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Why do we fold our hands to pray?

We fold our hands to pray out of respect and honor to God. There are those times when I am in a circle of friends that we will join our hands to pray.

Many people fold their hands to pray to keep their hands from distracting their minds from the things of God. I fidget when I pray, and I know that if my hands were not folded or holding another’s hands, I would be moving them. That may not be distractive to me, but it might distract someone sitting next to me.

We fold our hands to pray, because hands are important. Hands are used in service to others. Jesus used His hands to heal, help, instruct, comfort, and bless. Ultimately, His hands were nailed to the cross for our sins. We fold our hands out of respect for His sacrifice.

It is important to remember that God doesn’t care how we pray — just that we pray. He doesn’t care if we are standing, sitting, lying down, or kneeling. The method we use and the posture we have is not important. The most important thing we can do every day is to pray — talk to God, tell Him our troubles, and share our gratitude.

Prayer works.

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Attention seeking adult
Whenever you find someone acting on the extreme side know that he is compensating for something on the other side.

Some adults strive for attention and pay any price just to get it. Those attention seeking adults may do inappropriate things like lying just to get attention or they may engage in a more constructive behavior like striving for success and recognition just for the sake of getting attention.

Not all attention seekers are doing so because of a personal disorder but if the person started to sacrifice some of his values for the sake of attention then its probably the result of an underlying disorder.

Why do some people strive for attention?
If as a child, the person did not receive much attention from his parents or his peers then he may grow up feeling neglected. Those feelings will then be the main drive behind the person’s attention seeking behavior.

Abusive parents and parents who are always absent usually make their children feel that they are overlooked and so the child may grow up becoming an attention seeking adult.

Sometimes adults seek attention because of jealousy. When someone finds himself threatened by another person who takes all the attention he is supposed to get he may respond with attention seeking behavior.

Lack of self worth can be another cause for attention seeking behavior. Some people think that they are overlooked and so they think that the only solution to restore their balance is to bring back the lost attention. The attention they will get in this case will provide them with reassurance and will help them think that they are worthy.

Arrogant & overconfident people may seek attention because they have the feeling that they deserve to be in the center of attention. Because they aren’t mature enough they still think with their inner child’s mentality which makes them believe that they are the center of the world.

Usually the child thinks that he is the center of the universe around which all other objects revolve. If the child’s way of thinking didn’t mature he will grow up thinking that he is the center of the world and so he will be an attention seeking adult.

Narcissists are also attention seekers. They consider this attention a good source of narcissistic supply and so they strive to get it. If you ignored a narcissist he will definitely hate you especially if he was hoping to get some attention from you.


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