This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Girl A Cus & A Talk Di Things Dem….-new by metshani




Does any of your blog readers have info on how long a standard letter or small book (dimensions/weight of a small bible) with no value to declare; sent by the USPS standard international mail unregistered might take from the USA (Atlanta or Florida) to Kingston?

I’ve heard a simple birthday card can take up to 15 days in some instances, however mailing letters to Kingston seems to be more reliable then let’s say Montego Bay and arrives in a shorter time frame. Others have said it depends …It might be delivered or it might not ever reach the recipient. It’s a gamble.

Apparently the US Postal Service cannot provide an estimated number of days, however the postal clerk guessed it might take anywhere between 6-10 days.

You would be surprised how little concrete delivery info is available on the net about regular mail from the U.S to JA.

Of course I just had to ask the best source of news and info available on all things Jamdung.

Any info/shared experiences from your readers would be much appreciated.

P.S… This is a completely unrelated question out of left field but I’m curious & puzzled as hell.

What’s the deal with all the bleaching?!! That can’t be a topical cream/gel people are using is it? Yes, I’m out of touch and basically past late on the topic but I heard an insane tidbit that people are actually ingesting skin whitening pills; RX grade too achieve this. If that’s the case, too each his own BUT that’s complete insanity for fashion not too mention the medical long term negative side effects.

Keep up the great work MET!



Please, help me out. I never knew the trouble I was getting myself into when this issue started. If I knew it was going to end up this way I would have confided in someone or my mother before I agreed to do what ‘daddy’ – my stepfather asked of me.

I thought he liked me and wanted me to have fun I did not realise he was going to put me in trouble. I am 18, a 200 level undergraduate in one of the state owned universities. When I was in senior secondary school three, my mother who had been taking care of my younger brother and I as a single mother met and eventually married another man and because he took us like his own children it was not difficult for us to call him ‘daddy’.

When I gained admission into the university, he paid all my fees and made sure that I got a very good accommodation. He also made it a point of duty to visit me regularly and whenever he came on visit he would give me enough money; even more than I needed.

Initially, whenever he came I would call my mother to tell her so that she would know that daddy came to see me. But he told me to stop telling my mother as it was his duty.

When I passed into 200 levels he started coming to see me in company of his friends and they would sometimes take my friends and I out. Later, ‘daddy’ started dating one of my friends. I saw no reason to tell mum because I felt what she does not know would not hurt her.

Later one of daddy’s friends who was a regular visitor with him asked me out. I refused, but daddy said there was nothing strange in it and that he would not stand and watch his friend mess me up. He stated that it was better for me to date his friend who would take care of me instead of dating boys of my age who would mess me up.

I agreed because I trusted and believed him. One evening, daddy came alone to school and picked me and my friends to a party which was supposed to hold in another town. His friend who was my boyfriend was not there. When I asked after him daddy said he would join us. It was an all night party, so we checked into a hotel. Daddy came and gave me a drink and he asked me if I had a boyfriend and if I have had sex before, I told him I had a boyfriend in my 100 level, but that I was still a virgin.

He did not say anything; he left for his room where my friend was with him. He came back later to give me a drink. I took it and didn’t know when or how I slept off. I however woke up, and saw dad naked beside me. The reality dawned on me, daddy had deflowered me. I started crying, this woke him up. He pleaded with me and said it was better if he deflowered me instead of his friend. I felt bad, but I couldn’t tell anybody.

That was how daddy and his friend started having sex with me. I however did not know how my friend who was dating daddy got to know. She started making a fuss about it. She told some of our other classmates and it became a scandal in school.

One of my cousins who is in my school heard about the issue and instead of asking me, she went to tell my mother. I don’t know what to tell her, she asked me to come home but I cannot go. Daddy said I should deny everything. Can I really deny it in my mother’s presence? Apart from this, I am facing serious stigmatisation in school. If I could go home, I would have left the school, but I can’t go home too. I realise that what I got myself involved in was very wrong. as if that was not enough, when I told daddy that I don’t want to sleep with or go out with him and his friends again, he also hanged to me. Please, I don’t know what to do. I want to go back to my mum, I don’t know what to do or how to go to her. Please, help me.



afadhali jela, alikua anataka nimuchimbe kila siku kama ameficha kolt (gold) huko ndani. hata kwa boxing kuna half time”

A man in Bumala will face two years in prison after attempted arson on his house in the area. Apparently the man was tired of having sex with his wife and had to find alternative ways to run away from her.

Melvin Wafula, 28 thrilled the court when he was asked by the resident magistrate to take a plea. He pleaded guilty and said he prefers being in jail than being in the same house with his sexually hungry wife.

The court heard that on the day of the incident his wife had worn a see through lingerie in a move to seduce her husband. Wafula was too tired to engage in sex and excused himself to visit the latrine outside the house.

He started a fire that burnt down the house. An alarm was raised by his wife who saw the smoke and neighbors got there in time to put it off. The area chief arrested him and handed him over to police.


Sin And The Corruption Of God’s Creation

Adam sinned, and because of his action, sin and death has infected all his offspring to this day. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, their death was certain. On the day they sinned, they obviously did not die physically, for they lived many years after that. Rather, they lost their perfect connection to the Creator, the seeds of physical death were planted in them, and their corrupted human nature would dominate them throughout their lives until they died physically. [1] Also, their disobedience brought other grievous consequences upon them and all their descendants.

Genesis 3:16-19
(16) To the woman he said, “I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
(17) To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’ Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.
(18) It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.
(19) By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”

These verses show that sin is the root cause of all of mankind’s subsequent suffering. It is important to realize that one reason suffering is a part of life is that the inherent nature of all things has been corrupted. The original garden of Eden (“Eden” means “delight” or “pleasure”) had no thorns, thistles or dangerous animals. For example, one aspect of the “cursed ground” that God spoke to Adam about is that while the earth does not naturally produce wonderful fruits and vegetables, “thorns and thistles” grow naturally in abundance.

These consequences will plague mankind until “the Last Adam” completes the perfect restoration of Creation. Because of Adam’s sin and Satan’s subsequent dominion over the earth, suffering is a part of life, and will be until sin and death are no more (Rev. 21:4). Furthermore, when the Lord rules the earth in his Millennial Kingdom, there will again be an abundance of food, no dangerous animals, no war, perfect justice, and the earth will again be a delightful place. The curse on the earth, with all its ramifications, will be totally removed when God finally creates a new heaven and a new earth for all the righteous (Rev. 22:3).

Romans 8:19-22
(19) The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.
(20) For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one [Satan] who subjected it, in hope
(21) That the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
(22) We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

We hope that the following analogy will help illustrate the corruption of Creation, that is, the overall corruption of all forms of life, related to and determined by the advent of sin into the world. Suppose your local convenience store had a “Win The Mona Lisa” contest. Suppose you won. Imagine your friends gathered around as you unwrap it in your living room. “What an awesome masterpiece!” “Look at that gorgeous creation!” “That Leonardo guy was amazing!”

Just then your young son spills a pitcher of raspberry juice on the painting. Try as you will, you cannot remove the stain. “Oh, no! But hey, it’s still the Mona Lisa, and it’s the only painting we have, let’s hang it up.” When people looked at it, what would they see? They would clearly see that it was once an exquisite masterpiece done by an incredible artist, but they would also plainly see that it has been indelibly marred. There is only one solution to this problem, and that is for the original artist to re-create a similar masterpiece. That is exactly what God, through Jesus Christ, will do. He will create a new earth for all who have believed in Him.

At this time we have no choice but to live amidst a corrupted Creation. “A rose by any other name is still a rose.” True, but now it has thorns! “This is for you, darling.” “Ouch!” As we saw, thorns came into being after man’s original sin. Satan, who already had the ability, had gotten the authority to alter the genetic structure in a rose. We believe that in Genesis 3:18, “thorns and thistles” are representative of all corruption due to Adam’s sin.

You’re holding a beautiful little baby boy, and you marvel at his physical symmetry, his intricacy, his precision and his potential versatility. What a masterpiece! Then he throws up on you. You bask in 70 degree, low-humidity sunshine on the deck of your oceanside home. Fleecy clouds drift by and a soft breeze caresses you. What a glorious day! Then the breeze becomes a hurricane and your oceanside home is six inches high. Why? The corruption of Creation.

Scripture makes it obvious that when God originally created the world, He anticipated the possibility of its ruin, and planned for its necessary restoration. As we will see in the next chapter, this plan is still in the process of being fulfilled through Jesus Christ, the Last Adam.

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