This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Bwaay SKIRTEL di bleaching look like it reach furdah dan yuh pores..yuh pick him up bleach him out him doe bounx back di black man is dead..All people hear yuh run off yuh tinkin iron grill mout an a beat up yuh ches bout who yuh nuh si…little do they know you are dying inside ….hee SKIRTIE? Now Assassin deh a Shocking Vibes studio ..yuh guh deh go si di man …an big bad man like you call 40 a yuh boys? A suh much man deh pan your pay roll Skirtie? Di man a sing him choon dem a bun yuh out and yuh run to di public bout yuh nah go no gun choon but yuh a mek gun movements behind di choon dem doe? How you one so boasey, coward? Run off yuh mout ina si media a gwaan like a water dung yuh back and den try bad up di man dem behind di scenes …Suh wait…a suh much man need fi hold up your panty??? 41 man fi one man??A suh Assassin beat yuh bad Skirtel?? Big gyal whey dat fi duh? A when since Jamaica start fight ina gang? Yuh outa control now man..Smaddy call LIANGGGGGG


Crime Wave in Egypt Has People Afraid, Even the Police

Abdel Hamid Eid/European Pressphoto Agency

Coptic Christians, left, and Muslims threw stones at each other during clashes in Cairo last weekend.



    CAIRO — The neighbors watched helplessly from behind locked gates as an exchange of gunfire rang out at the police station. Then about 80 prisoners burst through the station’s doors — some clad only in underwear, many brandishing guns, machetes, even a fire extinguisher — as the police fled.

    European Pressphoto Agency

    Firefighters battled flames at a church in Cairo on Saturday during sectarian rioting.

    “The police are afraid,” said Mohamed Ismail, 30, a witness. “I am afraid to leave my neighborhood.”

    Three months after the ouster ofHosni Mubarak, a crime wave inEgypt has emerged as a threat to its promised transition to democracy. Businessmen, politicians and human rights activists say they fear that the mounting disorder — from sectarian strife to soccer riots — is hampering a desperately needed economic recovery or, worse, inviting a new authoritarian crackdown.

    At least five attempted jailbreaks have been reported in Cairo in the past two weeks, at least three of them successful. Other attempts take place “every day,” a senior Interior Ministry official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk publicly.

    Newspapers brim with other episodes: the Muslim-Christian riot that raged last weekend with the police on the scene, leaving 12 dead and two churches in flames; a kidnapping for ransom of a grandniece of President Anwar el-Sadat; soccer fans who crashed a field and mauled an opposing team as the police disappeared; a mob attack in an upscale suburb, Maadi, that hospitalized a traffic police officer; and the abduction of another officer by Bedouin tribes in the Sinai.

    “Things are actually going from bad to worse,” said Mohamed ElBaradei, the former international atomic energy official, now a presidential candidate. “Where have the police and military gone?”

    The answer, in part, is the revolution’s legacy. Public fury at police abuses helped set off the protests, which destroyed many police stations. Now police officers who knew only swagger and brute force are demoralized.

    In an effort to restore confidence after the sectarian riot last weekend, the military council governing the country until elections scheduled for September announced that 190 people involved would be sent to military court, alarming a coalition of human rights advocates.

    After an emergency cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Essam Sharaf reiterated a pledge he made before the riots: The government backed the police in using all legal procedures, “including the use of force,” to defend themselves, their police stations, or places of worship.

    It was an extraordinary statement for a prime minister, in part because the police were already expected to do just that. “This may be the first time a government ever had to say that it was fully supporting its police,” said Bahey el-din Hassan, director of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies. “It is an indication of the seriousness of the problem.”

    Many Egyptians, including at least one former police officer, contend that the police learned only one way to fight crime: brutality and torture.

    Now police officers see their former leader, Interior Minister Habib el-Adly, serving a 12-year prison term for corruption and facing another trial for charges of unlawful killing. Scores of officers are in jail for their role in repressing the protests.

    “They treated people like pests, so imagine when these pests now rise up, challenge them and humiliate them,” said Mahmoud Qutri, a former police officer who wrote a book criticizing the force. “They feel broken.”

    Mr. Hassan, who has spent his career criticizing the police, said he sympathized. Police officers who defended their stations from protesters are in jail, while those who went home to bed are not facing any trial, he said.

    “So the police are asking, ‘What is expected of us?’ It is a very logical question, and the problem is they don’t have an answer,” he said, blaming higher authorities.

    Shopkeepers say the police used to demand goods for just half the price. Now, said Mr. Ismail, the witness to the police station jailbreak, the officers who visit his cellphone shop murmur “please” and pay full price. “The tables have turned,” he said.

    The change in public attitudes is equally stunning, said Hisham A. Fahmy, chief executive of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt. “It’s: ‘Talk to me properly! I am a citizen!’ ”

    The spike in crime is a remarkable contrast to life in the Mubarak police state, when violent street crime was a relative rarity and few feared to walk alone at night. “Now it is like New York,” said Mr. Fahmy, adding that his group, which advocates for international companies, had been urging military leaders to respond more vigorously.



    Should Christians Rejoice Over the Death of Their Enemies?
    I am typing this article up on 5/7/11. As you have all heard, Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the attack of 9/11, has now been found and killed by one of our US Navy Seal teams in Pakistan.
    When the news first broke, many people across our nation started to celebrate and rejoice in the streets. The news media then went to a lot of our college campuses, as many of the college students were celebrating and rejoicing very intensely in the streets.
    Due to the widespread rejoicing that started to occur, many people started to question as to whether or not they should be intensely rejoicing like this over the death of one of our major enemies over the last 10 years. This topic has even come up in some of the Christian talk shows, forums and blogs, as some people were wondering if they were going too far with all of this intense rejoicing.
    Another major news story that broke this week was the case of Chris Coleman. For those of you who have not heard about this story, Chris Coleman was a bodyguard for Joyce Meyer Ministries. He had worked for her ministry for 11 years.
    He was just found guilty this week of first-degree murder, as he had murdered his wife and two young sons in pure, cold blood. He apparently was wanting to get out of his marriage to be with his mistress, and he did not want to lose the big salary he was earning with Joyce Meyer Ministries. People who have been following this case have been wondering how could a born-again, Christian man working for one of the biggest Bible teaching ministries in all of the world do something so evil and so horrific.
    When the verdict was first announced, once again there was major celebration and rejoicing out on the streets among the people who were waiting for the verdict to come in. Someone who had committed pure evil was now found guilty and true justice had been finally handed down by the criminal justice system.
    For those of you who would like to have God’s opinion on this issue as to whether or not we as Christians should be celebrating and rejoicing at the defeat of our enemies, I thought I would do this article for all of you so I could give you some of the main verses from the Bible on this issue.
    When you look very carefully at the verses I will give you, I believe this is another type of revelation that has two sides to it – like looking at a two sided coin.
    The Bible is giving us two sets of verses on this topic. One set will tell us that God the Father does not want us rejoicing over the death of the wicked, but yet another set will tell us it is okay to be rejoicing at the defeat of our enemies. Is this a contradiction? I do not believe so, as the Bible cannot contradict itself. What this means when you get two sides to an issue is that they are both right and you need to look at both ends of it.
    I will first give you the Scripture verses giving you both sides to this argument, and then I will show you how you can put both of them together so you can see what kind of attitude you should have when facing this kind of issue in today’s world.

    Here are the first set of verses that will tell us that God will not want us to be rejoicing when our enemy falls.
    “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; lest the Lord see it, and it displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from him.” (Proverbs 17:17-18)

    “Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?” (Ezekiel 18:23)

    “Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’ (Ezekiel 33:11)

    “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

    “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? … Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:44-48)
    Now here are the second set of verses where they are telling us that people back in the OT did rejoice over the defeat and death of their enemies.
    “When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there is shouting.” (Proverbs 11:10)

    “The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.” (Psalm 58:10)

    “So all the people of the land rejoiced; and the city was quiet, for they had slain Athaliah with the sword in the king’s house.” (2 Kings 11:20)

    “The wicked is banished in his wickedness, but the righteous has a refuge in his death.” (Proverbs 14:32)
    Notice the 2nd verse says that not only did they rejoice when they saw God exact His vengeance upon the evil and wicked, but they washed their feet in the blood that was shed. I do not know if washing their feet in their blood was really done or if it was just a figure of speech, but in either event, this is a very intense verse.

    So how do you put these two kinds of verses together so we can see how God wants us to handle these types of events in today’s world?
    1. When I first heard about Osama being found and killed, my very first reaction was one of pure joy, elation, and exuberance. A man who had committed nothing but pure evil in the short amount of time he had on this earth is now gone forever.
    Never again will Osama bin Laden be able to do any more evil on this earth. Never again will he be able to mastermind another terror plot. Never again will he try to influence his followers to strap on bombs to young children so he could turn them into suicide bombers. Never again will he be able to spread his hate for all of the Christian and Jewish people of this world, along with all of his hate for the United States and all of our allies.
    The fact that he is now gone forever and will never again be responsible for another innocent death upon this earth produced a lot of initial joy and elation in my emotions. However, that joy and elation then quickly turned into intense sadness and sorrow, as I then realized that there is a very good chance that this man is now burning alive in the pits of hell as a result of never finding his true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, along with the fact that he had chosen to live this life out on the dark side.
    This man was extremely wealthy. He could have easily used his wealth and fame to find Jesus and then set about to do good works for the Lord instead of choosing to live a life of pure evil.
    The fact that this man is probably in hell right now with no chance of ever being able to make it back out again to make things right with the Lord produced an intense sadness and sorrow in my spirit.
    Now when I think about this entire event, my sadness and sorrow has now completely overridden my initial emotions of joy and elation. All I see now is a life and soul totally lost forever, a life that has been totally wasted and squandered. A life that was totally lost to Satan and his demons, as they played this man like a fiddle during the short time he was up here on this earth. They played him right over the edge of the cliff, and now he will be held completely responsible for all of his evil actions when he comes before the Lord in the Great White Throne Judgment.
    To think that this man had one chance to get it right before the Lord, and he then completely blew his one and only chance is something that I think even God Himself grieves over, as He has now lost one of His very own creations for all of eternity due to the evil choices he had made in this life with his own free will.
    If you look very closely at the first set of verses, notice that God has absolutely “no pleasure in the death of the wicked.” Why?
    Because He knows they will end up in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for all of eternity with no chance of ever being able to make it back out again to make things right with Him. Once they are dropped into hell upon their physical death, there will be no second chances or any kinds of appeals. God’s judgment will be full and final, and their fate will be forever sealed in this horrible place of torment for all of eternity.
    When you really think about the real big picture, this is why God grieves and takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, because He knows exactly what their final fates and endings are going to end up being. This is why I believe God also wants us to take no pleasure in the defeat and death of the wicked, because of the eternal consequences of their evil actions and where they are all going to end up at.
    2. However, how do you line up the second set of verses with this first set? These second set of verses are telling us that God’s people back in the OT did rejoice when their enemies were defeated.
    My best guess on how we can put these two kinds of verses together is that we can rejoice and celebrate when these kinds of evil and wicked people are taken out of our world, as they will no longer be able to do any more evil upon this earth. For the people who have been enslaved under their evil grip and rule, they will now be totally free if no other evil people take their place.
    However, we are NOT to rejoice and celebrate as to where all of these evil people will end up going all of eternity – and that is to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where the Bible says that the smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever.
    As we have shown you in our article titled, “The Reality of Hell,” if the Bible’s description of hell is to be interpreted very literally, you would not even want your worst enemy to be going down there, as these horrible living conditions will last for all of eternity.
    To think that a certain percentage of the human race is going to end up in this horrible place of torment and agony for all of eternity is just heart-breaking and gut-wrenching, especially when all of these evil people had every chance to get it right with the Lord when living upon this earth.
    This kind of extreme, final ending for these evil people is why I believe that God does not want us rejoicing when these evil people are finally brought down and taken off of this earth by Him for their final judgments.
    Bottom line – we can temporarily rejoice because these evil people will no longer be upon this earth to do any more evil – but we are not to rejoice as to where they are going to end up going, which will be the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for all of eternity.


    2005(,MY HAIR WAS
    by the same girl who did mine)T.O.K. ETC HAVE ALL HAD EXTENTION PUT



    ****************NONE A DEM NEVA A PLAY INA DEM HAIR BOO**************


    Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son:

    Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing ‘Criminal’:


    Omar Bin Laden

    First Posted: 05/10/11 02:29 PM ET Updated: 05/10/11 07:39 PM ET

    A statement purporting to come from a son of Osama bin Laden denounced the al Qaeda leader’s killing as “criminal” and said his burial at sea had humiliated the family, an online monitoring service said.

    The statement, attributed to Omar bin Laden, bin Laden’s fourth eldest son, said the al Qaeda chief’s children reserved the right to take legal action in the United States and internationally to “determine the true fate of our vanished father,” the SITE Intelligence Group said.

    There was no independent confirmation of the authenticity of the letter, published on the website of Islamist ideologue Abu Walid al-Masri, although several specialists on militant propaganda said the text appeared genuine.

    Omar bin Laden, who has been based in the Gulf in recent years, did not immediately respond to emailed and telephoned requests for comment.

    The letter said, in part: “We hold the American President (Barack) Obama legally responsible to clarify the fate of our father, Osama bin Laden, for it is unacceptable, humanely and religiously, to dispose of a person with such importance and status among his people, by throwing his body into the sea in that way, which demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and which challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims.”

    The letter said the U.S. administration had offered no proof to back up its account of the mission. It alleged the goal of the raid had been to kill and not arrest, adding that afterwards the American commandos had “rushed to dispose of the body.”


    Some Muslims have misgivings about how U.S. forces killed bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan on May 2 and disposed of his body in the ocean.

    Questions have multiplied since the White House said the al Qaeda leader was unarmed when U.S. helicopter-borne commandos raided the villa where he was hiding in the city of Abbottabad.

    Bin Laden’s swift burial at sea, in what many Muslims say was a violation of Islamic custom, has also stirred anger.

    (Editing by Myra MacDonald)




    Twenty-six-year-old Janice Brown* and 35-year-old Steve Williams* can laugh at themselves now that they have both moved on with their lives. However, some eight years ago, when Janice became pregnant with her first child, it was no joke.

    Both are from St Catherine, Janice is unemployed and Steve is a machine operator. He claims that it is compulsory for him to have doubts about this child because he had no idea about Janice’s pregnancy and only found out about the child when he was five years old.


    She said: We met back in 2002 as we were living in the same comm-unity and we were part of the same youth club, so we were first friends before we became lovers.

    He said: It was a fairly good relationship, we didn’t fight or anything like that, but I was forced to see other people because her parents were very strict and she couldn’t really go anywhere.


    She said: People started telling me that he was seeing other girls but I was just in denial and so I ended the relationship, knowing that I was pregnant.


    He said: All this time I didn’t know what was taking place, I just know that I never used to see her around.


    She said: When I was seven months pregnant I went to live with my grandfather in Clarendon and still nobody didn’t really know that I was pregnant, and I didn’t really want my parents to find out either. People who saw me couldn’t tell I was pregnant because dem probably think seh a fat mi fat and not pregnant.


    Janice further explained that she moved to the country because she was very upset that Steve was seeing other girls.

    He said: Everything was kept a secret all this time until I started hearing rumours here and there that it is my child and how much di child look like me. It was her mother who contacted me and told me that the child is mine and Janice did a keep it a secret all this time. So from that now I started visiting the child and him really look like me, but I want this DNA test to confirm this thing.


    Steve further explained that he really wants to do the DNA test as three years ago he thought he had a little girl until the mother of his girlfriend at the time called to say that child wasn’t his. That case is still pending.


    She said: My son is now seven years old and he is still not registered; but I am 100 per cent sure that it is Steve’s son because he looks like him and behaves like him, and I wasn’t sexually active with anyone else at the time.

    He said: I just want to know for sure. If the DNA test says it’s my child then that would be great, because me and the child already have a relationship; but if the test says the child is not mine, I still wouldn’t abandon the child.


    *Names changed


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