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Twinny explain please???


SEERUS BUSINESS-Britain, Canada to move against Robertson — US official

Britain, Canada to move against Robertson — US official

TWO other countries are set to join the United States of America in revoking visas issued to Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) deputy leader James Robertson, a reliable US Government official has revealed.

“There is ongoing collaboration between Britain, Canada and ourselves, and it is almost certain that, like the USA, those countries will also cancel visas issued to him, as long as it is established that he has those in his possession,” the Washington, DC-based US official told the Sunday Observer toward the end of last week.

Britain, Canada to move against Robertson — US official

Businessmen linked to JLP among those also under scrutiny


Sunday, May 29, 2011

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TWO other countries are set to join the United States of America in revoking visas issued to Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) deputy leader James Robertson, a reliable US Government official has revealed.

“There is ongoing collaboration between Britain, Canada and ourselves, and it is almost certain that, like the USA, those countries will also cancel visas issued to him, as long as it is established that he has those in his possession,” the Washington, DC-based US official told the Sunday Observer toward the end of last week.


ROBERTSON… resigned as minister after his US visa was cancelled

ROBERTSON… resigned as minister after his US visa was cancelled


The official, who said that he was not authorised to speak publicly and gave information to the Sunday Observer only on condition of anonymity, stated that the US was convinced that the right thing was done in revoking the former Cabinet minister’s visa. The official added that the final decision was taken after careful analysis of the situation and the impact that it was likely to have on the administration of Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

The prime minister, the Sunday Observer learnt, had been informed as a matter of courtesy, of the US’ intention to withdraw Robertson’s visa and that of his wife, before action was taken on May 20.

That information could not be confirmed by Golding’s office at

Jamaica House when contact was made on Friday.

Robertson, the member of parliament for St Thomas West and former minister of energy and mining, confirmed that his United States visitor’s visa was revoked, in a statement issued late Monday, a day after the Sunday Observer broke the story that a minister had lost the document.

“On Friday, May 20, 2011 the Government of the United States of America cancelled the visas of my wife Charlene and me,” Robertson said. “We readily acknowledge that as a sovereign nation it is the prerogative of the US Government to issue and revoke visas.”

Since the revocation, Golding has stated that his deputy, Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Ken Baugh, would be holding talks with US Embassy officials, led by that country’s ambassador to Kingston Pamela Bridgewater, to attempt to sort out the matter.

Robertson too, said that he had assembled a team of lawyers in the USA to handle the issue from that end.

The Washington, DC-based source admitted that every individual was entitled to legal protection or redress, but stopped short of

saying that Robertson was wasting his time by choosing to go that route.

“The withdrawal of his visa is one step along the way. There is more to come and other things will happen at other times,” the official said.

It is not customary for Cabinet ministers or members of parliament to be denied travel to the US. Updated records show that the move is unprecedented, as no other Cabinet minister has ever had his/her US visa revoked since Jamaica gained Independence from Britain in 1962.

Having a US visa makes the job of any government minister that much easier, and, in the case of Robertson, not having one would all but cripple his efforts at sorting out matters that pertain to areas under his portfolio, the bauxite and alumina sector in particular, as the companies that do business with Jamaica have strong boardroom clout in the US.

“Robertson would be like a fish out of water if he were to remain as

energy and mining minister without having a US visa,” a retired senior civil servant of the former Ministry of Mining and Natural Resources in a previous political administration told the Sunday Observer. It was a point that was backed up by Information Minister Daryl Vaz.

“The revocation of a visa to the United States makes your position as a minister of government almost untenable,” Vaz told journalists at a post-Cabinet news conference at Jamaica House last Wednesday.

The US Embassy in Jamaica, as a matter of course, does not comment publicly on visa-related issues, and speculation continues to make the rounds regarding the real reason for the withdrawal of the visa.

Robertson himself suggested that it might have resulted from allegations made by a former political ally, Ian Johnson, who made damaging allegations against the politician to US and Jamaican authorities.

“No details have been provided as to the

basis for the cancellations, although we are of the view that this could have resulted from the uncorroborated statements forwarded to various departments of the US Government in support of a failed application for political asylum. The allegations made in those statements have been, and remain, wholly rejected,” Robertson said in the initial statement confirming that his visa was cancelled.

Johnson, a self-styled JLP activist, sought political asylum in the US, but the world’s most powerful country refused.

Johnson also had, on December 17, 2010, filed a claim in the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit in Broward County in which he put forward hair-raising allegations against Robertson.

A Florida court threw out the suit in January.

Information reaching the Sunday Observer is that the US is also moving to yank visas from other prominent Jamaicans, among them another key government official, two businessmen with links to the ruling JLP, one of whom has been under investigation for some time now for his alleged involvement in money laundering and human trafficking.

A member of the local customs department is also under scrutiny, the Sunday Observer was told.







The decision by the Supreme Court this week upholding an Arizona law punishing employers for hiring illegal immigrants was an energy boost for state lawmakers across the country who have proposed bills this year to curb illegal immigration. As if they needed it.

Illegal Workers: Court Upholds Faulting Hirers (May 27, 2011)
Times Topic: Illegal Immigrants

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According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, state lawmakers set a new record in the first three months of the year, proposing 1,538 bills related to immigration, with 141 measures in 26 states passed into law. While some of those laws extended new opportunities to illegal immigrants, like permitting them to pay lower in-state tuition rates at public colleges, most of the laws imposed restrictions on them.

With its decision on the hiring law that Arizona passed in 2007, the Supreme Court indicated that it would not flat out disallow any action by states on immigration enforcement, even though federal law generally pre-empts state measures in that area. State lawmakers now know for certain that there is some firm legal ground for the recent round of bills that seek to drive illegal immigrants out of the country by preventing them from taking jobs and even living here.

But it remains unclear just how large the playing field is that the Supreme Court has opened. Arizona’s employer law was carefully tailored to conform to specific, narrow terms in federal immigration law, and it was never suspended by any federal court. To date, only a handful of states have passed laws with requirements and penalties for employers similar to Arizona’s.

Instead, this year many more states weighed whether to emulate the more sweeping and politically polarizing law that Arizona passed last year, known as S.B. 1070, which expanded the powers of the state and local police to ask about the immigration status of people they detain. The Supreme Court has not yet considered that law, which has been largely suspended by federal courts.

By now, however, with the legislative season either winding down or over in most states, it seems clear that lawmakers’ decisions on whether to follow Arizona’s lead on police enforcement ultimately had more to do with state politics than with concerns about potential legal challenges and Supreme Court rulings.

Kris Kobach, the constitutional lawyer who has been the intellectual if not the actual author of many of the state immigration enforcement laws, was elated by the court’s recent decision. The ruling “has vindicated our position that states are not pre-empted by federal law from these actions,” said Mr. Kobach, who is now secretary of state of Kansas.

He predicted that many more states would soon “jump on the bandwagon” to impose new responsibilities on employers.

Arizona’s statute includes the most severe penalties of any state hiring law, imposing what employers call a “business death penalty”: on the second offense of knowingly hiring an illegal immigrant, the business loses its license permanently. Arizona also mandated the use by all employers of a federal electronic program for verifying the work authorization of new hires, known as E-Verify.

Only Mississippi and South Carolina followed Arizona in requiring all employers to use the verification system. In the storm of lawmaking this year, Georgia and Utah passed laws requiring larger businesses to use the system (in Georgia, by July 2013). Virginia required employers to use it, but only for state contracts.

Far larger is the number of states where Arizona-style enforcement laws were debated, voted, praised and protested. According to the National Immigration Forum, which opposes such laws, bills like Arizona’s failed after sometimes furious debate in 15 states.

Georgia was the first state to pass a law close to Arizona S.B. 1070, and Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican, signed it into law this month. Georgia growers raised an outcry against the law, saying it would cripple their labor force. But Republicans who control the legislature strongly supported the law, which built on an earlier set of measures against illegal immigration Georgia passed in 2006.

In March, Utah passed an enforcement law that echoed Arizona’s, but tempered it politically with a measure that would create a temporary guest worker program. A federal court has temporarily held up the enforcement law.

With their session in its last days, Alabama lawmakers are close to passing a broad measure that could be even tougher than Arizona’s. In addition to requiring most employers to use the verification system, Alabama’s bill would ban illegal immigrant students in public schools from participating in band, cheerleading and any other extracurricular activity. The bill has faced little organized opposition.

An enforcement measure is also close to passage in South Carolina.

Several states stood down at the last minute. After intense opposition by Florida growers and the tourism industry, legislators let an enforcement measure die in the final hours of their session. On Thursday, Democrats in the Texas Senate blocked a measure that would have stepped up immigration enforcement in cities. Texas police chiefs turned out forcefully against the measure, although Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, had made it a priority.

Finally, Maryland and Connecticut, with small but rapidly growing Latino populations, went a different way entirely, passing laws to allow illegal immigrant students to attend public colleges at in-state rates.


The Lord’s Prayer
in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus gives us a perfect way to pray to God the Father. The Catholic denomination calls this “The Our Father Prayer” and many of the other denominations call it “The Lord’s Prayer.”
If you study the wording that Jesus has given to us in this prayer, there are 7 key pieces of revelation contained in it. And not only are there 7 key pieces of revelation, but each one of these key pieces of revelation should be revelation that we always keep front and center in our walk with the Lord.
With all of the turmoil and turbulence that can hit all of us in this life, it is very easy to sometimes get knocked off track in our walk with the Lord. So this prayer is a very good one to keep in your memory banks, as these 7 key pieces of revelation will help keep you properly centered and grounded in your walk with the Lord as you journey through this life.
Here is the Lord’s Prayer from the Gospel of Matthew. I am also going to include what Jesus says right before He gives us this special prayer, and then what He says right after it, as the last part has to do with one of the key pieces of revelation in the actual prayer itself.
“And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.
But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
But when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:5-15)
Again, there are 7 key pieces of revelation in this perfect model prayer for all of us to really take a hold of. These 7 key pieces of revelation will also serve as a constant reminder for all of us to never forget these 7 special things that we already do have with God the Father as a result of being born again through the shed blood of His Son Jesus.
Here are the 7 key pieces of revelation in a numbered, bolded format so you can have all of them right at the top of this article.
Direct your prayers to God the Father
Remember that God’s Kingdom will eventually be coming down to this earth
Remember to stay in the perfect will of God for your life
Ask God to keep you supplied with the daily bread you will need in this life
Forgive all those who will trespass against you
Ask God to help keep you out of temptation and deliver you from evil if you do fall into it
Remember that God’s Kingdom, Power and Glory will be the only One that will last forever
Now here is a breakdown of these 7 key pieces of revelation from this most profound prayer that we have received direct from Jesus Himself. I will break it all down under the following captions so you can easily see what we have available to us with this kind of special prayer from the Lord.
1. Our Father in Heaven

The very first thing to notice from this prayer is who we should be directing all of our prayers to. Notice Jesus tells us to direct this prayer direct to God the Father – not to Him, the Holy Spirit, any of His angels, or to any of the dead saints who are now living up in heaven.
We already have another article in our site just on this first piece of revelation. It is in the Prayer Secrets section of our site and the title of this article is, “Prayer Secret #13 – Pray to God the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ.”
As we have explained in that article, we believe that all of our main prayers should be directed to God the Father. We can talk with, fellowship with, and worship and praise both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But when Jesus tells us to specifically direct our prayers to God the Father in this verse, then I feel we should abide by what He is telling us to do.
Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit always pray to God the Father. And if They are both praying direct to God the Father, then we should all do the exact same thing in our personal prayer lives with the Lord. Again, we have more commentary on this revelation in the above article.
2. Your Kingdom Come

The next thing to pick up from this model prayer is the words, “Your Kingdom come.”
The Kingdom Jesus is referring to is His Father’s Kingdom up in heaven. As we have explained to you in all of the articles in our End Times Section, the final two chapters in our eternal destinies with the Lord is that first Jesus Himself will be coming back down to our earth to establish a 1000 year Millennium Kingdom from which He will rule this entire earth from the city of Jerusalem in Israel.
After this 1000 year millennial reign has ended, then God the Father will be bringing down both Himself and the new city of Jerusalem to our earth from His heaven, where He and Jesus will then be ruling this entire earth under what is called the New Heaven and New Earth. Again, all of this is fully explained to you in the articles in our End Times Section.
So when everything is all finally said and done, God’s eternal kingdom will eventually be coming down to our earth where we will all live happily ever after with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, all of God’s good angels, and all of the saved and born again in the Lord.
The above words, “Your kingdom come,” should always be a constant reminder to all of us that eventually all of the demons and bad and unsaved people will eventually be taken out of this world – and God’s kingdom will then be literally coming down to our earth so we can all have perfect peace and a perfect environment in which to live in with both God, Jesus and all of our saved ones forever and ever.
In the crazy and tumultuous world we all now live in, this one powerful phrase alone should help keep us focused on the real big picture.
No matter how bad things may get in your life from time to time, just remember that eventually all of the sadness and heartache that we all experience in this life will be completely taken out of this life for good once God and Jesus come down and take full and complete of everything. There will be no more death, sickness, disease, heartache, sadness, crying, wars, crimes, and aging ever again once God and Jesus come down to rule our entire earth from the city of Jerusalem.
We will all live happily ever after in a way and in an environment that God had initially intended for all of us to live in. So keep these three powerful words in this phrase in your memory banks so you never, ever forget what our final and glorious end will eventually be with the Lord. This powerful, key piece of revelation from this perfect prayer will also help get you through some of the tough trials and tribulations you will have to face in this life.
Again, if you would like more information on these two coming reigns with both God and Jesus, go to our articles titled, “The 1000 Year Millennium Kingdom” and “The New Heaven and New Earth.”
In both of these articles, we give you all of the main verses from the Bible showing you what will happen once God and Jesus come down to our earth and take full and complete control of everything from the city of Jerusalem.
3. Your Will Be Done – On Earth as it is in Heaven

In this next statement, Jesus is specifically pointing out that God the Father’s will is going to be done both in heaven and down here on this earth. If God has already foretold of these two coming reigns with both Himself and His Son Jesus, then it is eventually going to happen, and no man and no demon will ever be able to stop it from occurring.
This thus should give all of us great peace and great faith that we can totally count on our Lord to eventually clean up this earth with all of the demons and bad and evil people who are still being allowed to some extent to wreak as much havoc and evil as they can before they are eventually taken out of the big picture by the Lord.
The other thing to pick up from this phrase is that God also wants all of His perfect will to be done down here on this earth in all of our individual lives. As we explained to you in our article titled, “The Full Surrender,” God wants to be in complete and total control of your entire life. The Bible tells us to be led by God through the Holy Spirit in this life, not by ourselves or by the other people who are in our lives.
So again, when you recite this kind of special prayer to the Lord, this phrase of God’s will being done both in heaven and on earth should be a constant reminder to all of us that not only is God’s will being done in heaven, but it is also being done down here on this earth and in our personal lives if we have committed to making a full and complete surrender of our entire lives over to Him.
For more information on this full surrender that God is looking for from each one of us, go to our article titled, “The Full Surrender,” in the Bible Basics section of our site. In this article, we give you all of the main verses from the Bible showing that God is the only One who should be guiding us as we journey through this life, not us or anyone else who is in our lives.
4. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

The next phrase in this prayer is asking God to give all of us our daily bread. When Jesus is telling us to include this kind of special request in this prayer, I believe it is all inclusive.
When you are asking God for your daily bread, I believe you are asking God to give you everything you will need to properly live and work for Him in this life. Again, all of this is fully explained to you in our article titled,“The Full Surrender.”
In this daily bread we will be receiving from the Lord will be all of the money, food, equipment, supplies, shelter, people and favor we will need in this life so we can fully accomplish everything that the Lord will want for us to do for Him on a daily basis.
Again, by reciting this kind of phrase back to the Lord from time to time, you are being given a constant reminder that God is the only One who is our provider and support in this life, not ourselves, the other people in our lives, or the world in general.
It is God’s job to keep you properly supported in this life as you walk out the divine destiny that He has set up for your life. And this powerful phrase is a real, good, constant reminder where all of our daily support is really coming from in this life.
5. Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors

This next phrase that Jesus is giving us is a real, major piece of revelation that we all have to get properly worked into our walk with Him. If we do not, it could get us into major trouble with Him.
Notice Jesus is telling us to ask God to forgive all of our debts as we are willing to forgive all of our debtors. I believe this verse is connecting with the last two statements that Jesus has made in this verse where He is telling us that we have to forgive all of those who have trespassed against us – and if we do not, then God is not going to be willing to forgive any of our trespasses made directly against Him.
When Jesus makes this kind of dramatic statement right at the end of this entire verse, you know it is something that we should all take very, very seriously.
Not having God to want to forgive all of your trespasses against Him is not a place you ever want to be at in your own personal walk with Him. God is simply asking all of us to be willing to forgive all of the people who will ever trespass against us in this life and if we do, then He will be willing to forgive all of our sins that we will ever commit directly against Him.
Here is another verse saying the exact same thing:
“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25)
Also notice this verse starts out with the words of “And whenever you stand praying …”
The implication seems to be that if we are not willing to forgive those who trespass against us in this life, not only will God not forgive us of our own trespasses, but He also may not be willing to hear any of our personal prayers to Him if we are in direct violation of this command. And if you cannot get any of your personal prayers heard and answered by the Lord, then your whole divine destiny could get completely shut down until you can get this properly taken care of with the Lord.
Again, this powerful command is a very good reminder for all of us to always be willing to forgive all of those who will ever trespass against in this life so we do not ever get ourselves into major trouble with the Lord – both in our personal prayer life with Him, and in the specific sin areas where He will be forgiving us under the shed blood of His Son Jesus.
6. Do Not Lead Us Into Temptation – But Deliver Us From the Evil One

As we have explained to you in all of the articles in our Spiritual Warfare Section of our site, until Jesus comes back to set up His Millennium Kingdom, we are all going to have to put up with a certain amount of evil from both demons and bad and evil people in this life. But as we have also showed you in these types of articles, God will also be fighting many of these kinds of personal battles for you if you are walking in a true, full surrender with Him..
So when you recite the phrase, “deliver us from the evil one,” this will really help serve as constant reminder to all of us that we really do have God on our side and He can move to help us out if we ever have to face and engage with any type of evil in this life. God is still in the deliverance business and He will help out anyone who will pray and cry out for Him to move on their behalf.
The first part of this phrase, “do not lead us into temptation,” is also another very good one for all of us to keep in our memory banks, as so many people draw major misfortune and tragedy into their lives as a result of falling into the different kinds of bad temptations in this life.
By putting this kind of special request before the Lord from time to time, this will also help you in being able to pick up any leadings and convictions from the Holy Spirit if you ever start to tread into a sin area that God does not want you to be treading into.
7. For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Forever

Jesus then ends this perfect, special prayer with the words, “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” This phrase is without question the perfect way to end this perfect prayer.
When Jesus is using the word, “Yours,” He is talking direct about His Father in heaven. And then when He completes this statement by saying that God’s kingdom, power and glory is the one that will be lasting forever, once again this is a huge reminder to all of us not to get too caught up with the kingdoms and governments that are ruling this world.
When everything is all finally said and done, all of these earthly kingdoms and governments will eventually be taken completely out of the big picture, and the only kingdom that will be left standing for all of eternity will be God’s kingdom, not any of the earthly kingdoms humans have built up down here on this earth.
Again, this is big picture type of revelation and something that we should always keep in our minds so we do not ever forget who is really in control of all things.
Though we are going to come into some really tough and trying times in the years ahead, God will eventually be righting all of the wrongs ever done by all of the bad and evil people of this world. And from there, all of the false religions and demonic governments that have been set up on this earth to rule and enslave people will all be taken out of this world for good and we will never have to face that kind of evil tyranny ever again – for all of eternity!
So if by chance you are going through some real tough times right now, just remember how it will all end up. Evil will eventually be totally defeated by Jesus, and all of those who are walking in it will be forever taken out of this world for good so we can all have perfect peace, harmony and unity with one another and with our Lord and Savior.
Bottom line – God’s kingdom, power and glory will reign forever and we will all be a part of it. So do not ever forget this as you continue to journey through this life and have to take on some of the tougher trials and tribulations of this life from time to time.

As you can see from the above breakdown, the Lord’s Prayer is a very powerful and profound prayer with loads of major revelation in it that has major application for each one of our lives.
Many of us have this prayer perfectly memorized as a result of hearing it so many times in the churches we were raised up in. However, as a result of having this prayer perfectly memorized, we sometimes forget how much major revelation is really contained in it since this prayer is so easy to do on a rote basis.
But this prayer really needs to be meditated and chewed on from time to time so we do not ever forget the 7 key pieces of revelation that is in it. Each one of these key pieces of revelation is something that we all need in our daily walk with the Lord. These seven major revelations will also help keep us properly centered and grounded in our walk with the Lord as we take on some of the tougher trials in this life.








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