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What are the Jehovah Witnesses beliefs?

At first glance, the beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are not much different than those of orthodox, mainstream Christianity. For instance, they believe in the veracity of the Bible, however, their Bible, the New World Translation contains language that has been changed from the original texts and manuscripts, including words not found in the ancient texts and articles not even existing in the original languages themselves.

Among their more problematic tenants, Jehovah’s Witnesses adhere to the following:
1) Jehovah is the only name of God;
2) Jesus Christ was a created being and not God-in-the-flesh;
3) Jesus Christ died on a stake instead of an actual cross.

“Jehovah” is, in fact one of the names of God, however it is merely a transliteration. In other words, it is a word or a sound which is constructed of letters used to refer to God (YHWH) since, in ancient Hebrew tradition, God had no name that could be uttered. YHWH become JHVH, the letters which were interchangeable with the former, and then, in order to verbally pronounce this mutated construct, included vowels to form “JeHoVaH.” Furthermore, in the Jehovah’s Witness’ Bible, any name for God from the original language is simply substituted with this derivative, making it a bit of a “strawman.” So, while this is one of the names to which God is commonly referred, it is not the only name and is, in fact merely a constructed form of his true, original reference.

Secondly, according to Scripture (John 1:1) Christ (“the Word”;) was indeed present at the onset of creation and is God’s “Son” in the spiritual, eternal sense. However, Jesus pre-existed everything that was created and He did this in such a way that did not compromise his equivalency with God the Father – they were one, according to Jesus Himself. Jesus was not, therefore an inferior, created being but rather a co-creator with God the Father, existing equally as part of what we know as “The Holy Trinity,” comprised of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Last, the assertion that Jesus was killed on a stake rather than a cross is merely another misunderstanding of the original language applied to a few verses which has been broadly imposed on all verses containing its uses. The word used for “cross” and “stake” can also be translated as “tree” or “pole.” In some instances, it would be correct to use the word “stake.” However, to apply it in every instance, ignoring the historicity of the matter, takes away from the spiritual tradition, intention, and power that this symbol represents to historical and present-day Christianity and makes for an unnecessary distraction. To wit, the King James Version uses the word “cross” 28 times when referring to the instrument of Christ’s death. Historically, the Roman Empire, legally responsible for this lethal punishment, used crosses, not stakes. The process of crucifixion was meant to cause prolonged suffering as a deterrent to onlookers from committing similar crimes. Impaling on a stake would have provided a much quicker death due to the blood loss and, thus proved a much less effective tactic.




Jamaica has a population of 2,868,380 and growing according to the 2011 census  that was done, so sending a message to the few whom you have identified as hypocrites in a general message was wrong.  You knew who your target was. 

        Now that the smoke has cleared from my nose I can serve you up without the expletives. You were born, raised and still reside in Jamaica, with natural knowledge of our culture and its people to know how they flow. I am sure the same people don’t come up to you every day and ask for your picture and the ones who do may genuinely like you, did you stop to think of that?

      In the social circles of uptown and downtown, one with your color, sadly based on Jamaica’s prejudice should have been accepted based on this alone. The fact that you feel singled out and rejected by our people has to do with you 100%, as they say, real recognizes real. It was the fact that you are Jamaican that peaked the international audience’s interest, as you were the face of ‘’Out of Many, One People’’, and cleared up a few things for many people who were ignorant to the fact that Jamaicans existed in every shade and creed existed.  Sad to say, although you feel you represent us, there is a great detachment based on the social circles in which you reside. You were some what of an outcast to the rich because of your family’s finances, but still were unable to reside in the gap that would have facilitate an easy pass between the elites and the middle class.

     As I had written before, Jamaica’s elitists do not take keenly to a ‘’prodigal son’’, so this may be where your hypocrites lie. You have not ventured downtown/poor class which is where you may have been accepted and loyally served. Again, the fault is your own.

         There is a reason why many other artists slip between the confines of the uptown and downtown parties, not only do they gain the respect of the locals, there is no place like home and each sect serves its own purpose. The smiles that you would have received from the poorer class would have been warm, genuine and filled with love. The resentment you feel right now would have been non-existent.

         Honestly, at this point it has nothing to do with your music, as whatever works for you is what is good for you and Jamaicans are open to that but please do not think for a second that because you are a ‘’star’’, our people will see you as one, when they hardly see you or socialize with you.

             We are a prideful nation and the less people acknowledge us, is the less we acknowledge them. You could for starters,  donate to a few of our golden aged seniors, take a visit to our well known Coronation Market or even the Papine Market. For one, it would further convince those who still disbelieve your rich and bountiful heritage and it would bridge the gap which you seem unfulfilled without



:sup2: ONLY JAMAICAN ENTERTAINERS ………………. :ngakak :ngakak



Kartel fashion designer gets bail

BY PAUL HENRY Crime/court co-ordinator [email protected]

Friday, January 13, 2012


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 CALVIN Haye, the fashion designer who was charged along with deejay Vybz Kartel, was granted bail in the sum of $1 million in the Home Circuit Court today.

Haye was the only one of seven men, — Vybz Kartel, Andre St John, Shawn ‘Shawn Storm’ Campbell, Cairo Jones, and Shane William — who are charged for the murder of Clive ‘Lizard’ Williams.

Williams is alleged to have been murdered on August 16 over the disappearance of an illegal firearm. His body is yet to be found. The prosecution, however, said they have video and other evidence to prove the men’s involvement in the murder.

Vybz Kartel, whose real name is Adidja Palmer, and other men are also facing murder charges in relation to the shooting death of Barrington ‘Bossie’ Bryan of Gregory Park, St Catherine in July.

Haye and the other men were ordered to return to court on February 17.

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