This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


1.Sometime after Easter 2003 I met as I thought by chance a guy called Errol Walker. I was surprised when he started to ask me questions about Andrew Ahwee and how I was going to find the money to pay him. I had been involved with Errol about 2 years ago but the relationship had ended when I found out about his violent nature and the allegations that he had (Edited) person. At this meeting he was very interested in myself and Andrew Ahwee and how I was going to pay Andrew’s demands.
By arrangement I met with Errol Walker a few times and it was during these meetings that he started to suggest that I could do something for him and that this would enable me to earn both of us a lot of money and that by doing so I would be able to pay Mr Ahwee. His suggestions were for me to bring drugs to the United Kingdom for him. At first I point blank refused the suggestion and this was despite the fact that I was being pressured by Ahwee for money. In early July 2003 Errol asked me to do him a favour I knew that Errol was friendly with Clifton Rochester but I was not aware that they were doing business together neither was I aware what type of business they were involved in. Errol asked me if I could collect something for him in London from Clifton to bring back to Jamaica. He said it was a sum of money which Cliff had for him.
On my next trip to London I contacted Cliff and he arranged for his friend Marvin to meet me at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London where he gave me an envelope which contained the money. I travelled with this money in my luggage and on arrival in Jamaica I called Errol and he collected it from me at Kingston airport.
I did not receive any part from Errol for bringing this money for him to Jamaica. He did ask me if there was anything he could get me and I suggested a mobile telephone. He said he would arrange for me to get one the following week when I travelled to London he said that he would contact Clifton and arranged for me to get the mobile that I wanted.
On the following visit to London I again met Marvin Young and he gave me the mobile telephone. When I got back to Jamaica and this would have been the week before my arrest I arranged to meet Errol at an hotel in Kingston called the Four Seasons. Again at this meeting he was putting me under pressure to bring drugs into the United Kingdom for him. I again refused to do so. Errol kept on calling me all that week and each time we spoke he became more and more threatening, threatening both myself and my mother if I did not do as he wanted. At this time I did not believe that Errol knew where I lived because when I had been seeing him earlier 2 years ago I was living in the Barbican and I had not given him my new address.
Two or three days before last flight to the UK I was at home with my mother, that night I thought I could hear movement outside the house. I got up and looked out of the window and I saw a man on our veranda he was just there leaning and smoking and looking at my vehicle. I knocked on the window and the man looked at me but he seemed unconcerned and did not move he just took a puff of cigarette. I went and got my mother and we both went to the window and looked out the man was still there he simulated a gun pointing at us with his fingers and then he just walked away casually.
The following day Errol called me and he asked me if he saw his friend last night. I was shocked and scared I immediately made the connection. He told me that I was to meet him at a bar in Kingston which I did. He started off by asking me if I had seen his friend last night and letting me knew that he knew where myself and my mother lived and it is if I did not take the drugs for him he would make sure that we both suffered. He told me that he would give me £4,000.00 and also help me to sort out my problem with Mr Ahwee.
I made arrangements to meet Errol on Saturday before I was due to travel to the United Kingdom. We met at the Island Grill restaurant in Constant Spring Road, Kingston and he gave me a black carrier bag which contained the drugs. He told me how I should conceal the drugs by the use of a body wrap and that because I was cabin crew the security check would not be as careful. He said when I arrived in London I should contact Marvin and arrange for him to come and collect the drugs.
On arrival in London on the 28th July 2003 I contacted Marvin and we made arrangements to meet and it was following that meeting in Wembley that I was arrested.


3.I had already pleaded guilty to the Importation of cocaine on the 28th July 2003. That was the only occasion on which I imported cocaine into the United Kingdom and I have never before or since imported any other drug into the United Kingdom.

4. I was arrested on the first trip

5.Yes, I disclosed the circumstances which led to me being involved in that Importation and the individuals who were also concerned in that with me. I had also explained the circumstances in which I came to know various of the individuals who are now indicted with me and with the exception of Marvin Young none of the other individuals to my knowledge were concerned in the Importation of drugs which I carried out on the 28th July 2003.

6.During my incarceration I spent my time trying to re focus my life. I achieved several certificates from National Open College Network in Introduction to Drug Awareness, Citizenship, Budgeting and Money Management,Computer Literacy and Information Technology level 1, Integrated Business Technology level 2, Introduction to Step Aerobics, Skills for working in the Fitness Industry, and Customer Care. Also a higher diploma in Business Studies from the National Home Study College.
I was released on November 1, 2006 on the early release program for foreign nationals. Initially I simply enjoyed my freedom by doing all the things I hadn’t been able to do. In Feb 2007 I met and became involved with my fiance (Edited) (DW), and shortly after fell pregnant. With his help I was able to open an equipment rental company called Paragon Equipment which I have been operating till present. Also as much as time permits, I am a full time mother and ‘housewife’.



The entire Festival Town, commonly called FESTAC in Lagos was thrown into pandemonium on Thursday evening as a decomposing body of a man was discovered inside a duplex on B Close, House 6 of 3rd Avenue. The decomposing body, it was gathered, was that of the younger sibling of two brothers allegedly living together in the duplex which was left for them by their deceased parents.

The corpse was identified as that of Akinbuyi Ajayi, 39, living in the same apartment with Toye Ajayi and Omotola Ajayi, who were identified as his brothers. He was allegedly killed by his brothers and his body kept in a room inside the flat. The corpse had been mutilated by the two brothers. A police source alleged that Toye and Omotola were selling the body parts of their brother for money, adding that the two were caught with some human parts which eventually led to a search on their apartment by law enforcement personnel.

Toye and Omotola were suspected to have chopped off the head, hands, private part and part of the two legs of Akinbuyi and allegedly sold them to suspected ritualists. The decomposing body of Akinbuyi was moved by the policemen attached to FESTAC Police Station led by the Divisional Police Officer, Mr. Mohammed Mu’azu, a Chief Superintendent of Police and officials of Amuwo Odofin Local Government council to a morgue, while the police took other items recovered from the house into custody.

Residents of FESTAC came out in their large numbers to watch the horrifying spectacle as the council officials and policemen removed the body. Apart from the body that was recovered from the house, charms, amulets, a pot filled with human blood and two large dummies of human beings were discovered. Some of the charms and amulets were concealed inside a carton with the inscription: Lord Krishna Agabarthi 999.

Omotola, who claimed to be an engineer denied knowing anything about the corpse. He claimed to be jobless, adding that he depended on goodwill of people to survive along with Toye. He denied knowledge of the death of his brother. He explained that Akinbuyi was arrested recently by sanitation task force, adding that the deceased spent three days in prison.

Omotola also said Akinbuyi was born in 1973 and that he usually went out and came in at will. He told the police that his brother’s killers must have committed the act before dumping the deceased inside one of the rooms. He further said their father died in a motor accident recently. Their father, he claimed, was the owner of the duplex where they live. Akinbuyi’s corpse was dumped in one of the rooms upstairs.

Toye described himself as a primary school teacher. When the police asked him where he teaches, he could not utter a word.


Rape has become endemic in South Africa, so a medical technician named Sonette Ehlers developed a product that immediately gathered national attention there. Ehlers had never forgotten a rape victim telling her forlornly, “If only I had teeth down there.”
Some time afterward, a man came into the hospital where Ehlers works in excruciating pain because his penis was stuck in his pants z ipper.

Ehlers merged those images and came up with a product she called Rapex. It resembles a tube, with barbs inside. The woman inserts it like a tampon, with an applicator, and any man who tries to rape the woman impales himself on the barbs and must go to an emergency room to have the Rapex removed.
When critics complained that it was a medieval punishment, Ehlers replied tersely, “A medieval device for a medieval deed.”


Last Updated: Monday, 19 December 2005, 17:54 GMT

Cocaine smuggling leader jailed

Rochester spent money on cars and fee-paying schools
The man behind an international drug smuggling and supply ring has been jailed for 14 years.
Clifton Rochester, 36, of Thistlecroft Gardens, London admitted conspiracy to import and supply cocaine, deception and money laundering offences.

His girlfriend Anita Holmes, 34, was given a two-year suspended sentence at Bristol Crown Court after admitting living off the proceeds of crime.

Millions of pounds of cocaine brought from Jamaica was dealt in Bristol.

The court heard how hundreds of kilograms of cocaine were smuggled from Jamaica to the UK by air and transported along the M4 to reach Bristol’s streets.

‘Obscene profits’

Couriers included former Miss Jamaica contestant Marsha Paragonsingh who worked as an Air Jamaica hostess and hid packages of the drug in a customised body-stocking.

Judge Simon Darwall-Smith told Rochester he had used the “obscene profits” he made to finance a lifestyle of “motor cars, club class travel and fee-paying schools”.

Rochester was arrested in 2003 at Leicester City Football Club’s Walker Stadium.

The other members of his gang were sentenced earlier this year.

Paragonsingh, 26, from St Catherine, Jamaica pleaded guilty and was jailed for seven years for conspiracy to import the drugs.

Rochester’s wife, Latoya Grosse, 29, from Carmelite Road, London was jailed for three-and-a-half years after admitting money laundering and deception offences.

His nephew, Marvin Young, 25, from Bishops Way, London was jailed for five years after admitting conspiracy to import cocaine.

Edmund Young, 38, from Rathcoole Gardens, London and Gerald Jones, 31, of College Road, Bristol were both jailed for six years after admitting conspiracy to supply cocaine.

The final gang member, Elijah Beverley, 26, from Harrow Road, London, was jailed for five years after being found guilty of involvement in the conspiracy to supply cocaine.


A 10-year-old Monrovian girl, Angel Nah, confessed that she practices witchcraft with the help of her aunt and others, primarily to kill or harm “family members.”

“My aunt is the one who sent me to witch you. She told me to kill everyone in the house by poisoning your food and water,” Angel had said in her confession.

According to her, she has been involved with practice since she was a day old. She claimed it was her aunt (not named) who initiated her into the practice.

“My girl wants to kill all of us who live within the house, because of the church that was built near our house” a member of Angel’s family narrated.

Little Angel Nah’s Sunday confession followed the death of her seventh-month-old cousin.

“The baby only began jerking, and before I could rush her to the hospital, she was dead” the mother of the child (not named), said.

But Little Angel Nah has since admitted to the killing of her cousin.

“My aunt and I went into the underworld where she told me to break my cousin’s neck when she (the baby) was asleep,” she told a crowd of onlookers on Sunday at the nearby church in the Borough of New Kru Town to the amazement of the several church goers.

Leaving her family in a worried state of mind, the girl continues to confess all of her other wrong doings. She added that she killed her aunt in Ghana by poising her, because “she deserved to die.”

“She killed my sister, and at the same time, my niece! That girl is a witch” shouted her aunt who was earlier accused of being the mastermind of the witches.

Due to the severity of her confessions, the family decided to place the child for prayer and deliverance at a church in Gardnersville.


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