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Submitted on 2011/05/11 at 5:20 pm

lisa no vintage wanna be dolly & sweets, keep wearing your knockoff shoes trying to fool people. We all know is your best friend. What do you think you know about Joe, are you mad because he bust your bubbles & let the puss out the bag that your shoe is a known fact knockoff! hush, time to stop crying, dry your tears & keep wearing them. Are you mad cause your man wanted him & he turned him down, yes your downlow man, him no stop shit up yu pu..y or maybe you loved it & enjoy the threesome you be giving him & the man you be joining him in bed bed. Joe is find and even tho i dont have the concrete proof of what happen stealing fabric is not it i’ve been to fabric stores before and there is no way you can steal fabric when you constantly have someone behind you asking “if you need help with a scissors ready to cut”. Guess you haven’t been to the fabric district before, i know it’s ok hun. KNOW THE FACTS BEFORE YOU START WRITING AND OR COMMENTING.






Thread: Can I Refuse to Take a Paternity Test
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11-18-2010 09:52 AM #1 eandjay
Junior Member
Join Date
Nov 2010
Can I Refuse to Take a Paternity Test
My question involves paternity law for the State of: new york. My ex-girlfriend and the mother of three of my children has summoned me for support for my three children,which I have no problem with however she has also summoned me for support for a child that she is expecting which is NOT my child. We were never married and I am currently married to someone else,the problem is this,if I take the paternity test it is the sane to my wife as admitting to an affair that I did NOT have! The girl is delusional and stalking me myself and my wife currently have an order of protection against her and she is facing three criminal charges already for harassing us. Can I refuse to take a paternity test? And if I do can they hold me in contempt of court for refusing? Please help me my family is at stake. I can’t let this crazy stalker girl ruin my marriage and life!
11-18-2010 10:47 AM #2 NdK1009
Senior Member

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Sep 2009
Minneapolis/St. Paul area
Re: Can I Refuse to Take a Paternity Test
You could object to the request for the paternity test. The courts will then, most likely, issue an order for the test. At this point you are not volunteering for the test, which should both ease your wife’s mind and settle your legal issue.

On a personal note, I really don’t get why your wife would view a paternity test, requested by someone that has a documented history of harassing you, as anything other than more harassment. To me, the only way that a peternity test would indicate an affair is if the results came back showing that you are the child’s parent. Beyond that, I would hope that your wife is mature enough to see this for what it is: an execise in convenience. You have fathered three of her four children. This makes you the easiest target to establish care for her fourth child.



I’m trying to to introduce a segment where I will be able to introduce those who haven’t had a chance to really know about our culture. If any of you guys have something you would want to share please send it in ..Knowledge is power!


…I think Twinny actually looks nice…


Kingston Lies About Throwing $3 000 To Fans

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HARARE, April 24, 2011- Jamaican rapper Sean Kingston who already has a frosty relationship with Zimbabwean journalists lied to the world on his Facebook page that he threw $3 000 to people who attended his show at the Celebration Centre on Friday and at the Glamis arena on Saturday.

“ I love my fans in Africa.I just threw $3 000 in the crowd –I love to give back man, best feeling ever,” says his Facebook page.
However according to fans who attended both the Friday and Saturday shows nothing of that sort happened.

“ I did not see any money. What the hell is the guy talking about. I can just tell you that the show was a boring performance, ” said Davis Takuneni, one of the fans who attended both shows.

Many journalists who attended also concurred and complained on Facebook about the rapper’s open lies.The show started well with the rapper belting some of his plug tracks like, beautiful girls but fizzled out as the show progressed.Clint Robinson, the CEO of C&A Entertainment, the organisers of the show was defensive: “ The way these musicians play in the US is different from the way we want it here. There was nothing wrong in the way he played. It was not a bad show in all counts. ”

The 20-year-old Kingston played backtracks and did not bring a live band.Kennedy Mutizira said: “ We were simply robbed. These artists should never take us for granted when they come here. We know what we want.”

Kingston arrived in the country on Thursday night and had a bad start with journalists and fans as he snubbed them on arrival at Harare International Airport.Kingston is expected to stage another show in Malawi.




Court acquits man accused of shooting Mad Cobra
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

TWENTY-three-old Jameel Johnson was last Thursday acquitted in the High Court Division of the Gun Court of the shooting and injuring of local dancehall artiste Mad Cobra.
Johnson was cleared of the charges of illegal possession of a firearm and shooting with intent after the crown offered no evidence against him. The Crown was unable to establish a link between Johnson and the shooting incident.
The unemployed Johnson of a Portmore, St Catherine address was arrested in June last year following the May 11 shooting of Mad Cobra, whose given name is Ewart Brown.
It had been alleged that Johnson, also known as ‘Spragga’, was among a group of men in Braeton, St Catherine, involved in the incident in which the entertainer was shot several times. He was offered $150,000 bail pending his trial.
Cobra was unable to say with certainty who had fired upon him.
Thursday, attorney Chris Tavares-Finson told the Observer that he was “happy with the outcome” of the case. “It was clear from the very start that the prosecution would have had a difficulty in creating a nexus between my client and the actual incident,” he said.

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