a differential equation in which a linear combination of derivatives is set equal to zero.




The Tourism Ministry is offering summer jobs for High School, University & recent graduates in Kingston, Manchester, St Elizabeth & St Catherine send resumes to [email protected] ASAP





NOT ONLY FOR THE STORY LOVERS…A MUST READ:20 years ago, he stripped me naked in the market place •••

20 years ago, he stripped me naked in the market place •••

Dear Taiwo,
Help me out. I have been humiliated. I have gone through the worst 20 years and over of my years, and now, I am expected to forget everything and forgive.

The fact, however, is that, I have forgiven a long time ago, but forgetting is not easy and I wish everyone concerned in this issue would leave me alone and also leave God out of this.

I want your readers to advise me on what to do. As far as I am concerned, I have lost everything, so I don’t know what they all want from me again.

In September, I will be 73 years old. I had only one child, a daughter who I lost 20 years ago.

She was everything to me, because her father, my husband who would have stood by me during my trying period died when she was just seven. It was not that I did not desire to remarry, but one way or the other every other, relationship I tried after my husband’s demise did not work.

So you can imagine my joy when my daughter got married and started having children.

She was a lucky child, who got things right at a very early stage. She passed through school without much ado and after her university education she got a good job. When she told me she wanted to get married, though, still very young, I had no cause to stop her.

My only concern was the man she wanted to marry, he was a lot older than she was and I also didn’t like his tribe. I eventually had to let go, when my daughter assured me that all would be well. I also prayed about it and I was assured that with prayers all would be well.

If I had known, I would have followed my instinct. I would have stopped her from marrying him. I would not want to mention his name and tribe because I don’t want to be tagged a tribalist. This is because, I have come to realise that sometimes it is not about the tribe, but about the person.

On the long run my daughter was blessed with a baby girl barely a year into her marriage. My joy had no bounds. Like every proud mother, I stayed in her home to help with the baby care.

Not that I didn’t have a job, I had a thriving business, but I had to leave everything in the hands of a trusted aid to help with the baby care.

I went back to my place when I was sure she could cope. I still wasn’t comfortable with her husband; but I had no choice but to get used to him and I kept praying. I couldn’t place my hands on the real reason I wasn’t comfortable with him, but the feeling just wouldn’t go away.

She was fast in conceiving again. This was why I had to go to her place when she delivered another baby, this time a boy when her first child was barely one.

I noticed that things were a little strained between the couple and my daughter was edgy.

When I asked her she said all was well. How I wished she had confided in me.

Two weeks after she delivered her second baby, she became ill. Very ill that she was hospitalised. You could imagine my state of mind. She was asked to stop breastfeeding her baby because her PCV kept falling. She was in the hospital for over a month. After she was discharged from the hospital, she started another session of sickness.

We resorted to prayers; added to the medical treatment. A friend of mine took me to a spiritual church where my daughter was advised to leave her husband if she wanted to live.

Initially she refused, but later she consented, but this man would not release her. His excuse was that she could not take his children away from his house. I pleaded with him to allow me take them – my daughter and her kids away to take care of her and when she’s better they would return, but he refused.

Eventually, when her little baby was seven months, she died. Before her death, she screamed from her sleep that fateful night. She said she was beaten on her right thigh by a dog in a dream.

Unfortunately, the sign was shown clearly on her thigh when she woke up. We began another spiritual battle; until I lost her.

I was however confused, sad and devastated when her husband and his family members pointed accusing fingers at me, that I killed my daughter. As a result of this, they took my grandchildren who would have been my source of joy away from me.

Some of my friends and family members too also deserted me. I however, held on to God and my faith in him never for one day shook. I was not even allowed to see my grandchildren, not for one day. Thereafter, I was disgraced out of my son-in-laws house. To make it worse, I was not even allowed to know where my daughter was buried. Despite these I had no choice than to pray for my grandchildren and wish them well.

Surprisingly, two months ago, my shepherd called me on the phone and asked to see me. I attend a spiritual church. He told me that a young man and lady visited him – my grandchildren and they requested him to facilitate a meeting with me.

I was curious and I consented to the meeting. They are my blood and I have nothing against them. When we met, their mission was to meet and plead with me on their father’s behalf.

Apparently, the issue that was covered over 20 years ago was exposed by God. He had told them a lot of lies about me, hence, they were not interested in looking for me. The youngest of the two, however went to a spiritual church with a friend and a lot of things were revealed to him. He was advised to carry out some spiritual exercises and also pray. At the end of the exersise, their father lost, money, wealth and even his health.

When the chips were down, he came home to meet his kids and whoever cared to listen that he wanted my forgiveness. He confessed to using their mother for money rituals while passing the buck to me.

He did not only stop there, he became insane. The solution, however, is that he should seek my forgiveness.

Forgiveness; I have done so a long time before now, but the claim is that if he does not see me and I pray for him he would remain in this state till he dies. This I am not ready to do. My grandchildren have sent almost everyone to beg me.

What am I expected to do?

Please, somebody tell me. He stripped me naked in the market place. He denied me the joy of motherhood and gave me everlasting heartache. Now, he wants me to bless him.

I have forgiven him for the sake of my grandchildren, but I think he is asking for too much.

Please, advise me

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