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Bible Christmas Story – The Characters
The most amazing truths of the Bible Christmas story revolve around events that make no earthly or human sense. Discovering the real Christmas message requires looking beyond the all-too-familiar holiday experiences. “Was there a moment, known only to God, when all the stars held their breath, when the galaxies paused in their dance for a fraction of a second, and . . . all His love [was poured] into the womb of a young girl”?1 You can read the account of Jesus’ birth from the Bible in Luke 2:1-21.

The individuals in the Bible Christmas story should surprise us. They are unlikely recipients of angelic declarations. Yet through ordinary people such as us, God creates extraordinary events:

The Shepherds – Shepherds were seen as rough, uncultured, untrustworthy fellows. Because of their poor credibility, shepherds weren’t allowed to testify in court. Yet, the first account of Christ’s birth was from the shepherds, who were “glorifying and praising God” (Luke 2:20).
Mary – What had Mary achieved in her 12–14 years to merit a greater honor and blessing than any other woman in the Bible? Mary’s record is brief among that of Sarah, Esther, Naomi, Ruth, or Hannah. Simply, Mary fell into favor with God as He extended His grace to this young woman.
Gabriel – When the archangel shared God’s promise of a son, the aged temple priest, Zechariah, doubted God (Luke 1:18). Zechariah is struck mute. Yet, with faith, young Mary, humbly receives Gabriel’s great proclamation, and responds, “May it be to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38). Mary’s song, “The Magnificat,” reflects the intimate acquaintance that she had with God.
Bible Christmas Story – The Statements
It is easy for the words of the Bible Christmas story to be overshadowed by appropriate clichés: “Jesus is the reason for the season,” or “Keep the Christ in Christmas.” Let us shine light again on the amazing truth that, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14).

“God with Us” (Matthew 1:23) – In Exodus, God appeared over us, in the cloud, as a pillar of fire, or on the mountain. But now, in a common feeding trough, He became Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14).
“Good News of Great Joy” (Luke 2:10) – The good news transcended politics, languages, and geography. A Savior is given to all mankind, making us the recipients of God’s good will and favor.
“Lying in a Manger” (Luke 2:12) – We must marvel at the humble entrance of the Eternal, Almighty Creator, God, into our world. The Savior of mankind, found lying in a manger (feeding-trough), thus giving the shepherds a specific sign to guide them to the Christ-Child.
Bible Christmas Story – The Uniqueness
When we stop to consider the Bible Christmas story, we might ask, “What’s wrong with this picture?”

In the world that God created, there was no room for Him at the inn or anywhere. To have “God with us,” the God-Child entered the world in a place where few would even notice.
God’s return to His creation wasn’t “good news” to everyone. No ruler was willing to abdicate their throne. No palace opened their gates to welcome the King of kings or Prince of Peace.
God, who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and all-righteous, longed to touch everyone — the beggar, the prostitute, the leper — presenting Himself, a helpless infant, “lying in a manger.” Common folks can never visit the palace of a newborn king, uninvited. But kings and princes can visit mangers.
There is difference for those who choose to accept the original Bible Christmas story, allowing it to transform their lives. The Nativity scene isn’t designed to put us into a festive “holiday mood.” It should stir us to the very depth of our souls. How will we respond to the Divine Designer of the universe who sacrificed everything to bring us back into a relationship with Him? Take away the decorations, presents, and the food . . . the story is still there. It is still true and our joy is still great! (John 3:16).
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Man sleeps in bed with murdered reputed wife
A 21-year old man was arrested after he was found lying in a bed yesterday morning with the nude body of his reputed wife, whom he had allegedly murdered hours earlier.
The 20-year old woman, cane juice vendor and mother of one, Madhuri Padumdeo was discovered dead with a piece of rope tied tightly around her neck in the home she shared with her reputed husband Michael Persaud at Lot 8 North Sophia, Bel Air.

Murdered: Madhuri Padumdeo
Police said that the woman’s body was found at about 11:00 hours, with a length of electrical cord wrapped around her neck.
According to the police, her reputed husband and another man have been arrested and are in police custody assisting with the investigations.
A police source said that the other man happens to be the woman’s employer who has been implicated by her reputed husband.
However he is not being treated as the prime suspect.
Kaieteur News was told that the discovery was made sometime after lunch yesterday by the woman’s mother, Cuntie Padumdeo, who told Kaieteur News that her daughter’s employer called complaining that the young mother was late for work.
She explained that her daughter worked at the Cane Juice vendor at the University of Guyana Access Road.
The woman further told Kaieteur News that upon hearing from her daughter’s employer, she left her home and went to Sophia to investigate why her daughter wasn’t at work.
Padumdeo further told this publication that after arriving at the house, the first things she noticed was that the door was open.
The woman said she walked in and saw her daughter lying naked and motionless on the bed with a wire wrapped around her neck.

Murder accused Michael Persaud being taken away by the police yesterday.
Her daughter’s reputed husband was lying next to her sleeping.
Some suggested that he pretended to be asleep to give the impression that he was unaware of what had happened to his reputed wife.
An alarm was made and neighbours immediately started running over to the house. The police were called in also. According to the mother, her daughter’s relationship was far from a “fairytale”.
The woman told Kaieteur News that her daughter suffered constant beating at the hands of her reputed husband.
Kaieteur News was told by the mother, that her daughter had previous moved out from the home and was living with her because of the abuse.
According to the woman, two months ago, her daughter made a report to the police against her husband. “She mek de report after she move out because she wanted them to go with her so she could get her clothes,” the mother cried yesterday.
However, the now dead woman had returned to the home where she met her demise.
Meanwhile, the suspect’s relatives who also turned up at the scene are refuting claims that he was abusive to his wife. According to one relative, it was the other way around as Persaud endured years of torment from the woman. Kaieteur News was told that the woman allegedly had multiple “outside” relationships.
Also yesterday neighbours said that they remembered seeing the two, arguing and fighting in the street yesterday. One woman told Kaieteur News that she really “didn’t take it for nothing, since it was a every day thing”, between the couple.



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