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Reason for Zimbabwe reservoir delays… mermaids have been hounding workers away!
Minister Nkomo said the only way to solve the problem was to brew traditional beer and carry out any rites to appease the spirits
The two overdue reservoirs are considered essential to provide Zimbabwe with adequate water
Last updated at 5:05 PM on 6th February 2012
Comments (11)

Essential work on planned reservoirs in Zimbabwe has stopped because mermaids have been hounding workers away, according to the country’s Water Resources Minister.
Samuel Sipepa Nkomo told a Zimbabwean parliamentary committee that terrified workers are refusing to return to the sites, near the towns of Gokwe and Mutare.
Minister Nkomo said the only way to solve the problem was to brew traditional beer and carry out any rites to appease the spirits.

African artist’s impression of mermaids: The Zimbabwean government has blamed delays to two essential infrastructure projects on ‘the presence of mermaids’

The country’s Water Resources Minister claimed that mermaids have been hounding workers away from the two planned new reservoirs
‘All the officers I have sent have vowed not to go back there’, Minister Nkomo was reported as saying in Zimbabwe’s state-approved Herald newspaper.

Samuel Sipepa Nkomo told a Zimbabwean parliamentary committee that terrified workers are refusing to return to the sites, near the towns of Gokwe and Mutare
Mermaids are mythological water creatures with a female body twinned with the tail of a fish.
Opinion about the existence of mermaids varies throughout Zimbabwe – some people are skeptical, but some firmly believe that mermaids exist in Zimbabwe.
Dating back centuries, many mermaid stories continue to make their rounds in Zimbabwe.
One tale says mermaids carry humans underwater, but if there is a public outcry their relatives might never see them again.
But another tale suggests victims can return as spirit mediums if their disappearance is not mourned.
The senior politician said that mermaids were also present in other reservoirs.
‘We even hired whites thinking that our boys did not want to work but they also returned saying they would not return to work there again,’ he added.
The two, long overdue reservoirs are considered essential if Zimbabwe is provide adequate water to its population and to boost its agricultural production.
Having once been the ‘bread basket’ of Southern Africa, the country’s farms have been laid low by lack of faith in government policy.
From 2000, President Robert Mugabe expropriated some 4,000 white owned farms and gave them to politically connected blacks.
Partly as a result, agricultural production is this year forecast to be at its second lowest level since Zimbabwe achieved independence from Britain in 1980.
The belief in mermaids and other mythical creatures is widespread in the country, where many people combine a Christian faith with traditional beliefs.
Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Minister Ignatius Chombo said the government wants to give the population the water it needs, but cannot do so until the rituals are performed and necessary repairs can be carried out.
Three quarters of Zimbabwe’s population live on less than one US dollar a day.

Read more:–mermaids-hounding-workers-away.html#ixzz1lg2oe1pz


Starbucks Logo Secrets Revealed

Today’s article is kind of crude, so some of you may not want to read it. I’m not a big fan of crude things either, but this topic is interesting.

When you see that Starbucks logo, you probably think the same thing as me: “There’s that ‘smiling mermaid’ logo, there must be some good, but overpriced, coffee nearby”, or perhaps “There’s that evil Starbucks corporation that’s helping to destroy the world”.

Well, today for the first time I decided to look at the Starbucks logo with the mindset that there may be some hidden symbolism there, designed for the subconscious mind but not the conscious mind.

(Does the subconscious mind actually exist? Absolutely. When you dream, those are all the thoughts of your subconscious id surfacing, without the usual censorship of your conscious ego, as Sigmund Freud would phrase it).

As I looked for the Starbucks symbolism, I believe I found it. Others would charge that I had a predetermined goal so I merely saw what I wanted to see.

When I tell you what I found, their message will go from your subconscious mind, where you have no danger filters whatsoever, to your conscious mind, where you can judge for yourself how appropriate or inappropriate their manipulation of your senses is.

Or you can disagree with me, but nevertheless the logo’s alleged hidden meaning can never again be sublimated from your conscious memory back to your unguarded subconscious level.

Incidentally, the original masters of subconscious thought and manipulation, prior to the MK-Ultra brainwashers of Manchurian Candidates and their ilk, are Sigmund Freud (who had more hang-ups than Woody Allen’s closet, incidentally) and Hitler’s favourite, Edward Bernays.

When I say “breakfast”, do you think “bacon and eggs”? That’s Edward Bernays.

Why have bananas always been cheap (until now) and why is Guatemala still ruined? Because of the Chiquita banana company, US secret agents, and Edward Bernays, according to Wikipedia.

Why did cigarettes, once “forbidden” for women, become popular with women, seemingly overnight, in the 1940s, addicting and killing millions of innocent female victims over the years? Once again, the subconscious advertising campaigns of Edward Bernays. But I’m getting off-topic here.

Question: Have you ever seen a mermaid with two tails?

Answer: Yes, but you may not have noticed. Look at the Starbucks logo:

It features a mermaid with two “tails”. How could a mermaid swim with two tails? She couldn’t.

But are they really “tails”? Or is it a masonic image of a woman spreading her serpentine “legs” apart for the sex act?

Sounds about par for the course for perverted sex-obsessed corporate leaders, doesn’t it?

And are the black-and-white stripes on her “tails” perhaps masonic striped leggings, as featured in the highly masonic Alice in Wonderland movies?

(I haven’t seen the Johnny Depp version, but I’m sure it is filled with mirrors, Saturnalian reversals of logic, black-and-white checkered floors, chess games, twins, hookahs, magic mushrooms, pills, and other assorted hallucinogenic drugs, to name only a few of their symbols).

Also notice that the mermaid’s wavy hair forms a sort of mirrored 333/333, or “666”. Her hair also resembles the waves of the ocean (Pisces, Aquarius, Atlantis). The mermaid forms a fancy “peace sign” as well. The peace sign, of course, doesn’t really symbolize peace at all, it is an ancient rune symbolizing death, also known as the Broken Cross, the Crow’s Foot, and the Witch’s Foot, and used on Nazi graves.

Here is the logo from the Order of Baphomet (satan).
Note the double circle with two stars.
Mermaids are said to drown humans by dragging them underwater, sometimes purposely, sometimes by accident. In British folklore, mermaids are unlucky omens.

The “Voodoo Child” Jimi Hendrix wrote a song called “1983 (A Merman I Shall Be)”, about his desire to be a male mermaid in Atlantis, or possibly a reincarnation of Ethel Merman.

Speaking of voodoo (aka “vodou”;), Canada’s Governor-General Michaelle Jean’s coat-of-arms has two “Simbi”, mermaid spirits from Haitian vodou, as supporters. Why was a practitioner of voodoo chosen to represent the Queen in Canada? Her coat-of-arms has been mysteriously removed from the “Public Register of Arms, Flags, and Badges of Canada”, where it was once available for viewing. Here it is from another source:

Does the “double mermaid” logo of Starbucks also represent the twin mermaid spirits of voodoo witchcraft?

Are voodoo “Simbi” (singular: “Simba”;) related to Disney’s “Lion King”, who was also called “Simba”? Yes, “Simba” is Swahili for “lion”, but why is their “hero’s” name also a voodoo term? Is the “magic” guiding Disney’s immoral movies these days really the spirit of voodoo?

Modern references to “Atlantis” refer to the desire for an ancient occult-based “master race” to be re-established on Earth. The implication is that the inhabitants were half-alien and half-human, like the Nephilim (fallen angels) in the Bible or the demonic Navi in Avatar.

The Atlantis space shuttle is a good example of the occultists’ love of Atlantis (notice that NASA rockets and space shuttles always have occult-based names). Also recall the lame tv show “The Man from Atlantis”, starring Patrick Duffy as an “Aquaman” type character.

The Nazis were enthusiasts of the Atlantean “master race” concept, for obvious reasons, as are new age occultists. The Starbucks logo is very “Atlantean”, since its inhabitants are said to be half-fish and half-human.

The circle within a circle often symbolizes a secret society. The outer circle is unaware of what the “inner circle” does. How many circles do you see in the Starbucks logo (not counting the letter “o” or the Register mark)? I see six.

Circles also symbolize the sun, the egg (fertility), and the female anatomy.

Does the Starbucks mermaid really have two sets of “tailfins” in the logo? Or are those demonic cloven hooves, similar to those that Pan and the devil are usually depicted with?

And are those perhaps two Papal “Fish God” mitres below the occult/communist pentacle on the mermaid’s tiara? The Papal mitres were also chosen for their resemblance to the female anatomy. I’m referring to this:

The image to the left is a follower of the Philistine luciferian fish-god Dagon.
And so is the image to the right.
What exactly does “Starbucks” mean, anyway? I guess that’s what they worship: “Stars” (occult astrology) and “Bucks” (Mammon, the god of money), with two communist pentacles between “Starbucks” and “Coffee”, the same communist pentacles, by the way, that Wal-Mart and many other corporations now use.

Here is the original 1971 Starbucks logo:

The cloven hooves and the mitre analogies are missing, but she now has bare breasts, and the parted legs analogy is now pretty obvious, no?

So obvious, in fact, that there is a group of 3,000 Christians online protesting the remergence of this old logo. (So much for trying to write about topics that nobody has written about before. Oh well.).

I did not know about this old logo when I wrote this article, but it confirms for me that my original suspicion was correct.

An inverted Starbucks logo
or a crowned horned demon devouring a naked woman?
A biscione similar to the Alfa Romeo logo?
Does the Starbucks logo represent “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” (the anti-Christ), symbolized by the Starbucks mermaid? It wouldn’t surprise me.

Here are some areas that Aquarius traditionally rules: electricity (blackouts), computers (hacker attacks), flight (invisible “volcanic ash cloud” over Europe), modernization (Avatar’s paganism), rebels and rebellion (FEMA camps), mental diseases, nervous disorders (anyone who questions authority or believes in the Bible is said to have a “mental disease” or to be a “terrorist”;).

Aquarius is also said to rule over democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, and idealism (the new world order).

According to David Williams, the Aquarian Age is when wars and revolutions lead to Socialism, Communism, and Fascism.

According to Vera Reid and many other new age astrologers, the Aquarian Age is the time when all of Humankind becomes the “Son of God” (aka “We are all God, therefore we don’t need God”;). It is also a time of “cosmic consciousness” (mystic occult luciferianism).

Robert Zoller believes that in the Aquarian Age, religion will be replaced by “secretive power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others. Families will dissolve completely…religion will be seen as offensive [it already is]…scientists may even be able to precipitate earthquakes for military means”

Albert Amao says that the Aquarian Age includes science [falsely] explaining the mysteries of religion, and ultimately leads to the revelation of the (Babylonian) Mystery.

Neil Spencer says that scientific rationalization will replace religious influence. Media will be dumbed-down [hard not to agree with that] and he also warns against rampant consumerism and rapacious corporations.

Louis MacNeice forsees the spread of worldwide organizations, international collaboration, and the “fellowship of humankind” [aka “new world order slavery”].

Ray Grasse says we should resist consumerism, remain compassionate, become more self-reliant and “avoid being hypnotized by the group trance” [television, movies, music, false media] and adds “How do we know if the Age of Aquarius will be a utopia or an Orwellian nightmare?”.

Paul Wright predicts a spread of “disinterested humanitarianism” [secular humanism], individually catered religion [the ecumenical ‘mix-n-match’ movement], and our “evolution to higher levels of consciousness” [luciferian influence].

According to these “experts”, the Age of Aquarius is perfect for the rise of luciferian influence and the new world order. Coffee, anyone?

The Bible, however, warns about the dangers of using astrology to determine future events: “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire (human sacrifice), or one who practises witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead, for all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).

The Starbucks mermaid also resembles a snake or a serpent. Many polytheistic mystic occult religions embrace the Serpent as a god. Buddha was shielded by “heroic” serpents. The Serpent King coiled around Buddha for seven days. Quetzalcoatl was the winged serpent god of the Aztecs and Mayans. In Hinduism, Vishnu slept on a cosmic serpent. The serpent of the Universe was said to sing Vishnu’s praises.

In voodoo (vodou), the “Rainbow Serpent” is the wife of their god. The energy of yoga chakra centres is called Serpent Power, also a means of occult astral projection. Ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology had many serpent gods and goddesses. Modern occultists revere all these polytheistic serpent-based religions because they are all based on mystical occult knowledge and are all an abomination to God.

Dragons (winged serpents, demons) are constantly being promoted by Hollywood as “harmless friends” that children can control (“Pete’s Dragon” by Disney 1977, “Avatar” 2009, “How to Train Your Dragon” 2010, “Dragonriders of Pern” coming in 2011). In China, Japan, Korea, India, and Persia (Iran), dragons are considered “good luck”.

Other serpent-based movies include “Alien” (1979), “Dune” (1984), “Lair of the White Worm” (1988), “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” (2006), and “Clash of the Titans” (2010). Release the Kracken!

(Also notice that “Davy Jones” in the occult-filled “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie is based in part on the satanic squid-faced Cthulhu character from H.P. Lovecraft’s horror writings. More satanism brought to you by Walt Disney. Metallica wrote a nine-minute instrumental to “honour” Cthulhu (“Ktulu”;) in 1984).

The movie “Splash!”, about a mermaid, was partly filmed at the skating rink in front of the highly occultic statue of Prometheus (lucifer/satan) at Rockefeller Plaza in New York. The Statue of Liberty holding a torch is another occult symbol which was originally intended for Egypt.

The Bible says the opposite of what polytheistic religions do and warns that the serpent is an evil manifestation of the devil. In Genesis 3, the serpent that tempts Eve is satan. Throughout the Bible, satan is referred to as a snake, a serpent, and a dragon.

Yet the ecumenical movement insists that “all religions are the same” and “equal” and “interchangeable”. They are basically pretending that “all spiritual roads lead to Heaven”. Yeah, right, nice try.

Unfortunately, many unknowledgeable individuals believe the ecumnical lies and are led astray. If you try to warn them, they accuse you of “not respecting their beliefs” and being “close-minded”. Avoiding evil influences is in no way being “close-minded”.

So Starbucks seems to be branding itself with the “Cult of the Serpent”. Reminds me of Duran Duran and their “Union of the Snake”.

In astrology, Pisces is symbolized by two fishes. The Starbucks logo, one “fish” divided into two halves, is also reminiscent of pisces. It is considered a “feminine” water sign.

The secret message is obvious: “Drink Starbucks coffee and get twice as much tail” (really, I’m not a fan of crude humour, but I coudn’t resist that one).

And don’t forget to try their new Pike Place Roast, as in Albert Pike.

The Starbucks mermaid could be Melusine, the sea sorcerer, or it could be Merovee, as in the Merovingian bloodline that many believe includes fallen angels (demons). Whatever she is, she’s bad news.

The designers of the logo called her a siren, but what is a siren? A siren is a woman who draws men to their death. Sirens were said to be nymphs who seduced sailors on passing ships through their singing and led them to destruction. The sirens were said to sing prophecies related to the Kingdom of Hades (Hell). Siren information from

What’s wrong with sirens and mermaids? They are pagan goddesses that blaspheme against God. Other than that, they’re fine.

Starbucks cup+Starbucks cup holder=uncapped pyramid (Egyptian mysticism).
Thanks to Nothing Blinded Sight for this photo.
Note that this article is just about the logo. I never said that Starbucks is an evil corporation. It may be, of course, or it may just be successful, which is hardly reason to attack it.

At any rate, now I can hopefully return to less sleazy topics.
Further reading about corporate logos:





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