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Teachers Pet verses Atlanta’s Finest!!
Is this a case of a dress maker making the same outfit for these girls or borrow goods?



I am hearing this morning that one of the girls in Vegas’ video died..will keep you updated


Women in McDonald’s Fight Seen Widely Online Plead Not Guilty
Published: January 11, 2012

Before the mid-October night went horribly wrong, there was a dinner at Planet Hollywood. Then a trip to the Fat Black Pussycat bar. Five tequila shots later, the two women ended up at a McDonald’s in Greenwich Village, about to become Internet stars of the worst kind.
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Jefferson Siegel
Denise Darbeau, left, and Rachel Edwards, at their arraignment on Wednesday in Manhattan, face felony charges stemming from an October fight.

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What started as an argument with an employee over a $50 bill ended with the women bloodied and hospitalized after they went over or around the counter, only to be beaten by the employee with a long metal kitchen utensil.

The confrontation was recorded on a cellphone camera, and widely seen and commented upon on YouTube.

When the paramedics and police showed up, the women, Denise Darbeau and Rachel Edwards, cursed them and each other out, officials said.

Prosecutors revealed these unrecorded details from that evening for the first time on Wednesday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan when Ms. Darbeau and Ms. Edwards were arraigned on felony burglary charges.

Both pleaded not guilty and declined the prosecution’s offer to plead guilty in exchange for probation.

Although the women got the worst of the confrontation — Ms. Darbeau was hospitalized for several days with a broken skull and arm; Ms. Edwards had many cuts and bruises — a grand jury indicted them and dropped assault charges against the employee, Rayon McIntosh, who argued self-defense.

The lawyer for Ms. Darbeau, 24, and Ms. Edwards, 25, called the charges against his clients a travesty.

“The only person that uses the weapon, the only person that uses criminal force in the case is basically off the hook,” the lawyer, Harold C. Baker III, said. “And the people who got beaten to within an inch of their life are under indictment. In my opinion, that’s not consistent with justice.”

Yet Mr. Baker’s clients have not engendered much sympathy.

The cellphone video shows one of the women striking Mr. McIntosh first, and then jumping over the counter to go after him. Mr. McIntosh grabbed a thin rod used to clean the griddle and delivered a dozen or so blows, some while the women were on the ground.

Mr. McIntosh was charged with felony assault and held in jail more than a week, but drew an outpouring of support, including the creation of a Facebook page, “Free Rayon McIntosh.” Mr. McIntosh maintained that the women yelled slurs at him and that he feared for his safety.

“McIntosh is at work, not looking for trouble,” his lawyer, Theodore M. Herlich, said in an interview. “If you watch the videotape, you see how these two thugs behave. They threw the first punch.”

The grand jury not only dropped the charges against Mr. McIntosh, but also elevated misdemeanor trespass charges against the women to third-degree felony burglary.

Mr. Baker said that when the women were in the restaurant Oct. 13, they were accused of trying to pass a counterfeit bill, and that McDonald’s employees insulted them with homosexual epithets.

“It was not a one-way thing,” he explained, “where my clients went in there and went nuts.”

After the confrontation with Mr. McIntosh, the women had angry and peculiar words for the authorities and each other, according to documents released by the prosecution on Wednesday.

“I will wash you. I will wash you,” Ms. Darbeau said, apparently slang for beating someone up. “I just want to go home. Don’t touch me.”

Later, according to the documents, she told a police officer: “When you take these cuffs off, I’m going to wash you. I’m going to have your job.”

Ms. Edwards suggested that her treatment was racially motivated, calling a paramedic and a police officer “crackers,” the prosecution contends.

“If I was white, you wouldn’t be arresting me,” according to the documents. “You’re doing this because I’m black.”

At one point, Ms. Darbeau told Ms. Edwards to shut up, according to the documents. Ms. Edwards later said: “Why did this happen? Why don’t you love me the way I love you?”

Later, Ms. Darbeau said, “You can’t drink,” the documents state. “You made everything worse than it needed to be.”

While not conceding that his clients said what was in the prosecution’s documents, Mr. Baker said such statements could be understandable given the situation. “You would be in enough pain that it might make you say things that you wouldn’t normally say because you’re traumatized,” he said.

A version of this article appeared in print on January 12, 2012, on page A21 of the New York edition with the headline: Women in McDonald’s Fight Seen Widely Online Plead Not Guilty.


THOSE in attendance at the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court held their bellies and laughed when a man confessed to assaulting a female because she called him a ‘mampala’.
The accused man, Tyrone Simpson, was asked by the judge what ‘mampala’ means and he answered, “Miss it mean me a half man, half woman.”
Police report that on the evening of December 10 last year, Simpson and the complainant got into a fight and he used his knee to repeatedly hit her in the face.
Simpson, who did not deny the charge of assault, said he did not use his knee, he used his fist, and it was only after she started calling him a ‘Mampala’ that he retaliated.
He was sentenced to six months in prison or a fine of $15,000 for assaulting a female.


Roxroy McLean, Star Intern

deejay Face has confirmed rumours that she’s married. But she adds that marriage is not the only part of her life that is heading for success. Face, a fourth-place finisher in the Digicel Rising Stars competition in 2005, said she met Texroy Kantosis that year and things developed from there. “I went overseas for a show in January 2005, and happened to meet him. We took it from there and he later proposed to me,” she said.

Her husband is said to be an entrepreneur living in Maryland, Baltimore. They have been married for a year and eight months.

Face said she has so far managed to balance both marriage and her life as an artiste, although keeping that aspect of her life from public scrutiny has taken a lot of energy. “My artiste’s life and personal life are two different lives. I’m Face the deejay, and Shanique, the lover. A hardcore deejay and a good wife,” she said.

hardcore style

Since impressing local audience in the 2005 Digicel Rising Stars competition with her gritty, hardcore style, the deejay, born Shanique Wilson, said she has been busy doing a lot of underground work, which she believes is now reaping its fruits.

“I feel like this year mi a go get rich; quite a few promoters have been calling me, which means good for my career,” she said, in a recent interview with THE WEEKEND STAR.

Face signed a two-year contract with Isaiah Laing’s Supreme Promotions in 2005 after the competition finished and recorded the singles Hot Girl, Irregular and Sexy and Hot.

Her journey continued with Richie Stephens’ Pot of Gold label, where she released Hold Me Suh and No More Playing Around, featuring reggae act Neville Lindo.

During the competition, Face made a name for herself and was one of the contestants favoured to win. However, Chris Martin eventually won out. The experience brought immediate fame to the 23-year-old, hails from Farm in Clarendon.

The deejay is also working on several music projects with international label G Life, which is based in Philadelphia, United States. The two are working on a 14-track album called Stardom, which is set to be released this August.

Face most recent stage-show performance came at Sting, held at Jamworld, Portmore, St Catherine, in December. She was at her hardcore best, throwing barbs at several female artistes.

According to Face, this has given her confidence for the future. “I just want my fans keep supporting me. I give thanks to Father God for giving me the strength. My mother, family and my friends (Spotlight Girls), nuff respect,” she said.

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