This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


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What a ting! Di husband deh a jail and di wife really really enjoying harself oo



8 reasons why WOMEN leave relationships

A stable relationship is based on trust, and if that is broken, it would be very difficult to heal. If there is a problem within the relationship, talk with her about your concerns.
All women have things they need in a relationship. Women want a man to be someone they can rely on, depend on and confide in along with making her feel happy, secure and loved. However, when things like insensitive remarks, little hurts and frustration pile up in a long term relationship, she might get to the point where she simply says “enough is enough” and leaves.
It’s a general rule that when your girlfriend decides to leave you, you’ve done something wrong. Chances are, you’ve done a lot of things wrong and depending on your situation, she probably left you for reasons you didn’t think. Here are some reasons why women leave men.
1. Lack of Attention
Women love it when their men notice things about them and actually talks and listens to them. If there is a lack of communication and she notices, she’s likely to feel unsatisfied in the relationship even if everything else is going well. Listen to her when she talks. If she doesn’t feel like she’s receiving love and attention from you, she’ll eventually find someone who will treat her right.
2. Lack of Appreciation
Women do a lot more than men tend to give them for, so appreciate the little things you girlfriend does for you. Be sure you compliment her on her attire or how good she does on things. Let her know that you do appreciate her doing things for you.
3. Cheating
When you cheat, you acknowledge that something isn’t right in your relationship. However, instead of dealing with it, you decide that having an affair is the best way to handle it. When you get caught cheating, the fragile bridge of trust is broken. A stable relationship is based on trust, and if that is broken, it would be very difficult to heal. If there is a problem within the relationship, talk with her about your concerns. After all, how would you feel if she did it to you?
4. Lack of emotional support
Women are unique creatures and they require a lot of emotional support. They need to feel loved, needed and emotionally connected to their men. Women want their emotions met which means if they are supportive of you, they would like you to be supportive of them. If you cannot meet her emotionally needs, it is most likely she will turn elsewhere for companionship.
5. Lack of Intimacy
Women do not want to feel as if you only want them for s*x. They want true intimacy, which means physical contact without s*x sometimes. If you only come around her when you want s*x, she will be become dissatisfied and will not even want to be touched by you.
6. Lack of Ambition
Women who are ambitious will seek out a partner that is also ambitious.Women like to date men whom they can move forward with and they like to look ahead and see a bright future. Women want to know that a man can take care of himself, so having an unfavorable lifestyle and showing no signs of maturity can make a woman leave you quickly.
7. You were too controlling
Most women want men who will protect them and make them feel safe–but they don’t want a dictator. Women do not want their boyfriends to tell them where to go, when to leave, who to talk to, or what to wear. Dating a guy with a controlling nature can be pretty scary for women and this will cause them to end the relationship.
8. You were too abusive
Abuse is not only physical. It can also take a verbal form. Being deceitful, having a short fuse, being overly-critical and belittling someone to make them feel worthless is also a type of abuse. Displaying these negative behaviors will cause her to leave you. Nobody wants to be with someone who is abusive. (TON)





CBob Marley’s grandson is a high school football star, headed to Tulane
1 mins ago
Bob Marley is an international icon for reggae fans, free-spirited musicians and — let’s be real — stoners. His grandson, Nico, on the other hand, seems like he’d be more likely to hang out with the preppie varsity crowd at his high school than the kids with posters of his granddad up on their walls. Nico, who boasts a 3.75 GPA, is on track to become a linebacker at Tulane once he finishes his impressive football career at Cypress Bay High School in Weston, Fla., where he’s now team leader. His coach, however, sees a family resemblance to perhaps both grandpa and former Canadian Football League linebacker dad, Rohan Marley: “He has that Marley spirit, just something so strong that gets us all going.” [Source]


Mi dus realise mi ina di video di liteeee

Mi dus realise mi ina di video light…… di liteeee

Woman claims her … Sexy pic made Bolt win

The same woman who a few weeks ago claimed she had dumped Usain Bolt is now being reported in The Sun, as saying the track star raced to victory in the recent London Olympics while thinking about her butt.

In a report carried in the British tabloid last Sunday, junior athlete Megan Edwards said she sent Bolt a photo of her rear before the 100m final, along with the message: ”Think of my bum at the finish line, lol.”

The 26-year-old Jamaican athlete is said to have replied: ”I can do that.” Bolt went on to defend his 100m title in 9.63 seconds.

After the race, the report further claimed, Megan texted to congratulate Bolt who responded by writing back; ”I was thinking of ur ass.”

Bolt, the report claimed, asked for another snap of her bottom for the 200m final. ”Need a pic for the 200m more motivation to go fast,” he reportedly texted. She is reported to have forgotten to send one but Bolt still won.

However, before the 4x100m relay final on August 11, Bolt is also said to have texted: ”Need another pic that will win me a world record.”

The junior athlete is said to have obliged and Bolt went on to win.

In The Sun’s report, a close friend of Megan is quoted as saying; ”She was thrilled to know she had helped Usain get in the right frame of mind to win three gold … seeing a snap of Megan’s amazing bum must have motivated him.”

’Need another pic that will win me a world record.’



Women now wear PAMPERS to make their BUTT more curvy and attractive in Zimb.

While a new culture that celebrates women with hips has hit the country, the slim and not so good ones have been forced to seek alternatives in pampers, a study has revealed.

Eager to keep in touch with modern trends and follow international celebrities like Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian and many others, young women in Zimbabwe have devised their own means to imitate their icons.

Walking along the streets of Harare confirms this new wave of make shift curves as women jostle to keep in touch with modern trends. Countless stories of young ladies being spotted wearing pampers to enlarge hips are awash in the streets of Harare.

Some go as far as wearing two to three shorts inside to create a visible hip line not mentioning skin lightening creams and pills that have been around for some time now. A cross section of people in Harare expressed mixed feelings over this new wave of enhanced beauty that has gripped Harare.

Ephraim Mambare, a vendor in the streets of Harare attacked this new culture of enhancing beauty saying it was a sign of desperation.

“It’s very strange because they were created like that but they go on to fight with God, We don’t know who they seek to impress We see them walking in the streets covering only the essentials, this could be associated with increasing cases of rape and sexual harassment at workplaces,” Mambare said.

Kudzai Kambarami lamented this emerging trend blaming it on elders for closing their eyes to this menace.

“Is it that I’m stuck in the wrong generation, or is it that our elders are being uncomfortable with this contemporary society,” laments Kudzai Kambarami.

Kambarami added that it could be signs of end times as the situation is getting worse as each day passes. A social commentator, Gladman Madara said the family had lost its role in the society, which is to socialize children into what they are supposed to be when they become independent.

A beautician Gamuchirai Gurure of Morden Style beauty parlour said some of the skin lightning creams women were using had adverse effects on their skin.

“Those women who use skin lightening creams are at risk of developing skin cancer. Some use pills which they are purchasing from unregistered dealers which on its own is dangerous,” said Gurure.

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