This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


I am a angle n can mek ur dream cum true"

Yeah baby swagg dem up"


New JMG spot added for 2012..Here you will see radom tweets by Jamaican celebrities ..TWITTER NUH GUD AGENNNN!!! MET IS R DEH DERE


God’s Plan for my Cancer

Before looking for God’s plan in my cancer, I went through the various stages of dealing with the trial on my own (anger, bargaining and depression). I soon realized I had learned very little from my initial bout with cancer. I was determined that some good would come out of this recurrence. The first thing I did was to turn everything over to God and His plan. I knew that He loved me and had a plan for my life and that He only wanted the best for me, so I put my trust in Him. I faced my own mortality, and though I had a lot to live for including a new grandson, I was not afraid to die. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I knew He had become a man and paid the debt for my sins by dying on the cross, that He had risen from the grave, and that I was assured of eternal life in heaven. So whether I lived or died, it was going to be okay. This helped me release much of my fear.

Praying for God’s Plan…

Dear God,

Thank you for my cancer – You are in control and you do love me. You know what is best for me and my loved ones. You have a plan. Help me to trust in you and be part of your plan.

Thank you, God, for loving us enough to send your precious son, Jesus Christ, to live, to teach us about you, and to die in order to give us forgiveness for our sins.

Thank you for the opportunity to be a mother (and the awesome responsibility that is). Thank you for being there in the midst of my many shortcomings. Use my cancer to help me teach Randall about you and to be a Godly influence in the lives of my stepchildren and grandkids and husband and aunt and mom and sister and her family and friends and everyone I meet.

Thank you for using cancer as a teacher for me – to slow me down and put me in touch with you. Help me see cancer as a teacher and an adventure to learn from and then go on. Bless my husband and my son and my supportive family and friends as they go through this adventure with me. Make us strong through our weakness and our dependence on you.

Thank you for your many blessings. They are too numerous to count. Help me to bury the ghosts of sins past, which you have forgiven and forgotten. And help me to see and confess my daily sins, so I can better mirror Christ’s love and be used more mightily by you.

“Joy in Trials”

Count it all joy when ye fall into various trials, knowing this,
that the testing of your faith worketh patience.
(James 1:2-3)

Little did I know a year ago, when I was fervently praying for God to give me patience to deal with an especially difficult fifth grade class, that my answer would come through a recurrence of breast cancer. My class of 34 ten and eleven-year-olds went through chemotherapy with me during the winter and spring, and I saw a loving, caring attitude emerge even in the students who had been the worst discipline problems. My emotions ran the gauntlet from fear to joy during this time. I remember the day my class convinced me to take off my hat so they could see my bald head. Their response was, “Oh, you look neat – just like an alien!”

I never understood James 1:2-3 before. It made no sense to me to be joyful in the midst of trials; maybe when trials were over, but not in the middle of them. My experience with cancer has brought me the joy of knowing my children and grandchildren are praying for me; and, it has brought me closer to God, my husband, and my Christian friends through Bible study and prayer.

My illness has also brought many wonderful new friends into my life through the Spiritual Wellness cancer support group, Bethel, and Bible Study Fellowship. It has taught me to enjoy each day and to appreciate beauty, health, and love more fully; it has given me more empathy for others going through trials; and my cancer has given me patience to endure many medical procedures and to wait on the Lord for His answer to our prayers for a physical healing. In the meantime, the spiritual healing that is taking place is pure joy and I am delighting in the time I have to be a loving “Nina” to my grandchildren now that I’ve retired. I have much for which to be joyful!





Please Deliver This MESSAGE


Met I am a new entertainer in the industry and I have an ex who is also in the industry that  stays talking about me. I was with this man when I was sixteen years old, at the time he gave me money for my birthday party, on that same day he picked up my phone and another man was on the line , he beat me up very badly. I left him that day and never looked back

              Met it’s over ten years and this man and I have both moved on with our lives, have had children and I would like to tell him to stop. It is not right. Last year he wrote about me on his twitter that I am the worst thing that happened to music. I wonder if people knew that he was an abuser himself what they would think ,so I am sending this message to him

Mr. Perfect Jamaica biggest artist leave me alone (in your mind, because you think you all bigger dan Beenieman ). I do not talk about you and no one knows about me and you but the way you talk about me people in the industry have been coming to ask me what have I done to you. All I did was to change the chip in my phone and leave you alone. Stop talking about me.

You even went as far as to tell one of my other ex’s that I am a lesbian and when he confronted you infont of me you denied it. I am not going to call you out by name because you know yourself. Ah me same one used to carry you music go JLP meeting because you always say PNP a nuh your party. Leave me and my name alone. Same so you manager drop you because him say you don’t want to pay no money fi help promote and you cannot tweet that.  You write song about me, I did not say anything and when D’Angel tek your things and trick you, no song never make and you dont admit to being with her at no time so why me ?Da time you tweeting and seh you a do things against domestic violence why you don’t include yourself? Why do you have to be so wicked and evil? Was I wrong to leave you for hitting me in my face? I was not wrong and I have moved on. Leave me alone.

Lexus did write about your baby mother in Brookvalley how Oney use him Benz and trick har and you never write about she yet everywhere you see me the people backstage say you be always talking shit. If you are going to talk, don’t talk about me, because I will let people know it is personal and that you are an abuser and that you yourself like young girls because you were in your twenties and I was just sixteen.





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