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Man gets three years for credit card racket


Monday, June 13, 2011


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A Jamaican man, believed to be part of a multimillion-dollar international credit card racket, has been sentenced to three years in prison in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court after he used a fraudulent American credit card to purchase almost $2 million (US$21,855.50) worth of appliances from the United States.

The man, Roshan Shaw, a 29-year-old resident of a Spanish Town, St Catherine, was sentenced when he appeared before Resident Magistrate Lorna Shelly Williams on Friday.

Shaw, who had previously pleaded guilty to six counts of money laundering and a count of conspiracy, was sentenced to one year in prison on the charge of conspiracy to defraud and two years each on three counts of money laundering, which are to run concurrently. He was, however admonished and discharged on the other three counts.

Shaw was held on May 2 in a joint operation between members of the Organised Crime Investigation Division and the US Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

During a search of Shaw’s home, police said they recovered items he had purchased on the Internet using the fraudulent credit card which was seized. The items included a refrigerator, a six-burner gas stove, a dishwasher and a clothes dryer.

The items, the court was told, were purchased last November from Florida Builders Appliance, using the credit card that was issued by Chase Bank of America.


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Abortion And Contraception

Published: Friday | June 10, 20118 Comments

Abortion and contraception are medically and morally different, and should not be confused.

Conception refers to the moment at which the sperm penetrates and fertilises the ovum to form a zygote. At the precise moment of conception – when the male genetic material from the sperm joins with the female genetic material in the ovum – a woman is pregnant with a new and different individual inside her body; a new human being has been formed!

The implantation of the newly created human embryo into the wall of the uterus is a separate event, occurring about seven to eight days after conception. A woman is pregnant because conception has occurred, not because implantation has occurred. This distinction is important.

Contraception is a method of preventing conception. Condoms and diaphragms (barrier methods) which prevent sperm and ovum from meeting are contraception. The use of spermicide is contraception. The use of chemicals which prevent the ovum from being released from the ovary (so, therefore, it cannot be fertilised) is contraception. Obviously, any drug or device used after conception has occurred cannot be termed a contraceptive.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a foetus or embryo from the woman’s body, resulting in the death of the foetus or embryo. The correct term to describe any substance, mechanism, device or procedure which interferes with a pregnancy after conception has occurred is abortifacient. Coils and loops (called intra-uterine devices, or IUDs) are abortifacients because they prevent the zygote or embryo from implanting in the wall of the uterus by blocking it. Some do fail; it is not unknown for a baby to be born with the coil or loop wrapped around his or her head.

It is medically and morally dishonest to advertise IUDs as contraceptives, because they are not; they do not prevent conception; they prevent implantation, and, therefore, induce abortion; they are abortifacients.

Recently, advertisements have appeared on Jamaican television promoting emergency contraceptive pills, sometimes referred to as the morning-after pill. These pills, we are told, may be taken up to a few days after unprotected sexual intercourse, and will prevent pregnancy. This, of course, is false and misleading.

Conception (fertilisation of the egg by the sperm) takes place from a few minutes to a few hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The so-called ’emergency contraceptive pill’ do not prevent conception at all; and can’t, since it will have been taken hours or probably days after fertilisation has already taken place; what it does is induce the body to abort the embryo. The ’emergency contraceptive pill’ is an abortifacient.

In my religious tradition, both abortion and contraception by artificial means are considered wrong and against God’s law; but abortion is much more serious, since it takes human life.


Many Jamaicans do not agree with the position the Catholic Church takes on contraception, but are strongly against abortion, against ‘dashing away the baby’. Just a few months ago, the laws making abortion illegal in Jamaica were confirmed and enshrined in the new Charter of Rights in the Constitution of Jamaica.

It is medically and morally dishonest to advertise something as a contraceptive that is really an abortifacient. I am sure that women who are firmly against abortion have been duped into using IUDs or taking the ’emergency contraceptive pill’ by false and misleading advertising.

I wonder whether the provision of these devices and chemicals to the public by doctors, nurses and pharmacists is not unconstitutional and, therefore, illegal? I hope that the pro-life lobby will put this question to the legal test in the constitutional court!

The dishonesty goes even deeper. In an effort to promote abortion (and irresponsible sexual behaviour), some people argue that a woman should have the right to decide what happens to her own body and, therefore, she should be able to ‘dash weh di baby’ if she doesn’t want it. Of course, the undeniable flaw in this argument is that the baby is not part of the woman’s body; the baby is dependent upon the woman’s body for food and oxygen, but is not a part of her body: different DNA, often different blood type.

Another piece of dishonesty is to define pregnancy as beginning at implantation; and yet another is to claim that human life only begins at ‘viability’ (the ability to live outside the womb).

Let us have some truth and honesty in these matters.

Peter Espeut is a sociologist and Roman Catholic deacon. Email feedback to [email protected].







Tattoos and Body Piercing
I know this next topic will be a very sensitive one for many in this day and age. As you all know, many people like to get different types of tattoos and body piercing put on the different parts of their bodies.
You will see people getting tattoos on just about any and every part of the human anatomy, even on their most intimate, personal and private parts. The same goes with the different types of body piercing. You have people getting piercing on their noses, navels, eyelids, nipples, tongues and genitalia.
For those of you who are really wanting to know what the Lord may think about this issue, I would challenge each and everyone of you to go before Him in prayer and ask His direct opinion on the matter. I know there is a bit of a rift in the Body on this issue right now.
On the one side are those who believe that God’s command back to the Jewish people in the Book of Leviticus no longer applies to any of us in this day and age since we are now operating under a New Covenant with Jesus and we are now no longer under the law, but under grace. On the other side are those who believe that this command still applies to everyone in this day and age, and that God has not changed His mind on this issue.
For what is worth, we are going to give you our two cents on this subject. In addition to the verse from Leviticus, I believe there are several other verses that you have to match up with that one to get what God’s opinion may really be on this issue.
Again, we do not want to get dogmatic on this issue. This is just our own personal interpretation of what we feel God may be trying to tell us in these specific verses. You are each responsible for getting your own answers from the Lord on this issue.
For the record, we do not believe the Lord wants any of His people getting any kinds of tattoos or body piercing put on any parts of their flesh.

I believe there are 5 key Scripture verses that need to be grouped together to get what God’s opinion may really be on this issue. I will go ahead and run them all together, and then comment on how I feel they may be shedding some light on this very controversial issue.
“You shall not make ANY CUTTINGS IN YOUR FLESH for the dead, nor TATTOO ANY MARKS on you: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28)

“Do NOT think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did NOT come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.” (Matthew 5:17-18)

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:19)

“If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” (1 Corinthians 3:17)
I believe that when you put all 5 of these verses together, one right next to the other, and then study what the Lord is trying to tell you in these verses, I believe it is possible to pick up what God’s opinion may be on this very controversial issue.

1. The very first verse is from the Book of Leviticus back in the Old Testament. God was telling His chosen people what they could and could not do in their personal relationship and interaction with Him. As we all know, God gave them quite a bit of rules, regulations and commandments that He wanted them to abide by. This one particular command was one of them.
Notice this verse specifically isolates not only tattoos, but any “cuttings on the flesh,” which I believe relates to all of the different types of body piercing people are now getting these days.
Also note that God was referring to them making any types of tattoos or cuttings in their flesh “for the dead.” Back in those days, many people had the practice of marking up their bodies with tattoos and different types of cuttings as a way of mourning and paying respect for those who had just passed on.
God the Father was flat out telling His own people that they were not to engage in this type of activity. Notice that God uses the word “any” tattoos and “any” cuttings” in their flesh. He was not cutting them any slack on this issue – and He was wanting absolutely no cuttings or tattoos of any kind, shape or form put anywhere on their bodies.
If God was telling them that He was not wanting any kinds of tattoos or body piercing put on their bodies as a way of mourning for the dead, then I also believe that you can extrapolate off of this command and assume that God did not want them doing this for any other possible reason, whether it be for the dead or not.
The wording is just too strong in this verse to think that God was only referring to doing this as a way of mourning for the dead. I believe the tone and intensity of these words are showing us that God did not want His chosen people to be doing this for any reason whatsoever. These people were being called to be God’s special chosen people. They were being called to become separate from the things and ways of this world – especially from some of the pagan practices of many of the people who were still inhabiting parts of their Promised Land.
If God the Father did not want His special chosen people back in the Old Testament to be putting on any kinds of tattoos and cuttings in their flesh, does He still have that same opinion today with all of His New Testament believers? I believe that He does, and this will now lead us into the second verse above.
2. In this second verse above, Jesus Himself is telling us that He did not come to do away with the laws of His Father and the prophets. He says that these laws and commandments are still in effect until “all is fulfilled,” which I believe refers to when we get the New Heaven and New Earth after the 1000 year Millennium Kingdom has passed.
Notice that Jesus says “till heaven and earth pass way.” These words perfectly describe what will happen when we get the New Heaven and the New Earth as described in the Book of Revelation. It says that our earth and heaven as we know it now will pass away, and in its place we will be getting a new heaven and a new earth. Until this glorious, final event actually occurs, Jesus is telling us that all of the laws and commandments of His Father are still fully in play.
This means that all 10 of the commandments are still in effect, along with all of the commands on engaging with any parts of the occult and homosexuality. Unless the New Testament specifically does away with some of these specific laws and commands back from the Old Testament, I believe that we have to assume that God still wants all of us to abide by them. And this command that we are not to tattoo or cut into any part of our flesh still applies to everyone in this day and age.
The Bible says that God does not change, that He is the same today as He was yesterday. If God the Father is telling us that homosexuality and anything to do with the occult are abominations in His sight back in the Old Testament, then He is not going to be changing His mind just because we are in New Testament times.
Granted, we are no longer under the law, but under grace in our New Covenant with Jesus. But this does not mean we can start engaging in activities that were expressly forbidden by His Father back in the Old Testament. As Jesus has stated in the above verse, all of the laws from His Father and these prophets have not been done away with at this time, and they will not all be done away with until we get our New Heaven and New Earth. And until that even happens, I believe God wants all of us to do our best to abide by them.
So if God the Father was not wanting His chosen people back in the Old Testament to be putting on any types of tattoos or cutting into any parts of their flesh, does this same command still apply to all of us in this day and age? I believe that it does, and these next three verses will tell us why.
3. The last three verses listed above are all telling us that our bodies have now become the temple of God’s Holy Spirit. Notice that God is specifically telling us that it is our earthly, physical, natural bodies that have now become the temple of His Holy Spirit.
Think of the ramifications of this statement – that since our earthly, physical bodies are now literally carrying the Holy Spirit Himself on the inside of us once we have accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, that God is now telling us that our physical bodies have now become the actual “temple” of His Holy Spirit.
Notice in the last verse that God is using the words “defiles the temple of God,” and that anyone who attempts to defile His holy temple will be destroyed. God then ends this statement with talking about our physical bodies being the temple of His Holy Spirit. In other words, God does not want our temples, which are our physical bodies, to be defiled in any way, shape and form. Is putting any kind of tattoo or body piercing on our physical bodies a form of defilement with the Lord? I believe that it may be.
Also consider this fact. The Jewish people did not have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them. Jesus had not yet come to die for all of our sins, so the Holy Spirit was not living on the inside of the Jewish people like He is now doing with all New Testament believers. This means that the physical bodies of the Jewish people back in those days were not considered to be actual temples of the Lord since they did not have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them.
So if God the Father is telling His chosen people that He did not want them tattooing or putting any kinds of cuttings into their flesh – and their bodies were not even considered to be His temple back in those Old Testament times – then how much more seriously should this command be taken by all New Testament believers – since all of our bodies are now considered to be the actual temple of the Holy Spirit?
As the above verses are telling us, our bodies have now become the temple of the Lord Himself. We are no longer our own. As a result, we should be doing everything we can to glorify our God – which includes glorifying Him in our bodies as the second last verse above is telling us to do. Marking up our bodies with the different kinds of tattoos and body piercing may not be what the Lord had in mind when He is telling us to glorify Him in both our bodies and our spirits.
Again, you will each have to get your own interpretation as to what all of these verses are trying to tell us.

As I said at the top of this article, each Christian will be responsible for getting their own direct answer from the Lord on this very controversial issue. I believe that when you put all 5 of the above Scripture verses together side by side, the answer might be in the correct interpretation of these verses.
Without question, the last three verses listed above are telling us that our physical bodies are now considered to be the temple of our living God since we now carry His Holy Spirit on the inside of us.
I believe that our physical bodies are now more sacred, more precious, and more special in the Lord’s eyes than the four physical walls of any church may be since God is now calling our bodies His actual temple.
And just as we would never consider marking up or defacing any parts of an actual Christian Church building – in the same way I do not believe that our Lord wants us defacing or marking up any parts of our physical bodies. This is why I believe God made sure to put this specific command in His Word.
When God is using the words “any” tattoos and “any” kinds of cuttings in the flesh, He is not making any exceptions with this kind of activity. I personally believe that God is letting all of us know, loud and clear, that He does not want any of us marking up our bodies with these kinds of defilement.
As a side note, I will leave you with a personal testimony from a good close friend who went to God after she had got her navel pierced. When she first called me up to tell me what she had done, I told her about the above verses. However, I told her not to take my word or opinion about this. I told her to go direct to God the Father to get His direct opinion on the matter.
She did, and shortly thereafter God came through loud and clear for her. He told her that He did not approve of it and that He wanted it removed. The revelation she received back from Him was that He was looking at this piercing like a smudge mark or dirt mark on her physical body.
When she called me back up and told me what she had received, I received an immediate vision in my mind’s eye of a young 5 year old boy coming back into his parent’s house. He had just fallen into a mud hole and he had mud caked all of over his face.
I then saw the mother have an immediate and instinctive reaction to want to go and get a wash cloth to wash all of the mud off of his face. Can you imagine a mother just sitting there letting her child have all of that mud remain on his face for the rest of the day? I believe that God may be having the same kind of reaction to many of His own when they start putting tattoos and different kinds of body piercing on various parts of their bodies.
Again, this testimony is a personal and private testimony. You will each have to get your own witness on it, as well as getting your own interpretation on the above verses from our Bible.
I will leave you with one last challenge on this issue:
For those of you who have a good ability to pick up an inner witness from the Holy Spirit on many different matters in your life, simply tap in and see what kind of inner witness you get from Him once you entertain the thought of wanting to tattoo any part of your body, or make an attempt to want to put any kind of body piercing in your navel, tongue, eyelids, or to any parts of your genitalia – knowing full well that you carry His presence right there on the inside of your physical body.
What kind of witness do you get from the Holy Spirit when you tap in to see what His opinion may really be on this kind of a matter?
My inner witness tells me that He does not want us getting any type of markings or cuttings done on our bodies – and that if we do, it is a form of defilement since our bodies are now His Holy Temple.
We have had quite a few people write in asking our opinion on this matter since this is still such a popular trend and fad in our society. For what it is worth, all of the above is our own personal opinion on this matter and the biblical reasons as to why we feel this way.

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