This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Spiritual Warfare and Prayer

Another biblical variable that affects our lives is the spiritual battle raging between the forces of good and evil in the realm beyond our five senses. Remembering from Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 how much power and wisdom God originally gave “Lucifer” should help us to understand how formidable a foe we now have, and how diligent we must be in resisting him.

If you read Daniel 10:1-14, you will see that Daniel saw a vision from God, but he did not know what it meant, so he asked God to show him. Three weeks later an angel showed up. He told Daniel that his prayer had been heard when he first prayed, and that he had at once left “Angel Headquarters” to bring him the answer.

So why did it take him three weeks to get there, you ask? Because Daniel did not have enough faith? No, it was because “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” withstood the angel twenty-one days. Of course this “prince” was not a human being, but a high-ranking, territorial evil spirit. We do not know the details of their confrontation during those three weeks, but this account makes it clear that the spiritual battle raging beyond our senses may be the reason why certain prayers take time— a little or a lot— to be answered.

Daniel’s attitude, however, is pivotal in this record. At the end of one day of prayer, he did not say to God, “Oh brother, you give me a vision and no explanation, and now you’re asleep up there! I quit!” Then twenty days later an angel pulls in and says, “Where’s Daniel?” No, it didn’t happen that way. Daniel continued to have faith and look to God, and he did receive the answer to his prayer.

A verse in the Church Epistles illustrates this same truth.

1 Thessalonians 2:18
For we wanted to come to you— certainly I, Paul, did, again and again— but Satan stopped us.

The Greek word for “stopped” was “used of impeding persons by breaking up the road [as by digging a trench across it], or by placing an obstacle sharply in the path.” [1]

We see that, in the temporal realm, God is not totally in control of all circumstances. But He and His Son are right in there with us, working to help us go over, under, around or through whatever obstacles the Devil puts in our paths. In Acts 14 we read that Paul was stoned, yet through the prayers of the saints the power of God healed him. [2]

God is not a spiritual vending machine, where we just push a button and out pops what we need. Often we must hang in there for quite a while, as Job did, and continue to expect God’s deliverance. In the context of spiritual warfare, it is significant that our heartfelt praise to God is a catalyst to help roll back the forces of darkness (2 Chron. 20:22). [3] No matter what happens, we have the ultimate victory— everlasting life in the age to come.







Rowdy gays charged after bust up with security guard
Saturday, September 22, 2012

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Three men, who have been described by the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (JFLAG) as young men with diverse sexual preferences, were last night arrested by the New Kingston Police following a bust up with a member of the King Alarm security company.

The bust up took place at the JFLAG headquarters at Upper Musgrave Avenue in St Andrew.
The police report that the four men were engaging in rowdy behaviour when the King Alarm Security Company was summoned to quell the disturbance. When the security guard arrived on the scene he was allegedly attacked by the three young men who pelted him with stones.
The guard retaliated by using a baton to subdue his attackers and restrained them until the police arrived and took them into custody. During the fracas a security guard reportedly discharged one round from a pistol assigned to him.
The police say all four persons involved in the bust up will be charged. The three suspected gay men will be charged with disorderly conduct and assault occasioning bodily harm.
The security guard will be charged with assault and discharging a firearm within four yards of a public thoroughfare.
The matter is being investigated by detectives from the New Kingston Police Post.

Read more:



“It all started well between us some years ago during our NYSC service and we both were close friends during our youth service, people used to call us husband and wife as at then.

After the service, we lost contact and few years later we again met at a Church convention. We reunited and that was how our journey to the marital world started.

He proposed marriage to me and I accepted but on one condition, ‘no pre marital affair’ (because then I was still a virgin and a Born Again child of God) he agreed to my terms and we moved on.

I was afraid because he’s an active guy.

To cut the long story short, we were united in a Holy Matrimony on Saturday, July 16, 1988.

Our marriage is blessed with 4 children.

My husband works with one of the telecommunication companies and always travels out of country.

Precisely last June, he returned from a trip and asked me to ‘go under’ him.

Jesus! I screamed, you mean I should suck your ‘manhood?’ I asked him.

He told me ‘yes’ and I out rightly said NO, that night, I received the beating of my life. My God, I was mad, wishing the earth could open up and swallow me.

It didn’t end there, he promised to continue beating me until I obey his order.

There was a night, he threw me and my daughter out of the house, we slept under the rain. I must confess, I regretted getting married to him that night.

I was inquisitive to know why he suddenly turned a ‘that way’ over night, his friend confided in me that when he travelled to Europe recently, those commercial girls came to “ease him” thought him the act of “going under.”

There was this occasion, he brought in a girl and had slept with her in front of I and my children, he even called me to come and learn from her. (Sobbing)

Last month, he finally threw my loads out of his house and warned me never to return until I’m ready to succumb to his urge.

I’ve been wondering like a vagabond for the past 3 weeks now with my daughter, not even food or water for the innocent girl.

“Please I beg you, I’m tired, I don’t know where to go from here, tell your readers to advise me.

Should I bow to his ugly romance (which is hard for me) or return his daughter to him and continue with my life”

Dear readers, your Candid advise would help this woman out.

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