This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Tessanne: I don’t appreciate it when artists come inna fi mi country and depict straight BS in dem videos !!! Go xa yuh owna country go film dat not here !!!


MYSTERY PREGNANCY – Me and her never did a have sex, man says

Crystal Harrison, Star Writer

Thirty-five-year-old Harold Smith* almost had a nervous breakdown when he came to the Gleaner offices on North Street, Kingston, recently, to conduct an interview with us.

The mother of Smith’s three children,Jane Small, confessed during the interview with us that he (Smith) also fathered a fourth child that is physically challenged.

Small, 36, told THE STAR that her first pregnancy that Smith thought was a failed one was in fact a lie. Small confessed that she went to the country to have the baby but after realising that the child was born disfigured she gave up the child for adoption and told him that the child had died.

In the meantime, Smith, who told us that there is no hope for a relationship with Small, is having doubts about his one-year-old daughter.

According to Smith, a mechanic, he met Small, who is unemployed, back in 1998.

HE SAID: I wasn’t really working at the time and so I was travelling with my brother who was doing some mason work at the time. So one day we stopped at this bar and and she was the bartender in the bar at that time and we started talking until about a week after the two of us link up.

SHE SAID: In all, we have four kids together and mi tell him seh if the last one weh him a complain about is not his then none of them a nuh fi him.

HE SAID: We never use to really live together, but mi did move from Kingston to Portmore and she did come live with me. We never used to have a good relationship because she used to walk about and sit and idle with friends and mi neva like dat. In addition, she is a war boat.

Smith said if it wasn’t for the fact that Small had broken her hand at her workplace, he wouldn’t have moved in with her because he had realised that the relationship couldn’t work.

SHE SAID: Mi ready fi him run up inna di DNA test because all a dem a fi him. You fi ask him why him nah ‘min’ him pickney dem and why him fling and lick mi inna mi head with di padlock.

HE SAID: A lie you a tell. You know seh dat you is a wicked woman? Because mi support my yute dem and a you did grab mi inna mi neck and mi flash off yuh hand. She was even biting me. A lock mi did a lock her out because mi did tell her dat the relationship finish.

SHE SAID: Him a tell mi fi leave him place like him own it; but a because mi nuh get nuh work yet why mi nuh move out.

HE SAID: My problem is dat the time that she get pregnant me and her never did a have sex, so how she fi become pregnant.

SHE SAID: Mi get pregnant di February of 2009, di same month of mi faada funeral and mi nah tek back mi talk.

HE SAID: Dat girl is telling a lot of lies and you cannot trust her. A di wickedest ting dat because a same way when mi did a try mek life out of mi little shop inna Portmore she tek six months fi nyaam it down and mi nuh see nuh money. You see seh she is a liar because she wait until now to tell me dat di first child dat she did claim seh dead is actually alive. She wait until now to tell me dat because di pickney born handicap and she never want it, she did give weh di pickney to homes.

SHE SAID: Even though it’s my child, me never want it. Weh mi a do wid dat? Di pickney born with a hole inna him nose and him ears dem pin on together. Me and mi maada decide to give a way di child.

HE SAID: Listen if dat mek sense, when she did get pregnant, yes mi did kind a see her with a belly, but she did move to the country around five months pregnant. In dat same week, she tell seh di child born and di following day she call back seh di pickney dead. How can I believe a woman like dat? I want dis DNA test because di last child that she claim is mine a nuh me breed her. Plus even if my pickney would born disfigured me would a still want dat child.

Name changed.

Today, we continue with one of our latest and perhaps most buzzworthy features, Paternity Puzzle. The feature will attempt to help families solve paternity disputes. Every Wednesday, we will publish the story of a mother and an alleged father, who will both give their sides in tales of allegations and denials.

Be sure to follow the series as THE STAR awards a free DNA test sponsored by Caribbean Genetics. Each month, one of the four cases published will get a free test and reveal the truth once and for all


The End Has Come

1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, this is what the Sovereign LORD says to the land of Israel:
“‘The end! The end has come
upon the four corners of the land!
3 The end is now upon you,
and I will unleash my anger against you.
I will judge you according to your conduct
and repay you for all your detestable practices.
4 I will not look on you with pity;
I will not spare you.
I will surely repay you for your conduct
and for the detestable practices among you.

“‘Then you will know that I am the LORD.’

5 “This is what the Sovereign LORD says:

“‘Disaster! Unheard-of[a] disaster!
See, it comes!
6 The end has come!
The end has come!
It has roused itself against you.
See, it comes!
7 Doom has come upon you,
upon you who dwell in the land.
The time has come! The day is near!
There is panic, not joy, on the mountains.
8 I am about to pour out my wrath on you
and spend my anger against you.
I will judge you according to your conduct
and repay you for all your detestable practices.
9 I will not look on you with pity;
I will not spare you.
I will repay you for your conduct
and for the detestable practices among you.

“‘Then you will know that it is I the LORD who strikes you.

10 “‘See, the day!
See, it comes!
Doom has burst forth,
the rod has budded,
arrogance has blossomed!
11 Violence has arisen,[b]
a rod to punish the wicked.
None of the people will be left,
none of that crowd—
none of their wealth,
nothing of value.
12 The time has come!
The day has arrived!
Let not the buyer rejoice
nor the seller grieve,
for my wrath is on the whole crowd.
13 The seller will not recover
the property that was sold—
as long as both buyer and seller live.
For the vision concerning the whole crowd
will not be reversed.
Because of their sins, not one of them
will preserve their life.

14 “‘They have blown the trumpet,
they have made all things ready,
but no one will go into battle,
for my wrath is on the whole crowd.
15 Outside is the sword;
inside are plague and famine.
Those in the country
will die by the sword;
those in the city
will be devoured by famine and plague.
16 The fugitives who escape
will flee to the mountains.
Like doves of the valleys,
they will all moan,
each for their own sins.
17 Every hand will go limp;
every leg will be wet with urine.
18 They will put on sackcloth
and be clothed with terror.
Every face will be covered with shame,
and every head will be shaved.

19 “‘They will throw their silver into the streets,
and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean.
Their silver and gold
will not be able to deliver them
in the day of the LORD’s wrath.
It will not satisfy their hunger
or fill their stomachs,
for it has caused them to stumble into sin.
20 They took pride in their beautiful jewelry
and used it to make their detestable idols.
They made it into vile images;
therefore I will make it a thing unclean for them.
21 I will give their wealth as plunder to foreigners
and as loot to the wicked of the earth,
who will defile it.
22 I will turn my face away from the people,
and robbers will desecrate the place I treasure.
They will enter it
and will defile it.

23 “‘Prepare chains!
For the land is full of bloodshed,
and the city is full of violence.
24 I will bring the most wicked of nations
to take possession of their houses.
I will put an end to the pride of the mighty,
and their sanctuaries will be desecrated.
25 When terror comes,
they will seek peace in vain.
26 Calamity upon calamity will come,
and rumor upon rumor.
They will go searching for a vision from the prophet,
priestly instruction in the law will cease,
the counsel of the elders will come to an end.
27 The king will mourn,
the prince will be clothed with despair,
and the hands of the people of the land will tremble.
I will deal with them according to their conduct,
and by their own standards I will judge them.

“‘Then they will know that I am the LORD.’”

……..oh b—-o—-y



I went to a after hrs minding my own business in comes her and her family and friends come stand up across from me and im watching them same yaping amongs one another like they had a plan. Same time the one lakiesha brown started staring me down so im staring back

Then she start walking up on me and before i knew it lala came and hit me then coureen, di sister, freind, and they all beat,kick,bottle me even with their shoes and that wasnt the son meet me outside with a kick in my stomac and a punch in my face

When i got to the hospital my face was three time the size on this pic. I sustained multiple facial fractures and was bleeding in my face they even manage to break a bone underneath my eye but the swelling was so bad they couldnt determine if i need surgery untill the swelling goes down..

That cowardless spineless Marcel stood there and didnt do anything.. That gutless pig will have my son to amswer to some day, he grows and get stronger each day while he grows gray and frail each day. I WILL LEAVE HIM TO TIME AND GOD

When the police came and saw my condition he went immediately for them, and Coureen got charged with ASSAULT 2nd , which is a FELONY!!!!! then the sister had the nerves to go down to the police station to press charges against me, i told the officer i am the victim in the case and was brutily and viciously attack by them and i just came out the hospital with facial fractures

The officer told me to come down the station when i got there and he look at my face he was amazed, i also gave him the hospital document. He look at them and said he was sorry to have me come down and gave her a FELONY TOO ASSAULT 2nd.. I just wanted to thank her for going down and giving her full name because i was only able to reconize her by face…

More arrest are in the making, SO PLEASE DONT NONE OF YOU GET COMFORTABLE AT ALL!!

And if you dont ever be arrrested for the role you play in my attack.. Its better for you to just turn yourself in.

These BAD WOMAN GANSTER COWARDS attack know i know there names and where they live.. They really thought it was funny and cute what they did and the sister even pass me on the street bleeding and was chuckling!! DEM COURT DATE NAAAAAAAHHHHH MISS ME!!!! EVER!!

The amount of pain i was in i end up getting via IV. they really think this is jamaica. WAKE UP THIS IS AMERICA! You physicaly assault someone you will face the law.with that being said ppl need to pack up and go to the shelter. I am pressing charges to the FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW!!

My son keep bringing me tissue and keep saying eye eye for me to wipe cause he think theirs something on my face.. GODS NOT SLEEPING TRUST ME!!


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